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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Chan, Janis Fisher
Abstrak :
Empower staff and the organization with savvy delegation skills for 21st-century success. Delegation has always been an essential supervisory and managerial competency. In today?s lean, competitive workplace, it?s a survival skill for organizational success. This lively new look at an old skill addresses today?s delegation challenges with a workable plan and many practical exercises to ensure successful implementation. Discover what delegating really involves and learn to make confident delegating choices. Readers will learn how to: ? Respond rapidly to changing circumstances and employ time and resources more productively ? Delegate effectively in team, virtual and cross-functional environments ? Assess your own delegating ability and address your hesitations about delegation ? Give employees the authority and responsibility they need to get the job done ? Avoid common mistakes of delegation, including reverse delegation ? Identify which types of tasks and responsibilities should be delegated and which ones should not ? Monitor the delegation process, evaluate progress, identify problems and reward success ? Improve goal-setting, prioritizing, planning, communication and feedback skills ? Delegate across the organization, to peers, subordinates and team-members. This is an ebook version of the AMA Self-Study course. If you want to take the course for credit you need to either purchase a hard copy of the course through amaselfstudy.
New York: [American Management Association, American Management Association], 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tracy, Brian
Abstrak :
Managers are judged by the results they deliver, and more than anything else, those results hinge on the ability to delegate and supervise. You will be surprised at how efficient and easy to manage your team becomes when you master these essential skills. This handy, pocket-sized guide reveals time-tested ways to boost the performance and productivity of your employees, including how to: ? Define work, assign it, and set measurable, targeted standards for performance - Match skills to job requirements - Use Management by Objectives to delegate longer-term tasks to trusted team members - Monitor, control, and keep on top of projects with minimum effort - Turn delegation into a teaching tool and build the confidence of your staff - Provide useful feedback and elicit active participation - Avoid reverse delegation - Free up time for higher-level tasks only you can tackle - And much more. Done right, delegation and supervision allow your employees to learn, grow, and become more capable. Your success will skyrocket as you increase the quality and quantity of results, and build the loyalty, involvement, and commitment of your people.
New York: American Management Association, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Oktaviani Bakara
Abstrak :

Proses pelimpahan kewenangan dari dokter kepada perawat di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan. Undang-undang mengenai praktik keperawatan tidak mengatur dengan spesifik mengenai proses pelimpahan kewenangan ini, khususnya dalam tindakan medis. Hal ini menjadi fenomena yang memprihatinkan apabila dibandingkan dengan negara Amerika Serikat dan Jepang. Oleh karena itu penulis hendak menganalisis mengenai pengaturan kewenangan perawat dan dokter yang ada di Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, dan Jepang, serta pembagian kewenangan antara dokter dan perawat yang ada di Indonesia, Amerika Serikat dan Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, yakni penelitian kepustakaan yang dilakukan terhadap aturan-aturan hukum tertulis maupun hukum tidak tertulis dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Penulis menemukan permasalahan di mana pola hubungan yang terjadi antara dokter dan perawat di Indonesia adalah hubungan atasan-bawahan, bukan hubungan kolaboratif seperti di Amerika Serikat dan Jepang. Hal ini didasarkan pada aspek sejarah, pendidikan, dan tidak jelasnya undang-undang mengatur mengenai pembagian kewenangan antara dokter dan perawat dalam suatu tindakan medis. Terhadap kondisi tersebut, pemerintah belum memberikan solusi terbaiknya. Sehingga penulis menyarankan dilakukannya judicial review mengenai pembagian kewenangan dari dokter kepada perawat dalam suatu tindakan medis.

The process of delegating authority from doctors to nurses in Indonesia is still a problem. The law regarding nursing practice does not specifically regulate the process of delegating this authority, especially in medical treatment. This is a sad phenomenon when compared to the United States and Japan. Therefore the author wants to find out how the authority of nurses and doctors in Indonesia, the United States, and Japan, and the division of authority between doctors and nurses in Indonesia, the United States and Japan. This study uses a juridical-normative research method, namely library research conducted on written and unwritten legal rules with descriptive research type. The author found a problem where the pattern of relationships that occur between doctors and nurses in Indonesia is a superior-subordinate relationship, not a collaborative relationship as in the United States and Japan. This is based on the historical, educational, and unclear aspects of the law governing the division of authority between doctors and nurses in a medical action. Regarding these conditions, the government has not provided the best solution. So the authors suggest doing a judicial review regarding the division of authority from doctors to nurses in a medical action.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Younger, Sandra Millers
Abstrak :
Are you swamped and need some tips on sharing your projects with other employees or team members? This issue provides a step-by-step guide on how to delegate tasks and offers tips on deciding what to delegate and how to choose the right person. Also includes a quiz on effective delegation practices and a job aid flow charting a decision to delegate.
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmal Khairi
Abstrak :
Abstract. The legal foundation change on the local governance affects the change of status, role, and function of the sub-district’s head. In the past a sub-district’s head is the person in full charge of an area, however now he is only part of local apparatuses who get his authority if there is a delegation from the Regent/Mayor. To increase the role of the sub-district head in its area, the local government of Depok did some empowerment efforts. The research aims to analyze the sub-district head empowerment done by the local government of Depok by doing case study in three sub-districts in Depok, i.e. Beji, Sukmajaya, and Pancoran Mas. The paradigm of the research is positivistic with qualitative technique of data collecting thorugh in-depth interview and literature study. The result of the research shows that the empowerment done by the local government of Depok is not optimal. The sub-district organization is merely considered complimentary, therefore has les strategic authority.
Lembaga Kemitraan dan Pembangunan Sosial, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desca Prestisya
Abstrak :
Pembangunan nasional pada era desentralisasi dan otonomi daerah yang ada saat ini maka, pemerintah daerah harus dapat mengembangkan kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah mendirikan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah. Pendirian Badan Usaha Milik Daerah saat ini diatur secara umum pada Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah. Oleh karena belum adanya peraturan pelaksanaan maka terdapat permasalahan dalam pendiriannya yaitu mengenai pelimpahan kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh kepala daerah sebagai wakil dari daerah untuk menandatangani akta pendirian Peseroan Terbatas Badan Usaha Milik Daerah dan batasan kepala daerah dalam melimpahkan kewenangan untuk penandatanganan akta pendirian Peseroan Terbatas Badan Usaha Milik Daerah menurut peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam melakukan penulisan tersebut penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Berdasarkan kajian penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh kepala daerah sebagai wakil dari daerah untuk menandatangani akta pendirian perseroan terbatas Badan Usaha Milik Daerah merupakan kewenangan atributif dari Undang-Undang. Batasan kepala daerah dalam melimpahkan kewenangan untuk penandatanganan akta pendirian perseroan terbatas Badan Usaha Milik Daerah menurut peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan kebebasan Kepala Daerah sepanjang tidak berkaitan dengan keuangan negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dengan ini penulis menyarankan kepada Kepala Daerah dalam memberikan kuasa harus memperhatikan pemberian kuasa diberikan kepada orang yang memiliki tugas dan wewenang terkait serta batasan kewenangan yang dimiliki dan kepada Notaris dalam membuat Akta Pendirian PT dimana Pemerintah Daerah harus juga memperhatikan PERDA yang menetapkan pendiriannya sebagai landasan pembuatan akta terkait dengan permodalan.
National development in the era of decentralization and regional autonomy that exists today, local governments should be able to develop the ability to increase local revenue, one way that government can do is establishing regional owned enterprises. Establishment of Regional Owned currently set in general Act No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government. Because of the lack of regulations implementing that there are problems in his stance that the delegation of authority possessed by the head of the region as a representative of the region to sign the deed of incorporation of the company may Limited Regional Owned Enterprises and the limits of regional heads within delegated authority to the Articles of the company may Limited Owned regions according to the legislation. In the writing, author uses research methods that used in this paper is a normative juridical research method. Based on the study, authors concluded that the authority possessed by the head of the region as a representative of the region to sign the deed of incorporation of a limited liability company Regional Owned Enterprises is attributive authority of the Act. Limitation of regional heads within delegated authority to sign the deed of incorporation of a limited liability company Regional Owned by the legislation is the Regional Head option as far not related to state finances. Under these conditions, authors suggest to the Regional Head in giving authority must consider the authorization given to the person who has the duty and the authority concerned and the limits of authority possessed and to the Notary in making the Deed of Establishment of Limited Liability Company where the regional government act as party, Notary needs to pay attention on the local regulation on the establishment of the Limited Liability Company which sets its founding as the foundation deed relating to government capital.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dania Rizky Nabilla Gumilar
Abstrak :
Dalam konteks pemberian layanan kesehatan, kekurangan tenaga medis, terutama dokter, di daerah terpencil dan kurang terlayani telah mengharuskan pendelegasian tanggung jawab medis tertentu kepada perawat. Praktik ini, meskipun penting untuk menyediakan perawatan kesehatan yang tepat waktu dan efektif, menimbulkan pertanyaan hukum yang rumit mengenai ruang lingkup wewenang, kewajiban, dan kerangka hukum keseluruhan perawat yang mengatur tindakan mereka. Penelitian ini membangun kembali konstruksi hukum Hukum Administrasi Negara dan Hukum Kesehatan mengenai pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis, khususnya dalam konteks di daerah terpencil. Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan doktrinal, memanfaatkan doktrin dan prinsip hukum dari Hukum Kesehatan untuk menganalisis konsep pelimpahan wewenang dokter kepada perawat di daerah terpencil. Doktrin hukum utama, seperti doktrin life-saving oleh van der Mijn dan prolonged arms doctrine oleh HJJ. Leenen, akan menjadi dasar untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis tersebut. Dengan mengeksplorasi konstruksi hukum seputar pelimpahan wewenang dokter kepada perawat, penelitian ini memberikan kerangka hukum untuk dapat dijadikan dasar penyusunan kebijakan hukum bagi perawat yang bertugas di daerah terpencil. Konstruksi hukum yang mengatur pelaksanaan pelimpahan wewenang dokter kepada perawat di daerah terpencil mempunyai peran penting dalam memastikan pemberian layanan kesehatan yang efektif. Penelitian ini berfokus dengan studi perawat di Puskesmas Kecamatan Seko, Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan. Faktor keterbatasan yang dihadapi oleh perawat di Kecamatan Seko menjadi bahan analisis utama untuk dapat menemukan konstruksi hukum yang sesuai dengan kondisi pelayanan kesehatan di daerah terpencil. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan diperlukannya rekonstruksi Hukum Administrasi Negara dan Hukum Kesehatan terhadap implementasi pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medik dokter kepada perawat atas adanya faktor keterbatasan di daerah terpencil untuk menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan perluasan peran Perawat dalam kondisi tertentu yang bertujuan untuk penyelamatan nyawa. ......In the context of healthcare provision, the scarcity of medical personnel, particularly doctors, in remote and underserved areas has necessitated the delegation of specific medical responsibilities to nurses. This practice, vital for delivering timely and effective healthcare, raises intricate legal inquiries concerning the scope of authority, duties, and overarching legal framework regulating the actions of nurses. This research reconstructs the legal constructs of Administrative Law and Health Law regarding the delegation of medical authority, specifically within remote regions. Employing a doctrinal approach, it leverages legal doctrines and principles from Health Law to analyze the concept of delegating doctors' authority to nurses in remote areas. Key legal doctrines, such as the life-saving doctrine by van der Mijn and the prolonged arms doctrine by HJJ. Leenen, serve as foundations to establish a comprehensive understanding of the delegation of medical authority. By exploring the legal constructs surrounding the delegation of doctors' authority to nurses, this research provides a legal framework to serve as the basis for formulating legal policies for nurses operating in remote areas. The legal constructs governing the implementation of delegating doctors' authority to nurses in remote areas play a crucial role in ensuring the provision of effective healthcare. This research focuses on studying nurses at the Seko Sub-district Health Center in North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The limiting factors faced by nurses in Seko Sub-district serve as the primary analytical material to discern legal constructs suitable for the healthcare conditions in remote areas. The findings of this study underscore the necessity for a reconstruction of Administrative Law and Health Law concerning the implementation of delegating doctors' medical authority to nurses due to limiting factors in remote areas, demonstrating the need for expanding the role of nurses in specific circumstances aimed at preserving lives.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library