"The Prediction of Condom Use among Transvestites Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) With Health Belief Model in West Jakarta 2002In preventing HIV/AIDS transmission, transvestites are an important group because they have high risk behavior to get HIV infection. Most transvestites are commercial sex workers (CSW) and have multiple sexual partners. Condom use at transvestite is lowest among high risk group. Condom use reduced enjoyment of sexual intercourse was biggest reason why they were not using condom, and they believed that they are not high risk group to get HIV infection.
This study examines how the HBM contributes to the prediction of condom use as a public health behavior related to prevention of HIV. HBM theory focus on subjective perception such as perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier and perceived self-efficacy. This perception was influenced by sociodemography factor (age, education), sociopsychology (peer group support), and structural factor (knowledge about disease).
Design of this study is cross sectional. Population is CSW transvestites and sampling studies is CSW transvestites in West Jakarta. The instrument of collection data is scala and questioner.
The data indicate that proportion of condom use at CSW transvestites is still low (38,3 %). Multivariate analysis found that perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier and perceived self-efficacy positively associated with condom use. Perceived severity is the most powerful predictor (0R=93,4).
It is recommended that AIDS education intervention targeting CSW focus simultaneously on giving information about benefit of condom use, skill of condom use correctly, evaluating of probable biomedical, financial, and social consequences of contracting HIV and having AIDS."