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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Susilarti
"Pelanggaran hak tersangka terjadi karena adanya tindakan menyimpang dari pejabat penyidik, penuntut umum dan pengadilan, hal ini berakibat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIA Jakarta Timur, dan pelanggaran hak narapidana adalah akibat dari sistem administrasi yang tidak baik dalam proses peradilan pidana. Dalam proses hukum seseorang mempunyai hak untuk membela diri dan menuntut hak-haknya sesuai dengan asas "kedudukan yang sama dimuka hukum" dan asas "praduga tidak bersalah".
Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu dengan mengambil data melalui informan-informan yang berhubungan dengan data yang akan diteliti dan kemudian dipaparkan sebagai sebuah hasil penelitian dan kemudian dianalisa.
Data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis secara kualiatatif. Metode kualiatatif menghasilkan data yang bersifat diskriptif analisis, yaitu pendapat informan diteliti dan dipelajari secara menyeluruh. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut metode kualitatif bertujuan untuk menginterpretasikan secara kualitas tentang pendapat atau tanggapan informan dan narasumber kemudian mendiskripsikannya secara lengkap dan mendetail aspek-aspek tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pokok perrnasalahan, selanjutnya dianalisis untuk mengungkapkan kebenaran, dan memahami kebenaran tersebut.
Dari hasil penelitian deskriptif analisis dan dengan metode kualitatif diperoleh gambaran bahwa : Terjadinya pelanggaran hak tersangka dan narapidana yang dilakukan oleh pihak Rumah Tahanan Negara merupakan akibat faktor ekstemal, berupa keterlambatan administrasi peradilan, yaitu keterlambatan penyerahan surat perpanjangan penahanan atau surat penetapan perpanjangan penahanan; kurang seimbangnya porsi kewenangan di antara aparat penegak hukum, sehingga timbul pelanggaran hak tersangka secara administratif dan fisik. Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, dan Pengadilan (Hakim) kewenangannya diatur oleh Undang-Undang sedangkan Rumah Tahanan Negara (Pemasyarakatan) hanya diatur oleh Peraturan Pemerintah.; kurangnya sarana dan fasilitas pengadilan mengakibatkan kurang optimalnya pelaksanaan asas peradilan sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan yang mengakibatkan pelanggaran hak tersangka. Kurangnya kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia dan birokrasi yang buruk mengakibatkan administrasi peradilan tidak berjalan baik sehingga tidak tercipta suatu koordinasi pada setiap sub sistem peradilan pidana dan merupakan pencetus timbulnya pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.

Violation on the defense right resulted from the existence of deviated acts from the identification official, public prosecutor and the court having direct and indirect effect in Class IIA State Penitentiary of East Jakarta, and violation from the defense is resulted from bad administrative system in criminal court process. In legal process anyone has the right to make their defense and demanding their rights according to the basis of "equal standing before the law" and the basis of "presumption of innocence".
The research in this thesis uses qualitative approach that is by data collection through informants related to the data being evaluated and then elaborated as a result of research and then to be analyzed.
The collected data will be analyzed qualitatively. The qualitative method produces data with descriptive analytical characteristics that is the informant opinion is evaluated and studied as a whole. Based on that way of thinking, the qualitative method is aimed to interpret qualitatively about the opinion or response of the informant and source of data and then to be described completely and in detail for certain aspects related to the main issue, and then to be analyzed to reveal its truth, and understanding that truth.
From the results of descriptive analytical research and with qualitative method, a picture has been obtained that is: The occurrence of violation on the defense and prisoner rights done by the State Penitentiary as the results of external factor in the form of the court administrative delay that is delay on the submission of prolonged holding letter or decree letter of prolonged holding; The lack of balance on the authority portion among law enforcing official, resulting in the violation of the defense right administratively and physically. The Police Department, Prosecutor, and the Court (Judge), their authority is' regulated by the Laws and the State Penitentiary (Socialization) is only regulated by Government Regulation; The lack on the court facility and infrastructure resulting in. the lack of optimal implementation of simple, quick, and with cheap cost court basis, resulting in the violation on the defense right. The lack of quality and quantity on human resource and bad bureaucracy results in the court administration not running smoothly thus there is no coordination in every sub-system of criminal court and the trigger on the rising of violation on human right.
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
S. Prihantara
"Makin banyaknya tingkat kejahatan baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas serta keaktifan penegak hukum dalam mengungkap tindak kejahatan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah penghuni di dalam Rumah Tahanan Negara. Rumah Tahanan Negara klas l Jakarta Pusat, merupakan salah satu Rumah Tahanan yang selalu kelebihan daya tampung penghuni. Kapasitas Rutan Jakarta Pusat adalah 753 namun terhitung pada tanggal 16 Mei 2005 jumlah penghuninya sudah mencapai jumlah 4.071 orang.
Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi Rumah Tahanan Negara Jakarta Pusat yang sudah kelebihan daya tampung serta masalah yang diakibatkan oleh kelebihan daya tampung dan sistem pengamanan yang diterapkan dalam upaya mencegah terjadinya gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban.
Adapun permasalahan yang diakibatkan oleh kelebihan daya tampung di Rumah Tahanan Negara Jakarta Pusat antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Tempat tidur yang sangat terbatas;
2. Tern pat berteduh yang sangat sempit dan kurang memadai;
3. Makanan yang buruk dan tidak mencukupi:
4. Terbatasnya persediaan air bersih dan air minum;
5. Rawan terjadinya keributan/kerusuhan;
6. Rawan terhadap masuknya barang-barang terlarang (seperti bom, uang dan lain-lain) dan kurangnya tenaga pengamanan yang tidak sebanding dengan jumlah penghuni.
Sedangkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada antara lain dengan melakukan pendekatan dengan para pemuka atau penghuni yang berpengaruh serta dengan menerapkan mekanisme pengamanan yang ketat dan terkoordinasi dengan semua ini (pengamanan garis depan, pengamanan garis tengah dan pengamanan garis belakang).

The widely spread of criminal action and highly motivated police department in managing crimes problem recently, has become the major factors in influencing the raise of inmates? population in State Detention House and Penitentiary. Central Jakarta's State Detention House is one of detention house which always has overcrowding problem. Central Jakarta's detention house has 753 capacities of inmates, but since May 16, 2005, the inmates population has raised to 4071 people.
The core of this study is to give a description of Salemba detention house in overcrowding condition utmost. The overcrowding problem and the way to overcome it by rearrange the security system is to prevent security and stability disturbance. The problem caused by overcrowding which follms:
1. Riots
2. Lack of sleeping materials
3. Low-food standardization
4. Bad performance of the security personnel both in quality and quantity
5. Lack of mineral water
6. Limited controls of delivering prohibited materials (such as cannabis, bomb, money. etc.) to be brought inside.
In order to overcome the problem the officials use whether in personality approach to each leader of the inmates who has been chosen to be the powerful together with straight mechanism of security system and coordinated by (front line security system, central security system, and the back security system).
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Conrad, Diane Helen
"[Athabasca’s going unmanned is set in a youth offender jail in Alberta, Canada and tells the story of three incarcerated youth and the corrections staff who work with them. The story centres on an escape plot hatched by the inmates and ultimately examines the needs of incarcerated youth and the prospects for offering them programming with transformative potential. Based on extensive research with “at-risk” youth and incarcerated youth, the play addresses a range of real-world issues with sociological, criminal justice, policy and educational implications. Moreover, issues of race and ethnicity feature prominently.
The fictionalized format invites readers to engage with complex questions without relying on an “authoritative” text that closes off meaning-making. Rather, readers are invited into the meaning-making process as they engage with the play and its alternative endings. , Athabasca’s going unmanned is set in a youth offender jail in Alberta, Canada and tells the story of three incarcerated youth and the corrections staff who work with them. The story centres on an escape plot hatched by the inmates and ultimately examines the needs of incarcerated youth and the prospects for offering them programming with transformative potential. Based on extensive research with “at-risk” youth and incarcerated youth, the play addresses a range of real-world issues with sociological, criminal justice, policy and educational implications. Moreover, issues of race and ethnicity feature prominently.
The fictionalized format invites readers to engage with complex questions without relying on an “authoritative” text that closes off meaning-making. Rather, readers are invited into the meaning-making process as they engage with the play and its alternative endings. ]"
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Rotterdam: [Sense, Sense], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library