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Dewi Permatasari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuanNyeri biasanya dianggap sebagai suatu fenomena patologis. Tetapi nyeri yang berhubungan dengan persalinan mempunyai makna berbeda pada wanita dan sangat bergantung pada pengalaman nyeri serta konstribusi ibu pada pengendalian nyeri tersebut. Ketika seorang wanita merasa bahwa suatu persalinan, terdiri dari lsquo;nyeri dan kerja keras rsquo;, dan rasa nyeri yang lama dan tak tertahankan dapat mengganggu ibu serta bayi, maka saat itulah diperlukan intervensi pengendalian rasa nyeri pada persalinan. Telah banyak metode yang dipergunakan dalam penanggulangan nyeri pada persalinan salah satunya adalah akupunktur. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat efek terapi akupunktur terhadap pengurangan nyeri ibu bersalin normalMetodePenelitian ini memakai metode Randomized Clinical Trial With Control. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 50 wanita bersalin normal. Terdiri dari 25 orang kelompok kasus dan 25 orang kelompok kontrol. Kedua kelompok mendapat perlakuan sama sesuai protokol kebidanan wanita akan melahirkan. Pada kelompok kasus diberikan terapi akupunktur pada saat kala 1 aktif atau dimana rasa nyeri mulai mengganggu, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak. Dilakukan penilaian terhadap NAS nyeri persalinan, dihitung jumlah dan lama his. Lama kala 2 dan membandingkan APGAR Score bayiHasilTerapi akupunktur mempunyai efek terhadap pengurangan nyeri persalinan dengan dilihat pada kelompok kasus secara bermakna. ......Back Ground and PurposePain is usually regarded as a pathological phenomenon. But the pain associated with childbirth have different meanings in women and relies heavily on the experience of pain as well as the mother 39 s contribution is on controlling the pain. When a woman feels that a labor, consists of 39 pain and hard work 39 , and the prolonged pain and unbearable can interfere with the mother and the baby, that 39 s when the necessary interventions for controlling pain in childbirth. Many methods have been used in pain relief in childbirth one is acupuncture. This study aimed to look at the effect of acupuncture therapy against a reduction of the normal maternity mother pain researchMethodThis method of wear of Randomized Clinical Trial With Control. Research. This research was conducted against 50 women maternity normally. Consists of 25 people groups of case and control groups of 25 people. Both groups received the same treatment protocol accordingly obstetrics women will give birth. In the case group was given acupuncture therapy at the time of the fase 1 active or where the pain starts to interrupt, whereas in the control group did not. Conducted assessment of the NAS calculated the amount of labor pain, and long and intensity of the uterus contraction . Long fase 2 and compare the APGAR Score baby.Results of acupuncture Therapy has an effect against the reduction of labor pain with views on this group of cases significantly p 0.05 Acupuncture Therapy Conclusion have the effect of a reduction of labor pain. Strengthen uterus contraction, speed up fase 2 and has no side effects on the mother and baby.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahnila Dahlan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperkuat implementasi model sukuk BI, menentukan dan merekomendasikan strategi lelang sukuk serta mengukur dampak moneternya. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada tesis ini adalah gabungan darimetode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metodekualitatif dengan analisis aplikasi model Sukuk BI dan metode kuantitatif dengan simulasi statisoutstanding SBSN milik BI pada bulan Agustus 2018dengan dua skema lelang yaitu (i) mekanisme poolingSBSN berdasarkan total outstanding nilaiSBSN milik BI dan (ii) mekanisme pooling SBSN berdasarkan tenorsetiap SBSN milik BI. Thesis ini menemukan bahwa terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan dari simulasi terhadap dua skema tersebut.Berdasarkan temuan dan analisis, thesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa penguatan implementasi dapat dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan kedua strategi lelang untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Strategi lelang dengan mekanisme pertama memungkinkan untuk dilakukan lelang setiap minggu dan yield curve yang dihasilkan lebih lengkap serta akumulasi nilai kontraksi yang lebih besar. Strategi lelang dengan mekanisme kedua dapat menghemat biaya operasi moneter dikarenakan underlying SBSNditempatkan sesuai tenornya sehingga defisit biaya moneter dapat dihindari dan memungkinkan untuk terjadinya zero cost. Rata-rata nilai kontraksi yang dihasilkan per bulan untuk strategi pertama adalah Rp5,23 triliun deangan akumulasi Rp130,79 triliun. Nilai kontraksi rata-rata per bulan untuk strategi kedua Rp5,86 triliun dengan akumulasi Rp70,38 triliun. ......The objectives of the thesis are to strengthen the implementation of sukuk BI, to analyse and determine the ideal auction strategy as well as to measure its monetary impact. The research used triangulation method which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method is proceeded through analysis of Sukuk BI implementation and quantitative method is via static simulations of the outstanding SBSN owned by BI (at the end of August 2018) with two schemes, namely: (i) pooling mechanism based on total outstanding value of SBSN owned by BI and (ii) pooling mechanism based on tenor of SBSN owned by BI. This thesis concludes that strengthening implementation can be done by combining the two auction strategies to get optimal results. The auction mechanism with the first mechanism allows auction every week and the yield curve is more complete and the contraction value is greater. The auction strategy with the second mechanism can save monetary operations costs because the underlying SBSN is placed according to its tenor so that the monetary cost deficit can be avoided and allows for zero costs. The average contraction value generated per month for the first strategy is IDR 5.23 trillion and accumulated IDR 130.79 trillion. The average contraction value per month for the second strategy is IDR 5.86 trillion with an accumulation of IDR 70.38 trillion.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fathin Juzar
Abstrak :
Dalam proses pengembangan produk, terdapat langkah awal dimana konsep desain memerlukan berbagai simulasi dan alat permodelan matematika dengan bantuan perangkat lunak komputer computer-aided . Langkah tersebut disebut dengan Virtual Manufacturing. Singkatnya, Virtual Manufacturing digunakan untuk memanufaktur dan memvalidasi desain secara virtual sebelum membuat produk fisiknya secara nyata. Dari segi perkembangan perangkat lunaknya, Virtual Manufacturing terus dikembangkan dan diperbaharui mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dunia manufaktur. Melihat dari sisi lain, dari sisi input penggunanya, Virtual Manufacturing dapat dikembangkan agar pengguna bisa berinteraksi dengan benda virtual dalam komputer. Untuk mengembangkan sisi input dari Virtual Manufacturing, maka digunakan alat pengukur besaran kontraksi otot pengguna yang kemudian dapat dirubah menjadi masukan input untuk berinteraksi dengan objek secara virtual dalam program Computer-Aided Design CAD . Penelitian ini membahas cara mengkalibrasi dan memfilter sinyal keluaran Sensor kontraksi otot tersebut agar besaran kontraksi pengguna dapat diterjemahkan menjadi besaran gaya yang dapat disimulasikan di program Computer-Aided Design CAD . Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan objek secara virtual dengan besaran gaya yang mendekati keadaan nyata.
In the product development process, there is an initial step where the concept of design requires various simulations and mathematical modeling tools with the help of computer software computer aided . This step is called Virtual Manufacturing. To summarize, Virtual Manufacturing is used to manufacture and validate the design virtually before the physical product is manufactured. In terms of its software development, Virtual Manufacturing continues to be developed and updated following the manufacturing technology development. On the other hand, in terms of user input, Virtual Manufacturing can be developed so that users can interact with virtual objects in the computer. To develop the input side of Virtual Manufacturing, a muscle contraction measurement device is used to convert the contraction value into software inputs. This input allows the user to interact with objects virtually in Computer Aided Design CAD programs. This paper discusses how to calibrate and filter the muscle contraction measurement output signals so that the amount of user muscle contraction can be translated into a simulated force in the Computer Aided Design CAD program. This allows the user to interact with objects virtually with a force that matches a real life condition as close as possible.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Kurniawati
Abstrak :
Persalinan prematur dapat menimbulkan beberapa masalah pada ibu dan bayi. Salah satu penyebab persalinan prematur adalah kontraksi dini yaitu kontraksi yang terjadi pada kehamilan kurang dari 37 minggu. Pengelolaan pada ibu hamil kontraksi dini dengan mengaplikasikan teori Konservasi Levine dan Kenyamanan Kolcaba bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kehamilan sampai aterm dan mengatasi ketidaknyamanan. Pendekatan proses keperawatan mulai dari pengkajian sampai evaluasi diterapkan pada kelima ibu hamil kontraksi dini. Beberapa masalah keperawatan yang muncul adalah risiko cidera janin, risiko cidera maternal, kesiapan peningkatan kenyamanan, cemas, dan peningkatan support sistem. Melalui konservasi energi, konservasi integritas struktur, konservasi integritas personal dan konservasi integritas sosial kelima ibu bebas kontraksi dan pulang dengan perawatan konservatif. Hasil ini dapat digunakan untuk mengelola ibu hamil kontraksi dini pada area maternitas.
One of the causes of preterm labor is preterm uterine contractions, is defined as uterine contractions that occurs at less than 37 weeks gestational. Preterm uterine contractions is major of cause of morbidiby which can be reduced by role of maternity nursing specialist. Management of preterm uterine contractions by applied levine?s conservation and comfort theory aimed term gestasional dan made wholleness. This study used nursing process, was including assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating. Some nursing diagnosis are risk for Injury: the fetus, risk of injury the maternal , Altered comfort: pain , anxiety, and improves support systems. the integrity were evidenced, based on Levine?s conservational principles, in terms of conservation of energy, structural, personal and social integrity, and comfort theory reduced preterm uterine contraction. These results can be used to manage preterm uterine contractions.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In daylife, isometric contraction is oftennly used. The cardiovascular system is one of the systems that responds to isometric contraction, including teh herat rate and blod pressure....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Most of the existing water gates in Indonesia was made of iron or/and wood. Both materials are relatively easy to rusted , damaged or decayed and also attractive to be stolen. Alternative material and design was needed to overcome this issues. This study aim to design water gates using alternative material rather than iron.i.e GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics). This material has several advantages compared to the other material [such as metal] especially its weight, strength and price. The gate in this study was designed for width of 50 cm and 120 cm. Estimated optimal thickness for these width respectively 12 and 30 mm. Mechanical strength testings were conducted according to the Japanese Industrial standard for flexural strength. Testing conducted on two tipes of samples that have different thicknesses, i.e 12 mm and 30 mm. The average density of sample was 1,5 gr/cm, sample with 12 mm and 30 mm thickness reach fexural strength respectively about 200 kg/cm and 299 kg/cm at 10 mm strain. This result comply mechanical strenght requirement for water gate. Thus, recommended thickness for GFRP water gate was thicker than estimated,i.e was 10 mm for width of 50 am and 20 mm for width of 120 cm. The GFRP water gate with round shape in the bottom has contraction coefcient (c)= 0,951 and a value of dischage coefcient (c) can be determined by C=C {h-w); with ko =15 and K1=0,062
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahniar Mukmina
Abstrak :

Latar belakang: Persalinan pervaginam merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya disfungsi dasar panggul. Proses persalinan menyebabkan kerusakan pada otot dasar panggul dan saraf sehingga tejadi penurunan fungsi otot. Disfungsi dasar panggul merupakan kondisi yang umum terjadi dan berhubungan dengan penurunan kualitas hidup. Salah satu tata laksana konservatifnya adalah dengan melatih kekuatan otot dasar panggul. Stimulasi elektromagnetik merupakan metode yang tidak invasif untuk tata laksana disfungsi dasar panggul. Namun, penelitian yang pernah dipublikasi mengenai efek stimulasi elektromagnetik terhadap kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul terbatas.

Tujuan: Mengetahui efek stimulasi elektromagnetik terhadap kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul pasca persalinan pervaginam.

Metode: Kuasi eksperimen dengan desain tes sebelum dan tes sesudah pada satu kelompok tanpa menggunakan kontrol.

Hasil: Sebanyak 10 subjek dilakukan stimulasi elektromagnetik. Kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul pasca stimulasi elektromagnetik lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum stimulasi elektromagnetik dengan nilai  median berturut-turut 33,70 (21,25) dan 43,45 (22,2) (p= 0,008). Tidak terdapat perbedaan kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul berdasarkan berat lahir bayi, episiotomi, dan ruptur perineum dengan nilai p berturut-turut sebesar 0,394, 0,425, dan 0,223. 


Kesimpulan: Kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul setelah diberikan stimulasi elektromagnetik cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum stimulasi. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul pasca persalinan pervaginam berdasarkan berat lahir bayi, episiotomi, dan ruptur perineum. 


Background: Vaginal delivery is an important risk factor for developing pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Delivery induces damage to both pelvic floor mucle and nerve so that its function may be impaired. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common condition and closely related to decreased quality of life. Popular conservative treatment for this condition is routine exercise of pelvic floor muscle. In the other hand, electromagnetic stimulation was introduced as an less invasive treatment of choice. However, research publication regarding electromagnetic stimulation effect to the strength of pelvic floor muscle is scarce.

Objectives: Exploring the effect of electromagnetic stimulation to the strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction after vaginal delivery.

Methods:  This is a quasi-experimental study comparing pre and post intervention in one set of patients without control.

Results: Electromagnetic stimulation program was completed in 10 subjects. The strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction after the program was significantly higher than before the program 33,7 (21,25) and 43,45 (22,2) respectively, p = 0,008). Fetal birth weight, episiotomy, and perineal rupture were not associated with pelvic floor muscle contraction (p=0,394, p=0,425, and p=0,223 respectively).

Conclusion: The strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction after electromagnetic stimulation was higher than before the procedure. No difference was identified regarding pelvic floor contraction after vaginal delivery based on fetal birth weight, episiotomy, and perineal rupture.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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