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Kuat Prabowo
Abstrak :
Untuk mengembangkan upaya pencegahan kcracunan pada penggunaan pestisida oleh petani, maka perlu dH To develop efforts of prevention of poisoning in using pesticide by farmers, we should know factors that influenced. As on indicator of poisoning result of using pesticide, we use the result of measuring cholinesterase activity of b1ood_ to the farmers who using pesticide. As the information about factor of working environmental in agricultural sector is difticult to find, so in this thesis just analyze factors of individual and working characteristics that associated with cholinesterase activity of blood to the farmers who using pesticide. The object of this research is to know the relationship between individual and working characteristics with cholinesterase activity of blood to the farmers who using pesticides in Bandung District, West Java. This research used cross sectional design, by using secundary data from health service of bandung District in 2001. The result of univariate analyze from 230 respondents, there were 49,6% respondents had level of cholinesterase activity of blood at poisoning category. Individual characteristics consist of sex (Sl ,3% men), age (58,3% old), level of education (57,8% low level of education), level of knowledge (55,7% low level of knowledge) and behavior (58,3% good behavior). Working haracteristics consist of working time (58,7% average), frequency of spraying (53,9% average), spraying method (66,l% right method) and using of personal protective equipment (69,l% not using personal protective equipment). The result of bivariate analyze from 5 variable of individual characteristics (sex, age, level of education, level of knowledge, and behavior), only 2 variable that have signiticant associated with cholinesterase activity of blood, there were level of knowledge (OR=9,25) and respondent behavior (0R=3,36). All of variable of working characteristics are signiiicant related with cholinesterase activity of blood, there were working time (OR-=2,38), frequency of spraying (OR=0,38), spraying method (OR=3,36) and using of personal protective equipment (OR=3,06). The result of multivariate by analyze of logistic regression on tive independent variables indicate the dominant relation with cholinesterase activity of blood is level of knowledge (0R=6,75 atter controlled by behavior, frequency of spraying, spraying method, and using of personal protective equipment. According to the result of research, we suggest to improve the intbrmation by cross sectoral between Health Department and Agricultural Department by "Upaya Kesehatan Keija" (Occupational Health Efforts) in working area of ?Puskcsmas" which is stressed in how pesticides enter into the human body and remark of pesticides label, in order the farmer who using pesticides could improve their knowledge and skill in using pesticides safety. Besides it's necessary to inspection of cholinesterase pre-exposure as data base and inspection of cholinesterase in plasm blood beside routin cholinesterase on erytrochyte that already done could be analyze deeply from the station of the pure cholinesterase.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinthia Suwardi
Abstrak :
Pestisida meningkatkan hasil 40% tanaman coklat di Amerika Latin, 33% tebu di Pakistan juga mengatasi masalah hama pada program intensifikasi di Indonesia. Pestisida memberikan dampak buruk jika penggunaannya dilakukan secara terus menerus tanpa memperhatikan aturan pemakaian dan cara mengaplikasikan yang baik dan benar. Pestisida banyak digunakan petani dengan cara disemprotkan, terutama golongan organofosfat yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi syaraf dengan jalan menghambat kerja enzim cholinesterase. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor risiko pajanan pestisida terhadap aktivitas cholinesterase dalam darah petani penyemprot hama padi. Desain penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan bulan April-Mei 2014, menggunakan data sekunder kuesioner responden serta hasil pemeriksaan cholinesterase yang dilakukan Seksi Penyehatan Lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Karawang di 3 Desa pada 2 wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas. Hasil penelitian, 81% petani mempunyai aktivitas cholinesterase normal atau tidak mengalami keracunan pestisida. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara jenis pestisida yang digunakan, umur, berat badan, masa kerja, frekuensi kerja, durasi kerja, kontak terakhir dengan pestisida dan penggunaan APD terhadap aktivitas cholinesterase.
Pesticides increase the yield of 40% cocoa in Latin America, 33% of sugarcane in Pakistan also solving pest problems in the intensification program in Indonesia. Pesticides had a devastating impact if used continuously regardless of usage rules and how to apply the rules. Pesticides are widely used by farmers by spraying, especially the organophosphate class which can affect nerve function by inhibiting the enzyme cholinesterase. The aim of research to analyze the risk factors of pesticide exposure to cholinesterase activity in the blood of farmers rice pest sprayer. The study used Cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in April-May 2014, using secondary data of the questionnaire respondents as well as the result of cholinesterase which has been conducted by Environmental Health Section of Karawang District Health on 3 villages at 2 UPTD Puskesmas. The results, 81% of farmers had normal cholinesterase activity or no pesticide poisoning. Bivariate analysis showed no correlation between the type of pesticide used, age, body weight, years of service, working frequency, duration of action, last contact with pesticides and the use of personal protective equipment against cholinesterase activity.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library