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Abstrak :
Zygotes were produced in a laboratory culture of dunaliella salina teod. (Chlorophyta). The presence of sporopollinin a biopolymer resistant to actolysis....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindiawaty Josito
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Mengelahui kadar karoten plasma, Malondialdehida plasma dan kebiasaan merokok pekerja laki-laki. Hasilnya diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar memperbaiki pola hidup untuk menurunkan risiko aterosklerosis. Tempat: PT Nasional Gabel Bogor Jawa Barat. Metodologi: Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional pada 115 pekerja laki-laki baik yang merokok maupun tidak memrokok, berusia 20 - 55 tahun yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan, dan terpilih secara simple random sampling, menggunakan tabel bilangan acak. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi: umur, pendidikan, penghasilan, IMT, persentase massa lemak tubuh, asupan lemak, asupan serat, asupan karoten, kadar karoten plasma dan MDA plasma Hasil: Median kadar karoten plasma subyek yang tidak merokok [0,38 (0,09 - 1,95) mmol/L] lebih linggi dari subyek yang merokok [0,34 (0,08 - 0,94) mmol/L]. Median kadar MDA plasma subyek yang tidak merokok [0,61 (0,22 -- 4,75) mmol/mL] lebih rendah dari subyek yang merokok [0,68 (0,32 - 3,01) mmol/mL]. Tidak didapat hubungan yang bermakna (p>0,05) antara asupan karoten, kadar karoten plasma, kadar MDA plasma dengan kebiasaan merokok. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna (p<0,05) antara IMT (r = - 0,23), persentase massa lemak tubuh (r = - 0.27) dengan kadar D-karoten plasma. Hampir tidak didapatkan korelasi (r = - 0.06) antara kadar 13-karoten dengan MDA plasma. Kesimpulan: Hampir tidak didapatkan korelasi antara kadar R-karolen plasma dengan kadar MDA plasma.
Objective: To study plasma 0-carotene concentration, plasma MDA concentration and smoking habit male workers. The results are expected to be used as one of basis to enhance life pattern, to decrease atherosclerosis risk. Place: PT National Gobel Bogor West Java Method: A cross sectional study was carried out among 115 male smoking workers and non smoking workers, age 20 - 55 years old, who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were selected by simple random sampling using random table. The collected data consist of age, education, income, body mass index, fat mass percentage, fat intake, fiber intake, carolene intake, plasma 0-carotene and MDA concentrations. Results: Median of plasma fl-carotene concentration among non smokers was higher [0.38 (0.09 - 1.95) µmol/L] than smokers [4.34 (0.08 -- 0.94) µmol/L]. Median of plasma MDA concentration among non smokers [0.61 (0.22 - 4.75) mmol/mL] was lower than smokers [0.68 (0.32 - 3.01) mmol/mL]. There was no significant relationship (p>0.05) between [carotene intake, plasma II-carotene concentration, plasma MDA concentration and smoking. There was significant (p<0.05) negative correlation between body mass index (r = -0.23), fat mass percentage (r = -0.27) and plasma [-carotene concentration. Almost no con-elation (r = -0.06) was found. between plasma [carotene and MDA concentrations. Conclusions: Almost no correlation was found between plasma carotene and MDA concentrations.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Dewi Rosady
Abstrak :
Infeksi HIV menghasilkan radikal bebas yang merusak sel dan berbagai organ tubuh. Antioksidan berperan penting untuk mengatasi kerusakan akibat radikal bebas. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian bersama untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar antioksidan (beta karoten, vitamin C, E dan seng) dengan kadar SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS di Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak akhir bulan Februari 2013 sampai Maret 2013 dengan metode consecutive sampling, didapatkan 52 orang subyek memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan median usia subyek 33 (24-40) tahun dengan 51,9% laki-laki. Sebanyak 94,2% subyek mendapatkan terapi anti retrovirus. Nilai median jumlah limfosit T CD4+ adalah 245 (50-861) sel/µL dan 63,5% subyek berada pada kelompok CDC II. Status gizi 84,6% subyek normal dan lebih dengan nilai median 21,4 (14,4-32,4) kg/m2. Nilai rerata asupan energi subyek 1850,8±454,6 kkal/hari, 76,9% subyek memiliki asupan energi kurang dari kebutuhan total harian. Nilai Median asupan lemak subyek 51,4 (22-129,4) gram/hari dan 63,5% subyek memiliki asupan lemak kurang dari energi total. Semua subyek memiliki asupan serat yang kurang dari angka kecukupan serat, nilai rerata asupan serat subyek adalah 8,6±3,6 gram. Nilai rerata asupan beta karoten subyek 10,92±4,37 mg/hari, 88,5% memiliki asupan beta karoten cukup. Nilai median kadar beta karoten subyek 0,21 (0,01-0,72) µmol/L dan 76,9% subyek memiliki kadar beta karoten rendah. Rerata kadar SOD subyek sebesar 1542,1±281 U/gHb dan 53,8% subyek memiliki kadar SOD normal. Tidak didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara kadar beta karoten dengan SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS (r=-0,174, p=0,217). ......Free radicals formed on the course of HIV infection can cause cellular and multiple organ damage. Antioxidants play an important role to minimize damage caused by these free radicals. This research is done using cross sectional design and is part of a joint study to assess the correlation between antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, and zinc) and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients at Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. The study is done from late February 2013 to March 2013 using consecutive sampling method, 52 subjects matched the study’s criteria. Study shows the age median value is 33 (24-40) years old, with 51.9% male. As much as 94.2% subjects were receiving anti retroviral therapy. Median value of CD4+ T lymphocyte count is 245 (50-861) cell/µL, 63.5% subjects belong in the CDC II category. Nutritional status for 84.6% subjects was normal and overweight with median value of 21.4 (14.4-32.4) kg/m2. Mean score for energy intake is 1850.8±454.6 kcal/day and as much as 76.9% subjects have energy intake less than total daily requirement. Median value of fat intake is 51.4 (22-129.4) grams/day and 63.5% subjects have fat intake less than total energy. All subjects were found to have fiber intake less than individual fiber requirement with mean score of 8.6±3.6 grams. Subjects’ mean score for beta-carotene is 10.92±4.37 mg/day and 88.5% of the subjects have adequate beta-carotene intake. Median value of beta-carotene level is 0.21 (0.01-0.72) µmol/L and 76.9% subjects have low beta-carotene level. SOD level mean score is 1542.1±281 U/gHb, 53.8% subjects had normal SOD level. This study found no significant correlation between beta-carotene and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients (r=-0.174, p=0.217).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peni K. Samsuria Muthalib
Abstrak :
This is a study on carotenoid extracted from ?Minyak Buah Merah? (Pandanus conoideus) in therapy simulation using high dose of β-carotene on two lymphocytes?that of a healthy subject and a leukemia patient. Superoxide production in mithocondrial lymphocyte as a result of β-carotene exposure was examined using a flow cytometer. The test finds that superoxide (a specific mitochondrial free radical) increases easier and faster in leukemic lymphocytes than in normal lymphocytes. The results of the study support previous meta-analysis studies that high dosages of β-carotene and vitamin E supplements as antioxidant should be discouraged because it increases all-cause mortality.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Arifin Suyardi
Abstrak :
This study was carried out to analyze the serum vitamin A / carotene concentration among Indonesian full term neonates in relation to maternal nutritional status and nutrients intake. One hundred and eight couples' (mothers + neonates) were recruited for the study. The serum vitamin A/carotene concentrate ion was determined by High Pressure Liquid Chromotography (HPLC) and Ultraviolet Absorbance/Spectrophotometric method (IVACG, 1982) and the dietary nutrient intake of the mothers was analyzed using a 2 day/24 hours recall method. Seventy one (67%) of the neonates were suffering from low vitamin A level ( (20 g/dl), the rest 35 (33%) were at an adequate vitamin A level (>20 / g/dl) and 13 (12%) of the mothers were suffering from low vitamin A level ( <20 /4g/di), the rest 95 (88%) were at an adequate vitamin A level. That mean serum vitamin A/carotene of the neonates was lower than those of their mothers. The mean serum vitamin A of the mothers was 30.7 ,wg/dl - v.53 and mean serum carotene of the mothers was 124.23g/dl - 49.66. The study concluded that there was no significant correlation between serum vitamin A of the neonates and serum vitamin A of their mothers (p } 0.1). It was found that? serum vitamin .A concentration and serum carotene of the mothers were positively correlated; also maternal serum carotene was positively related to serum carotene of the neonates. The beta-carotene intake, fat intake, protein intake were positively related to serum vitamin A of the mothers. Further investigation using larger numbers of samples and more controlled method was suggested to -scrutinize the influences of gestational age, dietary nutrients intake on the serum of vitamin A/carotene of the mothers. The study also pointed out the importance of providing .the pregnant mothers with sound information about nutrition in pregnancy.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1992
T 6963
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Lisnawati
Abstrak :
Penyakit membran hialin (PMH) dan gangguan toleransi minum (GTM) merupakan masalah pada bayi prematur dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas cukup tinggi. Pemberian steroid antenatal telah menurunkan angka PMH dan enterokolitis nekrotikans (EKN) komplikasi lanjut dari GTM, tetapi masih belum optimal dan masih didapat luaran yang berbeda pada bayi dengan usia gestasi, berat lahir dan tata laksana antenatalyang sama. Mikronutrien vitamin A, D3 dan seng diketahui memengaruhi organ tersebut. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui manfaat pemberian vitamin A (beta-karoten), vitamin D3 dan seng menyertai deksametason untuk menurunkan kejadian PMH dan GTM pada bayi prematur. Uji klinis acak dilakukan pada subjek ibu hamil 28-34 minggu dan bayinya. Ibu hamil dirawat di rumah sakit untuk persiapan kelahiran prematur atas indikasi janin atau ibu. Subjek dibagi dalam kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kedua kelompok mendapat deksametason 2 x 6 mg intravena (2 hari). Kelompok intervensi mendapat dosis tunggal beta-karoten 25.000 IU dan vitamin D3 50.000 IU per oral, serta seng 50 mg/hari peroral (3 hari), sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak. Sampel darah ibu dan tali pusat diambil untuk pengukuran kadar serum retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng. Bayi dipantau selama 4 minggu. Angka kejadian PMH, GTM, PMH-GTM dan hubungan kadar serum retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng pada kedua kelompok dengan luaran PMH-GTM, dianalisis dengan uji Chi-Square atau Fisher, uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney dan uji t berpasangan atau uji Wilcoxon. Jumlah subjek 116 pasangan ibu-bayi, terbagi sama di kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kejadian PMH dan GTM pada bayi kelompok intervensi 7 (12,1%) dan 9 (16,1%), lebih rendah dan bermakna dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, 16 (27,5%) dan 19 (34,5%). Bayi PMH-GTM kelompok kontrol mempunyai kadar retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng di serum ibu dan tali pusat yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok intervensi. Perbedaan bermakna didapatkan pada kadar 25(OH)D. Simpulan: Angka kejadian PMH dan GTM pada kelompok intervensi secara bermakna lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Kadar retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng di serum ibu dan tali pusat berhubungan dengan luaran PMH-GTM.
Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) and feeding intolerance (FI)are still problems of premature neonatal morbidity and mortality. Antenatal steroid administration has been recognized to reduce HMDand FImortality rates, but it is still not optimal and there are still different outcomes in neonates with similar gestational age, birth weight and treatment. Micronutrients of vitamin A, D3 and zinc are known to play a roleon the lung and intestines of the fetusand neonates. This study aimed to find out the benefits of administration of vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin D3 and zinc accompanying antenatal steroids for lung maturation, in order to reduce the incidenceof HMD and FI. A randomized clinical trial was conducted on pregnant women 28-34 weeks of gestational age who were hospitalized for the preparation of preterm delivery on the indication of the mother or fetus. Both groups received dexamethasone for lung maturation. The intervention group received oral micronutrients, i.e., beta carotene 25,000 IU single dose, vitamin D3 50,000 IU single dose and 50 mg zinc per day for 3 days. The incidence of HMD, FI, HMD-FI and the relationship of serum retinol, 25(OH)D, zinc concentrationsin maternal and umbilical cord with HMD-FI were analyzed by Chi-Square or Fisher test, unpaired t or Mann Whitney test and paired t or Wilcoxon test between the intervention and control groups. The total subjects were 116 pairs of pregnant mothers and neonates (58 interventions and 58 controls). The incidence of HMDand FIin neonates in the intervention group were 7 (12.1%) and 9 (16.1%),which weresignificantly lower thanthe control group, 16 (27.5%) and 19 (34.5%). The HMD-FI neonates in the control group had lower serum retinol and 25(OH)D concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord than in the intervention group. Significant differences were only found at 25 (OH) D concentration. Conclusion: The incidence HMD and FI in the neonates intervention group were significantly lower than the control group. There was a relationship betweenserum retinol, 25(OH)D and zinc concentrations with HMD-FI outcome.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hervee Novelda
Abstrak :
Red palm oil (RPO) mengandung antioksidan yang larut dalam lemak seperti karotenoid (α dan β-karoten, likopen), vitamin E (dalam bentuk α, β, dan δ tokotrienol dan tokoferol), dan ubikuinon. Red palm oil (RPO) dapat digunakan sebagai upaya mencegah stunting dan kekurangan gizi karena nilai gizi yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada minyak goreng yang beredar di pasaran. Akan tetapi, belum terdapat banyak studi mengenai pemanfaatan red palm oil (RPO) dalam hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh formula emulsi dari red palm oil (RPO). Sediaan emulsi red palm oil (RPO) dibuat menggunakan 5% sukrosa ester palmitat untuk mengemulsifikasi 5% (F1), 10% (F2), dan 15% (F3) red palm oil (RPO) dengan madu untuk menambah kestabilan, kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi fisik untuk mengetahui stabilitas emulsi selama 12 minggu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa selama 12 minggu ketiga formula emulsi stabil berdasarkan parameter organoleptis, pH, homogenitas viskositas, ukuran partikel, dan zeta potensial. Hasil uji hedonis pada 30 orang responden menunjukkan bahwa formula F1 paling disukai para responden. Dengan demikian, dalam penelitian ini formula F1 menghasilkan hasil uji yang paling baik. ......Red palm oil (RPO) contains fat-soluble antioxidants such as carotenoids (α and β-carotene, lycopene), Vitamin E (in the form of α, β, and δ tocotrienols and tocopherols), and ubiquinone. Red palm oil (RPO) can be used as an effort to prevent stunting and nutritional deficiencies due to its significantly higher nutritional value compared to cooking oils available in the market. However, there haven't been many studies regarding the utilization of red palm oil (RPO) in this matter. This study aims to obtain an emulsion formula from red palm oil (RPO). The red palm oil (RPO) emulsion preparations were made using 5% sucrose ester palmitate to emulsify 5% (F1), 10% (F2), and 15% (F3) red palm oil (RPO) with honey to enhance stability. Subsequently, a physical characterization was conducted to determine the emulsion's stability over a period of 12 weeks. The results showed that all three emulsion formulas remained stable over the 12-week period based on organoleptic parameters, pH, viscosity homogeneity, particle size, and zeta potential. Hedonic testing results from 30 respondents indicated that Formula F1 was the most preferred by the respondents. Therefore, in this study, Formula F1 yielded the best test results.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bunga Salsabila Fairuz
Abstrak :
Karotenoid adalah pigmen alami tidak larut air yang terkenal karena bersifat antioksidan dan merupakan prekursor vitamin A. Beta-karotena merupakan provitamin A terbaik yang umum digunakan dalam industri sebagai pigmen oranye-merah untuk membuat berbagai produk makanan. Pada penelitian ini beta-karotena diekstraksi dari mikroalga dengan jenis spirulina yang ditumbuhkan pada media zarrouk dengan penambahan limbah sawit dalam berbagai persentase. Kandungan karotenoid dalam mikroalga diekstraksi dengan menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etanol, metanol, heksana, dan diklorometana. Berdasarkan hasil FESEM, terdapat perubahan ukuran granula pada mikroalga yang ditumbuhkan dalam variasi persentase limbah sawit (POME) sebagai media. Diklorometana merupakan pelarut ekstraksi terbaik berdasarkan hasil penentuan kadar beta-karotena dengan spektrofotometer Vis. Persentase limbah sawit dalam media berbanding terbalik dengan kadar beta-karoten dalam mikroalga. Limbah sawit pada media mikroalga menghambat pembentukan pigmen dan menurunkan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak, berdasarkan metode DPPH. ......Carotenoids are natural, insoluble pigments that are famous for their antioxidant properties and are precursors of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is the best pro-vitamin A which is commonly used in industry as an orange-red pigment to make various food products. In this study, beta-carotene was extracted from microalgae, spirulina, grown in zarrouk media with the addition of palm oil waste in various percentages. Carotenoid content in microalgae was extracted using the maceration method with ethanol, methanol, hexane and dichloromethane solvents. Based on FESEM results, there were changes in microalgae granule size that grown in variety percentages of palm oil waste (POME) as medium. Dichloromethane was the best extraction solvent based on the results of determining beta- carotene content using a Vis spectrophotometer. The percentage of palm waste in the media was inversely proportional to the beta-carotene content in microalgae. Palm waste in microalgae medium inhibits pigment formation and reduces antioxidant activity, based on the DPPH method.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maududi, Alban A`la
Abstrak :
Penggunaan antioksidan alami sebagai pengawet makanan merupakan salah satu cara sehat agar makanan menjadi lebih tahan lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan senyawa antioksidan alami dari daun simpur (Dillenia indica) menggunakan metode ekstraksi tekanan tinggi dengan sirkulasi pelarut. Penelitian ini akan dikaji pengaruh variasi waktu ekstraksi dan laju alir terhadap aktivitas senyawa antioksidan yang dihasilkan. Waktu ekstraksi antara 30-90 menit dan laju alir antara 0,8-2,3 ml/menit. Pada ekstrak dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan spektofotometer UV dengan metode carotene bleaching. Semakin lama waktu ekstraksi, maka semakin besar aktivitas. Sedangkan semakin besar laju alir pelarut, maka semakin besar aktivitas yang kemudian menurun pada laju alir di atas 1,5 ml/menit Aktivitas antioksidan optimum yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan metode ekstraksi dengan bantuan gelombang mikro dan sonikasi dengan metode analisis ragam (ANOVA). Berdasarkan uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa ketiga metode tersebut mempengaruhi aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak daun Dillenia indica. ......Utilization of natural antioxidant as preservative is a healthy way to keep food to be good in long term. This study has objective to obtain natural antioxidant compound from the Simpur leaf (Dillenia indica) using high pressure extraction method by circulating the solvent. In this study, effect of extraction time and flow rate to activity of antioxidant compound will be observed. Extraction time about 30-90 minutes and flow rate about 0.8-2.3 ml/min. Activity of antioxidant is tested using UV spectrophotometer by carotene bleaching method. Longer extraction time, greater activity of antioxidant. While higher flow rate cause greater activity and then decrease at flow rate over 1.5 ml/min. The obtained optimum activity of antioxidant then compare by extraction method using microwave and sonication with ANOVA. According to ANOVA test, these three methods have effect to activity of antioxidant from Dillenia indica leaf extractant.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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