Keterbatasan suatu daerah untuk mendapatkan distribusi listrik menjadi kendala tersendiri, hal ini dikarenakan setiap daerah memiliki kondisi geografis yang berbeda-beda khususnya pada daerah-daerah terpencil. Ini memungkinkan adanya wilayah di Indonesia yang belum teraliri listrik dengan baik. Maka dari itu diperlukan pembangkit listrik mandiri berskala piko hidro. Dan salah satunya adalah turbin openflume. Turbin open flume ini cocok digunakan untuk daerah-daerah terpencil, yaitu daerah dimana kondisi geografisnya berupa pegunungan karena lebih sederhana dan perawatannya relatif mudah. Tinggi jatuh yang digunakan adalah 2.71 L. Berdasarkan proses perancangannya dihasilkan turbin open flume dengan daya maksimum 1 KW, memiliki 5 sudu untuk kecepatan putar 1500 RPM dengan plat datar. Yang menghasilkan efisiensi mekanik sebesar 74,4 % dan memiliki kecepatan putar optimum di 974 RPM .
The limitation of an area to get openflume turbine distribution is a separate obstacle, this is because each regions has different geographical conditions, especially in remote areas. This makes it possible for regions in Indonesia that have not been electrified properly yet. Therefore we need a self-contained piko hydro power plant. And one of them is an open flume turbine. This open flume turbine is suitable for remote areas, namely areas where the geographical conditions are in the form of mountains because it is simpler and maintenance thing is relatively easy. The fall height used is 2.71 L. Based on the design process the open flume turbine is produced with a maximum power of 1 KW, has 5 runner blades with rotational speed 1500 RPM and build with flat plate. Which result in mechanical efficiency of 74,4% and has rotational speed optimum at 974 RPM.
The results showed that 23.8% of FKTP at the district level had not yet compliance with the minimum standards of the IPC program, but at FKTP DTPK 36.4% of FKTP have met the minimum standards of the IPC program. Of the 8 core components of PPI, at the district level the highest value is obtained for the monitoring and feedback component,. while at the FKTP DTPK the highest value is obtained in the HAIs surveillance component. While at both the district and DTPK health center levels, the lowest scores were obtained in the components of training education and staffing workload and bed availability.