Subjek pria dibawah umur 40 tahun (77,80%), semua bekerja (100,00 %), dan berpendidikan tinggi (88,90 %), Pria yang mengalami depresi 21.30% dan kecemasan 19,49%.
Pada analisa bivariat Frekuensi hubungan seksual memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan disfungsi seksual perempuan pasien subfertil di Klinik Yasmin RSCM Kencana p = 0.09.
......Sexuality disorders are problems often experienced by women which can be influenced by many factors. Talking about sexuality in Indonesia is still considered taboo, and not much information I available regarding women's sexual dysfunction. This research was conducted at the Yasmin Clinic, RSCM KencaTo know the description of sexual function disorders in subfertile on the first visit wanting to have children. The research design was a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire on women with chief complaints of wanting to have children. The sample size is 108 people. Sampling with consecutive sampling. Interviews and questionnaires were filled in. Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) Questionnaire, Hamilton Rating Scale For Anxiety (HARS) Questionnaire, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) Questionnaire, and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) Questionnaire. Data analysis using the Chi-Square method and followed by Backward Conditional multivariate analysis followed by Logistic Regression. The results obtained were that the majority of female subjects were 30 years old as many as 11 people, 93 (86.10%) had never been married, history of using contraception (16.67%), length of marriage less than or equal to 10 years (83.30%), subjects who attended school to higher education (93.50%) and have a job (82.40%). Types of sexual dysfunction in subfertile female patients at the Yasmin Clinic RSCM Kencana are sexual drive disorders (79.60%), sexual arousal (66.7%), orgasm (50.9%), pain (48.1%), lubrication (18.50%) ) and satisfaction (34.3%). experiencing depression at as much as 46.20% and experiencing anxiety at 38.00%. Male subjects under the age of 40 years (77.80%), all working (100.00%), and highly educated (88.90%). Men who experience depression 21.30% and anxiety 19.49%. In bivariate analysis, the frequency of sexual intercourse had a significant relationship with female sexual dysfunction in subfertile patients at the Yasmin Clinic, RSCM Kencana, p = 0.09."