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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Artitis Undari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang kesesuaian antara perencanaan dengan pelaksanaan pada Proyek digitalisasi Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, bagaimana kondisi infrastruktur serta Sumber Daya Manusianya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori tentang: aktivitas standar yang ada pada proyek digitalisasi, faktor-aktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam menilai sebuah perencanaan proyek, serta teori tentang parameter keberhasilan sebuah proyek. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proyek Digitalisasi naskah dan skripsi tersebut telah berhasil dengan catatan khusus, serta menyarankan bahwa sebaiknya dilakukan perbaikan di masa mendatang.
The Focus of this study is about the compatibility of planning and execution in Project Digitization Thesis and Manuscripts from Library of Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia. This research is using the qualitative methods and case study approach. The data were analyzed using the theory of: Standard activity of Digitization Project, factors in assesing the project planning, and parameters of project. The result of this research shows that this project has success with specifically note, and researcher suggests that this library should improve this project in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Harry Susanto
Abstrak :
The medias independence pushed the demand emergence towards the broadcasting of better television, in view of the fact that the awarenessand the communitys knowledge towards the right to receive information also increased. The demand of the quality not was limited by the contents aboutdemocracy in being national, but also was related to the quality of the picture, the clarity of the voice and the easier access of the channel. One of the factors that it was hoped could support the quality of the broadcasting of television is the digitalization to overcome the limitations of the electronic medias channel, that generally at this time still uses the analogous model. However the process of the move from system the analogous broadcasting to digital experienced the legal hindrance, the connection with the communitys purchasing power and the technical and administrative aspect that was dealt with by the government and the community. Barriers to migration from analog to digital, resulting in the hope to gain a clearer television shows, which have an impact on the satisfaction of the audience to watch the news the news charged democratization in various parts of the world, be delayed. In fact, within the scope of freedom of communication and expression, interesting news shows will encourage public awareness to participate oversee the running of their government democratically. With analog impressions are of lesser quality, and difficult to access in some areas, and in certain environments, which are not connected to the channel well, not all the people can see the news completely democratic governance. The expectations to improved quality of digital broadcasts, but it should be understand to transfer from analog to digital
Jakarta: Universitas Budi Luhur, 2014
384 COM 5:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puti Hilma Syahrani
Abstrak :
Kegiatan alih media arsip dilakukan sebagai upaya penyelamatan fisik arsip serta guna kemudahan dalam proses temu kembali arsip. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk memberikan gambaran proses pelaksanaan alih media arsip di Sekretariat Pengadilan Pajak Kemenkeu RI. Permasalahan dapat terjadi apabila ruang penyimpanan tidak memadai yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penumpukan arsip dan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam temu kembali serta arsip rentan terhadap kerusakan sehingga dilakukan alih media. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan penelitian mengacu pada bagaimana proses pelaksanaan alih media arsip di Subbag Dokyur SetPP Kemenkeu RI untuk mengurangi pemanfaatan ruang, temu kembali, dan penyelamatan fisik arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alih media arsip di Subbag Dokyur tidak dilihat sebagai strategi pemanfaatan ruang dan dalam proses pelaksanaannya sudah sesuai dengan pedoman namun disesuaikan dengan keperluan organisasi. Proses pelaksanaan sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun terdapat kendala yang dihadapi berupa sistem penyimpanan yang memerlukan jaringan telekomunikasi. ...... Digitization of archive are carried out as an effort to save the physical archives and to facilitate the process of retrieving archives. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the process of implementing digitization of archive at the Secretariat of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance's Tax Court. Problems can occur if the storage space is inadequate which results in the accumulation of archives and causes difficulties in retrieval and archives are vulnerable to damage so that media transfer is carried out. Therefore, the research question refers to how the process of implementing digitization of archive in the Indonesian Ministry of Finance's SetPP Dokyur Subdivision reduces space utilization, retrieval, and physical preservation of archives. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques and literature review. The results of the study show that digitization of archive in the Dokyur Subdivision is not seen as a space utilization strategy and in the implementation process it is in accordance with the guidelines but adapted to the needs of the organization. The implementation process has been going well, but there are obstacles encountered in the form of a storage system that requires a telecommunication network.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadapdap, Ursula Kezia Zefanya
Abstrak :
Laporan magang membahas dan mengevaluasi manfaat penggunaan perangkat lunak akuntansi bernama TMB sebagai salah satu komponen sistem informasi akuntansi yang digunakan perusahaan dalam proses mempersiapkan laporan keuangan per 31 Desember 2020. Magang ini menyampaikan evaluasi selama melakukan kegiatan magang di PT TUV Indonesia. TMB merupakan perangkat lunak akuntansi yang membantu perusahaan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan sehingga pekerjaan dapat selesai dengan lebih cepat dan akurat. Namun di tengah era pandemi yang mengharuskan pegawai untuk bekerja dari rumah, ditemukan kelemahan dimana penggunaan perangkat lunak ini membutuhkan spesifikasi komputer dan penggunaan koneksi internet yang tinggi, sehingga laptop pribadi tidak bisa bekerja optimal untuk menopang kebutuhan TMB. ......The internship report discusses and evaluates the benefits of using accounting software called TMB as one of the components of the accounting information system used by the company in the process of preparing financial reports as of December 31st, 2020. This internship report provides an evaluation during an internship at PT TUV Indonesia. TMB is accounting software that helps companies in compiling financial reports so that work can be completed faster and more accurate. However, in the midst of a pandemic era that requires employees to work from home, a weakness was found where the use of this software requires computer specifications and the use of high internet connections, so that personal laptops cannot work optimally to support TMB needs.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khansa Henovanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesiapan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia dalam Implementasi Digitalisasi Pengarsipan. Digitalisasi pengarsipan menjadi bagian penting dalam akselerasi kebijakan Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) dan Reformasi Birokrasi di Indonesia. Berdasarkan evaluasi pelaksanaan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kesenjangan dalam implementasi di tingkat nasional, dimana sebagian Kementerian/Lembaga sudah optimal dan lainnya masih belum optimal karena adanya berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi. Salah satu tantangan adalah kesiapan pegawai dalam menghadapi perubahan tersebut seperti sumber daya manusia yang belum kompeten dan andal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara mixed-method melalui survei serta wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Responden dalam penelitian adalah 193 PNS di lingkungan Kementerian Sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 51% responden “siap” melakukan implementasi pengarsipan digital. Sekalipun mayoritas responden dalam kategori siap, masih terdapat berbagai tantangan, yaitu pemerataan kompetensi arsiparis, etos kerja dari pegawai, literasi digital yang kurang terutama para pegawai senior, ketiadaan komitmen pimpinan, kebijakan digitasi yang belum dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan perkembangan, serta implementasi dan penggunaan sistem yang parsial belum terintegrasi secara nasional dengan SRIKANDI. Peneliti merekomendasikan upaya yang dapat ditujukan dalam pemutakhiran kebijakan, penetapan komitmen pimpinan untuk pengarsipan, serta kolaborasi dengan Kementerian/Lembaga terkait untuk mengoptimalkan pengarsipan. ......This research aims to analyze the readiness level of civil servants of the Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia in implementing digitization of archiving. Digitization of archiving is part of strategy in executing e-government and bureaucracy reformation in Indonesia. Based on the existing evaluation, there is an implementation gap at the national level, where some ministries/institutions are optimal and others are still not due to the various challenges. One of them is the readiness of employees to face these changes. This research conducted a quantitative approach with mixed-methods methodology in collecting data through survey with interview and literature review. The respondents were 193 civil servants of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The findings showed 51% respondents were ready to implement digitization of archiving. Nevertheless, there were couple of challenges such as, the archivist competency, the work ethic of the employees, the lack of digital literacy especially for senior officers, the absence of a commitment from leaders, the absence of regulations regarding digitization, and the use of systems that have not been integrated with SRIKANDI. Researcher recommend aiming at the target in updating regulations, making a commitment for archiving, and collaborating with relevant ministries/institutions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ersya Julia Hermadilla
Abstrak :
Pelestarian koleksi antikuariat yang dilakukan oleh perpustakaan memiliki berbagai tujuan, diantaranya adalah untuk menjaga informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya masih dapat diakses oleh pengguna hingga masa yang akan datang. Digitalisasi dapat menjadi salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perpustakaan dalam melestarikan koleksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penelitian dengan topik digitalisasi koleksi antikuariat, berkaitan dengan kebijakan, implementasi, dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh perpustakaan khusus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode tinjauan literatur sistematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih sedikit penelitian yang membahas mengenai digitalisasi koleksi aniquariat di perpustakaan khusus. Lalu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa setiap perpustakaan yang melakukan kegiatan digitalisasi memiliki alur kerja yang berbeda. Namun pada umumnya, terdapat tiga kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh perpustakaan khusus, yakni dengan melakukan proses seleksi bahan pustaka, proses pemindaian, dan penyimpanan hasil alih media bahan pustaka. Digitalisasi merupakan proses yang berkelanjutan sehingga memerlukan perencanaan yang matang serta anggaran yang cukup. ......Preservation of antiquariat collection done by special libraries has various purposes, including keeping the information accessible to users in the future. Digitization can be one of the efforts made by a library in preserving its collection. This study aims to analyze research on the topic of digitizing antikuariat collections, relating to policies, implementation, and challenges faced by special libraries. The approached used in this research is a qualitative method using systematic literature review approached. Based on the discussed research, the result of the study shows that there are still few studies that discuss the digitization of antiquariat collections in special libraries. The result of the study also shows that each library that carries out digitalization activities has a different workflow. However, in general, there are three activities carried out by special libraries, namely by conducting the selection process for library materials, scanning processes, and storing the results of the transfer of library materials. Digitalization is a continuous process that requires careful planning and an adequate budget.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vina Sepvia Winarko
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses digitisasi arsip surat kabar yang dilakukan di Pusat Informasi Kompas (disingkat PIK) sebagai upaya pelestarian koleksi. Seiring dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi dan informasi, hal ini turut dirasakan dalam ranah media pers. Salah satunya dalam hal pengelolaan surat kabar yang bergerak maju ke era digital dari yang sebelumnya hanya menggunakan bentuk tercetak saja. Digitisasi merupakan langkah nyata yang dilakukan PIK dalam kegiatan layanan surat kabar dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisir penggunaan koleksi asli secara langsung yang riskan terhadap kerusakan. Digitisasi dilakukan agar isi informasi dan nilai guna koleksi tetap terjaga serta untuk memperpanjang usia koleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi proses digitisasi arsip Surat Kabar Kompas sebagai upaya pelestarian koleksi di PIK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PIK telah melakukan proses digitisasi surat kabar dengan metode fotografi dalam langkah alih medianya, serta melakukan proses penyimpanan koleksi secara digital berbasis website. Proses digitisasi di PIK akan dijelaskan melalui pedoman The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA): Guidelines for Planning the Digitization of Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Tahun 2014. ......This study discusses the digitization process of newspaper archives implemented by Pusat Informasi Kompas ((abbreviated as PIK) as an effort to preserve the collection. In line with the rapid advancement of technology and information, the press media sector has also affected. One of these advancements is in the management of newspapers, which are progressing into the digital era from previously only existing in printed form. Digitization is a concrete measure implemented by PIK in service activities to minimize the direct use of original collections to reduce any damage. The digitization aims to preserve the informational content and utility value of the collection, thereby extending its lifespan. This study purposed to identify the digitization process of the Surat Kabar Kompas as part of the collection preservation efforts at PIK. This study use qualitative methods, through interviews and observations. The results of this research indicate that PIK has implemented the digitization of newspapers through the photography method for the media transfer step, furthermore, they have set up a web-based system for storing digital collections. The digitization process at PIK will be explained through the guidelines of The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA): Guidelines for Planning the Digitization of Rare Book and Manuscript Collections in 2014.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A guide to creating and managing an electronic reserve programme in a library. It features practical information and covers a range of issues including, starting up and maintaining electronic reserves, effective staffing; selection criteria for hardware and software, and more.
Chicago: [American Library association, ], 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klinken, Gerry van
Abstrak :
Historians accept the death of oral sources, but expect newspaper archives in state institutions to be available for ever. Yet the majority of Indonesian newspaper titles in the National Library are today endangered. These crumbling papers are often the only copy in the world. This article first reviews the role these archives have played in pathbreaking historical work, both Indonesian and foreign. Provincial newspapers record the chatter of a new, literate middle class that emerged in the middle of the tumultuous twentieth century. Indonesian historiography is transformed by the many surprises scholars experience when reading their lives there. When those sources turn to dust, historical research dies. This will affect not just specialized historians, but social scientists in many fields. The article then maps quantitatively the extent to which these papers are endangered. It finally urges the social science community as a whole to campaign to save them through comprehensive digitization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
909 UI-WACANA 20:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdillah Dhiyaa Bramantyo
Abstrak :
Kawasan Universitas Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kawasan urban yang memiliki keanekaragaman berbagai famili tumbuhan, salah satunya adalah tumbuhan invasif. Jenis-jenis tumbuhan invasif di kawasan Universitas Indonesia terekam dan menjadi koleksi Herbarium Depokensis (UIDEP). UIDEP sebagai herbarium tingkat universitas yang berada di bawah Departemen Biologi FMIPA UI menyimpan koleksi awetan botani yang dapat berperan sebagai rujukan dan dimanfaatkan dalam penelitian di berbagai bidang. Akan tetapi, spesimen tumbuhan invasif koleksi UIDEP belum mempunyai kondisi fisik yang representatif dan informasi taksonomi yang valid sehingga memerlukan upaya manajemen herbarium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh koleksi spesimen tumbuhan invasif yang valid dan representatif di UIDEP melalui manajemen herbarium supaya dapat dijadikan rujukan ilmiah. Proses manajemen herbarium dilakukan terhadap 56 spesimen tumbuhan invasif dan terdiri atas validasi taksonomi, perawatan dan perbaikan spesimen, serta digitalisasi dan pengunggahan data spesimen ke pangkalan data herbarium. Sebanyak 11 jenis dari 6 famili tumbuhan berhasil didapatkan lewat morfometrik karakter morfologi dan identifikasi spesies. Famili Poaceae merupakan famili dengan anggota jenis invasif terbanyak (4 jenis), sedangkan spesies Asystasia gangetica merupakan spesies tumbuhan invasif dengan jumlah lembar spesimen terbanyak (15 lembar). Hasil validasi taksonomi juga menunjukkan 2 lembar spesimen Panicum sp. dan 2 lembar spesimen Pennisetum polystachion mengalami perubahan nomenklatur sesuai tata nama botani yang berlaku saat ini. Terdapat 29 lembar spesimen yang mengalami permasalahandan memerlukan tindakan perbaikan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dialami pada lembar spesimen masing-masing. Proses digitalisasi spesimen selanjutnya dilakukan dengan pengubahan informasi label tempel ke dalam bentuk tabel Excel, pendokumentasian spesimen, dan pengunggahan data ke pangkalan data UIDEP melalui situs web (ruangkoleksibiotaui.id). Spesimen herbarium yang telah valid dan representatif melalui manajemen herbarium diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat luas. ......The University of Indonesia area is an urban area with a diversity of plant families, one of which is an invasive plant. Invasive plant species in the University of Indonesia area were recorded and became the Herbarium Depokensis (UIDEP) collection. UIDEP, as a university-level herbarium under the Department of Biology FMIPA UI, keeps a collection of preserved botanicals that can serve as a reference and be used in research in various fields. However, specimens of invasive plants from the UIDEP collection require herbarium management efforts to have representative physical conditions and valid taxonomic information. This study aimed to obtain a valid and representative collection of invasive plant specimens at UIDEP through herbarium management to be used as scientific references. The herbarium management process was carried out on 56 specimens of invasive plant and consisted of taxonomic validation, specimen maintenance and repair, and digitization and specimen data upload to the herbarium database. A total of 11 species from 6 plant families were obtained through morphometric characters and species identification. The Poaceae family is the family with the most invasive species (4 species), while Asystasia gangetica is the invasive plant species with the highest number of specimens (15). The taxonomic validation results also showed 2 specimens of Panicum sp. and 2 specimens of Pennisetum polystachion underwent nomenclature changes according to the current botanical nomenclature. There are 29 specimen sheets that experience problems and require corrective action following the problems experienced on each specimen sheet. The process of digitizing the specimens was then carried out by converting the patch label information into an Excel table, documenting the specimens, and uploading the data to the UIDEP database via the website (ruangkoleksibiotaui.id). It is hoped that the wider community can utilize herbarium specimens that have been valid and representative through herbarium management.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library