Naifah Uzlah Istya Putri
Abstrak :
Peningkatan urgensi isu perubahan iklim dalam sistem internasional tidak terlepas dari peran aktor-aktor pasar, sehingga memunculkan solusi iklim berbasis pasar — terutama dalam bentuk perdagangan karbon. Negosiasi dalam Protokol Kyoto hingga Perjanjian Paris turut membahas konsep perdagangan karbon, dan realisasinya telah diimplementasikan dan direncanakan di berbagai yurisdiksi. Dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap literatur berskala internasional yang telah melalui peer-review, tinjauan pustaka ini berupaya untuk memetakan dan menganalisis 52 literatur yang relevan dengan menggunakan metode taksonomi. Tulisan ini akan menjawab rumusan permasalahan utama, yakni bagaimana perkembangan perdagangan karbon dikaji dalam literatur dan kerangka pemikiran hubungan internasional? Hasil pemetaan literatur menunjukkan adanya konsensus mengenai diskursus iklim dan lingkungan, aspek ekonomi, posisi Uni Eropa, serta sikap skeptis terhadap integritas lingkungan dalam konteks perdagangan karbon. Sementara itu, terdapat perdebatan di antara para akademisi mengenai evaluasi perdagangan karbon sebagai kebijakan lingkungan, potensi linking, peran sektor swasta, dan posisi negara berkembang. Analisis penulis menghasilkan sebuah sintesis umum bahwa pembahasan tentang perdagangan karbon dalam hubungan internasional telah melebur dalam diskursus iklim, dengan kekhasan perdebatan tentang hubungan Utara-Selatan, aspek ekonomi dan pembangunan, serta peran aktor non-negara. Penulis juga menemukan adanya celah penelitian berdasarkan tema dan konteks waktu penulisan, tema yurisdiksi yang dibahas, dan paradigma pemikiran yang digunakan.
......The increasing urgency of the climate change in the international system is inseparable from the role of market actors, giving rise to market-based climate solutions — especially in the form of carbon trading. Negotiations in the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement have also incorporated the concept of carbon trading, and its realization has been implemented and planned in various jurisdictions. By conducting a search of peer- reviewed international literatures, this literature review seeks to map and analyze 52 relevant literatures using the taxonomic method. This paper will answer the formulation of the main problem, namely, how is the development of carbon trading studied in the literature and framework of international relations? The results of the literature mapping show that there is a consensus regarding the climate and environmental discourse, economic aspects, the position of the European Union, and skepticism about environmental integrity in the context of carbon trading. Meanwhile, debate among academics have revolved around the evaluation of carbon trading as an environmental policy, the potential of linking, the role of the private sector, and the position of developing countries. The author's analysis results in a general synthesis that discussions about carbon trading in international relations have merged into the climate discourse, with the particularity of debates on North-South relations, economic and development aspects, and the role of non-state actors. The author also finds that there are several research gaps based on the theme and context of writing, the jurisdictional themes that have been discussed, and the thought paradigms being used.
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library