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Dwijaya Febriansyah
Abstrak :
Energi listrik merupakan kebutuhan vital manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang perlu terus ditingkatkan penyediaannya seiring dengan perkembangan pembangunan agar tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup, merata dan bermutu. Sampai tahun 2017, masih ada 2.382 desa di Indonesia yang belum teraliri listrik. Peningkatan rasio elektrifikasi dengan perluasan jaringan di daerah terpencil sulit dilakukan karena harga listrik yang tidak ekonomis. Pada daerah terpencil yang berbukit-bukit dan memiliki sumber energi aliran air, pikohidro (<5 kW) bisa menjadi solusi teknologi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik. Penggunaan turbin Turgo untuk pikohidro direkomendasi karena biaya konstruksi yang rendah dan perawatannya yang mudah. Kearifan lokal masyarakat Indonesia melalui pemakaian material lokal sendok batok kelapa sebagai bahan baku mangkok raner turbin Turgo memberikan suatu alternatif desain pembangkit pikohidro yang murah. Dalam studi ini dilakukan perhitungan desain, manufaktur dan pengujian eksperimental turbin Turgo. Studi ini menghasilkan desain raner dengan diameter 0,22 m, jumlah mangkok 16 dengan efisiensi total tertinggi 34,97±0,22% dan daya listrik tertinggi 6,75±0,02 W dengan pemakaian diameter nosel 10 mm dengan tinggi jatuh 3,18±0,02 m dan debit 37,3±0,13  LPM.
Electrical energy is a vital human need in everyday life that needs to be continuously improved in line with the national development so that it is available in sufficient, equitable and quality. Until 2017, there are still 2.382 villages in Indonesia have not yet been electrified. Increasing the electrification ratio by expanding networks in remote areas is difficult because of uneconomical electricity prices. In remote areas that are hilly and have a water source, pico hydro (<5 kW) can be a technological solution to meet electricity needs. The use of the Turgo turbine for pico hydro is recommended because of its low construction costs and easy maintenance. The local wisdom of Indonesian people through the use of local materials coconut shell spoons as a raw material for Turgo turbine runner provides an alternative design for low cost picohydro power plant. This study have done design calculations, manufacturing and testing of Turgo turbine. Results of this study are a runner design with a diameter of 0,22 m, number of cups 16 with the highest total efficiency of 34,97±0,22% and the highest electrical power of 6,75±0,02 W with a nozzle diameter of 10 mm, head 3,18±0,02 m and discharge 37,3±0,13 LPM.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruslin Hadanu
Abstrak :
This study evaluated the volatile components of liquid smoke from coconut shells obtained through the pyrolysis process at fraction 350-420 C. The volatile compounds of liquid smoke from a coconut shell were analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Nineteen peaks were detected by GC-MS in the coconut shell liquid smoke, and 19 compounds also were identified. The volatile compounds were identified as follows based on their function group?s composition percentage: phenol (90.75%), carbonyl (3.71%), alcohol (1.81%), and benzene (3.73%), respectively. The liquid smoke contains a high ratio of phenol derivatives (90.75%) in volatile profile. The phenol derivatives were the major volatile compounds found in the coconut shell liquid smoke.

Senyawa Volatil terdeteksi pada Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa melalui Pirolisis pada Suhu Fraksinasi 350-420 C. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi komponen volatil asap cair dari tempurung kelapa yang diperoleh melalui proses pirolisis pada fraksi 350-420 C. Senyawa-senyawa volatil asap cair dari tempurung kelapa dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas dan spektrometri massa (GC-MS). Sembilan belas puncak terdeteksi oleh GC-MS dalam asap cair tempurung kelapa, dan 19 senyawa juga telah diidentifikasi. Senyawa-senyawa volatil diidentifikasi berdasarkan persen komposisi dari gugus fungsi masing-masing sebagai berikut: fenol (90,75%), karbonil (3,71%), alkohol (1,81%), dan benzene (3,73%). Asap cair mengandung rasio tinggi turunan fenol (90,75%) yang mudah menguap. Derivatif fenol adalah senyawa volatil utama yang ditemukan dalam asap cair tempurung kelapa.
Universitas Pattimura, Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alija Izetbigovic
Abstrak :
Rhodamin B merupakan salah satu pewarna yang paling banyak digunakan dalam industri tekstil dan menyebabkan pencemaran air. Jika melebihi ambang batas normal Rhodamin B dapat berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan dan dapat mencemari lingkungan. Penghilangan Rhodamin B dalam air dapat dilakukan dengan cara adsorpsi. Dalam penelitian ini GO (oksida grafena) digunakan sebagai adsorben karena memiliki luas permukaan yang besar dan sangat hidrofilik karena adanya gugus oksigen. Penelitian ini menggunakan GO yang disintesis dari baterai bekas, arang tempurung kelapa dan grafit komersial dengan menggunakan metode Hummers yang dimodifikasi. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adsorpsi GO, GO dimodifikasi dengan nanopartikel Ag (AgNP) dengan metode sol-imobilisasi, karena AgNP menjadi situs adsorpsi tambahan pada permukaan GO. Ag/GO dikarakterisasi dengan FTIR, FESEM-EDS, spektroskopi Raman, BET, dan XRD. XRD Ag/GO menunjukkan puncak pada 10o untuk GO, dan puncak pada 32o dan 46o menunjukkan AgNP. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan bahwa puncak O-H, C=O, C-O-C terkonfirmasi dari karbonil, karboksil, dan epoksi masing-masing terkandung dalam Ag/GO. Hasil spektroskopi Raman menunjukkan terdapat pita D dan G, pada grafit pita D memiliki intensitas yang lebih rendah dibandingkan pita G yang menunjukkan ikatan sp2 lebih banyak daripada ikatan sp3. Pada GO terjadi peningkatan intensitas pita D yang mengindikasikan terbentuknya ikatan dengan hibridisasi ikatan sp3. Morfologi Ag/GO dengan FESEM menunjukkan bahwa AgNP melekat pada permukaan luar nanosheet GO. Hasil BET menunjukkan bahwa Ag/GO memiliki permukaan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan GO saja, kecuali pada GO dari Batok Kelapa. Aktivitas adsorpsi dianalisis dengan menggunakan UV/VIS spektrofotometer. Aplikasi Ag/GO dalam adsorpsi Rhodamin B dilakukan dengan variasi jumlah adsorben, konsentrasi Rhodamin B, waktu kontak, dan nilai pH untuk mencapai optimasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Ag/GO dari grafit komersial memiliki efisiensi adsorpsi terbaik dalam adsorpsi Rhodamin B, dan hasil ini juga membuktikan bahwa Ag/GO meningkatkan konsentrasi adsorpsi Rhodamin B sebesar 30 ppm. ......Rhodamine B is one of the most widely used dyes in the textile industry and causes water pollution. Rhodamine B can have a negative impact on health and can pollute the environment if it exceeds the normal threshold. Removal of Rhodamine B in water can be done by adsorption. In this research GO (graphene oxides) is used as an adsorbent because it has a large surface area and is very hydrophilic due to the presence of oxygen groups. GO was synthesized from graphite of used batteries, coconut shell charcoal and commercial graphite by using modified Hummer’s method. In order to increase GO adsorption ability, GO was modified with AgNP by sol-immobilization method, as AgNP became additional adsorption site on GO surface. Ag/GO was characterized with FTIR, FESEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy, BET, and XRD. XRD of Ag/GO shows peak at 10o for GO, and peaks at 32o and 46o indicates of AgNP. FTIR result showed that peaks of O-H, C=O, C-O-C confirmed of carbonyl, carboxyl, and epoxy respectively contained in Ag/GO. Raman spectrum results showed there are D and G bands, in graphite the D band has a lower intensity than the G band which indicates there are more sp2 bonds than sp3 bonds. In GO there is an increase in the intensity of the D band which indicates the formation of bonds with sp3 bond hybridization. FESEM results of Ag/GO morphology presented that AgNP adhered to the outer surface of the GO nanosheets. The BET analysis results showed that Ag/GO had a larger surface than GO alone, except for GO from Coconut Shell. The adsorption activity was analyzed by using UV/VIS spectrophotometer. Application of Ag/GO in adsorption of Rhodamine B were carried out in the variation of adsorbent amount, Rhodamine B concentration, contact time, and pH value to achieve optimization. The results analysis showes that Ag/GO from commercial graphite had the best adsorption efficiency in the adsorption of Rhodamine B, and this result is also proven that Ag/GO increased the concentration of Rhodamine B adsorbed by 30 ppm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mizan
Abstrak :
Indonesia memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan upaya bebas emisi karbon pada tahun 2060, yang menargetkan phase out batubara diganti EBT pada tahun 2056. Kapasitas listrik di Indonesia sendiri mencapai 73,74 gigaWatt hingga November 2021, sedangkan potensi EBT di Indonesia mencapai 417,8 GW. Potensi EBT dari air sebesar 14%, dengan wilayah Indonesia yang sebagian besarnya dipenuhi air. Hal tersebut cukup menjanjikan untuk dibuatnya  turbin air skala kecil seperti turbin pikohidro, untuk mengaliri listrik ke daerah-daerah Indonesia yang masih sulit mendapatkan listrik. Turbin pikohidro sendiri adalah turbin dengan daya kurang dari 5 kW, dan salah satu contohnya adalah Turbin Turgo. Masih banyak yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan unjuj kerja turbin Turgo, contohnya dengan menggunakan bahan baku alami yaitu batok kelapa sebagai sendok sebagai sudunya. Hal tersebut didukung oleh kekuatan dan ketahanan batok kelapa, ditambah dengan harganya yang cukup murah. Namun, tetap perlu dilakukan analisis untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kerja turbin turgo dengan sendok batok kelapa. Penelitian ini akan menganalisa geometri sudu, pengaruh rasio kedalaman dan perubahan sudut, dan karakteristik unjuk kerja ya g dihasilkan turbin turgo sendok batok kelapa pada skala piko hidro. Hal tersebut akan ditinjau dengan metode analitik, numerik, dan eksperimental. Metode analitik digunakan untuk merumuskan perancangan untuk ukuran turbin, kemudian metode numerik digunakan untuk memperoleh data simulasi dari desain turbin sehingga dapat diuji secara eksperimental. Hasil yang didapat berupa nilai Rasio kedalaman dan radius kurvatur terbaik (T/w) sebesar 0.275, efisiensi hidrolik terbaik dihasilkan oleh panjang dan radius kurvatur 0.275, efisiensi simulasi 49%, eksperimen 44%, dan elektrik 33%. ......Indonesia has a commitment to make efforts to be free of carbon emissions in 2060, which is targeting the phase out of coal replaced by EBT in 2056. The electricity capacity in Indonesia itself reaches 73.74 gigaWatt until November 2021, while the potential for EBT in Indonesia reaches 417.8 GW. The potential for EBT from water is 14%, with the territory of Indonesia being mostly filled with water. This is quite promising for the manufacture of small-scale water turbines such as picohydro turbines, to supply electricity to areas in Indonesia which are still difficult to get electricity. The picohydro turbine itself is a turbine with a power of less than 5 kW, and one example is the Turgo Turbine. There is still much that can be developed to improve the performance of the Turgo turbine, for example by using natural raw materials, namely coconut shells as spoons for the blades. This is supported by the strength and resilience of coconut shells, coupled with the price which is quite cheap. However, it still needs to be analyzed to improve the work efficiency of the turgo turbine with a coconut shell spoon. This study will analyze the geometry of the blades, the influence of the depth ratio and the change in angle, and the performance characteristics produced by the coconut shell spoon Turgo turbine on the pico-hydro scale. This will be reviewed with analytical, numerical, and experimental methods. The analytical method is used to formulate the design for the size of the turbine, then the numerical method is used to obtain data simulation from the turbine design so that it can be tested experimentally. The results obtained are the best ratio of length and radius of curvature (T/w) of 0.275, the best hydraulic efficiency is produced by the length and radius of curvature of 0.275, simulation simulation is 49%, experiment is 44%, and electricity is 33%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kafka Alghifari
Abstrak :
Air bersih adalah suatu aset yang sangat berharga, tetapi jumlahnya terbatas dan tentunya tidak dapat mencukupi kebutuhan miliaran manusia seiring bertambahnya waktu. Untuk itu, urgensi pengolahan berbagai macam sumber alternatif air bersih meningkat, salah satunya adalah pengolahan air laut. Tantangan dalam pengolahan air laut pun juga menghadirkan permasalahan baru sehingga diperlukan adanya teknologi rendah biaya yang bisa menyisihkan polutan di dalam air laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi metode desalinasi terbaru dengan menggunakan adsorben dengan bahan dasar biomassa, diantaranya adalah kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa. Kapabilitas kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa sebagai karbon aktif terbukti bisa menyisihkan berbagai macam polutan di dalam air laut. Namun, diperlukan analisis lebih lanjut terkait penyisihan senyawa organik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi performa karbon aktif kulit pisang kepok dan tempurung kelapa dalam menyisihkan polutan di dalam air laut, yaitu senyawa organik berdasarkan karakteristik material, kapasitas, adsorpsi, hingga model adsorpsi yang ditempuh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, adsorben kulit pisang kepok mencapai penyisihan tertinggi pada variasi waktu kontak, spesifiknya pada waktu kontak 30 menit, dengan nilai sebesar 80,4% untuk sampel air laut dan 56,7% untuk sampel brine. Di satu sisi, pada kasus adsorben tempurung kelapa, penelitian mengenai variasi dosis mencapai penyisihan tertinggi pada dosis 20 g/L sebesar 4,69% untuk sampel air laut sedangkan pada variasi waktu kontak, diperoleh penyisihan tertinggi 80,4% pada waktu kontak 30 menit untuk sampel brine. ......Clean water is a valuable asset, yet its quantity is limited and cannot meet the needs of billions of people as time progresses. Thus, processing alternative sources of clean water is an utmost priority. One proposed solution is desalination. However, the challenges in seawater treatment present new problems, necessitating low-cost technology that provides alternative desalination methods as a solution. A new desalination method using biomass-based adsorbents, such as kepok banana peels and coconut shells, has been proposed. The adsorption capability of these materials as activated carbon has been proven effective in removing various pollutants from seawater. However, the removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) as a pollutant in seawater remains unidentified. Consequently, this study was conducted to identify the adsorption performance of biomass-based activated carbon (or bioadsorbents) made from kepok banana peels and coconut shells in removing organic compounds or NOM from seawater based on its material characteristics, adsorption capacity, and adsorption model. Based on its results, the kepok banana peel adsorbent achieved the highest removal rate at a contact time variation, specifically at a contact time of 30 minutes, with a value of 80.4% for seawater samples and 56.7% for brine samples. On the other hand, in the case of coconut shell adsorbent, research on dose variation achieved the highest removal rate at a dose of 20 g/L of 4.69% for seawater samples, while in the contact time variation, the highest removal rate was 80.4% at a contact time of 30 minutes for brine samples.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audiya Dewi Rachmawati
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan sintesis katoda LiFePO4/V berlapis karbon dari karbon aktif tempurung kelapa untuk katoda baterai lithium ion. Prekursor yang digunakan adalah LiOH, NH4H2PO4, dan FeSO4.7H2O dibuat melalui proses hidrotermal. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pencampuran karbon dari karbon aktif tempurung kelapa sebanyak 4 dan variasi vanadium serbuk yang bersumber dari H4NO3V. Campuran LiFePO4/V/C dikarakterisasi menggunakan analisis termal STA untuk menentukan temperatur sintering. Hasilnya sintesis terjadi pada temperatur di atas 681,950C dan serbuk berwarna abu-abu gelap sebagai karakteristik dari LiFePO4. Kemudian proses sintering dilakukan pada temperatur 8500C selama 4 jam. Serbuk LiFePO4 sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan difraksi sinar-X XRD, mikroskop elektron dan pendeteksi unsur SEM-EDS serta sifat listrik melalui spektroskopi impedansi EIS. Hasil XRD menunjukkan LiFePO4/V/C telah terbentuk dengan struktur berbasis olivin. Hasil SEM-EDS menggambarkan partikel yang teraglomerasi dan LiFePO4/V telah terlapisi karbon. Hasil EIS menunjukkan konduktivitas sebesar 5,33 x 10-5 S/cm untuk LiFePO4/C tanpa vanadium dan 6 x 10-6 S/cm untuk LiFePO4/C dengan doping vanadium 5.
Activated carbon from coconut shell has been used as an additive to form LiFePO4 V C composite for lithium ion battery cathode. Lithium iron phosphate LFP was synthesized from the precursors of LiOH, NH4H2PO4, and FeSO4.7H2O via hydrothermal method. The LiFePO4 V C composite was formed by adding various vanadium concentration 0, 3, 5, 7 at. and a fix concentration of carbon 4 wt. Thermal analysis STA was used to characterize the formation of LFP and the transition temperature of the composite from which a transition temperature of 681.950C was obtained. X ray diffraction XRD was used to characterize the crystal structure, whereas scanning electron microscope SEM equipped with energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy EDX was used to characterize the morphology and composition of the composite. The conductivity of the composite was examined using electrical impendance spectroscopy EIS. The XRD results showed that LiFePO4 V C has an olivine structure with Pnmb space group. The SEM EDX results depicted aglomerate particles but most LiFePO4 V has been coated by carbon. EIS test results showed a conductivity of 5.33 x 10 5 S cm for LiFePO4 C with no vanadium and 6.0 x 10 6 S cm for 5 wt. vanadium doped LiFePO4 V C.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Fahira Jatiputro
Abstrak :
Pada penelitian ini, pembentukan geopolimer divariasikan rasio arang tempurung kelapa terhadap abu terbang sebagai sumber aluminasilikat sebesar 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%.  Sumber aluminasilikat yang divariasikan kemudian dicampur dengan larutan alkali aktivator yang berupa NaOH dan water glass dengan berbagai suhu yaitu, 30oC (suhu ruang), 40oC, dan 50oC. Karakterisasi yang akan diujikan berupa analisis kuat tekan, analisis komposisi XRF, analisis kristalinitas XRD, dan analisis gugus fungsi FTIR. Kuat tekan terbaik yang dihasilkan bernilai 21,34 MPa dengan rasio bahan baku 85% abu terbang dan 15% arang tempurung kelapa, yang melalui proses pencampuran alkali aktivator pada suhu 40oC. Nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dari sampel semen Portland sebagai sampel kontrolnya yang bernilai 19,42 MPa. Dalam variasi rasio arang tempurung kelapanya, nilai kuat tekan tersebut naik 48% dibanding variasi tanpa arang tempurung kelapa. Sementara dalam variasi suhu pelarutan alkalinya, nilai kuat tekan naik 62% dari pelarutan pada suhu ruang. Hasil analisis XRF menunjukan adanya peningkatan kadar Si dan Al pada sampel geopolimer dibanding bahan bakunya. Hail analisis XRD menunjukan adanya mineral pargasite, kuarsa, girolit, dan biotit pada geopolimer. Sementara hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan adanya ikatan Si-O/Al-O pada bilangan gelombang 1399,69 dan ikatan Si-O-Si pada bilangan gelombang 1078,67 ......In this study, the ratio of coconut shell ash to fly ash as a source of aluminasilicate was varied by 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. The various aluminasilicate sources were then mixed with an alkaline activator solution in the form of NaOH and water glass at various temperatures, such as 30oC (room temperature), 40oC and 50oC. The characterization that will be tested is in the form of compressive strength analysis, composition analysis of XRF, crystallinity analysis of XRD, and functional groups analysis of FTIR. The best compressive strength is 21.34 MPa with a ratio of 85% fly ash and 15% coconut shell ash, which is mixed with an alkaline activator at 40oC. This value is higher than the Portland cement sample as the control sample which is 19.42 MPa. In the variation of the coconut shell ash ratio, the compressive strength value increased by 48% compared to the variation without coconut shell ash. Meanwhile, with variations in the temperature of the alkaline dissolving, the compressive strength increased by 62% from dissolution at room temperature. The results of the XRF analysis showed an increase in Si and Al levels in the geopolymer samples compared to the raw materials. The results of the XRD analysis showed the presence of pargasite, quartz, gyrolite and biotite minerals in the geopolymer. While the results of FTIR analysis showed the presence of Si-O/Al-O bonds at wave number 1399.69 and Si-O-Si bonds at wave number 1078.67.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khanitta Hathaisamit
Abstrak :
The photocatalytic decolorization of real textile wastewater using pine wood (PW), bamboo (BB) and coconut shell (CS) charcoals TiO2-coated under UV irradiation were investigated. Biomass charcoals TiO2-coated were synthesized by the sol-gel and dip-coating technique. The structure features of biomass charcoals TiO2-coated were investigated by X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). our finding indicated that XRD data characteristic anatase phase reflections and SEM showed that TiO2 thin films distributed in the pores and cover on biomass charcoals. BB-TiO2 and CS- TiO2 showed high covering films of TiO2 on surface and filled full in the small pores but PW- TiO2 still had many large pores. decolorization of real textile wastewater using photocatalytic process was measured by Space Unit Method; S.U. with UV-VIS spectrophotometer. the photocatalytic tests indicated that decolorization of biomass-TiO2 were CS-TiO2, BB-TiO2 and PW-TiO2, respectively. details of the synthesis of biomass charcoals TiO2-coated and results of the characterization and decolorization studies are presented in this paper.
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2017
607 STA 22:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Babatope Olufemi
Abstrak :
This work investigates the comparative adsorptive removal of Ni (II) ions from aqueous solution using coconut shell and banana peel. Optimum conditions for adsorption were determined by experimental design, while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and BonferroniHolm Posthoc significance statistical tests on operational parameters were also conducted. The parametric effect of adsorbate dose, adsorbent dose, pH, contact time, particle size and temperature were varied individually, and their effect on the percentage of Ni (II) ion removal was estimated. The maximum percentage removal was achieved at a pH of 8.0 by both adsorbents. The optimum conditions obtained for both adsorbents were 4.5 g adsorbent dose, 30 min contact time and 25 oC for coconut shell, and 4.5 g adsorbent dose, 120 mins and 25 oC for banana peel. The Langmuir isotherm best described the adsorption, with correlation coefficient (R2 ) values of 0.9821 and 0.9744 for banana peel and coconut shell respectively. The mean free energy from the Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm suggested chemisorption, and the adsorption mechanism was found to fit the second order.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lany Nurhayati
Abstrak :
Undang-undang RI No. 19 tahun 2009, pengesahan konvensi Stockholm tentang bahan pencemar organik yang persisten, dan telah melarang penggunaan kategori insektisida yaitu aldrin, klordan, dieldrin, endrin, heptaklor, heksaklorobenzena, mirex, toxaphene dan poliklorinatbifenil (PCB), serta membatasi penggunaan insektisida diklorodifenildikloroetana (DDT). Faktanya, keberadaan insektisida organoklorin tersebut masih ditemukan di tanah sawah Kabupaten Karawang yaitu aldrin, DDT, endosulfan, endrin, heptaklor dan lindan dengan konsentrasi berkisar antara 1,5 ng/g sampai dengan 5,37 ng/g. Teknologi pengendalian residu pestisida dapat dilakukan melalui ameliorasi secara biologi dengan bioremediasi, secara fisika dengan adsorpsi arang aktif, sedangkan, secara kimia melalui penambahan alum dan lain-lain. Bioaugmentasi adalah introduksi mikroba tertentu pada daerah yang akan diremediasi. Bakteri tempatan potensial pendegradasi heptaklor hasil isolasi adalah Citrobacter sp. Setelah diidentifikasi dengan 16S rRNA, bakteri tersebut adalah Raoultella ornithinolytica B4, bakteri ini golongan Enterobacteriaceae, Gram negatif, dan menghasilkan enzim katalase. Biochar tempurung kelapa (BTK) memiliki sifat adsorben berdasarkan nilai daya serap iod sebesar 570,22 mg/g, luas permukaannya 371,943 m2/g, dan diameter pori 0,4-7,0 mm karena proses karbonasi 300 oC menghasilkan ukuran makropori. Hasil uji adsorpsi BTK 5% (b/b) terhadap heptaklor 2 mg/L secara adsorpsi fisik, terlihat dari persamaan Langmuir memiliki linearitas y=1,704x ? 0,002, kapasitas adsorpsinya 1,704 mg/g, dengan efisiensi adsorpsinya sebesar 75,01%. Proses bioaugmentasi tanah sawah tercemar heptaklor oleh bakteri tempatan Raoultella ornithinolytica B4 dengan bantuan BTK 5%, menghasilkan degradasi heptaklor (Rt 11,31 menit) menjadi 1-hidroksiklordene (Rt 12,38 menit), dengan nilai efisiensi remediasi sebesar 75,38%.
The regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 19 in 2009, about the ratification of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutans (POPs), that bann the use of insecticides category, namely aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and as well as the restriction use of insecticide dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDT). In fact, the presence of insecticides organochlorine are still found on paddy filed, from nine villages and sub-districts in Karawang contained seven types, they are aldrin, DDT, endosulfan, endrin, heptachlor and lindane concentrations in the district ranges from 0.3 ng/g in up to 5.37 ng/g. Bioaugmentation is the applications of indigenous or allochthonous wide type or genetically modified microorganisms to hazardous waste polluted sites in order to accelerate the removal of undesired compounds. Indigenous Bacteria that is potential to degrade heptachlor is obtained from the isolation of Citrobacter sp and finally identified by 16S rRNA identification technique, that this bacteria is Raoultella ornithinolytica B4 which is classified as a group of bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae, as a Gram-negative, and produce the enzyme catalase. Biochar coconut shell (BCS) as adsorbent was tested for its quality by SNI-06-3730-1995 method. It has a water content of 11.88% (w/w), ash content of 3.32%, an easily evaporated substance content of 13.61%, bounded carbon to 71.20%, and iod number of 570.22 mg/g. The adsorption result of BCS 5% (w/w) to heptachlor was 2 mg/L which was fit with physical adsorption of Langmuir equation with adsorption linearity y = 1,704x - 0,002, adsorption capacity of 1.704 mg / g, so BCS can adsorb heptachlor well. Bioaugmentation using single strain of R. ornithinolytica B4 successful for removal of heptachlor with efficiency was observed in 35 days incubation was 75.38%, and heptachlor (11,31 minute) degraded to 1-hydroxychlordene (12,38 minute).
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