Jose Soares
Abstrak :
Pemolisian masyarakat (Community policing) mulai diperkenalkan di Polsek Cristo
Rei pada September 2008 oleh Polisi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa sebagai Model perdana
Community policing di Timor-Leste. Ketika itu kekuasaan pengendalian keamanan masih
dalam tanggungjawab PBB hingga Desember 2012. Namun setelah munculnya Peraturan
Pemerintah nomor 9 tahun 2009 maka memberikan ruang bagi PNTL untuk
mengedepankan pendekatan Community policing dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya dan
didukung dengan struktur organisasi dari tingkat markas besar hingga pos polisi di desa.
Community policing di Polsek Cristo Rei mulai efektif pada 2013 setelah PNTL
menerima kewenangan keamanan kembali dari Polisi PBB di akhir 2012. Didukung
dengan kebijakan Mabes untuk menerapkan Community policing di Timor-Leste dengan
model Vissiblity, Involvement dan Professionalism (VIP) serta kebijakan untuk
menempatkan petugas CP di sekolah dan di desa, pembentukan Keamanan Sukarela Desa,
Dewan Pemolisian Komunitas dan Dewan Keamanan Munisipiu/Kabupaten sebagai
wujud desentralisasi kewenangan dan tanggungjawab masyarakat dengan polisi atas
permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga keduanya secara proaktif untuk mengidentifikasi,
mencegah dan mencari solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi demi tercipta keamanan dan
ketertiban bagi masyarakat sehingga kualitas hidup masyarakat dapat diperbaiki.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan
kualitatif yaitu melalui wawancara, pengamatan dan studi dokumen. Penulis telah
mewawancara 24 orang informan yakni beberapa kepala sekolah, beberapa siswa,
perwakilan veteran, Ketua Pemuda, Perwakilan Perempuan, Perwakilan Ketua Adat,
Penyelesai Masalah, Camat, LSM, petugas OPS, OPE, Kapolsek, Kepala subseksi
Community policing Polres Dili, Wakalpolres, Wadir dan Direktur Community policing
tingkat Nasional.
Dari temuan penelitian di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa walaupun community
policing sedang berlangsung namun masyarakat belum merasa aman dan tentram karena
masih ada permasalahan-permasalah seperti kekerasan dalam rumah tangga,
persengketaan tanah, dan kejahatan lainnya yang terjadi di wilayah itu. Berdasarkan hasil
temuan di lapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlu menambah anggota yang ditugaskan
di wilayah itu baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Dengan memperbanyak rasio
anggota sehingga dapat mengimbangi dengan jumlah penduduk yang ada di wilayah itu
karena sekarang rasionya 1:1.176 dan 1:1.351 pada aktivitas di siang hari. Pemberdayaan
masyarakat grass root level belum maksimal untuk menciptakan kondisi aman dan
tenteram bagi lingkungan, desa dan kecamatan. Anggaran dan sarana pendukung tugas
dan fungsi Community policing di wilayah itu masih minim karena CP belum memiliki
mata anggaran tetap tersendiri, kurangnya sarana transportasi sepeda motor, fasilitas
perumahan bagi anggota OPS serta sarana komunikasi dalam menunjang tugas di
The Community policing was introduced in Cristo Rei Sub Station on September
2008 by United Nations Police as a first Model implementation community policing in
Timor-Leste. By the time the security control was under the United Nations responsibility
until December 2012. But after Decree Law No. 9/2009 inter into the force which provide
PNTL space for promote community policing approach in its task and function which
supported by organization structure from head quarter till police post in villages.
The Implementation of community policing in Cristo Rei Sub Station effective on
2013 after the handover police authority from United Nations Police to Polisia Nasional
Timor Leste (PNTL) in the end of December 2012. Supported by head quarter policies to
apply Community policing model Visibility, Involvement and Professionalism (VIP) as
well policy to assign School Liason Officer (SLO), Community policing Officer (CPO) to
each villages, the establishment of Suco Volunteer Security (SVS), the establishment
Community Policing Council (CPC) and Municipality Security Council (MSC) as part of
decentralization of authority and responsibility of community and police on problem occur
in their area so both proactively to identifies, prevent and find solution to the problem
occur which can be create security and order for those communities so quality of life can
be improve.
The research method used in this Academic paper is used qualitative approach
through interview, observation and document study. The writer have interviewed 24 key
sources such: few school master, some students, representatives of : Veteran, Youth,
Female, Traditional head, Problem solver, Head of sub district, NGO, Community
policing officer, School liaison officer, Sub station Commander, Head of community
policing in district level, Deputy district commander, Deputy and Director of Community
policing in the PNTL head quarter level.
Research finding on the ground that even though the implementation of community
policing ongoing but community felt slightly unsafe and tranquillity yet because there
were problems still exist such domestic violence, land dispute and other crimes occur in
the that area. Based on the research on the ground can draw a conclusion that there is
need to increase police members in the area weather in quantity or quality. Through
increase of police members can be balance the sum total of citizen in that area because
currently the ratio is 1:1.176 and 1:1.351 in the daytime. There was lack of grass root level
of community policing empowerment to create peace and tranquillity in its neighbour,
villages and sub district level. Budget and police task and function supported equipment
were lacking because community policing have no its own constant budget, lack of
transport like motorbike, house facilities for community police officers as well
communication equipment which can support police work on the ground.
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