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Abstrak :
Relationship marketing pada industri jasa konstruksi memiliki perbedaan dari mainstream yang selama ini berlaku di dunia pemasaran pada umumnya. Di dalam dunia konstruksi, dikenal dengan menggunakan sistem tender sebelum terjadinya kerjasama proyek antara perusahaan kontraktor dan pelanggannya sehingga hal ini menjadi menarik untuk melihat bagaimana posisi relationship marketing di dalam industri jasa konstruksi yang menggunakan sistem tender dalam mengukur loyalitas pelanggan.

Di dalam hipotesis awal diduga variabel kepercayaan, biaya, dan komitmen mempunyai peranan penting didalam memberikan kepuasan pelanggan yang pada akhirnya berimplikasi pada loyalitas pelanggan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan hanya variabel trust yang cukup signifikan dalam membentuk komitmen dan loyalitas pelanggan, sedangkan faktor transactioncost tidak cukup signifikan dalam membentuk loyalitas dari pelanggan.

Dari hasil yang diperoleh maka penelitian ini memberikan suatu pemahaman baru didalam dunia jasa konstruksi bahwa meskipun faktor transaction cost selama ini dinilai memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan namun ternyata hasilnya menyatakan sebaliknya, bahwa faktor transaction cost dinilai tidak cukup signifikan dalam membentuk loyalitas pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa trust lah yang memiliki peran cukup signifikan dalam menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan.
Relationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty.

In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty in significant terms.

The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty. The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping customer loyalty.;Relationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty. In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty in significant terms. The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty. The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping customer loyalty., Relationship marketing in the construction services industry differs from mainstream applications common to the marketing world in general. In the construction industry, known with its use of the tender system prior to the cooperative project between corporate contractor and their customers, makes it interesting to see how relationship marketing in the construction service industry deals with the tender system in terms of measuring customer loyalty. In the initial hypothesis, it was expected that trust, cost and commitment variables would play a major role in producing customer satisfaction. The results of the research proved that trust variables significantly influenced customer commitment and loyalty, while transaction cost does not influence customer loyalty in significant terms. The findings of the research provides alternative understanding relevant to the construction service industry that although transaction cost is considered influential in creating customer loyalty, the reverse is true in the construction industry and that transaction costs did not significantly produced customer loyalty. The research concludes that trust instead played a significant role in shaping customer loyalty.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahri Fazri
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas di Industri suplier alat berat, di tengah persaingan industri suplier alat berat yang semakin ketat. Penelitian ini adalah penilitian kuantitatif dengan pengolahan data primer menggunakan metode SEM. Penelitian ini menggunakan PT Traktor Nusantara sebagai studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa customer experience dan transaction cost terbukti berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas perusahaan pelanggan, dimana hal ini bermanfaat untuk pemilihan strategi PT Traktor Nusantara. Hasil uji hipotesis penelitian menjelaskan variabel antecedent yang dapat mempengaruhi loyalitas adalah customer experience, transaction cost, dengan mediasi trust. Kedua variabel tersebut juga penting dalam menciptakan relationship satisfaction. ......This thesis discusses the factors that influence supplier loyalty in the heavy equipment industry, amid heavy equipment supplier industry competition increasingly fierce. This research is a quantitative penilitian primary data processing using SEM. This study uses PT Traktor Nusantara as a case study. Results of this study explained that the customer experience and proven transaction costs affect the company's customer loyalty, where it is beneficial for the election strategy of PT Traktor Nusantara. The result of the research hypothesis to explain the antecedent variables that can affect loyalty is customer experience, transaction costs, with the mediation of trust. Both of these variables are also important in creating a relationship satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Halley Sari Hadi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan bauran pemasaran (product, price, place, dan promotion) dan pemasaran spiritual (rabbâniyyah, al-insâniyyah, al-wâqi’iyyah, dan akhlâqiyyah) terhadap loyalitas pasien di RS Sari Asih Ciledug Tahun 2023 serta mengetahui pengaruh secara langsung dan secara tidak langsung dari variabel-variabel yang digunakan. Dua variabel yang dicurigai berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pasien rumah sakit bersertifikasi syariah adalah bauran pemasaran dan pemasaran spiritual dan dimediasi oleh kepuasan. Penelitian dilakukan di RS Sari Asih Ciledug yang telah tersertifikasi syariah sejak 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner kepada 145 pasien rawat inap dan diolah menggunakan SmartPLS 3. Semua variabel lolos dalam uji outer model. Hasil dari inner model adalah adanya hubungan signifikan antara bauran pemasaran dengan loyalitas p-value 0,049 (p-value <0,05) dan kepuasan pasien p-value 0,003 (p-value <0,05) secara langsung serta loyalitas pasien dimediasi oleh kepuasan pasien p-value 0,026 (p-value <0,05). Sedangkan, pada pemasaran spiritual tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna terhadap loyalitas pasien secara langsung p-value 0,931 (p-value >0,05) dan bernilai negatif. Namun, hubungan pemasaran spiritual dengan kepuasan dan hubungan pemasaran spiritual yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan pasien menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas dengan nilai p-value 0,000 (p-value <0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara kepuasan dengan loyalitas pasien di RS Sari Asih Ciledug p-value 0,000 (p-value <0,05). Semakin baik kepuasan pasien, maka akan meningkatkan loyalitas. Implikasi dalam penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan dalam membangun loyalitas pasien dan memaksimalkan pemasaran di rumah sakit bersertifikasi syariah. ......The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) and spiritual marketing (rabbâniyyah, al-insâniyyah, al-wâqi’iyyah, and akhlâqiyyah) on patient loyalty at Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital in 2023, as well as to determine the direct and indirect effects of the variables used. The two variables suspected to influence patient loyalty in a sharia-certified hospital are marketing mix and spiritual marketing, mediated by satisfaction. The research was conducted at Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital, which has been sharia-certified since 2018. This study is a quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. Data collection was done using a questionnaire with 145 inpatient respondents and analyzed using SmartPLS 3. All variables passed the outer model test, and the results of the inner model showed a significant relationship between marketing mix and loyalty with a p-value of 0.049 (p-value <0.05), as well as patient satisfaction with a p-value of 0.003 (p-value <0.05) directly, and patient loyalty mediated by patient satisfaction with a p-value of 0.026 (p-value <0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant direct relationship between spiritual marketing and patient loyalty with a p-value of 0.931 (p-value >0.05), and it had a negative value. However, the relationship between spiritual marketing and satisfaction, as well as the relationship between spiritual marketing mediated by patient satisfaction, showed significant results on loyalty with a p-value of 0.000 (p-value <0.05). There is a relationship between satisfaction and patient loyalty at Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital with a p-value of 0.000 (p-value <0.05). The better the patient satisfaction, the higher the loyalty. The implications of this study can serve as a reference for building patient loyalty and maximizing marketing in sharia-certified hospitals.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Rahayu Pusparini
Abstrak :
Kepuasan kerja dan Loyalitas Kerja merupakan salah satu elemen kunci pengelolaan sumber daya manusia, maka penting bagi penulis menganalisis Kepuasan dan Loyalitas kerja untuk melakukan perubahan cara kerja yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Kepuasan dan Loyalitas kerja guna meningkatkan kemampuan dan komitmen sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi pegawai. Berdasarkan latar belakang dan rumusan masalah yang ada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis pengaruh Gaji, Tunjangan, dan Penghargaan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, apakah berpengaruh secara sendiri-sendiri ataukah secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja. Apakah Kepuasan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Loyalitas Kerja. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian analitik design cross sectional dimana populasinya adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Satuan Pol PP Kabupaten Pemalang. Dimana seluruh personel Pol PP kabupaten pemalang sebanyak 60 orang. Oleh karena populasi memiliki karakteristik tertentu maka penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Pengukuran terhadap variabel-variabel dijabarkan dalam item-item pernyataan yang merujuk pada skala Likert, dengan kisaran skor antara 1 – 5. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel bebas: Gaji (X1), Tunjangan (X2), dan Penghargaan (X3). sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah Kepuasan Kerja (Ŷ) dan Loyalitas Kerja (Ŵ). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda (multiple regresi). Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa besarnya pengaruh variabel bebas Gaji, Tunjangan dan Penghargaan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja adalah 0,528 atau 52,8% dan nilai F hitung = 5.521 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,002 (Sig p < 0,05) yang berarti Gaji, Tunjangan dan Penghargaan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja. Pengaruh Variabel Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Loyalitas Kerja adalah 0.759 atau 75.9% dan nilai F hitung = 10.973 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,002 (Sig p < 0,05) yang berarti Kepuasan Kerja mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Loyalitas Kerja. Sedangkan hasil penelitian besarnya pengaruh variabel bebas budaya kerja terhadap komitmen hanya sebesar 0,044 atau 4,4% dan nilai F hitung = 0,893 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,489 (p > 0,05) yang berarti budaya kerja tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen.
Job satisfaction and Job Loyalty is one of the key elements of human resource management, it is important for authors analyzed Satisfaction and Loyalty of work to make changes to the way work is in accordance with the values of work satisfaction and loyalty in order to increase the capability and commitment in accordance with the duties and functions employees. Based on the background and the existing formulation of the problem, this study aims to analyze the influence of Salary , Allowances , and Recognition on Job Satisfaction , affect whether individually or jointly affect job satisfaction . Is Job Satisfaction Loyalty affect the Work. This study includes a cross-sectional analytical study design where the population is the Civil Service Police Unit PP Pemalang. Where the whole of all district personnel Pol PP 60 people. Therefore, the population has a certain characteristic sampling done using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire. Measurement of the variables described in the statement items that refer to a Likert scale, with a score range between 1-5. Variables in this study are independent variables: Salary (X1), allowances (X2), and Awards (X3). While the dependent variable is job satisfaction (Ŷ) and Loyalty Work (Ŵ). Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis (multiple regression). The research proves that the influence of the independent variable Salary, Allowances and Recognition on Job Satisfaction is 0.528 or 52.8 % and the calculated F value = 5,521 with a significance level of 0.002 (Sig p < 0.05) which means the Salary, Allowances and Awards have significant influence on job satisfaction. Variables Influence Job Satisfaction to Loyalty Work is 0.759 or 75.9 % and the value of F count = 10 973 with a significance level of 0.002 (Sig p < 0.05) which means that job satisfaction has a significant influence on Loyalty Work. The research of the influence of free variables work culture to a commitment of only 0,044, or 4.4 % and the calculated F value = 0.893 with a significance level of 0.489 (p > 0.05), which means the work culture does not have a significant effect on commitment .
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Ghafur
Abstrak :
Media sosial sebagai bagian dari internet, telah membawa banyak perubahan kepada komunitas sosial Indonesia, termasuk komunitas bisnis Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh komunitas merek berbasis media sosial terhadap brand community markers, value creation practices, kepercayaan merek, dan loyalitas merek. Populasi penelitian ini adalah follower Twitter PT. Bank Negara Indonesia yakni @BNI46 dengan metode pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner. Skala pengukuran penelitian ini menggunakan skala Likert 1-6 dengan jumlah responden 200 orang dan diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komunitas merek yang berbasis media sosial memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap elemen brand community markers yaitu shared consciousness, shared rituals and traditions, dan obligations to society. Obligation to society anggota komunitas memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap social networking. Shared consciousness anggota komunitas memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap community engagement. Shared rituals and traditions, dan obligations to society memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impression management dan brand use. Social networking dan community engagement memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepercayaan merek dan kepercayaan merek memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas merek. ......Social media as part of the Internet,has brought many changes to the social community of Indonesia, including the Indonesian business community. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of social media based brand communities brand on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust, and brand loyalty. The population was Twitter follower PT.Bank Negara Indonesia, namely @ BNI46 and the method of data collection was a questionnaire. This research measurement scale using Likert 1-6 scale with the number of respondents 200 people and processed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that community based social media brand has a positive and significant impact on the elements of the brand community markers are shared consciousness, shared rituals and traditions, and obligations to society. Obligation to society has a significant positive influence on the social networking. Shared consciousness of community members have a positive and significant effect on community engagement. Shared rituals and traditions, and obligations to society has a positive and significant impact on impression management and brand use. Social networking and community engagement has a positive and significant impact on brand trust and brand trust has a positive and significant impact on brand loyalty .
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deddy Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan mengefektifkan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Kunci dari efektifitas pencapaian tujuan tersebut terletak pada SDM organisasi tersebut, yang mana hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan loyalitas kinerja anggota tersebut terhadap organisasinya. Beberapa ahli menyatakan loyalitas kinerja dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara membuat anggota yang berkerja tersebut merasakan kepuasan kerja terlebih dahulu. Melihat kepuasan kerja ini dapat diciptakan melalui penciptaan hubungan antara atasan-bawahan yang baik, adanya persepsi yang positif di dalam diri anggota dan mampu memberikan pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan loyalitas kerja anggota tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari Leader Member Exchange, Perceived Organization Support dan Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas kerja anggota Sat Reskrim Polresta Depok melalui kepuasan kerja anggota sebagai variabel mediasinya. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain teori gaya kepemimpinan Leader Member Exchange (Robert C. Liden dan John M. Maslyn (1998) ), teori Perceived Organization Support, (Hetty Ismainar,2015 dan Payanma J Simanjuntak,2011). teori motivasi (Maslow), teori kepuasan kerja (Priyono Marnis,2010) dan teori loyalitas kerja (Ahmad,2013). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantatif dengan sampel sebanyak 90 orang anggota Sat Reskrim Polresta Depok. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert 1-5 dan teknik analisis data menggunakan alat bantu sofware SPSS versi 21 dengan tambahan sofware sobel tes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Leader Member Exchange, Perceived Organization Support dan Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas kerja anggota Sat Reskrim Polresta Depok melalui kepuasan kerja anggota sebagai variabel mediasinya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan semua hipotesis penelitian ini diterima. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada organisasi Polri adalah apabila ingin meningkatkan kinerja anggota Polri, diharapkan kepuasan kerja anggota dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemberian motivasi, menjaga hubungan baik antara atasan dan bawahan serta memberi dukungan organisasi yang baik kepada anggota yang bertugas tersebut. ......This research is motivated by the desire to streamline the achievement of organizational goals. The key to the effectiveness of achieving these goals lies in the organization's HR, which can be done by increasing the members' performance loyalty towards the organization. Some experts state that performance loyalty can be improved by making the working members feel job satisfaction first. Seeing job satisfaction can be created through the creation of good relations between superiors and subordinates, there is a positive perception within the member that the organization provides full support for its performance and achievement of these individual needs which are then able to give effect to the increase in members' work loyalty. . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Member Exchange Leader, Perceived Organization Support and Motivation on the work loyalty of the Depok Police Resprim member through member job satisfaction as the mediating variable. The theories used in this study include the theory of leadership style of the Member Exchange Leader, the theory of the Perceived Organization Support, motivation theory, job satisfaction theory and work loyalty theory. This study uses a quantative approach with a sample of 90 members of the Depok Police Reskrim Sat. Data collection techniques using questionnaires with a Likert scale 1-5 and data analysis techniques using SPSS version 21 software tools with additional sobel test software. The results of this study indicate that the Member Exchange Leader, Perceived Organization Support and Motivation have an effect on the work loyalty of Depok Police Polytechnic Sat members through member job satisfaction as the mediating variable. Based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that all the research hypotheses were accepted. Suggestions that can be given to Polri organizations are if they want to improve the performance of Polri members, it is expected that member job satisfaction can be increased through giving motivation, maintaining good relations between superiors and subordinates and providing good organizational support to the members in charge.
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Damayanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, citra perusahaan, dan nilai konsumen terhadap loyalitas konsumen dalam penerapan strategi green marketing. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus produk kosmetik The Body Shop. Data diambil dari 200 responden yang pernah menggunakan paling tidak 1 jenis produk The Body Shop. Analisis data menggunakan dengan metoda analisis structural equation model melalui perangkat lunak Lisrel. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 8 hipotesis Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai emosional, nilai sosial, dan nilai harga memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Sedangkan kualitas produk dan citra perusahaan tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Kualitas produk dan citra perusahaan juga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Implikasi manajerial diberikan untuk meningkatkan performa perusahaan.
This study aims to analyze the influence product quality, corporate image, consumer loyalty and consumer value in the implementation of green marketing strategy. This research is a case study of The Body Shop. Data were taken from 200 respondents who had used at least one type of product of The Body Shop. Regression data analysis with structural equation model (SEM) analysis method using the software Lisrel. This study consists of 8 hypothetical results showed that the emotional value, social value, and price value has a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction. While product quality and corporate image does not have a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Product quality and corporate image also has a significant influence on consumer loyalty. Managerial implications are given to improve the performance of the company.;This study aims to analyze the influence product quality, corporate image, consumer loyalty and consumer value in the implementation of green marketing strategy. This research is a case study of The Body Shop. Data were taken from 200 respondents who had used at least one type of product of The Body Shop. Regression data analysis with structural equation model (SEM) analysis method using the software Lisrel. This study consists of 8 hypothetical results showed that the emotional value, social value, and price value has a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction. While product quality and corporate image does not have a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Product quality and corporate image also has a significant influence on consumer loyalty. Managerial implications are given to improve the performance of the company., This study aims to analyze the influence product quality, corporate image, consumer loyalty and consumer value in the implementation of green marketing strategy. This research is a case study of The Body Shop. Data were taken from 200 respondents who had used at least one type of product of The Body Shop. Regression data analysis with structural equation model (SEM) analysis method using the software Lisrel. This study consists of 8 hypothetical results showed that the emotional value, social value, and price value has a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction. While product quality and corporate image does not have a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Product quality and corporate image also has a significant influence on consumer loyalty. Managerial implications are given to improve the performance of the company.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library