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Saras Tiara Dayanti
Abstrak :
Perubahan penggunaan tanah pada wilayah Daerah Aliran Sungai dapat mempengaruhi sistem ekologi, sistem hidrologi dan kualitas air. Oleh karena itu, studi perubahan penggunaan tanah diperlukan terutama di DAS Komering yang diindikasi penggunaan tanahnya berubah dalam periode tahun 2010-2016. Penggunaan tanah merupakan faktor utama yang menentukan tingkat kekrtitsan tanah, sehingga perubahan penggunaan tanah harus sesuai dengan kemampuan tanah sehingga kerusakan tanah dapat dikendalikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perubahan penggunaan tanah tahun 2000-2016 dan menggeneralisasi kriteria tanah kritis berdasarkan faktor-faktor fisik dan sosial di DAS Komering seperti; perubahan penggunaan tanah, kedalaman efektif tanah, lereng, singkapan, dan produktivitas lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan klasifikasi terbimbing supervised dengan algoritma dengan software ENVI 5.1 untuk mendeteksi perubahan penggunaan tanah di DAS Komering, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, yang menggunakan data satelit multispektral yang diperoleh dari Landsat 7 dan Landsat 8 untuk tahun 2000 dan 2016. Penentuan tingkat kekritisan tanah dan kondisi penggunaan tanah melalui pendekatan spasial dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis GIS dan analisis statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan telah terjadi perubahan penggunaan tanah dari tahun 2000 sampai dengan 2016 di DAS Komering yaitu dengan bergesernaya pola penggunaan tanah dari skema D pada tahun 2000 ke skema G pada tahun 2016. Berdasarkan hasil analisa statisik terdapat tiga kelas kekritisan tanah yaitu; tidak kritis, potensial kritis, dan kritis dengan varibel yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap kekritisan tanah seperti; produktivitas lahan 20 , singkapan 60 , kedalaman efektif tanah 17 , dan kemiringan lereng 3 . Secara spasial wilayah tanah kritis mendominasi dibagian hulu DAS Komering dengan ketinggian 250-1000 mdpl, kemiringan lereng 8-40 , kedalaman efektif tanah 40 . Berdasarkan jenis penggunaan tanah, tanah kritis berada pada jenis penggunaan tanah pertanian terutama pertanian lahan kering.
Land use changes in a watershed can affect the ecological system, hydrological system and water quality. Therefore, studies of land use change is needed especially in Komering Watershed which indicated changed in the period 2010 2016. Land use is the main factor that determine level of critical land, so the land use changes should correspond with the capability through which degraded land can be controlled. This study aimed to calculate land use land cover changes from 2000 to 2016 and generalize critical land criterions using the physical and social factors that influence the degree of criticality land in watershed such as land use changes, solum, slopes, outcrop, and land productivity. This study applied supervised classification maximum likelihood algorithm in ENVI 5.1 imagine to detect land use changes observed in Komering watershed, South Sumatera province, using multispectral satellite data obtained from Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 for the years 2000 to 2016 respectively. Determination of the level of critical land and land use conditions are executed through a spatial approach by utilizing Geographic Information Systems GIS and statistical analysis. The results showed there had been a land use changed from 2000 to 2016 in DAS Komering because of changing land use patterns of the scheme D in 2000 to scheme G in 2016. Based on statistical analysis, there are 3 classes of land criticality not critical, critical potential, and critical with variable that contributes the most to the land criticality such as land productivity 20 , outcrop 60 , effective depth of the soil 17 , and slope 3 . Distribution of critical land areas dominated watershed upstream Ogan which is at an altitude of 250 1000 meters above sea level, slope 8 40 , effective soil depth 40 . Based on the type of land use, land use types that are in the critical agricultural land mainly dryland farming.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahri Sutardi
Abstrak :
Spatial Balance Model of Critical Land Alteration Due to Population Pressure Influence in the Years 1983 and 1993 (Case Study in the Regency of Kuningan, Province of West Java)Main life sector in rural area is agriculture. Land is the main natural resource or main production factor for agriculture. The activity of agriculture sector is the activity which consumes wide area or "Space Consumptive" area, although the production of the agriculture is relatively small. The increasing of population growth is followed by the increasing of population needs whether it is quantitative or qualitative. The increasing of population need also push the increasing need of the land. Physical characters and wide of area is relatively static, while the population needs to the extending of agriculture area is relatively high. People are forced to use the uncultivated land including to cultivate the sloping land or clear away the forest whether for a season cultivation or to chop down woods for means of livelihood, firewood and daily consumption. The consequences of these activities create the physical damage of the land including erosion, landslide, damaged forest, vegetation, and the damage of water structure. The erosion will cause the negative effect to original, and to the river water or damp in a mound of mud. To measure the population pressure and the land needs which caused the environmental damage, Otto Soemarwoto (1984:86) creates a formulation of "Population Pressure" with basic calculation is the width of minimal land which support a reasonably comfortable life ( a ) multiplied the number of small farmers and their land width under the minimal land width to support a reasonably comfortable (x ), then divided with the total width of small farmer's land. The objective of this research is to know the application theory of population pressure and analyze the model of the space balance changes in critical land, the context of actual study to the regional fact to environmental study. This research analyzes, particularly, (1) Correlation between population pressure by using space balance change of critical land for two periods in 1983 and 1993 ; (2) The correlation between the condition of space critical land in 1983 and the space condition of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) ; (3) The correlation between space condition of critical land in 1983 and space condition of critical land in 1993 with sloping area condition. The hypothesis of this research is that there is effect to the arouse of critical land where the spreading of the critical land reached the elevated place (upper end) and sloping land. The operational language as follows : (I) 'The high and the low of critical land is related to the rapidly and slowly population pressure ; (2) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely moved to the upper place of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) or Regional Cultivated Land for II limited level ; (3) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely move to the sloping land ; (4) It is assumed that the cause of critical land included into Classification A. Based on the evaluation classification , it is included into Scheme I. This research analyzes the regional facts by using space analysis. Research literatures gained from Agriculture Census Year 1983 and 1993 ; Citra Landsat in 1983 and 1993, scale 1 : 250,000 ; Map of Main Regional Cultivated Land, scale 1 : 250,000 and Map of Main Sloping Classification, scale 1 : 250,000. List of Reference : 30 (1951 - 1996).
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Berliana
Abstrak :
Perubahan iklim yang terjadi hingga saat ini dan berdampak pada kondisi fisik wilayah dan seluruh aspek kehidupan. Ancaman perubahan iklim membuat kondisi fisik wilayah menjadi rentan, salah satunya erosi yang membuat lahan menjadi terdegradasi dan tidak produktif lahan kritis, termasuk lahan kritis yang ada di Kabupaten Kebumen. Pemetaan untuk mengantisipasi ancaman perubahan iklim adalah dengan mengetahui persebaran keterpaparan lahan kritis terhadap perubahan iklim KLKPI. Penilaian KLKPI menggunakan data curah hujan harian dari 32 stasiun di Kabupaten Kebumen selama periode 1985-2015, dengan parameter frekuensi kejadian/tahun dan kecenderungan perubahan hujan normal 10-25mm/hari, hujan lebat 25-50 mm/hari dan hujan ekstrem >50mm/hari. Analisis spasial menggunakan teknik overlay dan skoring menunjukan bahwa pola persebaran KLKPI di Kabupaten Kebumen memperlihatkan keterpaparan yang semakin meningkat dari barat menuju utara, terutama berada di wilayah kemiringan lereng lebih dari 40, ketinggian lebih dari 250 mdpl dan jenis batuan beku. Wilayah KLKPI kategori tinggi cenderung menghasilkan produktivitas padi lebih rendah dibandingkan wilayah KLKPI kategori sedang dan rendah. Ketela pohon yang dibudidayakan di wilayah KLKPI kategori tinggi menghasilkan produktivitas lebih tinggi, dibandingkan ketela pohon yang ditanam di wilayah KLKPI kategori sedang dan rendah. ...... Climate change is happening today and the impact on the physical conditions of the region and all aspects of life. The threat of climate change makes the physical condition of the area at risk, one of which erosion makes land becomes degraded and unproductive degraded land, including land degradation in Kebumen. Mapping to anticipate the threat of climate change is to know the distribution of critical land exposure to climate change KLKPI. Rate KLKPI used daily rainfall data from 32 stations in Kebumen during the period 1985 2015, the frequency of occurrence parameter year and the trend changes in the normal rainfall 10 25mm day, heavy rainfall 25 50 mm day and extreme rainfall 50 mm day. Spatial analysis using the overlay technique and scoring showed that the pattern. Distribution KLKPI in Kebumen shows exposure increasing from west to north, mainly in the area of a slope of more than 40, a height of over 250 meters above sea level and type of igneous rock. KLKPI region of high category tends to produce rice productivity is lower than the area KLKPI medium and low categories. Cassava is grown in the high category KLKPI generate higher productivity, compared to cassava planted in the area KLKPI medium and low categories.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library