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Novi Yanti
"Sifilis adalah penyakit menular seksual kronik yang memiliki manifestasi klinis yang bervariasi dan menetap untuk waktu yang lama. Neurosifilis merupakan salah satu komplikasi sifilis sistemik dengan temuan di cairan serebrospinal dengan atau tanpa gejala yang jelas. Pemeriksaan yang saat ini tersedia dalam mendukung diagnosis hanya tersedia pemeriksaan analisis cairan serebrospinal dan serologi Treponema pallidum. Saat ini belum diketahui prevalensi neurosifilis di rumah sakit peneliti dan profil serologi Treponema pallidum dari bahan cairan serebrospinal.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang, dilakukan November 2017-Maret 2018 terhadap 50 cairan serebrospinal dan darah yang diperiksakan analisis cairan serebrospinal dengan keterangan klinis terduga infeksi intrakranial. Serum dan cairan serebrospinal diperiksakan RPR, TPHA, anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG dan khusus cairan serebrospinal diperiksa pula rapid test Treponema pallidum. Uji statistik menggunakan chi quare and Fisher exact test.
Dari penelitian terhadap 50 cairan serebrospinal dan serum didapatkan rapid test Treponema pallidum, RPR dan TPHA cairan serebrospinal reaktif 4(8%). Dari bahan serum didapatkan RPR reaktif 8(16%) dan TPHA reaktif 9(18%). Anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG positif 4 sampel (8%). Dari 50 sampel didapatkan 7 (14%) neurosifilis, 4 confirmed neurosyphilis dan 3 probable neurosyphilis sesuai kriteria Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Profil analisis cairan serebrospinalnya tidak berwarna, jernih, tidak ada bekuan, hitung sel 12.71 ±9.20 sel/μl, dominasi mononuklear 11.57±9.47 sel/μl, Pandy positif, protein cairan 42.29±21.49 mg/dl, glukosa cairan 55±5.16 mg/dl, glukosa serum 101.04±20.10 mg/dl, dan klorida 122.14±2.48 mEq/L. Pemeriksaan RPR, TPHA, dan anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG dengan bahan serum dan cairan serebrospinal memiliki hubungan bermakna.
Dari penelitian ini didapatkan 14% sesuai dengan neurosifilis dari populasi penelitian dan didapatkan 85.71% dengan HIV reaktif. Pada pasien HIV disarankan RPR dan TPHA serum untuk pemeriksaan skrining sifilis.

Syphilis is a chronic sexually transmitted disease that has varying clinical manifestations and persist for a long time. Neurosyphilis is one of the complications of systemic syphilis with findings in cerebrospinal fluid with or without obvious symptoms. Examinations currently available for diagnostic support were cerebrospinal fluid analysis and serology of Treponema pallidum. There is currently no known prevalence of neurosyphilis in the research hospital and serologic profile of Treponema pallidum from cerebrospinal fluid.
This study was a cross sectional study, conducted November 2017-March 2018 against 50 cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples that examined cerebrospinal fluid analysis with clinical information of suspected intracranial infection. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid examined by RPR, TPHA, anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG and particulary rapid test Treponema pallidum for cerebrospinal fluid. Statistic tests were chi quare and Fisher exact test.
From a total of 50 cerebrospinal fluid and serum, 4(8%) had reactive cerebrospinal fluid T. pallidum rapid tests, RPRs and TPHAs. From serum there were 8(16%) reactive RPRs and 9(18%) reactive TPHAs. Anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG was positif 4 samples (8%). Among the 50 samples, 7 (14%) had neurosyphilis, 4 were confirmed neurosyphilis and 3 were probable neurosyphilis according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis profile is colorless, clear, without clot, cell count 12.71±9.20 cells/μl, mononuclear 11.57±9.47 cells/μl, positive for Pandy, cerebrospinal fluid protein 42.29±21.49 mg/dl, glucose 55±5.16 mg/dl, serum glucose 101.04±20.10 mg/dl, and chloride 122.14±2.48 mEq/L. Rapid Plasma Reagin, TPHA, and anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG were associated between serum specimen and cerebrospinal fuid.
Neurosyphilis was found in 14% of our patient population and 85.71% was reactive for HIV. Rapid Plasma Reagin and TPHA in sera were recommended for syphilis screening for HIV patient."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sifilis adalah penyakit menular seksual kronik yang memiliki manifestasi klinis yang bervariasi dan menetap untuk waktu yang lama. Neurosifilis merupakan salah satu komplikasi sifilis sistemik dengan temuan di cairan serebrospinal dengan atau tanpa gejala yang jelas. Pemeriksaan yang saat ini tersedia dalam mendukung diagnosis hanya tersedia pemeriksaan analisis cairan serebrospinal dan serologi Treponema pallidum. Saat ini belum diketahui prevalensi neurosifilis di rumah sakit peneliti dan profil serologi Treponema pallidum dari bahan cairan serebrospinal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang, dilakukan November 2017-Maret 2018 terhadap 50 cairan serebrospinal dan darah yang diperiksakan analisis cairan serebrospinal dengan keterangan klinis terduga infeksi intrakranial. Serum dan cairan serebrospinal diperiksakan RPR, TPHA, anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG dan khusus cairan serebrospinal diperiksa pula rapid test Treponema pallidum. Uji statistik menggunakan chi quare and Fisher exact test. Dari penelitian terhadap 50 cairan serebrospinal dan serum didapatkan rapid test Treponema pallidum, RPR dan TPHA cairan serebrospinal reaktif 4 8 . Dari bahan serum didapatkan RPR reaktif 8 16 dan TPHA reaktif 9 18 . Anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG positif 4 sampel 8 . Dari 50 sampel didapatkan 7 14 neurosifilis, 4 confirmed neurosyphilis dan 3 probable neurosyphilis sesuai kriteria Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Profil analisis cairan serebrospinalnya tidak berwarna, jernih, tidak ada bekuan, hitung sel 12.71 9.20 sel/ l, dominasi mononuklear 11.57 9.47 sel/ l, Pandy positif, protein cairan 42.29 21.49 mg/dl, glukosa cairan 55 5.16 mg/dl, glukosa serum 101.04 20.10 mg/dl, dan klorida 122.14 2.48 mEq/L. Pemeriksaan RPR, TPHA, dan anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG dengan bahan serum dan cairan serebrospinal memiliki hubungan bermakna. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan 14 sesuai dengan neurosifilis dari populasi penelitian dan didapatkan 85.71 dengan HIV reaktif. Pada pasien HIV disarankan RPR dan TPHA serum untuk pemeriksaan skrining sifilis.
Syphilis is a chronic sexually transmitted disease that has varying clinical manifestations and persist for a long time. Neurosyphilis is one of the complications of systemic syphilis with findings in cerebrospinal fluid with or without obvious symptoms. Examinations currently available for diagnostic support were cerebrospinal fluid analysis and serology of Treponema pallidum. There is currently no known prevalence of neurosyphilis in the research hospital and serologic profile of Treponema pallidum from cerebrospinal fluid. This study was a cross sectional study, conducted November 2017-March 2018 against 50 cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples that examined cerebrospinal fluid analysis with clinical information of suspected intracranial infection. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid examined by RPR, TPHA, anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG and particulary rapid test Treponema pallidum for cerebrospinal fluid. Statistic tests were chi quare and Fisher exact test. From a total of 50 cerebrospinal fluid and serum, 4 8 had reactive cerebrospinal fluid T. pallidum rapid tests, RPRs and TPHAs. From serum there were 8 16 reactive RPRs and 9 18 reactive TPHAs. Anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG was positif 4 samples 8 . Among the 50 samples, 7 14 had neurosyphilis, 4 were confirmed neurosyphilis and 3 were probable neurosyphilis according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis profile is colorless, clear, without clot, cell count 12.71 9.20 cells/ l, mononuclear 11.57 9.47 cells/ l, positive for Pandy, cerebrospinal fluid protein 42.29 21.49 mg/dl, glucose 55 5.16 mg/dl, serum glucose 101.04 20.10 mg/dl, and chloride 122.14 2.48 mEq/L. Rapid Plasma Reagin, TPHA, and anti-Treponema pallidum ELISA IgG were associated between serum specimen and cerebrospinal fuid. Neurosyphilis was found in 14 of our patient population and 85.71 was reactive for HIV. Rapid Plasma Reagin and TPHA in sera were recommended for syphilis screening for HIV patient. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Anitasari Angwarmase
Patah dasar tulang tengkorak terjadi sekitar 3,5 ndash; 24 dari cedera kepala. Patah tulang dasar tengkorak menyebabkan robekan duramater sehingga berisiko terjadinya meningitis sekitar 9,2 . Pelayanan pasien patah tulang dasar tengkorak pada perawatan Neurologi RSCM menyarankan pemberian antibiotik profilaksis dalam upaya pencegahan meningitis bakterialis, dimana menggunakan ceftriaxon. Hal ini masih kontroversial. Penggunaan antibiotik tanpa indikasi yang tepat akan mengakibatkan resistensi antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manfaat pemberian antibiotik profilaksis selama 7 hari pada pasien patah tulang dasar tengkorak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan disain Randomized Clinical Trial, untuk mengetahui perbandingan profil cairan otak pada penderita patah tulang dasar tengkorak dengan atau tanpa pemberian antibiotik profilaksis. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS for Windows versi 20.0. Diperoleh 14 sampel, 7 pasien perlakuan yakni diberikan Ceftriaxon, sisanya kontrol. Sebanyak 57,1 pasien perlakuan, memiliki profil cairan otak yang normal, 42.9 lainnya memiliki profil cairan otak abnormal, bukan meningitis. Pada kelompok kontrol, 57,1 pasien memiliki profil cairan otak yang normal, 42.9 memiliki memiliki profil cairan otak abnormal, bukan meningitis. Dengan uji Chi ndash; Square diperoleh perbedaan yang tidak signifikan p=1,000 . Sebagai kesimpulan, terdapat kesamaan profil cairan otak pada pasien patah tulang dasar tengkorak dengan atau tanpa pemberian antibiotik profilaksis.

Skull base fracture is commonly happened in head injury, with 3,5 ndash 4,0 prevalence.The skull base fracture frequently caused meninges tear and risk of meningeal infection. Ceftriaxone is antibiotic of choice in prevention of meningeal infection. Department of Neurology, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital had accepted prophylactic Ceftriaxone in skull base fracture. Its use is still a controversy though. Antibiotic rsquo s use without proper indication may cause resistancy. The aim of this study is to find out the benefit of 7 days rsquo prophylactic antibiotic in skull base fracture. It is an experimental study with Randomized Clinical Trial design, to observe the difference of cerebrospinal fluid analysis between two groups, with or without prophylactic antibiotic use. Data analysis using SPSS for Windows Version 20.0. Fourteen patients was included in this study. Seven patients were in antibiotic group, the rest in control group. In antibiotic group, 57,1 of patients had normal cerebrospinal fluid analysis, while 42,9 had abnormal results, but not meningitis. In control group, 57,1 of patients had normal results, while 42,9 had abnormal results, but not meningitis. Chi ndash Square test found no significance difference between two groups p 1,000 . We found similarity of cerebrospinal fluid analysis in skull base fracture patients from both group."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library