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Ditemukan 31 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Varietas with a wide rang of adaptability was badly needed and of first concern for plant breeders. ...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Corn seed subsidy policy is one of the ministry of agriculture's development programs which was estabilished in 2006 and continued in 2008 . The aim of this policy is to increase area of hybrid corn, increase production and productivity, open job opportunity and improve farmer's income,acclerate the developmentof national corn seed industry, provide feed industry and raw material for food industry and support corn self-sufficiency program....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Dicky Hans Setiawan
Abstrak :
Sintesis zeolit A telah dilakukan dalam upaya untuk memanfaatkan kaolin asal Bangka Belitung menggunakan metode hidrotermal. Kaolin diaktivasi menjadi metakaolin pada variasi suhu kalsinasi 650, 700, 750, dan 800°C sebab metakaolin lebih reaktif dalam proses sintesis zeolit A. Sintesis zeolit A dapat dilakukan melalui proses hidrotermal dengan variasi konsentrasi NaOH 2.5, 2.7, 3M sebagai zat pengarah serta waktu kristalisasi 5, 6, 7 jam yang akan mempengaruhi kristalinitas zeolit A yang terbentuk. Zeolit A yang sudah disintesis diaplikasikan sebagai desiccant pada proses pengering jagung dalam bentuk pellet berdiameter 5mm. Pada tahap aplikasi ini dilakukan pada suhu awal 50°C selama 2 jam pengujian pengaruh kecepatan udara masuk pengering yaitu 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 m/s serta perbandingan antara massa jagung:zeolit A sebesar 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 terhadap kemampuannya dalam mengurangi waktu pengeringan jagung. Hasil data selanjutnya dibandingkan terhadap model matematika pengeringan yaitu Model Newton, Henderson-Pabis, dan Page agar dapat menentukan waktu pengeringan optimal seluruh variasi. Menggunakan suhu kalsinasi optimal sebesar 750°C, dihasilkan kristalinitas zeolit A terbesar yaitu 99.73 % yang didapat ketika menggunakan konsentrasi NaOH 3 M, dan dan waktu kristalisasi 7 jam. Hasil pada tahap aplikasi pengeringan jagung telah didapatkan bahwa Model matematika Henderson-Pabis adalah model terbaik untuk merepresentasikan perilaku pengeringan jagung. Waktu tercepat, yaitu sekitar 9.4 jam, untuk mendapatkan kadar air jagung 14% (w.b.) dari kadar air jagung awal 78.76% (w.b.) didapatkan ketika menggunakan perbandingan massa jagung:zeolit A 1:1, dan kecepatan udara inlet 0.4 m/s.

Synthesis of Zeolite A was carried out in an effort to utilize kaolin from Bangka Belitung using the hydrothermal method. Kaolin was activated into metakaolin at various calcination temperatures of 650, 700, 750 and 800 ° C because metakaolin is more reactive in the synthesis of zeolite A. Synthesis of zeolite A had been carried out through hydrothermal processes with variations in the concentration of NaOH 2.5, 2.7, 3M as the lead and time crystallization 5, 6, 7 hours which will affect the crystallinity of zeolite A formed. Synthesized Zeolite A is applied as desiccant in the corn drying process in the form of a 5mm diameter pellet. The application was carried out at an initial temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours for testing the effect of the dryer air intake speed is 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 m / s and the ratio between the mass of corn: zeolite A is 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3 against its ability to reduce corn drying time. The results of the data were then compared to the mathematical drying models namely Newton, Henderson-Pabis Model, and Page in order to determine the optimal drying time of all variations. Using optimal calcination temperature of 750 ° C, the highest yield of zeolite A crystallinity was 99.73% obtained when using 3 M NaOH concentration, and 7 hours crystallization time. The results of the application stage of corn drying have been found that the Henderson-Pabis mathematical model is the best model to represent the drying behavior of corn. The fastest time, which is around 9.4 hours, to obtain a corn water content of 14% (w.b.) from the initial corn moisture content of 78.76% (w.b.) was obtained when using the mass ratio of corn: zeolite A 1:1, and air inlet velocity 0.4 m/s.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Mycotoxins wich are secondary metabolites of fungi contaminate agricultural products such as corn and have deleterious effects on human and animal....
630 IJAS 9:2 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Cookies is one of the favorite snacks consummed by community . The average consumption of dry cake in the big city and village in Indonesia is 0.40 kg/capita/year. Cookies processing do not need volume development as wet cake and bread, but the cookies have to be crispy, imperishable to water, hard and unbroken easily...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rahayu K
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penggunaan fungisida bertujuan untuk melindungi benih dari serangan cendawan patogen penyebab penyakit sehingga benih dapat disimpan lama serta memberantas cendawan penyebab penyakit pada tanaman. Dua macam penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium dan rumah kaca PAU IPB di Dermaga Bogor untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida folirfos pada beberapa konsentrasi (0,04%, 0.12% dan 0,20%) serta fungisida ridomil pada konsentrasi 1,16%, 1,54% dan 2,31%. Penelitian pertama dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida terhadap perkecambahan benih jagung SD II dan perkecambahan spora cendawan mikoriza arbuskula. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida folirfos pada konsentrasi rendah, sedang dan tinggi tidak menghambat perkecambahan benih jagung dan perkecambahan spora Gigaspora rosea serta perkecambahan Glomus manihotis. Penggunaan ridomil menghambat perkecambahan benih jagung, tetapi tidak menghambat perkecambahan spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis. Penelitian kedua untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida terhadap infeksi spora CMA pada akar tanaman jagung dan jumlah spora CMA pada tanah basah dan kering bekas pertanaman jagung dengan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan. Pengaruh fungisida dan mikoriza terhadap jumlah daun dan tinggi tanaman jagung menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (faktorial) dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida tidak berpengaruh terhadap infeksi CMA pada akar tanaman jagung dan jumlah spora CMA pada tanah basah dan tanah kering. Kombinasi perlakuan fungisida dan spora CMA juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan tinggi tanaman jagung. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan fungisida folirfos dapat diberikan pada benih jagung dan pada spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis, sedangkan fungisida ridomil tidak dapat diberikan pada benih jagung, namun dapat diberikan pada spora Gigaspora rosea dan Glomus manihotis. Untuk keberadaan CMA pada tanaman jagung penggunaan fungisida tidak mempengaruhinya. Sedarigkan jumlah dan tinggi tanaman jagung tidak dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan fungisida dan mikoriza.
ABSTRACT One of the purposes of using fungicides is to protect seeds against the attack of pathogenic fungi that cause diseases, so that seeds can be stored longer and fungi that cause disease can be eliminated. Two experiments were performed in a green house of PAU IPB Bogor, Dermaga, to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide with low concentration (0.04%), medium concentration (0,12%) and high concentration (0,20%), and ridomil fungicide with low concentration (1,16%), medium concentration (1,54%) and high concentration (2,31%) to SD II variety of sweet corn seed germination, to the spore germination of vecsicular - arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi, Gigaspora rosea and Glomus manihofis, VA mycorrhizai fungi infection on roots, the number of VA mycorrhizal fungi spores on wet soil and dry soil, the number of leaves and the height of corn trees. The first experiment was performed to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide and ridomil to corn seeds germination and germination of VA mycorrhizal fungi spores. The results showed that the use of folirfos fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations did not inhibit the the germination of corn seeds, whereas ridomil fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations inhibited the germination of corn seeds. For the germination of Gigaspora rosea, folirfos fungicide with low, medium and high concentrastiens did not inhibit the germination of Gigaspora rosea, whereas ridomil fungicide with medium and high concentrations did not inhibit the germination of Gigaspora rosea either. Ridomil fungicide with low concentration (F4) was still able to increase the germination of Gigaspora rosea amounting to 64,16%, whereas for the germination of Glomus manihofis, the use folirfos and ridomil fungicide could increase the germination of Glomus manihofis spores. Ridomil fungicide with medium concentration (F5) was still able to increase the germination of Glomus manihotis spores amounting to 22,5%. The second experiment was performed to find out the influences of folirfos fungicide to the VA mycorrhizal fungi on roots of corn trees, and the amount of VA spores on wet soil and dry soil which were previously planted with corn trees, as well as the influences of both fungicides and a mycorrhizal inoculum to the number of leaves and the height of corn trees. The results showed that folirfos fungicide and ridomil did not influence the infection of VA mycorrhizal fungi on the roots of corn trees and the amount of VA spores on wet soil and dry soil. The combination of treatment of fungicide and VA spores did not significantly influence (p>0,05) the number of leaves and the height of corn trees, 1 can be concluded, from the fisrt experiment, that the use of folirfos fungicide with any level of concentration can be given to the seeds of corn because it did not inhibit germination, whereas ridomil fungicide with low, medium and high concentrations can not be given to the seeds of corn because it inhibit germination. As for the germination of VA mycorrhizal fungi, ridomil fungicide with low concentration (F4) can be given to Gigaspora rosea, because the spores were still able to germinate up to 64,14%. From the second experiment I can conclude that folirfos fungicide as well as ridomil fungicide with any level of concentration can be used for corn trees containing mycorrhizal fungi, because both fungicide did not influence the existence of VA mycorrhizal fungi on the trees, the number of leaves as well the height of the corn trees.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parama Tirta Wulandari Wening Kusuma
Abstrak :
Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditi utama yang diharapkan mampu mencapai swasembada hingga akhir RPJMN 2019. Swasembada jagung diarahkan kepada peningkatan produksi jagung sehingga tidak akan diberlakukan lagi kebijakan impor. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertanian menerbitkan kebijakan swasembada jagung dengan ekstensifikasi dan intensifikasi, dengan skenario Penambahan Areal Tanam PAT seluas 3 juta Ha dan peningkatan produktivitas 53,13 Ku/Ha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1 Mengukur ketercapaian swasembada jagung nasional dengan membangun model sistem dinamis ketersedian jagung nasional sebelum dan sesudah ada kebijakan swasembada; 2 Menyusun kebijakan alternatif agar swasembada jagung dapat tercapai. Hasil validasi dan verifikasi model sistem mampu menggambarkan kondisi aktual yang ada. Hasil simulasi menunjukan bahwa swasembada jagung dapat tercapai secara berkelanjutan hingga tahun 2019 melaui kebijakan peningkatan indeks pertanaman, dan skenario ekstensifikasi PAT realistis, ekstensifikasi optimis dan perpaduan antara kebijakan ektensifikasi realistis dan intensifikasi.
Corn is one of five main commodities that are expected to achieve self sufficiency at the end of RPJMN 2019. Gap between supply and demand capacities was still quite large, so that imports are still being conducted. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture issued self sufficiency policy with extensification and intensification, with the scenario increasing of Planting Areas PAT up to 3 Million Ha and increasing productivity up to 53,18 Ku Ha. This study aims to 1 Measure the achievement of national self sufficiency of corn by establish a model of dynamic system of national corn availability before and after policy of self sufficiency 2 Develop some alternatives policy for corn self sufficiency. The simulation results showed that increasing the cropping index can be achieved self sufficiency of maize continuously until 2019, as well the scenario of extensification PAT realistic, optimistic and the combination of realistic and intensification.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Amalia
Abstrak :
Bioplastik merupakan plastik yang terbuat dari bahan terbarukan dan dapat terurai dengan cepat. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan kulit jagung sebagai penguat bahan pembuat bioplastik. Pembuatan bioplastik menggunakan maizena dengan penguat kulit jagung dilakukan penambahan kitosan dan sorbirol untuk mendapatkan bioplastik dengan sifat mekanik yang baik. Ukuran butiran kulit jagung yang digunakan adalah 150 mesh dan 200 mesh sedangkan variasi kitosan yang digunkan adalah 0.02 wt; 0,04 wt; 0,06 wt; 0,08 wt dan 0,1 wt. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bioplastik dengan ukuran butiran kulit jagung 150 mesh dengan variasi kitosan 0,04 menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang paling baik, yaitu dengan nilai kuat tarik 1.717,64 N/cm2, elongasi 10,05 , modulus young 116,68 N/cm2 dan kuat sobek 763,86 mN. Pengaruh lingkungan menyebabkan bioplastik mengalami degradasi di dalam tanah 70 -100 selama 21 hari, pada udara terbuka terjadi jamur setelah 14 hari dan tahan pada 140o C selama 1 jam. ......Bioplastic is a plastic made from renewable material and can decompose quickly. In this research used corn husk as filler bioplastic ingredients. Making bioplastic is done by adding corn starch maizene with corn husk as filler, chitosan and sorbitol to obtain bioplastic with good mechanical properties. Corn husk grain size were used 150 mesh and 200 mesh while chitosan variations were used 0.02 wt 0.04 wt 0.06 wt 0.08 wt and 0.1 wt. The results of this research showed that bioplastic with 150 mesh corn husk grain size with 0.04 wt chitosan yielded the best mechanical properties, it is with tensile strength value 1,717.64 N cm2, elongation 10.05 , modulus young 116.68 N cm2 and tear strength 763.86 mN. Environment influence made bioplastics degraded in soil 70 100 for 21 days, in open air fungus occured after 14 days and endured at 140oC for 1 hour.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuvie Mutiarasari
Abstrak :
Produksi tanaman jagung yang meningkat setiap tahunnya menghasilkan limbah tanaman jagung salah satunya batang jagung. Pemanfaatan limbah batang jagung sebagian besar hanya dibiarkan dan dibakar yang mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai material limbah batang jagung dengan memanfaatkan batang jagung sebagai bahan utama pembuatan papan partikel yang dapat diproduksi skala industri. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat papan partikel menggunakan bahan utama batang jagung dengan jenis perekat Urea Formaldehyde (UF) dan Phenol Formaldehyde (PF), setiap perekat menggunakan konsentrasi 8%, 10% dengan suhu kempa panas 130 dan 150℃. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian meliputi pengujian fisis dan mekanis dengan berbasis pada persyaratan standar SNI. Metode penelitian menggunakan design of experiment. Hasil terbaik yang didapatkan adalah komposisi batang jagung dengan menggunakan jenis perekat PF, konsentrasi 8% dan suhu kempa panas 130℃ karena komposisi tersebut masuk ke dalam standar SNI papan partikel tipe 8. Hasil riset juga menjelaskan adanya peningkatan nilai yang signifikan dari batang jagung yang sebelumnya merupakan limbah pertanian yang hampir tidak bernilai menjadi material yang dapat memberikan keuntungan secara ekonomis
The production of corn plants which increases every year produces corn waste such as corn stalks. Mostly, corn stalk wastes are left and burned that could make some environment issues. Therefore this study aims to increase the value of corn stalk waste material by using corn stalks as the main material for making particle boards that can be produced for an industrial scale. This research was carried out by making particle boards using the main ingredients of corn stalk with Urea Formaldehyde (UF) and Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) adhesives, each adhesive using a concentration of 8%, 10% with hot press temperature 130 ℃ and 150 ℃. Then the testing includes physical and mechanical testing based on SNI standard (Indonesian Standard) requirements. This research uses design of experiment as the method. The best results obtained were the composition of the corn stalk using PF adhesive type, with 8% concentration and hot press temperature 130 ℃ because the composition was included in the SNI type 8 The results also explained that there was a significant improvement from the previous corn stalk that mostly wasted and non-valuable as a material that can provide economic benefits
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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