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Neneng Ratnawati
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Perkembangan industri mempunyai pengaruh besar kepada lingkungan, karena unit produksi mengubah sumber alam menjadi produk baru dan menghasilkan limbah yang bisa mencemarkan bahkan merusak lingkungan. Karena itu perlu diusahakan teknik dan cara produksi yang memperkecil bahkan meniadakan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. P.T HENKEL - INDONESIA (HI), merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi bahan kimia baik organik maupun anorganlk dengan status Penanaman Modal Asing (PIMA). Limbah yang dihasilkan berupa Limbah cair, gas maupun padat, namun limbah utama yang menjadi masalah berupa Limbah cair (volume : 80 m 3 per hall). Limbah cair dari PT. HI dibuang ke Sungai Kalibaru. Berdasarkan SK Gub. KDKI No. 582 Tahun 1995 dan SK. Gub. K.D. Tingkat I Jawa Barat, Sungai Kalibaru termasuk dalam golongan D (peruntukan usaha perkotaan ). Pengolahan limbah yang telah dilakukan adalah secara fisik, kimia dan biologis (secara aerob dengan lumpur aktif). Meskipun sudah dilakukan pengolahan, ada beberapa parameter belum memenuhi Baku Mutu yaitu COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), dan padatan terlarut atau OS (Dissolved Solid). Berdasarkan data swa-pantau selama 2 tahun, efektifitas penurunan COD melalui proses koagulasi dalam rangkaian sistem pengolahan limbah hanya 60%, sedangkan DS yang seharusnya juga berkurang kenyataanya tidak berkurang bahkan semakin meningkat. Tujuan dari peneiitian ini adalah menyelldki Idnerja dare variasi penggunan Alum yang dicampur dengan karbon aktif dalam meningkatkan efektifitas proses koagulasi serta mencari kondisi optimum dan percampuran Alum dan Karbon Aktif. Selain itu juga untuk melihat karakteristik dari Lumpur yang dihasilkan dalam rangka untuk menghindari terjadinya transfer limbah antar media. Metode yang digunakan adalah True Experimental, pengolahan data stasistik digunakan dalam melihat hubungan sebab akibat serta menyatakan seberapa besar hubungan sebab aklbat tersebut yaitu penurunan COD, padatan terlarut (OS), padatan tersuspensi (5S), Kekeruhan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dari berbagai Bak Penampungan yang menampung limbah dan berbagal proses sebelum masuk ke Bak Ekuafisasi. Percobaan dilakukan di labor atom Teknik Penyehatan - Fakultas Sipil dan Perencanaan Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Data hasil percobaan dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode statistik ANAVA (Analysis of Varians) melalui penggunaan program SPSS for MS Windows release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Bella Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD). Hasil percobaan menyimpulkan hal - hal sebagai benkut : 1. Pemakaian Alum dicampur dengan Karbon Aktif secara efektif dapat meningkatkan kinerja proses koagulasi dalam pengolahan kimia. 2. Pemakaian Alum yang dicampur dengan Karbon Aktif dapat menurunkan kadar COD dari 4.725 mg/l menjadi 187 mg/l (96%), kadar DS dari 8.950 mg/l menjadi 5.579 mg/l (55%), kadar SS dan 16,5 mg/l menjadi 1,5 mg/I (99,8%) dan kekeruhan dan 28,5 FTU menjadi 4 FTU (99,6%). Sementara itu sebagai pembanding, koagulasi dengan Alum saja tanpa penambahan Karbon Aktif hanya menurunkan kadar COD dari 4.725 mg/l menjadi 510 mg/l (89%), kadar DS dari 12.450 mg/l menjadi 8.950 mg/l (28%), 55 dad 1.430 mg/1 menjadi 16,5 mg/l (98,8%) dan kekeruhan dari 1.080 FTU menjadi 28,5 FM (97,4%). 3. Kondisi optimum dari percampuran Alum dan Karbon Aktif adalah Alum I A00 mg/I dan Karbon afktff = 8.000 mg/I. 4. Untuk menghindari transfer Iimbah antar media, disarankan lumpur yang dihasilkan dari proses kimia tidak dibuang namun dimanfaatkan karena masih mengandung logam Ni dan Zn. Hai ini perlu peneiltian lebih lanjut. 5. Selain karena kurang efektifnya proses koagulasi apabila memakai hanya Alum saja, faktor manusia juga menyebabkan kadar limbah yang keluar dan (PAL melebihi Baku Mutu. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dilakukan pembinaan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang menangani limbah. Hal ini bisa dilakukan melalui penyuluhan atau memberikan pengetahuan praktis mengenai penanganan limbah. Daftar Kepustakaan : 35 (1956 -1995 )
ABSTRACT Chemical Treatment of Waste Water Using Alum - Active CarbonIndustrial development has strong impact on environment. This is due to the fact that most production units always change natural resources into new product and waste material which, in turn tend to ruin life ecosystem, resulting in either short or long term impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to find a production technology, which is able to minimize or even eliminate negative impact on the environment. PT. HENKEL INDONESIA (H I), - is a private company producing various organic and inorganic chemicals. The plant consists of several production units and release some solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes. The liquid waste is drained from the Washing Tank and liquid from the production unit floor are the main problem so far (80 m3/ day). The liquid waste is discharged into Kalibaru river where, according to Jakarta Governor's Decree (SK Gub. KDKI No. 582 Tahun 1995) and West Java Governor's Decree (5K. Gub. KD Tingkat I Jawa Barat No.660.311SK1694-BKPMD182), the river is classified as class for municipal usage. Actually HI treated the waste, particularly liquid waste, by was of physical, chemical and activated sludge biological treatment respectively. However, there still some waste parameters exceeding the threshold e.g. COD, BOD and DS while up to now the waste is continuously poured into the body water of Kalibaru river. Based on the statistical data collected by Hl staff during the last 2 years, the effectively of COD treatment by chemical coagulation method is only approximately 60 %, while DS cannot be decreased but it has even increased instead. The aim of this experiment are to figure out the performance of chemical coagulation where Alum and Active Carbon chemicals are introduced to the treatment process in order to enhance the effectively as well as to find out the optimum condition of the combination. In addition the experiment also to analyze the sludge characteristics to prevent waste transfer between two media that may occur. The method used in the experiment is True Experimental, a statistical approach to find out the cause and effect relationship and the method will state how close the relationship is. The sample was taken on November, 14, 1996 and the experiments were undertaken at The Civil Engineering & Planning Laboratory, University Of Indonesia, Depok.The data obtained are analyzed by statistical method namely the ANAVA (Analysis of Varians ) by using SPSS program for Windows release 6.0 and followed by LSD ( Least Significant Difference ). The results of the experiments lead to the following conclusions: 1. In general, introducing a combination of Active Carbon and Alum can effectively increase the performance of Chemical Coagulation as a whole 2. The combination has decreased COD from 4,725 mg/l to 187 mg/l (96%), DS from 12,450 mg/l to 5,579 mg/l (55%), SS from 16.5 mg/l to 1.5 mg/l (99.8%) and turbidity from 28,5 FTU to 4 FTU (99.6%), respectively. Compared to coagulation with Alum without Active Carbon the decrease in COD was from 4,725 mg/l to 510 mg/l (89%), DS from 12,450 mg/l to 8,950 mg/l (28%), SS from 1,430 mg/l to 16.5 mg/l (98.8%) and turbidity from 1,080 FTU to 28.5 FTU (97.4%). 3. The optimum condition is reached when the composition of Alum is 1,400 mg/l and Active Carbon is 8,000 mg/l. 4. In order to avoid waste transfer between two media, it is not recommended to dispose it on soil, but should be used for other beneficial purposes, instead of its Zn and Ni content. For this purpose further research is needed. 5. In addition to the ineffective coagulation process, the human factor also plays a role towards the parameter level of waste. Therefore, the treatment unit personnel needs upgrading by organizing practical training to increase knowledge and skill in the treatment process. Total of references : 35 (1956 - 1995 )
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enrico Susanto
Abstrak :
[Pada penelitian ini, serat ijuk dihancurkan dan diayak ukuran 40 # setelah itu serat ijuk diberi perlakuan kimia dengan NaOH 2 % selama 1 jam, KMnO4 0,1 N selama 15 menit, dan NaClO 5 % selama 5 jam dengan tujuan mendapatkan selulosa kristalin. Setelah itu dilakukan proses pencampuran kering (hotmelt mixing) antara polipropilen dengan serat ijuk hasil perlakuan kimia dengan 7,5 % volum serat ijuk terhadap polipropilen dengan variabel temperatur 160°C, 165°C, dan 170°C dan variabel waktu pencampuran 15 menit dan 20 menit. Setelah itu dilakukan pengujian uji FTIR buat serat, sedangan buat komposit adalah uji tarik, uji STA, uji XRD, dan uji FE-SEM hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sifat kristalinitas dan mekanik dari komposit polipropilen ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa serat ijuk hasil perlakuaan lebih kristalin dari pada serat ijuk tanpa perlakukan, polipropilen dengan serat ijuk hasil perlakuaan kimia cukup kompatibel terhadap polipropilen, dari penelitian didapatkan sifat kristalinitas terbaik pada variabel 165°C selama 20 menit. Dan yang memiliki sifat kekuatan tarik paling baik adalah variabel 170°C selama 20 menit, sedangkan yang memiliki % elongasi paling baik adalah dengan variabel 160°C 20 menit. ......In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes., In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library