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Arab Saudi bersama Bahrain, Uni Emirat Arab, dan Mesir secara tiba-tiba memutus hubungan diplomatik dengan Qatar. Tuduhan akan keaktifan Qatar dalam mendukung terorisme berujung pada keputusan ini. Kedekatan Qatar dengan Iran dan Turki juga menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab pemutusan diplomatik ini. Arab Saudi dan sekutu juga melakukan blokade darat, laut, dan udara lalu mengajukan 13 syarat kepada Qatar agar terbebas dari blokade. Qatar dengan tegas menolak untuk patuh terhadap tuntutan Arab Saudi. Umumnya negara kecil akan patuh terhadap negara besar terutama di kawasan. Akan tetapi Qatar sebagai negara kecil di wilayah Timur Tengah berani untuk menolak dan tunduk pada Arab Saudi. Tulisan ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor kegagalan diplomasi koersif yang dilakukan oleh Arab Saudi terhadap Qatar. Tujuan dari penulisan penelitian ini adalah menghadirkan suatu elaborasi kajian mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan diplomasi koersif Arab Saudi terhadap Qatar. Peningkatan kemampuan militer dan ekonomi Qatar tampaknya menjadi faktor kegagalan tersebut. Pola aliansi yang dibangun dengan Iran dan Turki juga menguatkan Qatar dalam menghadapi tuntutan Arab Saudi ini. Adapun untuk mendukung analisis penulis, tulisan ini menggunakan konsep coercive diplomacy dari Alexander L. George melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam konsep tersebut terdapat lima faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan diplomasi koersif, yaitu legitimasi tuntutan, tuntutan di masa depan, kredibilitas ancaman, kredibilitas tenggat waktu, dan motivasi pelaku. Konsep yang dikemukakan oleh George tersebut dinilai penulis sangat cocok untuk menjabarkan faktor-faktor kegagalan diplomasi koersif Arab Saudi terhadap Qatar. Penulis menemukan bahwa Arab Saudi gagal memenuhi kriteria kesuksesan diplomasi koersif berdasarkan konsep George tersebut, sehingga membuat blokade yang dilakukan Arab Saudi terhadap Qatar menjadi sia-sia.



Saudi Arabia along with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt cut off their diplomatic relations with Qatar. Allegations of the activeness of Qatar in supporting terrorism motivated in this decision to be taken. The close relation between Qatar with Iran and Turkey is one of the factors causing the diplomatic termination. Saudi Arabia and allies also made a blockade of land, sea and air and then submitted 13 conditions to Qatar to follow. Qatar firmly refused to comply with Saudi demands. Generally small countries will obey large countries, especially in the region. However, Qatar as a small country in the Middle East region dares to reject and comply to Saudi Arabia. This paper will discuss the factors of failure of coercive diplomacy carried out by Saudi Arabia and allies against Qatar. The purpose of writing this research is to present an elaboration of studies regarding the factors that influence the failure of Saudi Arabia's coercive diplomacy towards Qatar. Qatar`s military and economic capacity were the factors that made coercive diplomacy failed. The alliances with Iran and Turkey also strengthened Qatar in facing the demands of Saudi Arabia. This paper will examine the concept of coercive diplomacy by Alexander L. George with a qualitative approach. There are five factors that influence the success of coercive diplomacy: legitimacy of the demands, future demands, credibility of the threats, credibility of time pressures, and motivation of the coercer. The concept put forward by George is considered by the author to be very suitable to describe the factors of failure of Saudi Arabia`s coercive diplomacy towards Qatar. The author found that Saudi Arabia failed to meet the criteria of success of coercive diplomacy from George, so that the Saudi Arabia`s blockade made against Qatar was in vain.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Ganang Wira Pradana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab penyebab kegagalan aksi diplomasi koersi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok terhadap Korea Selatan pasca keputusan Korea Selatan untuk menggelar sistem pertahanan udara THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) yang dianggap mengancam keamanan nasional Tiongkok. Pihak pemerintah Tiongkok menggelar aksi retaliasi berupa sanksi informal dalam bentuk boikot tidak langsung terhadap berbagai aspek ekonomi Korea Selatan seperti pariwisata, usaha perdagangan, produk produk dan budaya Korea Selatan / Hallyu. Diplomasi koersi yang Tiongkok lakukan menggunakan strategi Try and See dan Gradual Turning of the Screw pada awal 2016 hingga 2017 agar pemerintah Korea Selatan menarik kembali sistem pertahanan THAAD tersebut. Dengan menerapkan teori efektifitas diplomasi koersi serta metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menemukan jawaban bahwa tidak berhasilnya aksi diplomasi koersi yang dijalankan Tiongkok pada periode 2016-2017 diakibatkan dari tidak terpenuhinya variabel efektifitas diplomasi koersi yakni legitimasi tujuan dan permintaan, kredibilitas ancaman, reputasi aktor, asimetri motivasi, serta insentif yang ada. ......This study seeks analyze the causes of the failure of the People's Republic of China's coercive diplomacy against South Korea after South Korea's decision to deploy the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) air defense system which is considered a threat to China's national security. The Chinese government held a retaliation act in the form of informal sanctions of various aspects of the South Korean economy such as tourism, trade businesses, products and South Korean Hallyu culture. China's coercive diplomacy uses the Try and See and Gradual Turning of the Screw strategies in early 2016 to 2017 to get the South Korean government to withdraw the THAAD defense system. By using the theory of the coercive diplomacy effectiveness and qualitative methods, this study finds the answer that the failed coercive diplomacy attempt carried out by China in the 2016-2017 period resulted from the unfulfilled variables of the coercive diplomacy effectiveness, namely the legitimacy of goals and demands, credibility of threats, actor reputation, asymmetry of motivation, as well the incentives.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Halil Rahim
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Kajian ini menganalisis penyebab dari gagalnya diplomasi koersif Amerika Serikat terhadap Iran pasca keluar dari Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actions (JCPOA). Tidak puas dengan JCPOA, pemerintahan Trump memutuskan untuk keluar secara sepihak dari kesepakatan tersebut kemudiansegera menerapkan diplomasi koersif kepada Iran dengan tujuan untuk membuat kesepakatan baru yang lebih komprehensif di luar JCPOA. Diplomasi koersif tersebut diimplementasikan melalui kampanye maximum pressureyang mengandalkan ancaman dan implementasi sanksi-sanksi keras kepada Iran. Maximum pressure tersebut kemudian diintegrasikan ke dalam strategi diplomasi koersif ultimatum (2018) dan gradual turning of the screw (2019). Dengan menggunakan teori efektivitas diplomasi koersif dan metode penelitian causal-process tracing, kajian ini menemukan bahwa penyebab dari gagalnya diplomasi koersif Amerika Serikat pada periode 2018-2019 adalah karena tidak terpenuhinya seluruh variabel-variabel efektivitas diplomasi koersif yaitu legitimasi tujuan, kewajaran dan konsistensi permintaan, kredibilitas ancaman, insentif, serta asimetri motivasi.
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the failure of U.S. coercive diplomacy against Iran after U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actions (JCPOA). Unsatisfied with the terms of the agreement in the JCPOA, the Trump administration decided to unilaterally withdraw from the deal in May 2018 and immediately employ coercive diplomacy against Iran with the objective of making a new and more comprehensive deal outside JCPOA. The use of coercive diplomacy by the U.S. was implemented through a maximum pressure campaign that relied both on threats and use of harsh sanctions that are integrated into two different strategy of coercive diplomacy, namely ultimatum in 2018 and gradual turning of the screw in 2019. Using the effectiveness theory of coercive diplomacy and causal-process tracing method, this study found that U.S. failure to achieve its policy objective is due to the non-fulfillment of effectiveness variables of the theory such as the legitimacy of the objective, the reasonability and consistency of the demand, the credibility of the threats, incentives, and asymmetry of motivation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bethanny Putri Supriadi
Abstrak :
Meskipun fakta memperlihatkan bahwa pertukaran people-to-people dalam hubungan antar-selat yang terus meningkat secara signifikan nyatanya tidak juga mengakhiri kebuntuan politik diantara Cina dan Taiwan. Diplomasi koersif Cina dalam kebijakan antar-selat digunakan sebagai alat diplomasi Cina untuk memaksa Taiwan menerima prinsip one-China dan melakukan reunifikasi melalui formula one country, two systems. Dalam prakteknya, diplomasi koersif yang dilakukan Cina tidak selalu mengalami kesuksesan. Tesis ini membahas kegagalan diplomasi koersif Cina terhadap Taiwan pada periode pemerintahan Lee Teng-hui (1995-2000) melalui analisa studi kasus komparasi yang difokuskan pada kegagalan diplomasi koersif Cina pada kasus krisis antar-selat 1995-96 dan keberhasilan penggunaan diplomasi koersif Cina terhadap Taiwan pada masa pemerintahan Chen Shui-bian pada kasus reformasi pro-kemerdekaan 2003-04.
Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in pro-independence reform 2003-04.;Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in pro-independence reform 2003-04.;Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in pro-independence reform 2003-04., Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation improved significantly it doesn’t easily end the political stalemate between China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC’s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems formula. In practice, China’s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC’s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC’s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of PRC’s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in pro-independence reform 2003-04.]
[, ], [2015;;;, ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library