"Penelitian ini menguji efek penghambatan karsinogenesis sari buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) merek X dengan DMBA sebagai penginduksi tumor paru-paru. 110 tikus betina galur Sprague-Dawley dibagi secara acak dalam enam kelompok. Kelompok I, kontrol negatif, diberikan minyak wijen 1 ml; kelompok II, kontrol positif, diberikan dosis tunggal 7,12- dimetilbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) dalam minyak wijen secara per oral, dan selanjutnya kedua kelompok hanya diberikan aquades. Kelompok III, kelompok preventif, diberikan bahan uji dosis 0,43 ml/200 g bb per hari dimulai dua minggu sebelum diinduksi dengan DMBA hingga akhir masa percobaan. Kelompok IV, V, dan VI, kelompok kuratif, diinduksi dengan DMBA dan diberikan bahan uji dengan variasi dosis berturut-turut, 0,21 ml/200 g bb, 0,43 ml/200 g bb, dan 0,86 ml/200 g bb per hari. Masa percobaan berlangsung selama 120 hari. Pengamatan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru dilakukan dengan mengamati histologi paru-paru hewan uji. Pemberian sari buah merah merek X dosis 0,21 ml/200 g bb memperlihatkan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru yang lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok dosis lainnya.
This study examined the carcinogenesis inhibition effect of buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) extract brand X on DMBA-induced rat lungs tumor. One hundred and ten female Sprague-Dawley rats randomly divided into 6 groups. Group I, negative control, received 1 ml sesame oil; group II, positive control, were given a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) in 1 ml sesame oil by oral intubation, and both groups were received aquadest during the experiment period. Group III, preventive group, received 0.43 ml/200 g bw sample daily beginning two weeks before induced by DMBA until the experiment was terminated. Group IV, V, and VI, curative groups, were induced by DMBA and received 0.21 ml/200 g bw, 0.43 ml/200 g bw, and 0.86 ml/200 g bw sample daily, respectively. The experiment was terminated at day 120. The experiment of carcinogenesis inhibition was observed by lungs histology of tested animal. The result showed that buah merah extract brand X at 0.21 ml/200 g bw improved lungs carcinogenesis inhibition rather than others dose."