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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diah Artanti Sekarayu Budi Sarwono
"Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu jenis kanker yang paling umum. Sebagaimana diketahui, kanker suatu jaringan dapat menyebar atau bermetastasis ke jaringan lain sebagai kanker sekunder, di mana pada kanker payudara 90% kematian selama pengobatan dikaitkan pada metastasis. Penelitian ini fokus kepada karakteristik metastasis bone only sebagai subtipe metastasis tulang kanker payudara yang belum banyak diteliti walaupun angka kelangsungan hidup (survival)nya paling bagus dibandingkan bila metastasis ke organ/tempat lainnya. Gambaran karakteristik pasien KPD BMO yg berobat di RSCM juga belum pernah diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan desain studi cross sectional dengan teknik sampel total sampling. Terdapat 1278 pasien KPD metastasis yg berobat di RSCM 2017-2022. Didapatkan 148 pasien KPD BMO, namun karena ketidak lengkapan informasi di hasil pemeriksaan penunjang maka yang masuk kriteria inklusi penelitian ini adalah 47 pasien. Dari 47 pasien, ditemukan karakteristik 100% perempuan, rentang usia terbanyak 45-64 tahun (70,2%), 46,8% bersuku Jawa, 85,1% dalam usia menopause, dengan sebagian besar kanker karsinoma duktal invasif (85,1%) grade 2 (68,1%) dan subtipe luminal A (42,6%). Kasus Denovo sebanyak 48,9%. Ditemukan metastasis multiple (91,5%) lesi osteolitik(29,8%) , dan berlokasi di Os. Vertebrae (31,7%). Sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya dan faktor risiko metastasis bone only, sehingga dapat dilakukan studi lanjutan berupa studi analitik maupun genomic untuk mengkonfirmasi hubungan kausalitas tiap variabel.
......Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. As we know, cancer in one tissue can spread or metastasize to other tissues as secondary cancer, where in breast cancer 90% of deaths during treatment are attributed to these metastases. This study focuses on the characteristics of bone only metastases as a subtype of breast cancer bone metastases that has not been widely studied although its survival is better than breast cancer which metastases to other organs. This research uses a descriptive observational research design with a cross sectional study design with a total sampling technique. We found 1278 breast cancer with metastasis treated in RSCM within 2017-2022. There are 148 breast cancer bone metastasis only, but only 47 patients were included in the research due to the completed radiology data. Of the 47 patients, the characteristics of the 47 patients were 100% female; 70,2% aged 45-64 years-old ;46,8% Javanese ; 85,1% in menopausal age, 68,1% with grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma and 42,6% luminal A subtype; 48,9% Denovo cases ; 91,5% suffered from Multiple osteolytic lesion metastases and 31,7% were located in Os. Vertebrae. In line with previous research and risk factors for bone only metastasis, further studies can be carried out in the form of analytical or genomic studies to confirm the causal relationship between each variable."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syazili Mustofa
"Penghambatan proliferasi sel diaplikasikan dalam berbagai bidang kedokteran. Banyak di antara penghambatan proliferasi dilakukan dengan cara menghambat sintesis DNA, yaitu mengintervensi pembentukan basa nukleotida purin atau pirimidin. Dalam sintesis purin de novo terdapat peran enzim anhidrase karbonat yang merupakan pemasok CO2 dalam proses karboksilasi. Penghambatan enzim anhidrase karbonat diduga kuat dapat menghambat proliferasi. Pada penelitian ini model proliferasi sel adalah SMDT yang distimulasi dengan PHA, IL-2, serta PHA dan IL-2. Penghambat enzim anhdirase karbonat yang digunakan adalah asetazolamid. Dilakukan analisis efek pemberian asetazolamid pada saat puncak sintesis DNA sel, puncak viabilitas sel, serta analisis terhadap siklus sel. Hasil penelitian ini, asetozolamid menghambat sintesis DNA serta menurunkan viabilitas SMDT yang distimulasi PHA dan IL-2. Terjadi hambatan masuknya progresi SMDT dari fase G0/G1 ke fase S. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penghambatan enzim anhidrase karbonat dapat menyebabkan hambatan proliferasi sel.
......Inhibition of cells proliferation are widely used in various medical fields. Most of cell proliferation inhibition can be done by inhibiting the DNA synthesis, notably by intervening the formation of purine or pyrimidine. In purine de novo synthesis, it was assumed that CO2 plays a role as a source of carbon in carboxylation reaction, one of the pivotal steps in the purine de novo pathways. The aim of this study was to see the acetazolamide potency to inhibit carboxylation reaction. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) was cultured in RPMI-1640 medium and stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and interleukin-2 (IL-2), with or without acetazolamide. The effect of acetazolamide addition was observed at the peak of cell proliferation, cells viability, and cell cycle. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA. Acetazolamide inhibited cell proliferation and viability in PBMC culture stimulated by PHA and IL-2. Cell cycle analysis showed that acetazolamide arrested the progression of PBMC in G0/G1 phase. Inhibition of CO2 production by acetazolamide inhibitory effect to carbonic anhydrase can halt cell proliferation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ihya Ridlo Nizomy
"Latar Belakang: Inkontinensia urin (IU) menurut ICS didefinisikan sebagai keluarnya urin yang tidak dapat dikendalikan atau dikontrol, yang secara obyektif dapat diperlihatkan dan merupakan suatu masalah sosial dan higienis. Pada perempuan, gangguan fungsi berkemih ini sering kali didapatkan pasca-operasi koreksi kelainan Prolaps Organ Panggul (POP). Inkontinensia Urin Tekanan de novo (IUT de novo) adalah IU yang terjadi pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam yang tidak didapatkan sebelum operasi.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kejadian IUT de novo dan faktor risiko yang berhubungan pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di Divisi Uroginekologi dan Rekonstruksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM Jakarta.
Metode: Studi klinis potong lintang yang dilakukan pada 75 orang pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di Divisi Uroginekologi dan Rekonstruksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM Jakarta pada bulan Januari 2016 sampai Juli 2017. Penilaian kejadian IUT de novo dan faktor risiko yang berperan dilakukan berdasarkan data Rekam Medik, lembar penilaian Kuesioner QUID (Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis) versi Indonesia dan dikonfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan Cough Stress Test secara kualitatif dan tes pembalut pad test secara kuantitatif.
Hasil: Dari 75 subyek penelitian didapatkan angka kejadian IUT de novo sebesar 8% (6/75). Uji analisis statistik menunjukkan hanya 2 faktor risiko yang berperan secara bermakna (p < 0,05) terhadap kejadian IUT de novo pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di RSCM Jakarta, yaitu derajat POP yang berat dan penyakit Diabetes Mellitus dengan nilai OR 0,13 (95% CI 0,02-1,63) dan 23,75 (95%CI 2,29-590,2).
Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini, angka kejadian IUT de novo pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervagnam adalah 8% dengan faktor risiko yang berperan adalah derajat POP preoperatif yang berat dan penyakit Diabetes Mellitus.

Background: Stress Urinary Incontinence remains a main women's health problem due to its devastating impacts to the quality of life. Some patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) may suffer from stress urinary incontinence (SUI) named de novo SUI after pelvic floor reconstruction2. The epidemiology study of de novo SUI in Indonesia is not known yet. In the world, a few studies have reported a wide range (2-43%) in incidence of de novo SUI following surgical repair of POP in previously continent patients. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of de novo SUI and determined related risk factors after vaginal surgery on POP patients in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 108 patients who underwent pelvic floor vaginal surgery due to pelvic organ prolapse (POP) at the Department of Obstetry and Gynecology, Urogynecology and Recontruction Division in Indonesian University-Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital from January 2016 to December 2017. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 75 patients were enrolled in the study with consecutive sampling technique. The occurrence of de novo SUI was determined 6-12 months postoperatively by using Indonesian version of Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), and objectively by positive Cough Stress Test (CST) during gynecological examination after negative Preoperative Prolapse Reduction Stress Test (PPRST). The clinical characteristic of positively de novo SUI patients identified were age, parity, Body Mass Index, menopause periode before surgery, degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse based on POP-Q system, type of vaginal surgery and clinical result of Diabetes Mellitus. Thes significant risk factors that contribute for the occurrence of de novo SUI determined by multivariate statistical analysis (95% CI and 𝛼 0.05).
Results: The occurrence of de novo SUI was 8% or 6 from 75 patiens 6-7 month postoperative for pelvic floor reconstruction due to POP. Average of age, parity, BMI, menopause periode before surgery, respectively were 56.17 ± 4.67, 3.17 ± 1.07, 28.58 ± 5.18, and 12,8 ± 7,0. There were 50,0% (3/6) patients with severe degree of POP and 50% (3/6) with mild degree of POP with most of them 66,7% (4/6) had underwent non colpocleisis procedure for POP reconstruction. All of the patient but one were positively Diabetes Mellitus according to clinical hystory and laboratory finding, and most of them about 83,3% (5/6) were in menopause state. There were two significant risk facors that contribute to the occurrence of de novo SUI which are severe degree of preoperative POP (p 0.038; OR 0.13 95% CI 0,02-0,63) and Diabetes Mellitus (p 0.02; OR 23.75 95% CI 2.29-590.2).
Conclusion: The occurrence of de novo SUI after vaginal surgery of Pelvic Organ Prolapse patients in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta was 8%. Most of them were average of age < 60 years old, parity < 4, non- obese women, in menopausal periode, and diabetic patient. The determinant significant risk factors contribute to the occurrenceof de novo SUI were evere degree of preoperative POP and Diabetes Mellitus."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library