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Robbyatul Adawia
Abstrak :
Senyawa turunan tiazol merupakan senyawa heterosiklik yang memiliki beberapa aktivitas biologis seperti antioksidan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan (+)- camphor sebagai prekursor dalam mensintesis senyawa turunan tiazol. Senyawa turunan tiazol disintesis dengan mereaksikan senyawa tiazol berbasis kamfor yang terbentuk dengan senyawa aldehid aromatik yaitu 2-hidroksi benzaldehid dan sinamaldehida. Senyawa hasil sintesis dimurnikan, diidentifikasi menggunakan KLT, dan diuji titik lelehnya, serta dikarakterisasi menggunakan Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, dan LC-MS. Setelah itu, senyawa hasil sintesis diuji aktivitas antioksidannya dengan menggunakan metode DPPH. Pada penelitian ini, diperoleh hasil sintesis senyawa camphor thiosemicarbazone sebesar 81,54%, senyawa camphor tiazolidin-4-on sebesar 32,538%, dan senyawa turunan camphor tiazolidin-4-on 1 dengan persen yield campuran sebesar 98,7%. Potensi aktivitas antioksidan ditinjau dengan menggunakan metode DPPH dan diperoleh nilai IC50 senyawa camphor thiosemicarbazone sebesar 103,08 ppm, senyawa camphor tiazolidin-4-on sebesar 26978,16 ppm, dan senyawa turunan camphor tiazolidin-4-on sebesar 3909,14 ppm. ......Thiazole derivatives compounds are heterocyclic compounds that have several biological activities such as antioxidants. In this study, (+)-camphor was used as a precursor in the synthesis of thiazole derivatives. Thiazole derivative compounds were synthesized by reacting the thiazole based camphor compound with aromatic aldehyde compounds, namely 2-hydroxy benzaldehyde and cinnamaldehyde. The synthesized compound purified and identified using TLC, and tested for their melting points, and characterized using fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer. After that, the synthesized compounds were tested for their antioxidant activity using DPPH method. In this study, percent yield of the synthesis of camphor thiosemicarbazone compounds were 81,54%, camphor thiazolidine-4-on were 32,538%, and camphor thiazolidine-4-on derivatives were 98,7% as a mixed compounds. The potential antioxidant activity was monitored using DPPH method and the IC50 value of camphor thiosemicarbazone was 103,08 ppm, camphor thiazolidine-4-on was 26978,16 ppm, and camphor thiazolidine-4-on derivatives compound was 3909,14 ppm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyani Gita Cahyani
Abstrak :
Senyawa 1,7,7-trimetilbisiklo[2.2.1]-2-heptanon atau camphor merupakan salah satu senyawa yang terkandung dalam pohon kapur barus (Cinnamomum camphora). Derivat senyawa camphor memiliki potensi aktivitas biologis yang baik seperti sifat antivirus, antimikroba, antitusif, agen analgesik, dll. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis derivat senyawa camphor hidrazon menggunakan senyawa camphor, hidrazin hidrat, dan variasi aldehid aromatik sebagai prekursornya. Sintesis derivat senyawa camphor hidrazon dapat ditingkatkan efisiensi waktu pembentukan produknya dengan penambahan katalis cairan ionik trietilamonium hidrogen sulfat atau [Et3NH][HSO4]. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi reaksi diperoleh kondisi optimum dengan jumlah katalis sebesar 10% mol. Besar yield yang dihasilkan dari derivat senyawa 1 sebesar 84,1%, derivat senyawa 2 sebesar 86,7%, dan derivat senyawa 3 sebesar 45,7%. Keberhasilan pembentukan derivat senyawa camphor hidrazon dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan, kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), FTIR, UV-Visible, uji titik leleh dan GC-MS. Penelitian ini juga menguji potensi bioaktivitas derivat senyawa camphor hidrazon sebagai antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH. Kekuatan aktivitas antioksidan yang diekspresikan sebagai nilai IC50 telah dievaluasi. Nilai IC50 dari derivat senyawa 1 sebesar 96,181 ppm, derivat senyawa 2 sebesar 102,247 ppm, dan derivat senyawa 3 sebesar 306,476 ppm. ......1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]-heptan-2-one or camphor compound is one of the compounds contained in the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora). Camphor compound derivatives have the potential for good biological activity such as antiviral, antimicrobial, antitussive, analgesic agents, etc. In this research, the derivative of camphor hydrazone has been synthesized using camphor, hydrazine hydrate, and variations of aromatic aldehydes as precursors. The synthesis of camphor hydrazone compound derivatives can be increased the efficiency of its product formation time by adding a triethylammonium hydrogen sulfate or [Et3NH][HSO4] ionic liquid catalyst. Based on the results of reaction optimization, the optimum conditions were obtained with the amount of catalyst 10% mol. The yield obtained from derivative compound 1 was 84,1%, derivative compound 2 was 86,7%, and derivative compound 3 was 45,7%. The success of the formation of camphor hydrazone derivatives were characterized using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), FTIR, UV-Visible, melting point test, and GC-MS. This study also tested the potential bioactivity of the camphor hydrazone derivatives as antioxidants using the DPPH method. The strength of antioxidant activity expressed as IC50 values were evaluated. The IC50 values of derivative of compound 1 was 96,181 ppm, the derivative of compound 2 was 102,247 ppm, and the derivative of compound 3 was 306,476 ppm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusman Santika
Abstrak :
Kristal minyak kapur diisolasi dari minyak Dryobalanops aromatica kemudian dioksidasi menjadi camphor. Camphor kemudian direaksikan dengan thiosemicarbazide, etil-2-chloroacetoacetate dan katalis NaOAc untuk membentuk camphor thiazole. Kemudian, senyawa tersebut direaksikan dengan hydrazine/phenylhydrazine. Kristal minyak kapur, kristal camphor, camphor thiazole, camphor thiazole hydrazine dan camphor thiazole phenylhydrazine berhasil disintesis dengan %yield masing-masing adalah 1,50%; 15,84%; 3,48%; 58,21% dan 32,65% serta dikarakterisasi menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), FT-IR, UV-Vis, dan GC-MS/LC-MS. Aktivitas antioksidan diukur menggunakan metode radikal bebas DPPH. Diketahui bahwa minyak kapur, Kristal minyak kapur, Camphor thiazole Hydrazine dan Camphor thiazole Phenylhydrazine memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 secara berurutan sebesar 4293 ppm, >10.000 ppm, 6,93 ppm dan 8,80 ppm. camphor thiazole hydrazine memiliki aktivitas antioksidan paling kuat, krsital camphor tidak menunjukan aktivitas antioksidan, sedangkan camphor thiazole tidak cocok untuk dilakukan pengukuran antioksidan dengan menggunakan metode radikal bebas DPPH. Aktivitas antidiabetes diukur menggunakan enzim alfa glukosidase. Diketahui camphor thiazole, camphor thiazole hydrazine dan camphor thiazole phenylhydrazine memiliki nilai IC50 berurutan adalah 869,06 ppm, >2000 ppm dan 1893,40 ppm. Senyawa camphor thiazole diketahui memiliki aktivitas inhibisi yang paling baik terhadap enzim alfa glucosidase ......Camphor crystals were isolated from Dryobalanops aromatica oil. Camphor were reacting with thiosemicarbazide, ethyl-2-chloroacetoacetate and NaOAc catalyst to form camphor thiazole. This compound then reacted with hydrazine/phenylhydrazine. D. aromatica crystals, camphor crystals, camphor thiazole, camphor thiazole hydrazine and camphor thiazole phenylhydrazine were successfully synthesized with %yields of 1.50%; 15.84%; 3.48%; 58.21% and 32.65%, respectively and characterized using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), FT-IR, UV-Vis, and GC-MS/LC-MS. Antioxidant activity was measured using the DPPH free radical method. It is known that D. aromatica oil, D. aromatica crystals, camphor thiazole hydrazine and camphor thiazole phenylhydrazine have antioxidant activity with IC50 values ​​of 4293 ppm, >10,000 ppm, 6.93 ppm and 8.80 ppm, respectively. camphor thiazole hydrazine has the strongest antioxidant activity, camphor crystals do not show antioxidant activity, while camphor thiazole is not suitable for measuring antioxidants using the DPPH free radical method. Antidiabetic activity was measured using the alpha glucosidase enzyme. It is known that camphor thiazole, camphor thiazole hydrazine and camphor thiazole phenylhydrazine have IC50 values ​ 869.06 ppm, >2000 ppm and 1893.40 ppm, respectively. Camphor thiazole are known to have the best inhibitory activity against the alpha glucosidase enzyme.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fathony
Abstrak :
Berkat sifat fisik, mekanik, dan elektriknya yang luar biasa, CNT terus dikembangkan sejak penemuannya di tahun 1998. Kebutuhan dalam negeri sendiri belum tercukupi karena biaya produksi CNT yang terbilang mahal. Penelitian terakhir di Departemen Teknik Kimia menunjukkan bahwa metana belum mampu menghasilkan CNT pada suhu 800oC akibat tingkat reaktivitasnya yang rendah. Di sisi lain, camphor sebagai sumber karbon yang relatif murah dan mudah diperoleh menjanjikan terbentuknya CNT pada suhu 630oC hingga 680oC. Kamper akan terdekomposisi menjadi senyawa benzene, toluene, dan xylene pada suhu 800oC. Hasil sintesis dengan menggunakan pecahan kuarsa sebagai substrat menghasilkan deposit yang lebih banyak daripada bola silika akibat perpindahan kalor yang lebih baik serta kandungan SiO2 yang lebih murni. Yield yang paling besar diperoleh ketika massa kamper yang digunakan adalah 5 gram, yaitu sebesar 25,16 mg/cm2. Sedangkan rata-rata diameter terkecil diperoleh ketika massa kamper yang digunakan adalah 1 gram, yaitu 44,11 nm.
Because of its outstanding physical, mechanical, and electrical properties, CNT continuously developed since its discovery in 1998. Domestic demand itself has not been fulfilled because the production costs are fairly expensive. Recent research in Department of Chemical Engineering showed that the methane has not been able to produce CNT at a temperature of 800oC due to the low level of reactivity. On the other hand, camphor as a carbon source that is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtained promising formation of CNT at temperature of 630oC to 680oC. Camphor will be decomposed into benzene, toluene, and xylene at 800oC. The synthesis process with quartz as the substrate produce more carbon deposits than silica sphere due to its better heat transfer and the purer SiO2 contained in the quartz. The biggest yield (25 mg/cm2) is obtained when 5 gram of camphor is used, whereas the smallest average diameter (44,11 nm) is obtained when 1 gram of camphor is used.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manggala Pasca Wardhana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan massa optimum kamper sebagai sumber karbon dalam pertumbuhan carbon nanotube (CNT) menggunakan reaktor flame synthesis. Stainless steel (SS)-316 tipe gauze akan berperan sebagai substrat media katalis. Preparasi substrat dilakukan oxidative heat treatment pada suhu 850oC selama 20 menit untuk menghilangkan lapisan krom sebagai tempat pertumbuhan CNT. Suhu dekomposisi kamper yang digunakan adalah 450oC dan suhu sintesis CNT adalah 800 oC. Laju oksigen yang digunakan adalah 33,3 dalam rentang waktu sintesis selama 1 jam. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah variasi massa kamper pada laju alir O2 tetap (W/F) sebesar; 0,15 gram menit/ml ; 0,3 gram menit/ml dan 0,45 gram menit/ml. Karakterisasi yang akan dilakukan yaitu SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), EDX (Energy Dispersive Xray spectroscopy), Gas Chromatography (GC- MS) dan XRD (X-Ray Diffraction). Hasil dekomposisi kamper menunjukan benzena sebesar 16 %, toluena 56% dan xylena 26%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan CNT tumbuh di 2σ ; 26o dan 43o. Meningkatnya jumlah massa kamper memperbesar jumlah yield yang dihasilkan. Kuantitas terbaik diperoleh pada variasi 0,45 gram menit/ml dengan yield yang diperoleh sebesar 56 % dan diameter 54,14 nm. ......This study aims to determine the optimum camphor mass as a carbon source in the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNT) using flame synthesis reactors. Stainless steel (SS) -316 type gauze will act as a substrate of catalyst media. Substrate preparation was carried out oxidative heat treatment at 850oC for 20 minutes to remove the chrome layer as a place for CNT growth. The variation carried out is the variation of camphor mass at a fixed O2 flow rate (W / F) of; 0.15 gram minutes / ml; 0.3 gram minutes / ml and 0.45 gram minutes / ml. Characterization that will be carried out is SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), EDX (Energy Dispersive Xray spectroscopy), Gas Chromatography (GC-MS) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction). The results of the characterization show that CNT grows on the surface of the SS 316 plate substrate for each variation. The best quantity is obtained at variations of 0.45 gram minutes / ml with the yield obtained at 56% and diameter 54.14 nm.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Savitri Eka Nur
Abstrak :
Filariasis yang disebarkan oleh nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia.7 Pemberantasan filariasis dengan menggunakan insektisida sintetis menyebabkan resistensi Cx. quinquefasciatus terhadap insektisida tersebut.44 Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis toksisitas senyawa camphor terhadap larva Cx. quinquefasciatus yang terfokus pada enzim detoksifikasi dan kelainan histopatologi midgut. Larva Cx. quinquefasciatus yang digunakan merupakan larva wild strain yang diperoleh dari lapangan. Bioassay larva mengikuti protokol WHO. Larva akan dipaparkan camphor dengan konsentrasi 0,5, 1,5, 10,5, 25,5, dan 50 ppm selama 24, 48, dan 72 jam dengan 5 kali pengulangan yang memperlihatkan mortalitas yang berbeda bermakna (p<0.05). Pada 50 ppm terjadi 100% mortalitas larva Cx. quinquefasciatus selama 48 jam. Nilai LC50 2,32 ppm dan LC90 sebesar 12,40 ppm Histopatologi midgut dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin terjadi kerusakan masif. Enzim detoksifikasi yang diperiksa dengan metode CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) menunjukan AChE dan oksidase ialah enzim target dari camphor. ......Filariasis spread by Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes is still a public health problem in Indonesia.7 Eradication of filariasis by using synthetic insecticides causes resistance to Cx. quinquefasciatus.44 The purpose of this study was to analyze the toxicity of camphor compounds on Cx. quinquefasciatus focused on detoxifying enzymes and midgut histopathological abnormalities. The larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus are wild-strain larvae obtained from the field. Larval bioassays followed WHO protocol. Larvae will be exposed to camphor with concentrations of 0.5, 1.5, 10.5, 25.5, and 50 ppm for 24, 48, and 72 hours with 5 repetitions showing significantly different mortality (p<0.05). At 50 ppm, there was 100% mortality of larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus for 48 hours. The LC50 value was 2.32 ppm and the LC90 was 12.40 ppm. Midgut histopathology with hematoxylin-eosin staining showed massive damage. The detoxification enzymes examined by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) method showed that AChE and oxidase were the target enzymes of camphor.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Togi Elyazeer
Abstrak :
Penggunaan ferrocene sebagai sumber karbon dan katalis pada sintesis CNT menghasilkan jumlah pengotor yang tinggi. Ferrocene memiliki rasio besi-karbon (Fe/C) sebesar 46,5%. Penambahan sumber karbon kamper pada ferrocene akan memperoleh rasio Fe/C yang optimal sehingga mampu menurunkan jumlah pengotor pada produk. Metode yang dipakai adalah Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapour Deposition (FC-CVD) dengan sistem double furnace. Substrat yang dipakai adalah stainless steel 316 tipe gauze. Penentuan jumlah substrat dilakukan untuk memperoleh yield terbesar. Dua buah substrat pada sintesis menghasilkan yield terbesar yaitu 0,824 gram dari 4 gram prekursor kamper 100% (20,6%). Fe/C pada sintesis CNT divariasikan 0%, 6,8%, dan 46,5% untuk memperoleh hasil CNT dengan kualitas dan kuantitas terbaik. Rasio Fe/C 6,8% memiliki kualitas terbaik dan kuantitas tertinggi. Hasil karakterisasi SEM, EDS, dan TEM menunjukkan bahwa CNT pada variasi rasio Fe/C 6,8% memiliki diameter luar CNT sebesar 20-40 nm, persentase massa karbon sebesar 86,64%. Yield pada rasio ini sebesar 1,608 gram dari 4 gram prekursor (40,2%).
The use of ferrocene as a carbon source and catalyst in CNT synthesis results in a high amount of impurity. Ferrocene has iron-carbon (Fe/C) ratio of 46,5%. This study use camphor as additional carbon source may obtain an optimal Fe/C ratio, thus reducing the amout of impurity on product. The method used is Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapor Deposition (FC-CVD) with double furnace system. The substrate used is stainless steel 316 gauze-type. Determining number of substrat is done to get highest yield. Synthesis with two substrates produces the highest yield of 0,824 gram from 4 gram of 100% camphor as precursor (20,6%). The variation of Fe/C that will be done is 0%, 6,8%, and 46,5%. It is dicovered that Fe/C ratio of 6,8% has best quality and highest yield. The haracterization result of SEM, EDS, and TEM shows that CNT has outer diameter of 20-40 nm, mass percentage 86,64%. The yield at this ratio is 1,608 gram from 4 gram precursor (40,2%).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Andreas Emil Rezanov
Abstrak :
Reaktor berbahan stainless steel tipe 316 (SS 316) dirancang untuk sintesis Carbon Nanotube (CNT) berbasis kamper. Sebagai sumber karbon, padatan kamper diubah menjadi gas melalui proses sublimasi. Sintesis CNT pada permukaan substrat melalui metode sintesis chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Sintesis dilakukan dengan substrat wiremesh SS 316 dan menggunakan argon sebagai carrier gas serta hidrogen sebagai co-reactant. Preparasi substrat dilakukan melalui pretreatment dengan acid etchingmenggunakan larutan HCl 37% selama 10 menit. Tujuan preparasi ini untuk menghilangkan lapisan krom dan membuat permukaannya menjadi lebih kasar sehingga CNT dapat tumbuh. Suhu sintesis yang digunakan adalah 800oC dengan waktu 60 menit. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan laju alir gas argon dan gas hidrogen dengan variasi 1:0, 0.9:0.1, 0.5:0.5, 0.1:0.9 dan 0:1. Hasil sintesis di karakterisasi menggunakan SEM-EDS, TEM, dan XRD. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan CNT tumbuh pada permukaan substrat wiremesh SS 316 untuk setiap variasi. CNT telah tumbuh mengikuti model tips growth dengan rentang diameter 13-33 nm serta yield dengan rentang 33-38%. Penggunaan gas hidrogen meningkatkan jumlah karbon yang terdeposit pada substrat wiremesh SS 316. Variasi terbaik berdasarkan diameter CNT dan yield terbesar didapatkan pada variasi 0.5:0.5. ......Reactor, which made from stainless steel 316 (SS 316), was designed for synthesis of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) based camphor. As a carbon source, solid camphor was converted into gas through a sublimation process. Synthesis of CNTs on substrate surfaces was through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Synthesis was performed with stainless steel-316 type as catalyst, argon as carrier gas, and hydrogen as co-reactant. Preparation of the catalyst is through a pretreatment by acid etching with HCl 37% over 10 minutes to remove the layer of chrome and make a rough surface so that CNTs can be grown. The operating temperature of the synthesis used was 800oC with a reaction time of 60 minutes. This research was conducted by varying the ratio argon and hydrogen volumetric flowrate by 1:0, 0.9:0.1, 0.5:0.5, 0.1:0.9 and 0:1. Produced CNTs were characterized using SEM-EDS, TEM, and XRD. The characterization results showed that the CNT grows on the surface of the SS 316 wiremesh for each variation while the CNTs follow the tips growth model which have 13-33 nm diameter and 33-38% yield for both substrate and surface of the reactor. The influence of hydrogen produce much more CNT on the surface of wiremesh SS 316 substrate. Best variation based on thinnest diameter and biggest yield observed at 0.5:0.5.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anugrah Pratama
Abstrak :
Senyawa turunan hidrazon merupakan senyawa monoterpen heterosiklis yang memiliki beberapa aktivitas biologis seperti antioksidan. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi isatin yang akan dilakukan modifikasi dengan menambahkan senyawa klor ke dalam cincin aromatik. Senyawa yang terbentuk dari reaksi klorinasi adalah 5-kloroisatin yang akan direaksikan dengan isoniazid dan kampor dengan hidrazin hidrat dan isoniazid untuk membentuk turunan senyawa hidrazon. Hasil sintesis senyawa 5-kloroisatin (90,25%), isatin isoniazid (metode jurnal = 92,99%; metode baru = 93,28%), 5-kloroisatin isoniazid (metode refluks = 66,13%; metode panas = 75,61%), kampor isoniazid (43,99%), dan kampor hidrazon (0,35%). Keberhasilan dari sintesis turunan senyawa hidrazon ini akan dikarakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), dan Liqiuid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). Untuk pengujian antioksidan digunakan metode DPPH dengan nilai IC50 diantara 11-17 ppm. ......Hydrazone-derivates are heterocyclic monoterpene that has several biological activities, such as antioxidant. This research uses variation of isatin which will be modified by adding chlorine into the aromatic ring. The products formed from the reaction are 5-chloroisatin which will be reacted with isoniazid and camphor with hydrazine hydrate and isoniazid to form hydrazonederivates. The result of products synthesis are 5-chloroisatin (90,25%), isatin isoniazid (journal method = 92,99%; new method = 93,28%), 5-chloroisatin isoniazid (reflux method = 66,13%; hot plate method = 75,61%), camphor isoniazid (43,99%), and camphor hydrazon (0,35%) The success of the synthesis of hydrazone derivates will be characterized using Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). The DPPH method is used for antioxidant testing gave the IC50 number between 11-17 ppm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Praswasti Wulan
Abstrak :
Stainless Steel (SS) is the potential substrate in Carbon Nanotube (CNT) synthesis; Iron (Fe) and Nickel (Ni) content make SS function doubly as substrate and catalyst. In this study, SS is prepared with chloride acid, HCl (37.8%) and oxidative heat treatment (OHT) at 850oC for 30 minutes. This study aims to identify the effect of OHT on SS in CNT’s formation. The identification is done by using carbon sources of acetylene and camphor. The substrate of SS 304 is varied into foil, plate and wire mesh. The result of using acetylene for 20 minutes in respect of the three variations produces carbon loss of over 90%. This is due to an increase in the Cr percentage which inhibits the formation of the catalyst’s nanoparticles. With the help of ferrocene foil substrate, plate, and wire mesh, the CNT produced are 0.0573 gram, 0.0701 gram, and 0.1246 gram along with a reduction in carbon loss to 30%. The use of the substrate of SS 316 with lower Cr content and additional time of synthesis to 60 minutes yields the mass of 0.6325 gram and carbon loss of 2.76%. By using camphor for 60 minutes, the identification results in an increase of CNT mass in SS 304 of 0.831 for foil, 1.856 for plate and 2.6305 for wire mesh. Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) is used to identify the carbon form on the surface of the SS while Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) is used to identify the acetylene decomposition. Based on this experiment, SS 304 and 316 type along with the OHT preparation method can be used easily as an effective substrate to produce CNT.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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