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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fahmi Ramadhan Putra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang kerangka kerja inovasi disrupsi di industri otomotif dan memilih teknologi disruptif untuk menunjang inovasi disrupsi, sehingga perusahaan petahana maupun perusahaan otomotif lainnya dapat mengembangkan sebuah inovasi disrupsi untuk dapat tetap bersaing di pasar. Dalam merancang kerangka kerja inovasi disrupsi di industri otomotif, digunakan metode Delphi yang dikombinasikan dengan skala likert serta diskusi dengan para ahli. Pemilihan teknologi disruptif menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk menentukan kriteria dan metode Technique for Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) untuk memilih alternatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah kerangka kerja inovasi disrupsi di industri otomotif yang terdiri dari sembilan langkah, serta mobil listrik berkecepatan rendah sebagai alternatif yang dipilih untuk menunjang inovasi disrupsi.

This study aims to design a framework for disruptive innovation in the automotive industry and choose disruptive technologies to support disruptive innovation so that incumbent companies and other automotive companies can develop disruptive innovation to be able to remain competitive in the market. In designing the framework for disruptive innovation in the automotive industry, the Delphi method combined with a Likert scale was used as well as discussions with experts. The selection of disruptive technology uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the criteria and method of the Technique for Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to select alternatives. The result of this study is a nine-step disruptive innovation framework in the automotive industry, as well as low-speed electric cars as alternatives chosen to support disruption innovation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damaris Cherine Yeraf
"Inovasi disruptif merupakan inovasi yang membawa perubahan terhadap sistem yang sebelumnya dan bahkan dapat menjadi sebuah ancaman terhadap incumbent. Kode Quick Response, atau kode QR, telah digunakan untuk beberapa fungsi, seperti pemasaran, industri hospitality, dan pembayaran mobile, serta dapat dianggap sebagai inovasi disruptif.

Disruptive innovations are described as innovations that change how things used to work, and may even pose a threat towards incumbents, or firms that currently exist in the industry. Quick Response codes or more widely known as QR codes, have been utilised for many functions lately, such as marketing, hospitality, and mobile payments and can be said to be a disruptive innovation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Udin
"The presence of application-based taxis such as Grabcar and Gocar is a challenge for conventional taxis. Its existence can be reduced to conventional taxi company turnover. On March 22, 2016 thousands of conventional taxi drivers held a demonstration against the existence of online taxis, because online taxis were declared in violation of the Traffic Law and consequently the streets in Jakarta were chaotic. The existence of online taxis cannot be avoided any more, due to technological developments. Online taxis provide benefits and convenience for passengers in ordering and the rates are cheaper than conventional taxi rates. Anyone who has a cellphone and downloads the application, can order the online taxi and pick him up at the place where the passenger booked it. Therefore, the Government through the Ministry of Transportation issued Ministerial Regulation No. 32/2016 which recognizes the existence of online taxis in Indonesia and this Ministerial Regulation is revised through Ministerial Regulation No. 26/2017 and revised again to become Ministerial Regulation No. 108/2017."
Depok: Badan Penerbit FHUI, 2019
340 JHP 49:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Suryanegara
"Understanding 5G from a
perspective of innovation is to explore both technical research and development
(R&D) and non-technical issues. While 4G has been considered as an
incremental innovation from its predecessors (3G and 2G), design features and
key technologies have indicated 5G as a disruptive innovation. Consequently, 5G
will create new market values, in which new services and applications will
emerge in unexpected ways. Hence, it is predicted that policy makers will face
significant challenges concerning 5G implementation in their respective
countries. This paper aims to investigate the challenges to standards and
regulations at a country level. The discussion begins with the challenges
because of the emergence of non-human markets as well as the complexity of
multi-device technological platforms. Due to anticipated massive cloud-based
applications, security issues of cloud-based applications will be a subsequent
challenge for national policy makers. Finally, as 5G may require various
supporting technologies, the challenge for the policy maker is also to trigger
national development of local standards."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Suryanegara
"Understanding 5G from a perspective of innovation is to explore both technical research and development (R&D) and non-technical issues. While 4G has been considered as an incremental innovation from its predecessors (3G and 2G), design features and key technologies have indicated 5G as a disruptive innovation. Consequently, 5G will create new market values, in which new services and applications will emerge in unexpected ways. Hence, it is predicted that policy makers will face significant challenges concerning 5G implementation in their respective countries. This paper aims to investigate the challenges to standards and regulations at a country level. The discussion begins with the challenges because of the emergence of non-human markets as well as the complexity of multi-device technological platforms. Due to anticipated massive cloud-based applications, security issues of cloud-based applications will be a subsequent challenge for national policy makers. Finally, as 5G may require various supporting technologies, the challenge for the policy maker is also to trigger national development of local standards."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achdwikalani Natasha Achjuman
"Berkembangnya era digital dan teknologi informasi menyebabkan terjadinya inovasi yang dapat merubah tatanan industri yang sudah ada, sehingga terjadilah disruptive innovation. Salah satu industri yang terkena dampak tersebut adalah industri musik. Dengan adanya Spotify, iTunes, Joox, Deezer, dan platform streaming lainnya, kaidah dan model bisnis industri musik bergeser dari distribusi salinan fisik ke produksi konten secara digital. Musisi independen sekarang dapat menghasilkan album sendiri, menerbitkan dan mendistribusikan konten secara daring, dan mempromosikan musik tanpa bantuan perusahaan musik label. Pertanyaan utama yang diarahkan ke industri musik adalah apakah perusahaan musik dapat mempertahankan bisnisnya 5 sampai 10 tahun mendatang.
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak lingkungan eksternal terhadap perusahaan musik, dan mengusulkan model bisnis baru dan ekosistem dijital yang dibutuhkan untuk bertahan di industri ini. Subyek penelitiannya adalah PT. Musica Studio. Faktor eksternal yang dianalisis untuk industri musik terbatas pada masalah hak cipta dan pengembangan telekomunikasi. Porter's Five Forces Model of Competition digunakan untuk menganalisis lingkungan eksternal. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, ancaman dari substitusi dan pembeli tergolong besar sehingga memerlukan model bisnis yang baru. Transient Advantage dan Strategi Canvas digunakan untuk menganalisis strategi subyek.
Model bisnis dibuat dengan menggunakan model 9 building blocks business canvas. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan tokoh yang bekerja di industri musik dan juga kuesioner yang disebar secara daring. Berdasarkan hasil studi, subyek disarankan untuk meningkatkan bisnis pengelolaan hak cipta dan pendanaan. Ekosistem dijital yang diperlukan dijabarkan.

The development of digital and information technology gave birth to disruptive innovations that shifted the way the current industries are operating. One of the key industries that have been seriously impacted by this disruption is the entertainment industry and more significantly the music industry. The presence of Spotify, iTunes, Joox, Deezer, and other online store and streaming services, have made the traditional ways of music industry obsolete or no longer valid. The era of physical copies was forced to retire and the business game of the entire music industry shifted from physical copy distribution to digital content production. Independent musicians can now produce their own music, publish and distribute the content online, and promote their music without the help of a music company labels. The major question directed at the music industry was whether a music company can sustain its business for the next 5 to 10 years.
The aim of the case study is to analyze the external and internal environment impact on the music companies, and propose a new business model and digital ecosystem required to be able to sustain in the industry. The subject of study was PT. Musica Studio. The external factors analyzed for music industry were limited to copyright issues and telecommunication development. Porter's Five Forces Model of Competition was used to analyze the external environment. Based on the analysis, threat of substitute and buyer are considered high and therefore a new business model was required. Strategy Canvas and Transient Advantage were used to analyze the subject's strategy.
The business model was generated using business model canvas 9 building blocks. The data were obtained via interviews with key people working within the music industry as well as questionnaire administered online to 409 respondents. Based on the analysis and discussion, subject is advised to focus its business on copyrighting and investor partnership funding. The required digital ecosystem was described.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Dewi
"Lingkungan stratejik perusahaan di era disruptive ini, menunjukkan ketidak pastian. Organisasi dituntut untuk metransformasi aktivitasnya bila ingin tetap bertahan pada peta persaingan. Dengan menggunakan perspektif kewirausahaan stratejik, dan metodologi mixed method, penelitian ini mengkaji peran orientasi kewirausahaan dalam mencapai kinerja terbaik perusahaan melalui mediasi inovasi model bisnis dan aset relasional stratejik sebagai intangible asset yang inimitable. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 105 rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia pada konteks masa transisi reformasi kebijakan, yang mencetuskan disruptive innovation, serta efek digital disruption. .
Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa orientasi kewirausahaan pada organisasi rumah sakit berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap pencapaian kinerja organisasi, baik secara langsung maupun mediasi inovasi model bisnis. Kekuatan kolaborasi manajemen rumah sakit dengan profesi dokter terbukti merupakan aset relasional yang bersifat kritis bagi tercapainya kinerja terbaik rumah sakit, yang sangat mempengaruhi inovasi model bisnis rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat bukti penerimaan konsep kewirausahaan dalam industri perumah sakitan, karena sering dianggap bertentangan dengan sifat produk jasa kesehatan sebagai public service.

The strategic environment of the firms in this disruptive era indicate the uncertainty, so that all firms are required to make a transformation of the business in order to maintain its position on the competition map. By using a strategic entrepreneurship perspective and mixed method, this study examines the role of entrepreneurial orientation in achieving the best performance of the firm through the mediation of business model innovation and strategic relational assets as intangible assets that are inimitable. This study was conducted at 105 private hospitals in Indonesia, in the context of the transition period of policy reform, which sparked disruptive innovation, as well as digital disruption effects.
The results of this study concluded that entrepreneurial orientation in hospital organizations has a significant positive effect on the achievement of organizational performance, both directly and through the mediation of the business model innovations. The strength of the collaboration of hospital - physician relation is proven to be a critical relational asset for achieving the best performance of hospitals, which greatly influences the innovation of hospital business models. This study reinforce the evidence of acceptance of the concept of entrepreneurship in the hospital industry, which is considered contrary to the nature of health care service as a public service.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Prasetya
"Di tengah maraknya kecenderungan untuk bersikap konservatif dan mengutamakan aspek prudensial di kalangan bankir, riset mengenai industri perbankan ini mencoba untuk mendapatkan pandangan baru atas paradoks yang dihadapi oleh bank Petahana dalam mengadopsi Inovasi Disruptif (Disruptive Innovation) dalam bentuk layanan perbankan tanpa cabang (branchless banking), untuk memperluas layanan keuangan ke segmen di bawah piramida perekonomian (Bottom of Pyramid). Meskipun ditengarai terdapat adanya potensi bisnis besar yang dapat diperoleh melalui penyediaan layanan bagi nasabah segmen dibawah piramida yang masih belum mendapatkan layanan pada saat ini (underbanked), pengamatan para peneliti atas praktek yang terjadi di pasar memperlihatkan bahwa hanya beberapa Petahana yang mampu untuk mengembangkan kapabilitas unik yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat merebut dan memperoleh kesempatan bisnis baru yang berbasis prinsip Inovasi Disruptif. Dalam rangka untuk mendapat resolusi dari adanya celah pengetahuan di mana pada pihak Petanaha terlihat memiliki kapabilitas yang terbatas untuk dapat merebut kesempatan berbasis prinsip invoasi disruptif; dan di pihak lainnya didorong kebutuhan untuk terus mengejar kesempatan bisnis baru; riset ini mengembangkan konstruk baru yang disebut sebagai Disruptive Innovation Seizing Capability (Kapabilitas Merebut Inovasi Disruptif), yang menghubungkan teori Inovasi Disruptif dengan teori Kapabilitas Dinamis (Dynamic Capability), dan berfungsi untuk menjadi kerangka kerja dalam mengidentifikasikan lebih jauh faktor-faktor yang memperkuat komitmen Petahana dalam mengejar potensi bisnis baru berbasis Inovasi Disruptif. Melalui penggunaan analisa berbasis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) terhadap data 175 responden yang dikumpulkan dari 12 bank yang di Indonesia, Peneliti menemukan bahwa para Petahana didalam riset ini didorong oleh orientasi stratejik berbasis bertahan (Defensive Orientation), dan bukan didorong oleh orientasi stratejik yang berbasis agresivitas untuk meraih kesempatan di pasar. Temuan ini menimbulkan implikasi bahwa para Petahana yang menjadi responden dari riset ini dimotivasi oleh dorongan untuk melakukan efisiensi, yang berlawanan dengan pertanyaan resmi mengenai tujuan pengembangan layanan perbankan tanpa cabang, yaitu dalam rangka pengembangan pangsa pasar yang baru. Selain itu, riset ini juga menyangkal pendapat sebelumnya atas pentingnya konsensus sebagai salah satu faktor pendorong adopsi Inovasi Disruptif. Secara keseluruhan, riset ini memberikan kontribusi teoretis dalam bentuk perluasan pengetahuan mengenai teori Kapabilitas Dinamis, melalui bukti empiris atas hubungan Kapabilitas Dinamis dengan Inovasi Disruptif. Di samping itu, riset ini juga memberikan kontribusi manajerial dalam bentuk kerangka kerja DISC, yang dapat digunakan oleh manajer sebagai panduan bagi pelaksanaan transformasi digital, yang kerap membutuhkan adopsi atas Inovasi Disruptif.

In consideration of the prudency and pervasive conservatism of bankers, this research on the banking industry attempts to understand the paradox regarding how incumbent banks adopt disruptive innovation in the form of branchless banking to provide financial services to the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) customer segments. Although serving underserved BOP customers has incredible potential, a closer look at the market reveals that there are only a few incumbents able to develop the necessary set of unique capabilities required to seize and capitalize on disruptive innovation opportunities. To resolve the gap in the literature regarding the meager capability of incumbents to seize disruptive innovation-based opportunities, this research advances a novel construct, disruptive innovation seizing capabilities (DISC), which links disruptive innovation with dynamic capabilities and serves as a framework to further identify the factors strengthening incumbents’ commitment to pursue disruptive innovation opportunities. By applying structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis to a sample set of 175 data points derived from 12 Indonesia banks, we find that the incumbents in our study are driven by a defensive orientation rather than strategic aggressiveness to address market opportunities. This finding implies that the incumbents in our sample are motivated to launch the branchless banking initiative because of the pursuit of efficiency rather than their stated objective of market expansion. Additionally, the results of the study refute previous suggestions regarding the important role of consensus as an antecedent that drives the adoption of disruptive innovation. Overall, this research provides an important theoretical contribution in the form of expanding our understanding of the dynamic capabilities framework by linking the construct with disruptive innovation (DI) theory. Finally, this research also provides managerial contributions in the form of the DISC framework, which can be used as a guide for managers leading digital transformation initiatives, which often require the adoption of disruptive innovations, in their organizations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismi Tamara
"Banyak perusahaan besar yang berangsur tenggelam dalam industri karena tersandung masalah inovasi dan adaptasi seperti Blockbuster, Dell, Motorola, Sony, dan Yahoo. Teori consumer innovativeness dan disruptive innovation mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pada early adopter dalam jenis inovasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa early adopter inovasi disruptive memiliki product knowledge lebih besar daripada early adopter inovasi sustaining. Selain itu monetary resource terbukti memberi pengaruh moderasi antara hubungan intention terhadap actual adoption. Dengan memahami pengaruh jenis inovasi pada tingkat pembelian produk baru, diharapkan manajer dapat mengambil keputusan yang lebih tepat dalam proses pengembangan produk baru.

Many of big company such as Blockbuster, Dell, Motorola, Sony, and Yahoo move toward the end of their business. Such phenomenon happens because they cannot adapt and follow the disruptive changes in the market. Consumer innovativeness and disruptive innovation theories implied that each early adopter of different types of innovation have different characteristics. This research found that early adopters of disruptive innovation possess deeper knowledge in related product domain. Moreover, monetary resource proved to moderates the relationship of intention to adoption. Understanding the effect of innovation types towards actual adoption of new product provides manager better information during the product development decision making.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library