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Qolby Sabrina
Abstrak :
Electro Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) telah dikembangkan untuk terapi kanker payudara dengan medan elektrostatik dari gelombang sinyal yang berasal dari elektroda kapasitif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan nilai beda potensial dan output gelombang sinyal yang dihsilkan ECCT terhadap pertumbuhan sel kanker dan cidera sel yang menyebabkan kematian sel. Dilakukan eksperimen in vitro menggunakan cell line MCF-7 (kanker payudara manusia) selama 24, 48 dan 72 jam perlakuan. Kemudian dilakukan perhitungan jumlah sel dengan hemocytometer dan pengukuran kapasitansi sel sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa ECCT standar sinyal kotak 18 Volt dan ECCT non standar sinyal kotak 31.2 Volt dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel dan hasil morfologi sel tampak cidera yang mengindikasi adanya kematian, sedangkan ECCT standar sinyal sinusoidal 18 Volt mampu menginduksi pertumbuhan sel sehingga jumlahnya semakin banyak jika dilihat dari koefisien pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Pengukuran nilai kapasitansi sel menunjukkan korelasi antara banyaknya jumlah sel dengan besarnya nilai kapasitansi yang terukur. Peningkatan nilai kapasitansi dapat menunjukkan penambahan aktifitas kelistrikan sel dan tingkat keganasan dari sel kanker. ...... Electro Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) has been developed for breast cancer therapy that generated electrostatic field from electrical wave in capacitive electrode. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of potential difference and signal wave output ECCT to cancer cell growth and cell injury that leads to lethal cell. In this study, in vitro experiment use MCF-7 cell line (human breast cancer) during 24, 48 and 72 hours treatment and than measured the number of cell with hemocytometer and value of capacitance after and before treatment. The results showed that potential ECCT square signal wave standard 18 Volt and square signal non-standard 31.2 Volt can inhibit cancer cell growth and cell morphology results seem to indicate the existence of injury deaths. While, from growth coefficient, ECCT sinusoidal signal wave standard 18 Volt can increase of cancer cell growth. Measurement of cell capacitance values showed correlation between the number of cells with the value of the measured capacitance. Increase of capacitance indicate of high activity of cancer cell and showed the malignancy of cancer cell levels.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafika Indah Paramita
Abstrak :
Asam galat merupakan senyawa yang banyak terdapat pada tumbuhan, buah, dan makanan dimana aktivitas antikankernya adalah yang paling baik. Namun asam galat memiliki masalah pada sifat polaritas yang tinggi dan bioavailabilitas yang rendah. Sehingga dibutuhkan modifikasi molekul untuk dapat meningkatkan lipofilisitasnya, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan bioavailabilitas dan aktifitas sitotoksik dari asam galat. Pada tahap pertama dilakukan desain dua puluh senyawa turunan heksil ester galat. Pada tahap kedua dilakukan proses in silico docking terhadap protein Bcl-xL dengan menggunakan software Autodock 4.2. Senyawa dengan energi Gibbs dan konstanta inhibisi paling kecil disintesis dan dikarakterisasi dengan spektrometer 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, spektrometer massa dan spektrofotometer Infra Merah (FTIR). Pada tahap ketiga dilakukan uji sitotoksisitas terhadap cell line MCF-7 dengan menggunakan metode MTT. Empat senyawa hasil in silico docking terbaik, yaitu senyawa cis-2?-heksenil-3,4,5-trimetoksigalat (19), trans-2?-heksenil-3,4,5-trimetoksigalat (18), heksil-3,4,5-trimetoksigalat (17), dan cis-2?-heksenil-3,4-dimetoksigalat (16) serta tiga senyawa heksil ester galat sebagai pembanding, yaitu cis-2?-heksenilgalat (4), trans-2?-heksenilgalat (3), heksilgalat (2) telah berhasil disintesis dan dikarakterisasi. Senyawa cis-2?-heksenil-3,4,5-trimetoksigalat (19) memiliki nilai IC50 terendah dibandingkan dengan asam galat dan senyawa turunan heksil ester yang lain yaitu 14,48 μg/ml. Senyawa (19) juga memiliki nilai IC50 mendekati dengan nilai IC50 dari gossypol sebagai kontrol positif. Senyawa (19) merupakan senyawa yang potensial dalam menghambat BclxL pada sel kanker payudara. ......Gallic acid is a compound that found in many plants, fruits, and foods where the anti-cancer activity is the best activity. However, gallic acid has a problem on the high polarity and low bioavailability. So, it takes molecular modifications in order to increase its lipophilicity, which is expected to increase bioavailability and cytotoxic activity of gallic acid. The first step was designed twenty hexyl esters derivative compounds. The second step was to conduct in silico docking to Bcl-xL protein using Autodock 4.2 software. Compounds with the lowest Gibbs energy and inhibition constants were synthesized and characterized by spectrometer 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, mass spectrometry and infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). The third step was conducting cytotoxicity assay on MCF-7 cell line using MTT method. Four compounds based on the best in silico docking result, are cis-2?-hexenyl-3,4,5-trimethoxygallate (19), trans-2?-hexenyl-3,4,5-trimethoxygallate (18), hexyl-3,4,5-trimethoxygallate (17), cis-2?-hexenyl-3,4-dimethoxygallate (16) and the threehexyl esters compounds for comparison, are cis-2?-hexenylgallate (4), trans-2?-hexenylgallate (3), and hexylgallate (2) was successfully synthesized and characterized. Compound cis-2?-hexenyl-3,4,5-trimethoxygallate (19) had the lowest IC50 value compared with gallic acid and other derivatives hexyl esters. IC50 value of cis-2?-hexenyl-3,4,5-trimethoxygallate (19) is 14.48 μg/ml. Compound (19) also has approached with IC50 values of gossypol as a positive control. Compound (19) is a potential compound in inhibiting Bcl-xL in breast cancer cells.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadi Sudarjat
Abstrak :
Doksorubisin merupakan obat pilihan utama dalam terapi kanker, tetapi memiliki indeks terapi rendah. Sehubungan dengan alasan tersebut maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan dan karakterisasi nanopartikel emas (AuNP) - gom arab terfungsionalisasi doksorubisin untuk meningkatkan indeks terapinya. AuNP dibuat dengan mereduksi HAuCl4 dengan natrium sitrat kemudian ditambahkan gom arab sebagai penstabil (GA-AuNP) dan setelah itu difungsionalisasikan dengan doksorubisin (Dox-GA-AuNP). Dox-GA-AuNP dikarakterisasi dengan spektrofotometri UV-Vis, spektrofotometri infra merah, dynamic light scattering dan transmission electron microscopy. Doksorubisin memiliki spektrum serapan Uv-Vis maksimal pada panjang gelombang 479 nm, sedangkan Dox-GA-AuNP memiliki spektrum serapan Uv-Vis maksimal pada panjang gelombang 485 nm. Spektrum IR Dox-GA-AuNP menunjukan adanya pita serapan ikatan keton dan amin yang berbeda dengan pita serapan ikatan keton dan amin pada doksorubisin bebas. Ukuran partikel Dox-GA-AuNP adalah 113,6 nm dengan karakteristik monodispersi (PDI 0,423), dan memiliki morpologi berbentuk sferis. Pengujian sitotoksik dilakukan terhadap doksorubisin bebas dan Dox-GA-AuNP. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengujian sitotoksisitas Dox-GA-AuNP pada lini sel MCF-7 memberikan IC50 0,28 μg/mL sedangkan doksorubisin bebas memiliki IC50 1,305 μg/mL. Doksorubisin yang telah difungsionalisasikan dengan GAAuNP dapat mengurangi ikatan protein dengan serum albumin manusia dari 62,51 ± 2,21 % (Dox Bebas) menjadi 22,91 ± 10,9 % (Dox-GA-AuNP). Dengan menurunnya ikatan protein dan meningkatnya efek sitotoksisitas pada Dox-GAAuNP dibandingkan dengan doksorubisin bebas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Dox- GA-AuNP dapat meningkatkan indeks terapi doksorubisin. ABSTRACT
Doxorubicin is a drug of choice for cancer therapy, but it has low index therapy. For that reason the reseach had been done to make and characterize gold nanoparticle - acacia gum functionalized doxorubicin to increase the therapy index. Gold nanoparticles was prepared by reducing HAuCl4 with sodium citrate and gum arabic was added as a steric stabilizer, and then being functionalized by doxorubicin (Dox-GA-AuNP). Dox-GA-AuNP was characterized by UV - Vis spectrophotometry, infrared spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy transmission. The UV-Vis spectrometry showed that doxorubicin has a maximum spectrum absorbtion of 479 nm while Dox-GAAuNP is 485 nm, FTIR spectrofotometcy showed that Dox-GA-AuNP has ketone and amine bonds absorption band which is different from absorption band of doxorubicin. The particle size of Dox-GA-AuNP is 113.6 nm with Poly Dispersion Index of 0.423, and morphological shape is spheric. The cytotoxic assay was conducted on MCF-7 cell line for Dox-GA-AuNP and doxorubicin. The results showed that Dox-GA-AuNP provides IC50 of 0.28 mg / mL while the IC50 of doxorubicin is 1.305 mg / mL. Protein bond of Dox-GA-AuNP is 22.91 ± 10.9 % while protein bond of doxorubicin is 62.51 ± 2.21 %. The decreasing of protein bond and increasing of cytotoxicity effect of Dox-GA-AuNP compared to doxorubicin conclude that Dox-GA-AuNP can increase the therapy index of doxorubicin.;Doxorubicin is a drug of choice for cancer therapy, but it has low index therapy. For that reason the reseach had been done to make and characterize gold nanoparticle - acacia gum functionalized doxorubicin to increase the therapy index. Gold nanoparticles was prepared by reducing HAuCl4 with sodium citrate and gum arabic was added as a steric stabilizer, and then being functionalized by doxorubicin (Dox-GA-AuNP). Dox-GA-AuNP was characterized by UV - Vis spectrophotometry, infrared spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy transmission. The UV-Vis spectrometry showed that doxorubicin has a maximum spectrum absorbtion of 479 nm while Dox-GAAuNP is 485 nm, FTIR spectrofotometcy showed that Dox-GA-AuNP has ketone and amine bonds absorption band which is different from absorption band of doxorubicin. The particle size of Dox-GA-AuNP is 113.6 nm with Poly Dispersion Index of 0.423, and morphological shape is spheric. The cytotoxic assay was conducted on MCF-7 cell line for Dox-GA-AuNP and doxorubicin. The results showed that Dox-GA-AuNP provides IC50 of 0.28 mg / mL while the IC50 of doxorubicin is 1.305 mg / mL. Protein bond of Dox-GA-AuNP is 22.91 ± 10.9 % while protein bond of doxorubicin is 62.51 ± 2.21 %. The decreasing of protein bond and increasing of cytotoxicity effect of Dox-GA-AuNP compared to doxorubicin conclude that Dox-GA-AuNP can increase the therapy index of doxorubicin., Doxorubicin is a drug of choice for cancer therapy, but it has low index therapy. For that reason the reseach had been done to make and characterize gold nanoparticle - acacia gum functionalized doxorubicin to increase the therapy index. Gold nanoparticles was prepared by reducing HAuCl4 with sodium citrate and gum arabic was added as a steric stabilizer, and then being functionalized by doxorubicin (Dox-GA-AuNP). Dox-GA-AuNP was characterized by UV - Vis spectrophotometry, infrared spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy transmission. The UV-Vis spectrometry showed that doxorubicin has a maximum spectrum absorbtion of 479 nm while Dox-GAAuNP is 485 nm, FTIR spectrofotometcy showed that Dox-GA-AuNP has ketone and amine bonds absorption band which is different from absorption band of doxorubicin. The particle size of Dox-GA-AuNP is 113.6 nm with Poly Dispersion Index of 0.423, and morphological shape is spheric. The cytotoxic assay was conducted on MCF-7 cell line for Dox-GA-AuNP and doxorubicin. The results showed that Dox-GA-AuNP provides IC50 of 0.28 mg / mL while the IC50 of doxorubicin is 1.305 mg / mL. Protein bond of Dox-GA-AuNP is 22.91 ± 10.9 % while protein bond of doxorubicin is 62.51 ± 2.21 %. The decreasing of protein bond and increasing of cytotoxicity effect of Dox-GA-AuNP compared to doxorubicin conclude that Dox-GA-AuNP can increase the therapy index of doxorubicin.]
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library