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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Faizah Muthmainnah
Abstrak :
Penggunaan lahan pada suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA) memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas suatu perairan. Sumber air dari suatu perairan dapat berasal dari mata air yang terdapat di dalamnya dan dari masukan air sungai atau limpasan air permukaan serta air hujan yang mengalir di lahan sekitar perairan tersebut. Daerah tangkapan air adalah suatu daerah yang mengalirkan air ke Situ Gintung. Masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Situ Gintung memanfaatkannya untuk perikanan, pertanian dan sarana wisata. Dalam jangka waktu 20 tahun, yaitu tahun 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019, Situ Gintung mengalami perubahan kualitas perairan secara fisik dapat diketahui melalui kandungan materi yang mengubah warna air tersebut. Perubahan tersebut salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh erosi dan sedimentasi. Untuk mengetahui besarnya laju erosi pada suatu lahan digunakan pemodelan USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat tingkat erosi di DTA Situ Gintung, yaitu normal, ringan, sedang, berat. Sebaran erosi yang terjadi di DTA Situ Gintung mengikuti pola lereng. Laju erosi normal terbesar sebesar 178,13 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2019 dan terkecil sebesar 58,43 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2014. Tingkat erosi ringan terbesar sebesar 1410,63 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2019 dan terkecil sebesar 706,13 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2014. Tingkat erosi sedang tertinggi adalah 2.831,84 ton/ha /tahun pada tahun 2009 dan yang terkecil sebesar 1710,71 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2014. Laju erosi berat terbesar adalah 4782,74 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2009 dan terkecil adalah 2.312,31 ton/ha/tahun pada tahun 2019. ......Changes in land use in a sub-watershed have an effect on the quality of a waters. Sources of water from a waters can come from springs contained in it and from river water input or runoff surface water and rain water that flows in the land around these waters. Pesanggrahan Sub-watershed is a sub-watershed that flows water to Situ Gintung. People who live around Situ Gintung use it for fisheries, agriculture and tourist facilities. Within a period of 20 years, namely 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019, Situ Gintung experienced a change in the quality of the physical waters, namely changes in the number of suspended solids entering the waters. The amount of the TSS value in a waters is influenced by soil material which is eroded by water passing through a land area. To determine the amount of the erosion rate on a land, USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) modeling is used. The results showed that changes in the land cover of the Situ Gintung catchment had an effect which was directly proportional to the rate of erosion in the Situ Gintung catchment area. The distribution of erosion that occurs in the Situ Gintung catchment follows the slope pattern. The largest normal erosion rate was 178,13 ton/ha/year in 2019 and the smallest was 58,43 ton/ha/year in 2014. The largest light erosion rate was 1410,63 ton/ha/year in 2019 and the smallest was 706,13 ton/ha/year in 2014. The highest moderate erosion rate was 2.831,84 tonnes / ha / year in 2009 and the smallest was 1710,71 ton/ha/year in 2014. The highest rate of heavy erosion was 4782,74 ton/ha/year in 2009 and the smallest was 2.312,31 ton/ha/year in 2019
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Ario Nugroho
Abstrak :
Perkembangan pesat DKI Jakarta menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi hidrologis kota akibat meningkatnya lahan terbangun dan berkurangnya area resapan air. Diperlukan upaya konservasi air dengan meningkatkan infiltrasi air ke tanah dan menurunkan limpasan air permukaan dengan pendekatan pembangunan berbasis Low Impact Development LID dengan penerapan infrastruktur hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penempatan infrastruktur hijau yang sesuai dengan kriteria kesesuaian lahan dan menganalisa efektifitasnya serta optimasi penerapannya pada daerah tangkapan air DTA kawasan perkotaan Jakarta, dengan mengambil studi kasus di Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemodelan penempatan infrastruktur hijau dengan menggunakan BMP Siting Tools BST dan ArcGIS, analisa efektifitas dengan perhitungan koefisien aliran dan aliran limpasan. Kemudian untuk optimasi pengembangan infrastruktur hijau dilakukan wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait potensi dan kendala penerapan infrastruktur hijau di lokasi penelitian. Dari hasil pemodelan diketahui bahwa infrastuktur hijau yang dapat diterapkan adalah bioretensi dan rain barrels. Penggunaan infrastruktur hijau tersebut efektif dalam menurunkan nilai koefisien aliran dan menurunkan debit limpasan sebesar 83 . Sementara itu, dari hasil optimasi diketahui bahwa untuk meningkatkan fisibility dari penerapan infrastruktur hijau dapat dilakukan upaya sebagai berikut, yaitu penyesuaian terhadap rencana tata ruang kota , meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, menjaga laju perubahan lahan terbangun, memaksimalkan lahan ruang publik, dan membangun integrasi infrastruktur hijau dengan sistem drainase dalam pengelolaan limpasan air hujan.
The rapid urbanization of Jakarta city has resulted in the decreasing of the hydrological function of the city due to the increase of impervious land cover and the reduced water catchment area. Water conservation efforts are needed by increasing water infiltration and reducing surface water runoff with the Low Impact Development LID approach with green infrastructure GI implementation in the urban catchment area. This research takes a case study in Tanjung Barat Sub district, South Jakarta, which acts as one of water catchment area of Jakarta. The aims of this study is to determine the placement of GI in accordance with the criteria of land suitability, and analyze the effectiveness and optimation of its application.. The method used in this research is the modeling of GI placement using BMP Siting Tools BST and ArcGIS. The effectiveness analysis with the calculation of flow coefficient and flow of runoff. While for the optimization of GI development, conducted interviews with stakeholders related to the potential and constraints of the implementation of GI in the research location. From the results of modeling known that GI that can be applied is bioretention and rain barrels. The use of GI is effective in lowering the flow coefficient and reducing runoff discharge by 83 .. Meanwhile, from the optimization analysis, it is known that to improve the fisibilities of GI implementation, the following efforts can be made, namely adjustment to urban spatial planning, increasing community participation, keeping pace of land change, public space utilization., and building GI integration with a drainage system in the management of rainwater runoff.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Sutjiningsih
Abstrak :
The findings of numerous studies on the responses of stream quality indicators to different levels of watershed development have been integrated into an impervious cover model. The focus on one development stressor, namely the impervious cover, allows the decision makers to use the impervious cover model as a watershed planning tool to forecast stream response. In evaluating stream quality, the studies used various indicators such as pollutant loads, habitat quality, aquatic species diversity and abundance, and others. This study aims to test the applicability of the impervious cover model as a tool to set the threshold of catchment area development based on the targeted water quality index. The model is represented by a linear relationship between the water quality index as a response variable and catchment area imperviousness as an explanatory variable. The study area is an urbanized catchment area of a cascade-pond system located at the campus of Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Estimation of catchment area imperviousness is based on digital globe imagery and digitized based on identified rooftops. The water quality data to compute the water quality indices are collected from previous studies and related reports. The targeted water quality index is determined based on water use suitability referring to the Indonesian government regulation number 82/2001. Based on the available data, an increasing tendency of temporal variation of catchment area imperviousness for each pond can be recognized, while water quality index of each pond tends to decrease over time. In accordance with land cover distribution, spatial tendency indicates that imperviousness is decreasing in downstream direction, while water quality index is increasing in downstream direction, in line with the characteristics of cascade ponds. The results demonstrate that despite the fact that the available data are very limited, it is possible to use the linear relationship between catchment area imperviousness and water quality index as a tool to set the threshold for future development on the catchment area of the cascade-pond system at the campus of Universitas Indonesia with a minimum water quality index suitable just for recreation activities.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Sutjiningsih
Abstrak :
The findings of numerous studies on the responses of stream quality indicators to different levels of watershed development have been integrated into an impervious cover model. The focus on one development stressor, namely the impervious cover, allows the decision makers to use the impervious cover model as a watershed planning tool to forecast stream response. In evaluating stream quality, the studies used various indicators such as pollutant loads, habitat quality, aquatic species diversity and abundance, and others. This study aims to test the applicability of the impervious cover model as a tool to set the threshold of catchment area development based on the targeted water quality index. The model is represented by a linear relationship between the water quality index as a response variable and catchment area imperviousness as an explanatory variable. The study area is an urbanized catchment area of a cascade-pond system located at the campus of Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Estimation of catchment area imperviousness is based on digital globe imagery and digitized based on identified rooftops. The water quality data to compute the water quality indices are collected from previous studies and related reports. The targeted water quality index is determined based on water use suitability referring to the Indonesian government regulation number 82/2001. Based on the available data, an increasing tendency of temporal variation of catchment area imperviousness for each pond can be recognized, while water quality index of each pond tends to decrease over time. In accordance with land cover distribution, spatial tendency indicates that imperviousness is decreasing in downstream direction, while water quality index is increasing in downstream direction, in line with the characteristics of cascade ponds. The results demonstrate that despite the fact that the available data are very limited, it is possible to use the linear relationship between catchment area imperviousness and water quality index as a tool to set the threshold for future development on the catchment area of the cascade-pond system at the campus of Universitas Indonesia with a minimum water quality index suitable just for recreation activities.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pemberian ASI (Air Susu Ibu) salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan sumber daya manusia. Air Susu Ibu merupakan nutrisi yang terbaik dan yang terpenting bagi bayi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan mencapai tumbuh kembang yang optimal. Pemberian ASI akan membantu pertumbuhan bayi yang adekuat dalam 6 bulan pertama kehidupannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pola pemberian ASI dan hubungannya dengan faktor determinan (umur, tingkat pendidikan, status pekerjaan, pengetahuan, sikap, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan dorongan keluarga) di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Gandus Palembang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan "Cross Sectional" dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan sebagai respondennya adalah 97 orang ibu-ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 4 sampai 6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Gandus Palembang. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan uji univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan menggunakan Program SPSS versi 10. Analisa bivariat dengan "Chi-Square" dan analisa multivariat menggunakan analisa Regresi Logistik berganda dengan metoda "Backward". Hasil analisa univariat, yang berhubungan dengan pola pemberian ASI di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Gandus Palembang, yaitu waktu pemberian ASI pertama kali pada saat 112 jam setelah lahir sebesar 12,4 % dan 112 - 24 jam setelah lahir 35,1 %. Frekwensi dalam pemberian ASI sesuka bayi (on demand) 71,1 % dan lama (durasi) dalam pemberian ASI usia bayi sampai 4 - 6 bulan masih diberi ASI 87,6 %, pemberian makanan prelacteal seperti susu formula 41, 2 %, lain-lain 44,4 %. Hasil analisa bivariat menunjukan dari 7 variabel yang dianalisa 4 variabel mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan pola pemberian ASI yaitu : pengetahuan, sikap, dukungan petugas kesehatan dan dorongan keluarga. Dari hasil analisis multivariat menunjukan variabel yang menjadi kandidat model yaitu pengetahuan, sikap, dukungan petugas kesehatan. Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap pola pemberian ASI adalah dukungan petugas kesehatan. Hasil uji interaksi untuk memperoleh model akhir persamaan rekresi adalah interaksi antara sikap ibu dengan petugas kesehatan. Dalam rangka peningkatan penggunaan pemakaian ASI di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Gandus perlu diupayakan beberapa hal yaitu peningkatan penyuluhan, pemasyarakatan dan penggalakan pemberian ASI. Selain itu perlu adanya pembinaan pengawasan terhadap tenaga kesehatan untuk ikut memasyarakatkan penggunaan ASI. ......Breast-feeding is one of the main factors in the improvement of qualities of human resources. Mother's milk has been found to be best and most important nutrition for babies to improve their health and to maximize their growth to an optimum development. Breast-feeding is an essential element to boost adequate growth of babies during their first 6 month of life. This study has the purpose to identify and present a clear picture of breast-feeding pattern and its relationship with other determinants (such as age, level of education, occupation status, knowledge, attitude, support from health care providers and encouragement from family) within the catchments area of Puskesmas Gandus. Palembang. The research was carried out using the "Cross Sectional" design with a quantitative approach. The data collection process was accomplished by using questionnaire with 97 respondents consisting of mothers who have babies with the range of 4 to 6 months of age, all in the catchment area of Puskesmas Gandus, Palembang. The processing and analyzing of the collected data was conducted using univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods as suggested in the SPSS Software version 10. The bivariate analysis used "Chi-square" test and the multivariate analysis used to Multiple Logistic Regression analysis with Backward method. The univariate analysis showed that only 12,4% respondents who gave first breast-feeding at half-hour after the babies born. Further, the percentage is increased at 35,1% who gave the first breast-feeding at interval - 24 hours. About 71,1% of respondents gave breast-feeding on demand; and 87,6% of them still breastfed their babies until age of 4-6 months. There are 21,2% who gave prelacteal supplements i.e., bottle milk, and 44,4% gave others supplement, such as honey or watered poridge. The result of bivariate analysis show that 4 of the 7 variables showed significant relationship with the prevailing breast-feeding pattern, i.e.: knowledge, attitude, support cf health care providers and encouragement from family. The logistic regression showed that only one variable and one interaction were related to the breast-feeding pattern. This are level of mother's knowledge and interaction between mother's attitude with support of health care providers. In the context of promoting breast-feeding practice within the catchments area of Puskesmas Gandus, it is necessary to prioritize on several issues including education, socialization and advocacy for breast-feeding. In adition, it is also deemed necessary to exercise supervision over the work of the health care providers so that they may actively participate in the socialization of breast-feeding practices.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahmud Yunus
Abstrak :
Penyakit diare merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. lni disebabkan angka kesakitan dan kematiannya masih menduduki rangking atas. Insiden diare di Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2000 adalah 19,4 per seribu penduduk dan menyerang 63 % usia Balita. Pada Tingkat Kecamatan insiden diare tertinggi terjadi di Kecamatan Kedung Waringin yaitu 56,7 per seribu penduduk (semua golongan umur), pada usia Balita mencapai 294,1 per seribu Balita. Insiden ini melebihi insiden diare nasional yaitu 26,1 per seribu penduduk. Cakupan sanitasi masih rendah yaitu 55,1 % untuk air bersih; 38,4 % jamban sehat; dan 39,4 % rumah sehat. Kejadian diare pada Balita dipengaruhi banyak faktor terutama perilaku dan lingkungan fisik (sanitasi dasar). Mengingat informasi tentang hal ini belum banyak diketahui maka penelitian perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah kejadian diare di wilayah tersebut berhubungan dengan kondisi sanitasi dasar dan perilaku ibu. Disain penelitian menggunakan kasus kontrol dengan populasi Balita yang tinggal di wilayah puskesmas Kedung Waringin Kecamatan Kedung Waringin Kabupaten Bekasi. Sampel penelitian adalah 80 Balita yang menderita diare yang datang berobat ke puskesmas sebagai kasus, dan 80 Balita tetangga yang tidak diare pada saat disurvei sebagai kontrol yang dipilih secara random (Simple Random Sample). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengunjungi rumah keluarga Balita untuk melakukan wawancara dan pengamatan dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat variabel yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian .diare Balita yaitu sarana air bersih, jamban, SPAL dan perilaku ibu dalam upaya pencegahan diare. Sedangkan variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian diare Balita adalah kualitas air bersih, sampah, dan rumah. Dari ke empat Variabel yang berhubungan tersebut yang paling dominan berisiko terhadap kejadian diare Balita adalah perilaku ibu dalam upaya pencegahan diare. Sehubungan dengan itu upaya-upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah penyuluhan kesehatan lingkungan kepada masayarakat agar terfokus pada wanita dan Balita dalam rangka perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, pemantauan sarana sanitasi (sarana air bersih, jamban, dan SPAL) secara kontinyu dan berkesinambungan, perbaikan sarana sanitasi (sarana air bersih, jamban, dan SPAL) perlu dilaakukan pada sarana yang dianggap sudah tidak memenuhi syarat tetapi masih dipakai masyarakat dengan menggunakan dana pemerintah maupun swadaya masyarakat serta penelitian lanjutan pada faktor risiko lainnya baik yang berhubungan langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan kejadian diare Balita. ......Basic Sanitation, Maternal Behavior, and Diarrhea Incidence of Children Under-five at the Health Center Catchment Area in Kedung Waringin, Sub-District of Kedung Waringin, District of Bekasi, 2003Diarrhea disease is one of communicable diseases, which is currently still becoming a public health problem in Indonesia. In 2000, the incidence rate of diarrhea disease in District of Bekasi was reported 19.4 per 1,000 population which attacked 63% children under-five. The highest incidence rate of diarrhea disease for all age groups was 563 per 1,000 population in Sub-District of Kedung Waringin. The incidence rate among children under-five reached 294.1 per 1,000 population. This figure had exceeded the national incidence rate of diarrhea disease, 26.1 per 1,000 population. The sanitation coverage of the population in Kedung Waringin was considered low. Of the total population, 55.1% had access to clean water supply, 38.4% adequate sanitary latrines, and 39.4% healthy housing. The incidence of diarrhea among children under-five is influenced by several factors including maternal behavior characteristics and basic environmental sanitation. This study was to provide information on their relationships, which can be used for developing better strategy for diarrhea disease -control in the sub-district. The objectives of the study were to identify basic sanitation conditions, maternal behavior characteristics, and its relationship with diarrhea! diseases incidence in Kedung Waringin. A case control study design was employed in the study. The study population was children under-five who are living in the catchments area of Kedung Waringin Health Center, Sub-District of Kedung Waringin, District of Bekasi. A total sample of 80 cases of children under-five was selected from those having diarrhea whom came to the Health Center for medical treatment. In addition, a total of 80 neighboring children under-five without diarrhea disease were selected through simple random sampling method as the control group. Data were collected by interviews the selected mothers through a combination of opened and closed questionnaires. Moreover, home visits and observation were completed to identify environmental sanitation conditions and maternal behavior characteristics. There were four variables significantly associated with the incidence of diarrhea, including clean water, latrine, wastewater disposal facilities, and maternal behavior. On the other hand, the variables which were not associated with the incidence of diarrhea among children under five included clean water quality, solid waste, and housing. Of the four associated variables, maternal behavior was the highest risk of diarrheal incidence among children under-five. In line with the preventive efforts of diarrhea, it is recommended that the community health education and promotion activities should be focused on women or mothers as the main target groups. The intervention priorities should include a hygienic and healthy behavior, regular monitoring of sanitation facilities such as clean water, latrine, wastewater disposal facilities. In addition, the sanitation facilities improvement especially for those, which do not meet sanitary standard, should become the responsibility of the local government as well as community and also follow up research for the other risk factor of diarrhea.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabarman Ranudiwiryo
Abstrak :
Fluktuasi debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir sangat tinggi, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya banjir pada musim penghujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Debit sungai yang tinggi akan menyulitkan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya air baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir berbanding lurus dengan intensitas curah hujan artinya curah hujan yang tinggi akan mempengaruhi secara langsung terhadap besarnya debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. Dipihak lain kapasitas peresapan (infiltrasi) di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir sangat kecil.

Penggunaan lahan yang berbeda pada setiap daerah aliran sungai akan mengakibatkan perbedaan jumlah air hujan yang sampai dipermukaan tanah; hal ini akan mempengaruhi besar-kecilnya aliran air limpasan (water run off).

Adanya tanaman penutup lahan (cover crops) akan memperkecil volume dan kecepatan aliran permukaan dan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas peresapan suatu daerah aliran sungai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara banjir dengan kerusakan ekosistem di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. lndikator kerusakan ekosistem yang diukur adalah : debit banjir pada sungai utama (Bengawan Solo) dan cabang-cabang sungai, kapasitas sungai, curah hujan, kapasitas peresapan, sedimen terangkut dan luas tata guna lahan di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan antara kerusakan komponen ekosistem dengan bencana banjir yang terjadi di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir.

Dari hasil analisis tersebut diperoleh suatu bentuk hubungan komponen ekosistem dengan bencana banjir sebagai berikut :

1) semakin tinggi curah hujan akan semakin besar debit banjir,

2) semakin sempit luas vegetasi penutup lahan (cover crops) semakin kecil tingkat peresapan air ke dalam tanah,

3) semakin meningkat debit banjir semakin meningkat pula erosivitas lahan dan semakin tinggi tingkat sedimentasi serta semakin menurun kapasitas sungai.

Dalam upaya menurunkan debit banjir agar sesuai dengan kapasitas sungai (full bank flow) maka perlu dilakukan upaya peningkatan kapasitas peresapan, penurunan kecepatan dan volume aliran permukaan (run of]) dengan mempertebal profit tanah di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir, memperluas lahan bervegetasi (cover crops) dengan pepohonan yang mempunyai fungsi konservasi.

Dari hasil perhitungan debit sungai pada setiap sub daerah aliran sungai (Y), pengukuran luas sub daerah aliran sungai (Xl), curah hujan (X2), pengukuran luas vegetasi penutup lahan (cover crops) (X3), pengukuran peresapan (X4) serta mengevaluasi kegiatan manusia di setiap sub daerah aliran sungai (C), maka banjir di daerah Bengawan Solo Hilir merupakan fungsi dari (X1,X2,X3,X4 dan C) dari hasil hubungan tersebut didapat bentuk hubungan sebagai berikut :

(1) S.Wulung : Y = 0,1156X1 + 0.0016X2 - 0.0011X3.- 0,0405X4 + 0,9244C

(2) S.Grabagan : Y = 0,0320X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0219X3 - 0,02323X4 + 0,970C

(3) S.Tinggang : Y = 0,0212X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0086X3 - 0,0140X4 + 0,953C

(4) S.Batokan : Y = 0,0509X1 + 0.0024X2 - 0.0051X3 - 0,0358X4 + 0,9031C

(5) S.Gandong : Y = 0,0630X1 + 0,0019X2 - 0.0066X3 - 0,0440X4 + 0,8830C

(6) S.Tidu : Y = 0,02673X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0056X3 - 0,0018X4 + 0,944C

(7) S.Kening : Y = 4,1870X1 + 4,0013X2 - 0.0057X3 - 0,0113X4 + 0,6865C

(8) S.Pacal : Y = 0,0967X1 + 0,0018X2 - 0.0083X3 - 0,0727X4 + 0,8205C

(9) S.Besuki : Y = 0,0276X1+0,0024X2-0.0092X3 - 0,0285X4 + 0,9414C

(10) S.Merkuris : Y = 0,2183X1 + 0,0026X2 - 0.0099X3 - 0,01653X4 +

(11) S.Ingas : Y = 0,02574X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0067X3 - 0,0179X4 + 0,946C

(12) S.Cawak : Y = 0,0191X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0058X3 - 0,0107X4 + 0,9601C

(13) S.Serning : Y = 0,0594X1 + 0,0014X2 - 0.0029X3 - 0,0415X4 + 0,8889C

(14) S.Brangkal : Y = 0,0685X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0037X3 - 0,0414X4 + 0,8857C (15) S.Semarmendem: Y = 0,0614X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0030X3 - 0,043X4 + 0,8882C

Dari persamaan tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa banjir di daerah Bengawan Solo Hilir sebagian besar disebabkan oleh kegiatan manusia yang berada di sub daerah aliran sungai. Untuk menurunkan debit banjir dan meningkatkan kapasitas resapan perlu dibuat sumur resapan sebanyak 272 (dua ratus tujuh puluh dua) unit sumur resapan.

Pustaka : 41 literatur dan artikel terbitan 1968 - 1994
The fluctuation of the water flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is very high. This is the reason why flood is encountered during the wet season and dryness in the dry season. The flow of the river causes difficulties in utilizing the water resources, both in quality as well as in quantity. The river water flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is directly proportional to the rainfall intensity, which means that the higher the rain fall intensity the higher river flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. On the other hand the infiltration rate of the water in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is too low. The difference of land use in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area causes a difference in the rain water volume reaching the land surface, affecting the rate of water run off. The existence of cover crops can reduce the volume and velocity of water run off and increase the infiltration rate of a catchments area. This study is conducted to assess the correlation between flood and ecosystem destruction in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. The indicators of the ecosystem destruction which will be measure are : the main stream (Bengawan Solo Lower Stream) and its tributaries discharge, river capacity, rain fall, infiltration capasity, sediment loads, and land use area at each sub catchments area. All the data collected will be analyzed to be use as parameters of the correlation between flood and the ecosystem destruction at bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. The result of the data analysis at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area are as follows :

1. The higher the rain fall intensity, the higher the flood discharge.

2. The narrower the cover crops area, the lesser the infiltration capasity.

3. The higher the discharge the higher the erosion and the higher sedimentation rate, resulting in the decrease of the river capacity.

In order to reduce the peak river discharge so as to match the river capacity (full bank flow) the infiltration capacity needs to be enhanced, the velocity and volume of water run off needs to be reduced by thickening the soil profile at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area, widening the cover crops area and planting vegetation which have conservation function. Based on the calculation of river discharge (Y) at each sub catchments area, area measurement of the sub catchments area (Xl), measurement of the rain fall intensity (X2), measurement of the cover crops area (X3), measurement of the infiltration capasity (X4) and by evaluating the human resources activity (C) the result of calculation as follows:

(1) S.Wulung : Y = 0,1156X1 + 0.0016X2 - 0.0011X3.- 0,0405X4 + 0,9244C

(2) S.Grabagan : Y = 0,0320X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0219X3 - 0,02323X4 + 0,970C

(3) S.Tinggang : Y = 0,0212X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0086X3 - 0,0140X4 + 0,953C

(4) S.Batokan : Y = 0,0509X1 + 0.0024X2 - 0.0051X3 - 0,0358X4 + 0,9031C

(5) S.Gandong : Y = 0,0630X1 + 0,0019X2 - 0.0066X3 - 0,0440X4 + 0,8830C

(6) S.Tidu : Y = 0,02673X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0056X3 - 0,0018X4 + 0,944C

(7) S.Kening : Y = 4,1870X1 + 4,0013X2 - 0.0057X3 - 0,0113X4 + 0,6865C

(8) S.Pacal : Y = 0,0967X1 + 0,0018X2 - 0.0083X3 - 0,0727X4 + 0,8205C

(9) S.Besuki : Y = 0,0276X1+0,0024X2-0.0092X3 - 0,0285X4 + 0,9414C

(10) S.Merkuris : Y = 0,2183X1 + 0,0026X2 - 0.0099X3 - 0,01653X4 + 0,951C

(11) S.Ingas : Y = 0,02574X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0067X3 - 0,0179X4 + 0,946C

(12) S.Cawak : Y = 0,0191X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0058X3 - 0,0107X4 + 0,9601C

(13) S.Serning : Y = 0,0594X1 + 0,0014X2 - 0.0029X3 - 0,0415X4 + 0,8889C

(14) S.Brangkal : Y = 0,0685X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0037X3 - 0,0414X4 + 0,8857C

(15) Semarmendem River : Y = 0,0614X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.003030 - 0,043X4 + 0,88820

From the above equations it can be concluded that floods at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is more due to human resources activities in the sub catchments area. Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is characterized by many meanders, high sedimentation, and the horizontal erosion which more intensive than the vertical erosion. Most of rain water (90%) falling in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream becomes run off water while (10%) will infiltrate into the ground. The land use in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area may be divided into 6 (six) groups i.e. forest, bushes, dry land, rice fields and swamps. Floods normally occur in December up to March.

In order to limit floods discharge and increase infiltration capacity reforesting is required in each sub catchments area of rivers which is estimated as follows :

(1) Wulung R : 311 km2 (72,66 %), (2) Grabagan R: 79 km2 (72,48 %), (3) Tinggang R: 80 km2 (66,12 %), (4) Batokan R: 147 km2 (70,33 %), (5) Gandong R: 176 km2 (69,74 %), (6) Tidu R: 91 km2 (69,74 %), (7) Kening R: 512 km2 (62,21 %), (8) Pacal R: 269 km2 (75,14 %), (9) Besuki R: 98 km2 (75,38 %), (10) Merkuris R: 81 km2 (75,70 %), (11) Ingas R: 97 km2 (69,78 %), (12) Cawak R: 61 km2 (69,78 %), (13) Serving R: 237 km2 (69,91 %), (14) Brangkal R: 232 km2 (65,91 %), (15) Semarmendem R: 230 km2 (65,71 %) .

Foods can be reduced so as to match the river capacity (full bank flow) if 55,95 % to 75,70 % of the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area which is in the form of forest with conservation function, while in the settlement areas 272 infiltration well are required.

References : 41 Textbooks an articles, published during period 1986 - 1994;ABSTRAK
Fluktuasi debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir sangat tinggi, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya banjir pada musim penghujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Debit sungai yang tinggi akan menyulitkan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya air baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir berbanding lurus dengan intensitas curah hujan artinya curah hujan yang tinggi akan mempengaruhi secara langsung terhadap besarnya debit sungai di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. Dipihak lain kapasitas peresapan (infiltrasi) di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir sangat kecil.

Penggunaan lahan yang berbeda pada setiap daerah aliran sungai akan mengakibatkan perbedaan jumlah air hujan yang sampai dipermukaan tanah; hal ini akan mempengaruhi besar-kecilnya aliran air limpasan (water run off).

Adanya tanaman penutup lahan (cover crops) akan memperkecil volume dan kecepatan aliran permukaan dan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas peresapan suatu daerah aliran sungai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara banjir dengan kerusakan ekosistem di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. lndikator kerusakan ekosistem yang diukur adalah : debit banjir pada sungai utama (Bengawan Solo) dan cabang-cabang sungai, kapasitas sungai, curah hujan, kapasitas peresapan, sedimen terangkut dan luas tata guna lahan di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan antara kerusakan komponen ekosistem dengan bencana banjir yang terjadi di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir.

Dari hasil analisis tersebut diperoleh suatu bentuk hubungan komponen ekosistem dengan bencana banjir sebagai berikut :

1) semakin tinggi curah hujan akan semakin besar debit banjir,

2) semakin sempit luas vegetasi penutup lahan (cover crops) semakin kecil tingkat peresapan air ke dalam tanah,

3) semakin meningkat debit banjir semakin meningkat pula erosivitas lahan dan semakin tinggi tingkat sedimentasi serta semakin menurun kapasitas sungai.

Dalam upaya menurunkan debit banjir agar sesuai dengan kapasitas sungai (full bank flow) maka perlu dilakukan upaya peningkatan kapasitas peresapan, penurunan kecepatan dan volume aliran permukaan (run of]) dengan mempertebal profit tanah di daerah aliran Bengawan Solo Hilir, memperluas lahan bervegetasi (cover crops) dengan pepohonan yang mempunyai fungsi konservasi.

Dari hasil perhitungan debit sungai pada setiap sub daerah aliran sungai (Y), pengukuran luas sub daerah aliran sungai (Xl), curah hujan (X2), pengukuran luas vegetasi penutup lahan (cover crops) (X3), pengukuran peresapan (X4) serta mengevaluasi kegiatan manusia di setiap sub daerah aliran sungai (C), maka banjir di daerah Bengawan Solo Hilir merupakan fungsi dari (X1,X2,X3,X4 dan C) dari hasil hubungan tersebut didapat bentuk hubungan sebagai berikut :

(1) S.Wulung : Y = 0,1156X1 + 0.0016X2 - 0.0011X3.- 0,0405X4 + 0,9244C

(2) S.Grabagan : Y = 0,0320X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0219X3 - 0,02323X4 + 0,970C

(3) S.Tinggang : Y = 0,0212X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0086X3 - 0,0140X4 + 0,953C

(4) S.Batokan : Y = 0,0509X1 + 0.0024X2 - 0.0051X3 - 0,0358X4 + 0,9031C

(5) S.Gandong : Y = 0,0630X1 + 0,0019X2 - 0.0066X3 - 0,0440X4 + 0,8830C

(6) S.Tidu : Y = 0,02673X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0056X3 - 0,0018X4 + 0,944C

(7) S.Kening : Y = 4,1870X1 + 4,0013X2 - 0.0057X3 - 0,0113X4 + 0,6865C

(8) S.Pacal : Y = 0,0967X1 + 0,0018X2 - 0.0083X3 - 0,0727X4 + 0,8205C

(9) S.Besuki : Y = 0,0276X1+0,0024X2-0.0092X3 - 0,0285X4 + 0,9414C

(10) S.Merkuris : Y = 0,2183X1 + 0,0026X2 - 0.0099X3 - 0,01653X4 +

(11) S.Ingas : Y = 0,02574X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0067X3 - 0,0179X4 + 0,946C

(12) S.Cawak : Y = 0,0191X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0058X3 - 0,0107X4 + 0,9601C

(13) S.Serning : Y = 0,0594X1 + 0,0014X2 - 0.0029X3 - 0,0415X4 + 0,8889C

(14) S.Brangkal : Y = 0,0685X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0037X3 - 0,0414X4 + 0,8857C (15) S.Semarmendem: Y = 0,0614X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0030X3 - 0,043X4 + 0,8882C

Dari persamaan tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa banjir di daerah Bengawan Solo Hilir sebagian besar disebabkan oleh kegiatan manusia yang berada di sub daerah aliran sungai. Untuk menurunkan debit banjir dan meningkatkan kapasitas resapan perlu dibuat sumur resapan sebanyak 272 (dua ratus tujuh puluh dua) unit sumur resapan.

Pustaka : 41 literatur dan artikel terbitan 1968 - 1994
The fluctuation of the water flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is very high. This is the reason why flood is encountered during the wet season and dryness in the dry season. The flow of the river causes difficulties in utilizing the water resources, both in quality as well as in quantity. The river water flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is directly proportional to the rainfall intensity, which means that the higher the rain fall intensity the higher river flow in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. On the other hand the infiltration rate of the water in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is too low. The difference of land use in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area causes a difference in the rain water volume reaching the land surface, affecting the rate of water run off. The existence of cover crops can reduce the volume and velocity of water run off and increase the infiltration rate of a catchments area. This study is conducted to assess the correlation between flood and ecosystem destruction in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. The indicators of the ecosystem destruction which will be measure are : the main stream (Bengawan Solo Lower Stream) and its tributaries discharge, river capacity, rain fall, infiltration capasity, sediment loads, and land use area at each sub catchments area. All the data collected will be analyzed to be use as parameters of the correlation between flood and the ecosystem destruction at bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area. The result of the data analysis at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area are as follows :

1. The higher the rain fall intensity, the higher the flood discharge.

2. The narrower the cover crops area, the lesser the infiltration capasity.

3. The higher the discharge the higher the erosion and the higher sedimentation rate, resulting in the decrease of the river capacity.

In order to reduce the peak river discharge so as to match the river capacity (full bank flow) the infiltration capacity needs to be enhanced, the velocity and volume of water run off needs to be reduced by thickening the soil profile at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area, widening the cover crops area and planting vegetation which have conservation function. Based on the calculation of river discharge (Y) at each sub catchments area, area measurement of the sub catchments area (Xl), measurement of the rain fall intensity (X2), measurement of the cover crops area (X3), measurement of the infiltration capasity (X4) and by evaluating the human resources activity (C) the result of calculation as follows:

(1) S.Wulung : Y = 0,1156X1 + 0.0016X2 - 0.0011X3.- 0,0405X4 + 0,9244C

(2) S.Grabagan : Y = 0,0320X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0219X3 - 0,02323X4 + 0,970C

(3) S.Tinggang : Y = 0,0212X1 + 0,0040X2 - 0.0086X3 - 0,0140X4 + 0,953C

(4) S.Batokan : Y = 0,0509X1 + 0.0024X2 - 0.0051X3 - 0,0358X4 + 0,9031C

(5) S.Gandong : Y = 0,0630X1 + 0,0019X2 - 0.0066X3 - 0,0440X4 + 0,8830C

(6) S.Tidu : Y = 0,02673X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0056X3 - 0,0018X4 + 0,944C

(7) S.Kening : Y = 4,1870X1 + 4,0013X2 - 0.0057X3 - 0,0113X4 + 0,6865C

(8) S.Pacal : Y = 0,0967X1 + 0,0018X2 - 0.0083X3 - 0,0727X4 + 0,8205C

(9) S.Besuki : Y = 0,0276X1+0,0024X2-0.0092X3 - 0,0285X4 + 0,9414C

(10) S.Merkuris : Y = 0,2183X1 + 0,0026X2 - 0.0099X3 - 0,01653X4 + 0,951C

(11) S.Ingas : Y = 0,02574X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0067X3 - 0,0179X4 + 0,946C

(12) S.Cawak : Y = 0,0191X1 + 0,0020X2 - 0.0058X3 - 0,0107X4 + 0,9601C

(13) S.Serning : Y = 0,0594X1 + 0,0014X2 - 0.0029X3 - 0,0415X4 + 0,8889C

(14) S.Brangkal : Y = 0,0685X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.0037X3 - 0,0414X4 + 0,8857C

(15) Semarmendem River : Y = 0,0614X1 + 0,0013X2 - 0.003030 - 0,043X4 + 0,88820

From the above equations it can be concluded that floods at Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is more due to human resources activities in the sub catchments area. Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area is characterized by many meanders, high sedimentation, and the horizontal erosion which more intensive than the vertical erosion. Most of rain water (90%) falling in Bengawan Solo Lower Stream becomes run off water while (10%) will infiltrate into the ground. The land use in the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area may be divided into 6 (six) groups i.e. forest, bushes, dry land, rice fields and swamps. Floods normally occur in December up to March.

In order to limit floods discharge and increase infiltration capacity reforesting is required in each sub catchments area of rivers which is estimated as follows :

(1) Wulung R : 311 km2 (72,66 %), (2) Grabagan R: 79 km2 (72,48 %), (3) Tinggang R: 80 km2 (66,12 %), (4) Batokan R: 147 km2 (70,33 %), (5) Gandong R: 176 km2 (69,74 %), (6) Tidu R: 91 km2 (69,74 %), (7) Kening R: 512 km2 (62,21 %), (8) Pacal R: 269 km2 (75,14 %), (9) Besuki R: 98 km2 (75,38 %), (10) Merkuris R: 81 km2 (75,70 %), (11) Ingas R: 97 km2 (69,78 %), (12) Cawak R: 61 km2 (69,78 %), (13) Serving R: 237 km2 (69,91 %), (14) Brangkal R: 232 km2 (65,91 %), (15) Semarmendem R: 230 km2 (65,71 %) .

Foods can be reduced so as to match the river capacity (full bank flow) if 55,95 % to 75,70 % of the Bengawan Solo Lower Stream catchments area which is in the form of forest with conservation function, while in the settlement areas 272 infiltration well are required.

References : 41 Textbooks an articles, published during period 1986 - 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kintari Faza
Abstrak :
Air merupakan kebutuhan pokok makhluk hidup untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan alternatif penyediaan sumber air bersih pada saat musim kemarau, salah satunya dengan menerapkan sistem pemanenan air hujan. Salah satu media dalam sistem pemanenan air hujan yang sering digunakan adalah melalui atap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi luas atap terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas limpasan air hujan, serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Selain itu juga menentukan kelayakan dari limpasan air hujan yang ditampung berdasarkan standar baku mutu PerMenKes RI No.32 tahun 2017, untuk kebutuhan hygiene sanitasi, pada parameter fisik, kimia maupun biologis. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, dengan total sampel yang dikumpulkan pada setiap minggunya sebanyak 11 sampel melalui atap, dan 1 sampel tanpa melalui atap (secara langsung). Data curah hujan harian selama penelitian dianalisis untuk menentukan kuantitas limpasan air hujan yang ditampung dari berbagai luasan atap yang disimulasikan. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa warna, pH, krom dan E.coli tidak memenuhi standar baku air bersih pada pekan pertama. Pada pekan kedua, parameter yang tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih yaitu warna, pH, mangan, krom dan E.coli. Pada perhitungan volume limpasan air hujan pertama sebesar 20,59 m3 dan pekan kedua sebesar 14,06 m3 . Adapun lokasi yang memiliki volume limpasan tertinggi, yaitu di Warung Bahari dengan luas permukaan atap sebesar 150 m2 . Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu, luas permukaan atap mempengaruhi kualitas limpasan air hujan pada warna dan TDS. Adapun parameter yang memenuhi standar baku mutu kebutuhan air bersih pada kedua sampel yaitu kekeruhan, besi, kesadahan, mangan, nitrat dan nitrit. Parameter yang tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih yaitu pH, krom, wana, TDS dan E.coli. Kemudian, luas permukaan atap dan curah hujan harian terbukti mempengaruhi volume limpasan air hujan yang dipanen. ......Water is the most important thing to support our daily activities. Therefore, we need other alternative source of clean water when the dry season is coming, such as by rainwater harvesting system. There are many media to support rainwater harvesting system, and one of them is by rooftop catchment area. The purpose of this experience is to analyze the effect of variation in rooftop surface area on the quality and quantity by rainwater runoff and other external factors. The other purpose is to determine the eligibility the rainwater runoff from variation rooftop catcment area by PerMenKes RI No.32, 2017 standard of sanitation hyginen, on physical, chemical and biological parameters. This experience was going 2 times with 11 samples that collected each week from the variation of rooftop catchment area and 1 sample without roof. And then, we need daily rainfall data to determine the volume of rainfall that we can collected by variation of rooftop catchment areas. With daily rainfall data during the study were alayzed to determaine the quantity of rainwater runoff that was collected by variation of rooftop catchment area. Based on research, it was found that the color, pH, chrome and E.coli did not meet the clean water standard in the first week. In the second week, color, pH, manganese, chrome and E,coli did not meet the clean water standard too. For the quantity of rainwater runoff, the highest volume are 20,59 m3 for the first sample and 14,06 m3 for second sample at Warung Bahari with 150 m2 rooftop catchment area. The conclusion of this research is, the variation of rooftop cathment area affects the quality of rainwater runoff in color and TDS parameters. The parameters that meet the clean water standard in two samples are turbidity, iron, hardness, manganese, nitrates and nitrities. The parameters that do not meet the clean water quality standard are pH, chrome, color, TDS and E.coli. Then, the rofftop catchment area and daily rainfall data have been proven to affects the volume of rainwater runoff.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Utut Rara Putra
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang morfometri DAS di bagian barat pulau jawa dengan unit analisis pada DAS dengan anak sungai pada tingkat ke tiga atau lebih. Unit analisis tersebut didapatkan dari hasil deliniasi DAS dengan menggunakan citra ASTER GDEM sebagai data acuan ketinggian. Variabel morfometri yang diteliti mencakup sepuluh variabel yaitu luas, panjang sungai utama, keliling, kerapatan jaringan sungai, tingkat percabangan sungai, tekstur jaringan, nisbah membulat, nisbah memanjang, relief rasio dan gradien tingkat kemiringan DAS. Hasil perhitungan nilai masing - masing morfomteri DAS di Jawa Bagian Barat didapatkan karakteristik pada masing - masing variabel morfometri tersebut berdasarkan topografi dan lithologi batuannya. Dari hasil analisis klustering dengan menggunakan metode kluster K-Means didapatkan hasil bahwa DAS - DAS mengelompok berdasarkan persamaan dari nilai rata - rata morfometri tersebut. Kelompok pertama merupakan DAS - DAS dengan nilai tekstur dan kerapatan jaringan paling rendah. Kelompok kedua dan ketiga dengan nilai gradien kemiringan dan tingkat percabangan sungai di atas nilai rata - rata. Kelompok keempat merupakan DAS - DAS dengan nilai rata - rata tekstur jaringan paling tinggi dan kluster kelima merupakan kelompok dengan nilai nisbah memanjang paling tinggi. Dari hasil uji nilai rata - rata, tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai morfometri yang signifikan antar batuan. Kemudian dari uji asosiasi didapatkan hasil bahwa kerapatan jaringan sungai yang tinggi berasosiasi dengan batuan vulkanik muda. ......This thesis discusses the morphometry of sub-catchment area in the western part of Java island with unit analisis in order to sub-catchment area three or more. The sub-catchment area are result from catchment deliniation using ASTER GDEM as elevation reference. There are 10 variables morphometry studied, basin wide, the length of the main rivers, basin perimeter, drainage density, biffuraction ratio, drainage texture, circulation ratio, elongated ratio, relief ratio and the basin slope. From the calculation for each morphometric in the western part of Java Island, each morphometric have characteristic based of topography and rocks lithology. From clustering method using K-Means Cluster, each basin grouping by their same morphometric. First cluster are catchment area with lowest drainage tekstur and drainage density. Second and third group are catchment area with high basin slope and biffuraction ratio. Fourth cluster is basins with highest mean drainage textur and fifth cluster are basins with highest elongated ratio. From the test results mean - average, there are no significant differences between variables and rock lihology. Then be obtained from the association test brought a high density of river network associated with young volcanic rocks.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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