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Hikmah Thoha
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian mengenai Struktur Komunitas Diatom dari Dinoflagellata di perairan sekitar Pulau Pari, yang termasuk wilayah Kepulauan Seribu, telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni 1997, Oktober 1997, dan Januari 1998. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 8 (delapan) stasiun. Sampling menggunakan jaring Kitahara bentuk kerucut panjang 1 m, diameter 31 mikrometer dan mata jarinq 20 mikrometer, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara horizontal. Sampel yang tersaring ditetesi formalin 4 %, dicacah dibawah- mikroskop perbesaran 40-,100 kali. Parameter lingkungan yang diamati adalah suhu, salinitas dan curah hujan. Dari hasil identifikasi ditemukan sebanyak- 68 jenis, 26 marga dan 17 suku. Kelompok diatom melimpah dengan jumlah anggota 31 jenis, 20 marga, dan 14 suku. Frekuensi kehadiran tertinggi ditemukan pada Chaetoceros decipiens (100 %), Thalassiothrix nitzschioides (87,50 %) dan Thrachyneis debyi (75,00 %). Chaetoceros decipiens paling melimpah pada bulan Januari 1998 dengan kepadatan 26.693,3 sell]. Thalassiothrix nitzschioides melimpah pada bulan Juni 1997 dengan kepadatan sel 889,9 sell]. Pada bulan Oktober 1997 Thrachyneis debyi melimpah dengan kepadatan 817,5 sell]. Keanekaragaman jenis diatom berkisar antara-0,31 - 0,73, kemerataan jenis 0,23 - 0,41, kekayaan jenis 0,43 - 0,91. Kelompok dinoflagellata mempunyai jumlah anggota 37 jenis, 6 marga, dan 2 suku. Frekuensi kehadiran tertinggi ditemukan pada Ceratium furca (62,50 %), Prorocentrum micans. (25,00%) dan Peridinium depressum (37,50 %). Ceratium furca melimpah pada bulan Juni 1997 dengan kepadatan 130,4 sell. Prorocentrum micans melimpah pada- bulan Oktober 1997 dengan kepadatan 10,3 sell. Peridinium depressum melimpah pada bulan Januari 1998 dengan kepadatan 33,1 sell: Pengaruh musim turut menentukan komposisi dan kelimpahan jenis diatom dan dinoflagellata. Hasil analisis kluster diatom dengan batas keputusan 50 % dari ke tiga musim pengamatan membentuk 3 --6. kelompok komunitas; diperkirakan karena sangat bervariasinya jumlah jenis di stasiun-stasiun penelitian. Hasil analisis kluster antar stasiun untuk dinoflagellata bulan Juni- 1997, Oktober 1997, dan Januari 1998 tidak membentuk pengelompokan (7 kelompok / komunitas) sehingga terpisah satu-sama lain, kecuali- St4 (Tanah. Miring)-dan- St 5-( Kelapa Tinggi) (Juni 1997), Stasiun 2 ( Goba Kuanji) dan St 7 (Goba Labangan Pasir) (Oktober 1-997) dan St 6 ( Pari Rataan- Terumbu} dan St 8- ( Goba Chris) (Januari 1998).
ABSTRACT Diatoms and Dinoflagellates are dominant groups- of marine- phytoplankton, and are important in the marine food chain. Diatoms and Dinoflagellates live in various habitats, freshwater, estuarine and marine; Information about diatoms in Indonesia is especially from reports of Lebour(1925) ; Delsman (1939) ; Zeitzschel (1978) ; and Taylor (1979). information concerning diatoms and dinoflagellates in Pari Islands waters (estuarine) is very limited. The water of Pari Islands is- a unique- ecosystem. This area- has various living organism i.e. diatoms and dinoflagellates. A study on the community Structure of Diatoma and Dinoflagellate in Pari Islands Waters. was conducted in June 1997, October 1997 and January 1998. The aim of the study is to find out the species diversity and the fluctuation of diatoms and dinoflagellates communities , the relationship of the community structure of diatoms and dinoflagellates related the environmental factors in Pari Islands waters at three seasons. Sixty-eight species belonging to twenty-six families were recorded. They consist of 31 species of diatoms, 20 families ,14 genus and 37 species of dinoflagellates, 6 families and 2 genus. Two species showed high frequency of occurrence and abundance at dry seasons and wet seasons i.e. Thalassiothrix nitzschioides and Chaetoceros decipiens, Ceratium furca, and Prorocentrum emarginatum at dry seasons and wet seasons. This indicated that two spesies were common and more widely distributed than others. The highest diversity, richness and evennes indices of diatom spesies were found in Kelapa Tinggi (St 5) at three seasons Cluster analysis resulted one group throughout the study in June 1997, October 1-997 and- January- 1-998. Stations 1.,2,8;5,4,7 had closer relationship than Station 3 and St 6. The- conditions of Pari Islands- waters showed. that the- salinity ranged from 30 - 33 ° loq- the- temperature. ranged from .27 - -29 °C, and the. rainfall ranged from 25,4 - 494 milimetre/month. The Environmental conditions. were- also monitored. Result showed- than the environmental conditions of the Pari Islands water were still appropriate for nursery grounds. of several. biota- and suitable for spawning ground- of certain spesies . The great varieties of species (phytoplankton) i.e : diatoms and dinoflagellates in- the- Pari Islands- water show that this ecosystem its very productive site for marine biota.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riani Widiarti
Abstrak :
Epibenthic dinoflagellates on macroalgae at penjaliran barat island's reef flat,Jakarta bay : epibenthic dinoflagellates,besides playing an important role as primary producent in the food cycle, may also cause harmfull effect to human health. Presently nearly no data is available on the epibenthic dinoflgellates in Indonesian waters. To obtain data of the epibenthic dinoflagellates,an inventory was made at penjaliran barat islan reef flat on March 2-9 1996.Results show the presence of 7 species belonging to 3 major group.Prorocentroid.Dinophysoid, and Gonyaulacoid of wich 4 species are potentially toxic.Sargassum spp and Padina spp are 2 genera of macroalgae where most of the epibenthic dinoflagellates were found
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachrul Razi
Abstrak :
Dinoflagellates were found and seven of them are potentially toxic species Based on the CA and PCA the substrate specificity of Gambierdiscus toxicus is macroalgae Amphidiniopsis hirsutum Coolia sp and Amphidinium sp are sand Ostreopsis ovata Ostreopsis lenticularis and Prorocentrum rhatymum are seagrass sand and coral rubble Prorocentrum lima Prorocentrum emarginatum Ostreopsis siamensis and Sinophysis microcephalus are seagrass seaweed and coral rubble and Prorocentrum concavum is on all substrate Dinoflagellates were found and seven of them are potentially toxic species Based on the CA and PCA the substrate specificity of Gambierdiscus toxicus is macroalgae Amphidiniopsis hirsutum Coolia sp and Amphidinium sp are sand Ostreopsis ovata Ostreopsis lenticularis and Prorocentrum rhatymum are seagrass sand and coral rubble Prorocentrum lima Prorocentrum emarginatum Ostreopsis siamensis and Sinophysis microcephalus are seagrass seaweed and coral rubble and Prorocentrum concavum is on all substrate Dinoflagellates were found and seven of them are potentially toxic species Based on the CA and PCA the substrate specificity of Gambierdiscus toxicus is macroalgae Amphidiniopsis hirsutum Coolia sp and Amphidinium sp are sand Ostreopsis ovata Ostreopsis lenticularis and Prorocentrum rhatymum are seagrass sand and coral rubble Prorocentrum lima Prorocentrum emarginatum Ostreopsis siamensis and Sinophysis microcephalus are seagrass seaweed and coral rubble and Prorocentrum concavum is on all substrate. Research on epibenthic Dinoflagellate causing Ciguatera Fish Poisoning had been conducted in Harapan Island, Kepulauan Seribu during 4th--6th March 2013. This study was carried out by collecting seagrass, seaweed, sand, and coral rubble on the reef flats, where they were shaken vigorously to separate the epibenthic Dinoflagellates. Samples were filtered and observed under a light microscope. The data were analyzed using Correspondence Analysis (CA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). From the samples collected, twelve species of benthic Dinoflagellates were found, and seven of them are potentially toxic species. Based on the CA and PCA, the substrate specificity of Gambierdiscus toxicus is macroalgae; Amphidiniopsis hirsutum, Coolia sp., and Amphidinium sp. are sand; Ostreopsis ovata, Ostreopsis lenticularis, and Prorocentrum rhatymum are seagrass, sand, and coral rubble; Prorocentrum lima, Prorocentrum emarginatum, Ostreopsis siamensis, and Sinophysis microcephalus are seagrass, seaweed, and coral rubble; and Prorocentrum concavum is on all substrate.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) causing microorganisms were observed at the reef flat of Panjaliran Barat Islands and Pramuka Islands District,Seribu Island national Park,North Jakarta , Indonesia....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Sharon
Abstrak :
Dinoflagellata epifitik yang hidup pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii berpotensi menyebabkan Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) melalui produksi ciguatoxin atau asosiasi dengan dinoflagellata penghasilnya. Lamun Thalassia hemprichii memiliki kelimpahan tinggi di perairan Pulau Pramuka. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dinoflagellata epifitik pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii beserta hubungannya dengan parameter lingkungan dilakukan di empat sisi perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu. Sampel lamun Thalassia hemprichii dari keempat sisi pulau diambil secara purposive random sampling ke dalam botol, dikocok kuat selama beberapa menit, dan biofilm pada daun dikerik. Daun lamun dipisahkan dan diukur luas permukaannya. Sampel air hasil kocokan kemudian disaring menggunakan saringan bertingkat 125 dan 25 μm, dan diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Ditemukan empat genus dinoflagellata epifitik toksik, yaitu Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, dan Prorocentrum. Genus Coolia memiliki rata-rata kelimpahan tertinggi, yaitu 8 sel/cm2, yang menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi Coolia di setiap stasiun dengan faktor lingkungan yang berbeda. Faktor lingkungan yang mencirikan di tiap stasiun dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) dan kemudian dihubungkan secara deskriptif dengan kelimpahan dinoflagellata. Bagian selatan dan barat pulau dicirikan oleh salinitas dan kecepatan arus, bagian utara oleh intensitas cahaya, dan bagian timur oleh nitrat, oksigen terlarut, dan pH. ......Epiphytic dinoflagellates living on Thalassia hemprichii seagrass have the potential to cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) through ciguatoxin production or association with dinoflagellate producers. Thalassia hemprichii seagrass has a high abundance in the waters of Pramuka Island. Research on the abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates in seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and its relationship with environmental parameters was conducted on four sides of the waters of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii samples from the four sides of the island were taken by purposive random sampling into bottles, shaken vigorously for several minutes, and the biofilm on the leaves was scraped off. Seagrass leaves were separated and their surface area measured. The shaken water samples were then filtered using 125 and 25 μm graduated sieves, and observed using a light microscope. Four genera of toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates were found, namely Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum. The genus Coolia had the highest average abundance, 8 cells/cm2, which indicates the adaptability of Coolia at each station with different environmental factors. Characteristic environmental factors at each station were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and then descriptively correlated with dinoflagellate abundance. The southern and western parts of the island were characterized by salinity and current velocity, the northern part by light intensity, and the eastern part by nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and pH.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Sharon
Abstrak :
Dinoflagellata epifitik yang hidup pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii berpotensi menyebabkan Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) melalui produksi ciguatoxin atau asosiasi dengan dinoflagellata penghasilnya. Lamun Thalassia hemprichii memiliki kelimpahan tinggi di perairan Pulau Pramuka. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dinoflagellata epifitik pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii beserta hubungannya dengan parameter lingkungan dilakukan di empat sisi perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu. Sampel lamun Thalassia hemprichii dari keempat sisi pulau diambil secara purposive random sampling ke dalam botol, dikocok kuat selama beberapa menit, dan biofilm pada daun dikerik. Daun lamun dipisahkan dan diukur luas permukaannya. Sampel air hasil kocokan kemudian disaring menggunakan saringan bertingkat 125 dan 25 μm, dan diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Ditemukan empat genus dinoflagellata epifitik toksik, yaitu Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, dan Prorocentrum. Genus Coolia memiliki rata-rata kelimpahan tertinggi, yaitu 8 sel/cm2, yang menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi Coolia di setiap stasiun dengan faktor lingkungan yang berbeda. Faktor lingkungan yang mencirikan di tiap stasiun dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) dan kemudian dihubungkan secara deskriptif dengan kelimpahan dinoflagellata. Bagian selatan dan barat pulau dicirikan oleh salinitas dan kecepatan arus, bagian utara oleh intensitas cahaya, dan bagian timur oleh nitrat, oksigen terlarut, dan pH. ......Epiphytic dinoflagellates living on Thalassia hemprichii seagrass have the potential to cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) through ciguatoxin production or association with dinoflagellate producers. Thalassia hemprichii seagrass has a high abundance in the waters of Pramuka Island. Research on the abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates in seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and its relationship with environmental parameters was conducted on four sides of the waters of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii samples from the four sides of the island were taken by purposive random sampling into bottles, shaken vigorously for several minutes, and the biofilm on the leaves was scraped off. Seagrass leaves were separated and their surface area measured. The shaken water samples were then filtered using 125 and 25 μm graduated sieves, and observed using a light microscope. Four genera of toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates were found, namely Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum. The genus Coolia had the highest average abundance, 8 cells/cm2, which indicates the adaptability of Coolia at each station with different environmental factors. Characteristic environmental factors at each station were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and then descriptively correlated with dinoflagellate abundance. The southern and western parts of the island were characterized by salinity and current velocity, the northern part by light intensity, and the eastern part by nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and pH.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library