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Imam Khomaeni Hayatullah
Abstrak :

Kekhalifahan merupakan bagian dari Islam. Ibnu Khaldun dalam Mukaddimah menyatakan bahwa masalah kekhalifahan tidak dapat dilepaskan dari permasalahan ashabiyyah, yaitu solidaritas sosial. Kelompok Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria ISIS mengklaim sebagai kekhalifahan Islam yang baru. Ashabiyyah antar pendukung ISIS menjadi kunci kekuatannya. Dengan menggunakan konsep ashabiyyah Ibnu Khaldun, disimpulkan bahwa munculnya pendukung ISIS di Indonesia, karena penyalahgunaan solidaritas agama, yang menimbulkan radikalisasi beragama. Penjabaran konsep ashabiyyah menurut Ibnu Khaldun diharapkan dapat membaca penyalahgunaan solidaritas agama, yang digunakan ISIS dalam merekrut umat Islam di seluruh dunia, dan refleksi kritis untuk mengatasinya.
The Caliphate is part of Islam. Ibn Khaldun in Mukaddimah states that the issue of the caliphate can not be separated from the lsquo a abiyyah, that social solidarity. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria ISIS group claims as a new Islamic caliphate. lsquo A abiyyah between ISIS supporters is a key of their strength. By using ashabiyyah of Ibn Khaldun, it concluded that arising of ISIS supporters in Indonesia due to the abuse of religious solidarity that leading religious radicalization. The explanation of lsquo a abiyyah from Ibn Khaldun expected to view the abuse of solidarity used by ISIS in recruiting Muslims, and critical reflection to overcome it.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syakira Wardatul Aisyi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan studi kasus peran gender perempuan yang terdapat dalam serial Caliphate. Serial ini menarik untuk dibahas sebab gambaran di dalam film tersebut, diangkat dari kisah nyata sehingga melahirkan pandangan baru terhadap isu perempuan ISIS. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan peran gender perempuan sebagai fokus utama. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari serial Netflix berbahasa Swedia dengan teks terjemahan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Dalam menganalisis peran gender perempuan ISIS yang terdapat dalam serial Caliphate, penulis menggunakan teori pendekatan semiotik Roland Barthes dan teori analisis gender. Dalam teori tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa para perempuan ISIS dalam serial Caliphate mengisi berbagai peran, mulai dari sebagai istri, pendukung agenda ISIS hingga bagian dari militan. Dari peran-peran tersebut di temukan beberapa manifestasi ketidakadilan gender yang dialami oleh tokoh-tokoh perempuan di dalam serial. ......This study aims to describe case studies of women's gender roles contained in the Caliphateseries. This series is interesting to discuss because the picture in the film is based on a true story that gives birth to a new perspective on the issue of ISIS women. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with the gender role of women as the main focus. The data source used in this study came from the Swedish Netflix series with English and Indonesian subtitles. In analyzing the gender roles of ISIS women in the Caliphate series, the author uses Roland Barthes' semiotic approach and gender analysis theory. This theory concludes that ISIS women in the Caliphate series fill various roles, ranging from being wives, supporters of the ISIS agenda to part of the militants. From these roles, several manifestations of gender inequality experienced by female characters in the series are found.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamed Sayed
Abstrak :
The Muslim Brotherhood plays a prominent role in the politics of many Muslim countries as one of the largest Islamist groups. As a politico-social movement, the Muslim Brotherhood has gone through many tactical and ideological shifts over the past 90 years since its founding in 1928. Studying these shifts and the reasoning behind them can help us to understand the behaviour of certain groups. This paper studies one of the major shifts in the discourse of the movement, from the advocacy for restoring the Caliphate to the call for a modern civic state, despite the idea of the Caliphate having been one of the core motives behind the founding of the Brotherhood. This paper traces the change in Muslim Brotherhood discourse of the Caliphate through a thick analysis of the writings and statements of the prominent leaders of the group, starting with Brotherhood’s founder, al-Banna, and progressing to the leaders of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. This paper examines this shift’s degree of significance and its underlying rationale. Instead of addressing changes collectively, each change is considered individually to gain further insight into the incentives driving the major shift under study, namely the overhaul of the political discourse of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in so far as shifting from adopting the caliphate to the modern civic state. This shift in the Caliphate discourse is approached singularly, opening room for exclusive explanations that are unique to the altered concept. While a wholesale approach that treats changes as a collective succeeds in explaining the changes within some social and political movements, it ignores substantial factors and elements that are advantageous for profound understanding of the case in question. The shift in the Caliphate discourse, though it was not significant in practice, is useful in suggesting an alternative method for the justification of tactical and ideological shifts of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Jakarta: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afina Raida Vinci
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAKbr Selama ini pengaruh ideologi terhadap pemberian suara belum banyak diteliti pada konteks Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dari ideologi konservatisme, anti-sekularisme, tradisionalisme, dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah, terhadap pemberian suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Ideologi konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme masing-masing diukur menggunakan skala konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme yang disusun oleh peneliti. Ideologi tradisionalisme diukur menggunakan item-item skala tradisionalisme yang digunakan Asian Barometer Survey Gelombang 3. Sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah syariah diukur menggunakan skala dari Chusniyah (2012). Responden penelitian merupakan 268 mahasiswa UI muslim yang telah memberikan suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari ideologi konservatisme (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah (t = 1,99, p < 0,05), terhadap pemberian suara. Sementara itu tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari ideologi anti-sekularisme dan tradisionalisme. ;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. ;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. , The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. ]
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library