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Pande Made Wisnu Tirtayasa
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Delayed graft function (DGF) adalah komplikasi yang umum dijumpai pada transplantasi dari mayat. Berdasarkan studi terdahulu, DGF dan factor resikonya memiliki hasil yang bervariasi pada donor nefrektomi hidup Metode Peneliti melakukan analisis retrospektif dari rekam medic donor dan resipien transplantasi ginjal pada 100 kasus laparoskopi donor nefrektomi hidup di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo dari November 2011 hingga Februari 2014. Kriteria DGF adalah pasien didialisis pada 1 minggu post operasi dan/ atau kreatinin lebih dari 2.5 mg/dl pada hari ke 7 post operasi. Pasien yang tidak masuk dalam kriteria tersebut didefinisikan memiliki renal allograft yang berfungsi normal Hasil Prevalensi DGF pada penelitian ini adalah 14%. Indeks massa tubuh resipien, cold ischemia time, waktu anastomosis vaskular, dan total ischemia time lebih tinggi pada grup DGF, tetapi tidak ditemukan faktor resiko DGF yang signifikan secara statistic saat dilakukan analisis multivariat Kesimpulan Insidensi DGF pada studi ini masuk dalam rentang yang diamati pada studi-­‐ studi sebelumnya. Faktor resiko yang dilaporkan sebagai faktor resiko DGF pada laparoskopi donor nefrektomi hidup tidak signifikan secara statistik dengan DGF pada studi kali ini.
Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.;Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.;Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study., Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hazia Hanifa Bilqis
Abstrak :
Transplantasi ginjal dapat mengalami komplikasi delayed graft function yang merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan ginjal akut. Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi delayed graft function, yakni faktor intraoperatif dan ekstraoperatif. Studi ini meneliti faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan delayed graft function pada faktor ekstraoperatif khususnya dari segi donor dan resipien. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara faktor donor (usia, hubungan kekerabatan dengan resipien) dan faktor resipien (usia, penyebab gagal ginjal) dengan kejadian delayed graft function pada resipien. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi potong lintang dan melibatkan 483 sampel yang merupakan pasien transplantasi ginjal di RSCM periode November 2011-September 2018. Hasil: chi square dan fisher menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia donor (p=0,023), usia resipien (p=0,006), dan hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien (p=0,008) dengan delayed graft function. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara penyebab gagal ginjal diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, infeksi, penyakit autoimun, dan penyebab lain gagal ginjal. Diskusi: Dari analisis multivariat didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien dengan delayed graft function (p= 0,011. Disimpulkan bahwa hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan terjadinya delayed graft function pada resipien transplantasi ginjal RSCM dibandingkan dengan faktor usia donor, usia resipien, dan penyebab gagal ginjal resipien. ABSTRACT
Background: Kidney transplant patients may have complications, such as delayed graft function which is one of acute kidney injury. There are a lot of factors that can affect delayed graft function, such as intraoperative and extraoperative factors. In this study we discussed more about extraoperative factors, specifically from donor and recipient factors. Objective: To determine the association between donor factors (age, relation with recipien)t, recipient factors (age, cause of kidney failure) and delayed graft function in transplant recipient. Methods: Cross-sectional study design was used in this study  by collecting 483 patient data of medical record from data recapitulation of renal transplant by Departement of Urology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, from November 2011-September 2018. Results: Bivariat analysis with chi square and fisher test result showed that there was a significant association between donor age (p=0,023), recipient age (p=0,006) and donor and recipient relation status (p=0,008) with delayed graft function. There were no significant association between recipient age, and causes of kidney failure. Discussion: From the multivariate analysis it was found that there was a significant association between donor and recipient relation status (p=0,011) with delayed graft function.From these result we concluded that donor and relation status are the most  associated factor with delayed graft function in recipients.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanifa Ahdan Badrani
Abstrak :
Pada pasien penyakit ginjal tahap akhir, transplantasi ginjal merupakan pilihan terbaik bagi pasien; akan tetapi, delayed graft function dapat menjadi komplikasi bagi pasien yang dapat berkembang menjadi rejeksi (penolakan) terhadap organ donor, sehingga menggagalkan transplantasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara faktor intraoperatif (warm ischemia time 1, cold ischemia time, warm ischemia time 2, waktu urin keluar, dan kompleksitas pembuluh darah) dan kejadian delayed graft function pada resipien. Metode: Peneliti melakukan studi potong-lintang dengan mengambil 611 data rekam medis pasien dari data rekapitulasi transplantasi ginjal di Departemen Urologi, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, dari rentang waktu November 2011-September 2018. Peneliti kemudian melakukan analisis bivariat dan multivariat untuk menentukan signifikansi hubungan variabel. Hasil: Dari lima variabel yang diteliti, tidak terdapat satu pun variabel yang memiliki hubungan signifikan (p = 0,996; p = 0,125; p = 0,677; p = 0,332; p = 0,748; secara berurutan) dengan kejadian delayed graft function, dari total 545 pasien yang diteliti. Diskusi: Hubungan variabel yang tidak signifikan dapat dijelaskan oleh jenis donor pada penelitian ini yang sepenuhnya donor hidup, sehingga meminimalkan dampak buruk dari stress iskemik dan reperfusion injury yang disebabkan oleh faktor intraoperatif.
For patients with end-stage renal disease, transplantation is the best option for renal replacement therapy; however, Delayed Graft Function can complicates the transplantation, and even progresses into organ rejection, resulting in a failed transplantation. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between intraoperative factors (warm ischemia time 1, cold ischemia time, warm ischemia time 2, time of first urine output, and blood vessels complexity) and delayed graft function in transplant recipient. Methods: Researcher used cross-sectional study design by collecting 611 patient data of medical record from data recapitulation of renal transplant by Departemen of Urology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital, from November 2011-September 2018. Selected patient data were then analyzed using bivariate and multivariate analysis. Results: From five variables in this study, none of them have significant association (p = 0,996; p = 0,125; p = 0,677; p = 0,332; p = 748; respectively) with delayed graft function, from a total of 545 patients. Discussion: The insignificant association of variables may be explained by the type of donor in this study, that is compromised entirely of living donor, which reduce the negative impact of ischemic stress and reperfusion injury caused by the intraoperative factors.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library