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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Romney, Marshall B.
New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2009
657.028 5 ROM a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book constitutes selected papers from the 14th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2017, held in Coimbra, Portugal, in September 2017. EMCIS is focusing on approaches that facilitate the identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of measurable impact. The 37 full and 16 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 106 submissions. They are organized in sections on big data and Semantic Web; digital services, social media and digital collaboration; e-government; healthcare information systems; information systems security and information privacy protection; IT governance; and management and organizational issues in information systems.
Cham: Springer, 2017
004 INF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, and Information Technology, ICSIIT 2015, held in Bali, Indonesia, in March 2015
Berlin: Springer, 2015
004 INT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Laporan Magang ini membahas mengenai analisis kinerja dari sistem informasi yang digunakan oleh PT Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library (PT ICaMEL) dalam menyediakan data dan informasi pasar modal Indonesia bagi masyarakat luas, yang merupakan komitmen dari PT Bursa Efek Indonesia sebagai Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), dengan menggunakan pendekatan IT Balanced Scorecard (IT BSC). Secara keseluruhan, kinerja sistem informasi PT ICaMEL sebagai pusat informasi pasar modal Indonesia yang diukur berdasarkan IT BSC sudah menujukkan hasil yang sangat baik. Keempat perspektif dari IT BSC memiliki pencapaian target diatas 80%, yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik.
This internship report explains about performance analysis of information system that used by PT Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library (PT ICaMEL) in providing Indonesian capital market data and information for wide community, which is the commitment of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia as Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), using the IT Balanced Scorecard (IT BSC) approach. Overall, the performance of Information system used by PT ICaMEL as referral source for Indonesian Capital Market information had shown good results. Each four of the IT BSC?s perspective?s achievement had reached more than 80%, which is categorized as very good.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indrawaty
Abstrak :
Koordinasi berbagai aspek dalam sistem pengelolaan obat membutuhkan dukungan sistem informasi manajemen obat yang dapat menghasilkan informasi yang lengkap, akurat , dan tepat waktu. Sistem informasi ini harus mampu menyediakan laporan-laporan baik rutin maupun khusus, yang terkait dengan seluruh fungsi sistem pengelolaan obat. Studi pemanfaatan data dan informasi dilakukan di Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kabupaten Garut guna menilai sejauh mana pemanfaatan data dan informasi dalam upaya efisiensi dan efektivitas kinerja pengelolaan obat. Pendekatan kajian dengan analisa sistem dimana data dikumpulkan melalui telaahan dokumen, pengamalan kegiatan dan fasilitas terkait, dan wawancara dengan pengelola dan pelaksana manajemen sistem informasi obat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengacu pada pedoman pengelolaan obat Dati II yang disusun oleh Departemen Kesehatan RI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan informasi belum optimal. lnformasi yang tersedia dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan operasional pengelolaan obat belum dimanfaatkan untuk pengendalian maupun perencanaan strategik. Kekurangan pemanfaatan informasi disebabkan oleh jumlah dan kualitas informasi yang tersedia belum memadai. Kekurangan pemanfaatan informasi dipengaruhi juga oleh motivasi, kemampuan dan kepercayaan pengguna informasi terhadap sistem yang ada. Untuk mengoptimasi pemanfaatan data dan informasi di Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kabupaten Garut perlu dilakukan intervensi, Faktor yang strategik yang perlu diintervensi adalah meningkatkan kualitas LB2/LPLPO melalui supervisi dan pembinaan yang lebih intensif oleh Dati II , menyusun pedoman sistem informasi manajemen obat, dan pelatihan bagi pengelola obat tentang sistem informasi manajemen obat.
Optimizing the Utilization of Data and Information to Maximize the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Drug Supply Performance: Study in Kabupaten Bekasi and Kabupaten GarutCoordinating the elements of a drug supply system requires an effective drug management information system which provide comprehensiveness, accurate, and timely information. An effective drug management information system should supply managers with information on the day-to-day pharmaceutical management as well as providing a special report in relation to the many phases of the entire supply system. The study carried out in Kabupaten Bekasi and Kabupaten Garut aimed to identify how far the use of data and information could be used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the drug supply system performance. The assessment approach use system analysis where data are collected from reviewing the existing records and reports, observation of activities and facilities, and interviewing people who are familiar with the drug supply and information system. Data collection based on the guidelines from the Department of Health of Republic Indonesia. Research findings identified that most of the available data and information obtained, were used for operational control purposes, rather than For management control and future strategic planning. The findings show that the use of data and information is still not fully appreciated and there is a lack of understanding towards the use and purpose of the data. On the otherhand, the insufficiently used data is caused by the lack of quality of information. To optimize the use of data and information, there needs to be an urgent concern for choosing priority areas for intervention. As a major source, the quality of LI32/LPLPO ( Users report and drugs request form) need to be improved by intensive supervision by the health department at the District level, introduce an improved and comprehensive guideline regarding drug management information system, and provide training for drug supply managers on efficient and effective drug management information system.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauziah Anwar
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Masalah Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) masih merupakan masalah utama yang perlu ditanggulangi diantara program-program kesehatan lainnya pada saat ini di Indonesia. Usaha akselerasi penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) memerlukan data dan informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu dalam menentukan arah pencapaian tujuan program yang dikehendaki. Namun beberapa data dan informasi KIA di kabupaten Purwakarta diragukan keakuratannya. Data dan inforrnasi memegang peranan sentral dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk perencanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Disisi lain banyak hambatan yang ditemukan dalam mengumpulkan data, menganalisa, dan merubah data menjadi inforrnasi yang dapat digunakan secara maksimal. Sedangkan kecenderungan yang sering terjadi adalah ketidak sesuaian antara kebutuhan informasi yang diminta dengan ketersediaan data yang masuk, diolah dan didesiminasikan. Menyadari hal tersebut di atas perlu usaha-usaha untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan data dan informasi program KIA yang dikumpulkan di tingkat bawah dalam hal ini kabupaten Purwakarta dalam mendukung perencanaan di tingkat pusat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang pemanfaatan data dan informasi KIA yang dikumpulkan di kabupaten Purwakarta dalam mendukung perencanaan program KIA di tingkat pusat, serta faktor-faktor penghambat pemanfaatan data tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, data diperoleh dari observasi kelengkapan data KIA tingkat kabupaten, pemeriksaan dokumen yang dipakai untuk memilah data serta jenis indikator-indikator yang dilaporkan ke propinsi dan pusat, dan wawancara mendalam untuk menggali penyebab rendahnya pemanfaatan. Responden adalah beberapa orang yang terlibat mengumpulkan, mengolah, mengkaji, dan memanfaatkan data KIA di kabupaten Purwakarta, propinsi Jabar, dan pusat. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa penyusunan rencana program KIA di tingkat pusat lebih banyak nienggunakan angka-angka nasional dari pada data dan informasi kabupaten. Selain itu pemanfaatan data dan informasi KIA belum optimal di propinsi maupun kabupaten. Disamping itu dualisme sumber data, anggapan kurang baik tentang bekerja di pengelolaan data, kurang pengetahuan, lama bekerja yang relatif singkat, dan ketersediaan dana yang tidak mencukupi untuk pemeliharaan komputer merupakan faktor-faktor penghambat pemanfaatan data KIA. Dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan data dan informasi KIA di setiap tingkat administrasi kesehatan perlu dikembangkan penyusunan profil kesehatan ibu dan anak termasuk penyajian informasi dalam bentuk pemetaan. Penggalangan kerja sama antara unit teknis, unit pengelola informasi, Kantor Statistik, pihak ketiga (peneliti) akan membangun suatu jaringan kerja yang baik di bidang sistem informasi menghadapi faktor-faktor penghambat pemanfaatan data dan informasi KIA.
ABSTRACT Evaluation of the Making Use of Data and Information of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Collected in Purwakarta District in supporting the Program Planning of MCH in CentralThe issue of MCH is still a main problem which needs to be coped with among other health problems today in Indonesia. Efforts to accelerate the decline of mother's death rate (MMR) require accurate date and information and punctuality in deciding the ways to reach the program objectives required. There is however, some doubt about several data and information of MCH in Purwakarta District. Data and information play an important part in making decisions for planning, monitoring, and doing evaluation. On another side, there are many constraints encountered in collecting data, analyzing, and changing data into ones which is applicable at maximum. Whereas the trand which often occurs is that there is incongruency between information required and the availability of data-input which is processed and disseminated. Considering the matter, it is necessary to put efforts to know the making use of data and information of MCH program which is collected in lower level, in this case Purwakarta District, in supporting the planning in central. This research has the objective to obtain the information about the using of data and information of MCH which is collected in Purwakarta District in supporting the planning of MCH program in central, and the constraints of the using of the data. The research is qualitative, in which the data is obtained from observation of data completion of MCH in district level, verification of documents used to select data, kinds of indicators reported to province and central, and profounding interview to dig out the cause of poor application. Respondents are several people involved in collecting, processing, analyzing and applying data in Purwakarta District, West Java Province and central. The findings of research indicate that the setting of the planning MCH Program in central applied more national figures than the data and information in distret. Besides that, the ambiguity of data sources, bad assumptions of working in data processing, lack of knowledge, relatively short work and the availability of funds which was not enough for computer maintenance were the constraints of data application of MCH. In making of the optimum use of data and information of MCH in every level of health administration, it is necessary to develop the setting of the profile of Maternal and Child Health including the presentation of information in the form of mapping. The promoting of cooperation among technical unit, information administration unit, Statistics Office, and the third hand (researchers) will build good networks in the field of information system to cope with the constraints encountered in the making use of data and information of KIA.
Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anhari Achadi
Abstrak :
Valid data and information are critical for any health programs, in particular for planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes. District Health Information System is designed to produce routine data on process and output type of indicators at district level. This study, taking place at Deli Serdang and Sumedang districts, has its objectives as to learn about the current practice of DHIS, specifically looking at its process and the availability, quality and utilization of the data. Methods of data collection include in-depth interview with stakeholders at village, health facility and district levels, examination of existing forms at all levels as well as other documents and reports. Findings suggest that weaknesses of DHIS prevail at each level of the system. Complexity of the system has produced inaccurate and suboptimal the use of generated data and information.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
613 KESMAS 4:5 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Agus Saputra
Abstrak :
Sistem manajemen keamanan informasi merupakan suatu kebijakan terintegrasi yang menjadi bagian dari keseluruhan manajemen organisasi untuk mengoperasikan, memantau, meninjau dan memelihara keamanan informasi dengan pendekatan risiko. Lebih jauh, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem manajemen keamanan informasi di KPK dengan menggunakan pendekatan model CIPP (context, input, process, product). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui studi literatur, wawancara narasumber dan observasi untuk kemudian dilakukan elaborasi berdasarkan indikator-indikator dalam evaluasi menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP sebagai pedoman analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konteks sistem manajemen keamanan informasi di KPK telah diatur dalam regulasi internal yang telah disusun secara kolaboratif antar fungsi di KPK. Namun demikian pada implementasinya masih perlu pengembangan lebih lanjut terutama pada aspek pengembangan kompetensi pelaksana kebijakan. Pada dimensi evaluasi produk, sistem manajemen keamanan informasi masih dibutuhkan eksistensinya di KPK mengingat sebagai lembaga publik yang memiliki fungsi penegakan hukum, perlu dijamin kerahasiaan data dan informasi agar tidak jatuh kepada pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. ......The information security management system is an integrated policy that is part of the overall management of the organization to operate, monitor, review and maintain information security with a risk approach. Furthermore, this study aims to evaluate the information security management system at the KPK using the CIPP model approach (context, input, process, product). This study uses an interpretive approach with qualitative data collection techniques through literature study, interview with informants and observations to then be elaborated based on the indicators in the evaluation using the CIPP evaluation model as an analysis guide. The results of the study indicate that the context of the information security management system at the KPK has been regulated in internal regulations that have been compiled collaboratively between functions at the KPK. However, the implementation still needs further development, especially in the aspect of developing the competence of policy implementers. In the product evaluation dimension, an information security management system is still needed to exist in the KPK considering that as a public institution that has a law enforcement function, it is necessary to guarantee the confidentiality of data and information so that it does not fall to irresponsible parties.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henryk Krawczyk
Abstrak :
The paper investigates both the causes and effects of the rapid increase in the data volume Big Data and their impact on human cognition. The role of the Internet in distributing and exchanging of such data, and their impact on the growth of the Information Society are emphasized. As a result, Wisdom Science a new kind of research emerges which has the potential to facilitate more advanced solutions in the digital world. In consequence, new kinds of info driven devices, services and systems called smart are developed and applied in almost every aspect of human activities around the world. However, this is not enough for humans to use all those well informed smart devices and systems because, first of all, their decisions should be wise. Therefore, the paper, coming from a cognitive informatics approach defines wisdom and its applications, illustrated by some practical cases. Based on this, relations between knowledge and wisdom are shown, and human abilities corresponding to them are defined. They can decide about a transformation of a knowledge society to a wisdom society.
TASK, 2017
600 SBAG 21:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panggabean, Sopo Ivandy
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengendalian kualitas data dalam sistem informasi kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan setelah berubah bentuk dari perusahaan menjadi badan hukum pada tanggal 1 Januari 2014. Studi ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor seperti pegawai, data peserta, teknologi informasi, prosedur kerja atau mekanisme, desain produk, pemeliharaan infrastruktur teknologi informasi, standar kualitas dan umpan balik mempengaruhi kualitas data kepesertaan. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar BPJS Kesehatan mengendalikan faktor-faktor tersebut secara terus menerus, sehingga informasi yang dihasilkan relevan, akurat, lengkap dan tepat waktu. Kata kunci:aan Oleh karena itu disarankanagar BPJS Kesehatan mengendalikan faktor faktor tersebut secara terus menerus sehingga informasi yang dihasilkan relevan akurat lengkap dan tepat waktu Kata kunci Kualitas pengendalian kualitas data informasi sistem informasi ......This thesis discusses the quality control of data in membership information systems BPJS Kesehatan after transformed from the company became a legal entity on January 1st 2014. Study was a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that factors such as employee, customers data, information technology, work procedures or mechanisms, product design, information technology infrastructure maintenance, quality standards and feedback affect the quality of membership data. Therefore, it is recommended that BPJS Kesehatan controlling those factors continuously, so that the resulting information is relevant, accurate, complete and timely.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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