ABSTRAKPenelitian ini memeriksa masalah transportasi yang dihadapi oleh kota Sukabumi menggunakan metode wawancara, survey, maupun tinjauan dokumen. Perhatian khusus diberikan pada aspek aksesibilitas, dampak, efisiensi ekonomi, dan kesetaraan sosial. Hal yang dikaji dalam aspek aksesibilitas mencakup akses mobil, akses pedestrian, akses transportasi umum, dan konektivitas jalan. Hal yang dikaji dalam aspek dampak mencakup parkir, persaingan dengan PKL, penggunaan lahan, dan bersepeda. Hal yang dikaji dalam aspek efisiensi ekonomi mencakup klasifikasi kendaraan dan pengutamaan moda tertentu. Hal yang dikaji dalam aspek kesetaraan sosial mencakup pembagian manfaat jalan dan dampak bagi PMKS. Studi dilakukan dengan memeriksa kebijakan yang relevan kemudian mengamati implementasinya di lapangan melalui wawancara, observasi, survey, dan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil dari perbandingan antara implementasi dan kebijakan adalah gap yang kemudian dicarikan solusinya oleh peneliti. Masalah- masalah yang ditemukan antara lain laju pertumbuhan kendaraan yang lebih tinggi dari kapasitas jalan, pertumbuhan jumlah PKL yang lebih tinggi dari pertumbuhan pedestrian, rasio angkutan umum terhadap jumlah penduduk yang semakin tinggi dan menjauh dari rasio ideal, peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang lebih cepat dari peningkatan panjang jalan, peningkatan jumlah kendaraan yang lebih cepat dari penambahan jumlah titik parkir, prevalensi penyakit jantung dan obesitas yang lebih tinggi dari rata-rata provinsi dan nasional, dan jumlah anak jalanan yang semakin tinggi. Solusi terintegrasi yang ditawarkan oleh peneliti adalah pengembangan bus kota (transportasi massal) sekaligus reduksi jumlah kendaraan roda empat di dalam kota.
ABSTRACTThe study examined the transport problems faced by Sukabumi using interviews, surveys, and review of documents. Special attention is given to aspects of accessibility, output, economic efficiency, and social equity. It is studied in the aspects of accessibility include car access, pedestrian access, access to public transport, and street connectivity. It is studied in the output aspect includes parking, competition with street vendors, land use, and cycling. It is studied in the economic efficiency aspects include vehicle classification and prioritization of certain modes. It is studied in aspects of social equality includes highway benefit- sharing. It is studied in aspects of social equality include benefit sharing highway and output for PMKS. The study was conducted by examining the relevant policy implementation on the ground then observed through interviews, observation, surveys, and quantitative analysis. The results of the comparison between the implementation and the policy is the gap then look for a solution by researcher. The problems were discovered, among others, the growth rate of the vehicle higher than the capacity of the road, the growing number of street vendors higher than the growth of the pedestrian, the ratio of public transport to the higher number of people and away from the ideal ratio, the increase of population faster than the increase in path length, an increase in the number of vehicles that are faster than the addition of a parking spot, the prevalence of heart disease and obesity are higher than the provincial and national average, and the number of street children is increasing. Integrated solutions offered by researchers is the development of a city bus (mass transport) as well as a reduction in the number of four-wheel vehicles in the city., The study examined the transport problems faced by Sukabumi using interviews, surveys, and review of documents. Special attention is given to aspects of accessibility, output, economic efficiency, and social equity. It is studied in the aspects of accessibility include car access, pedestrian access, access to public transport, and street connectivity. It is studied in the output aspect includes parking, competition with street vendors, land use, and cycling. It is studied in the economic efficiency aspects include vehicle classification and prioritization of certain modes. It is studied in aspects of social equality includes highway benefit- sharing. It is studied in aspects of social equality include benefit sharing highway and output for PMKS. The study was conducted by examining the relevant policy implementation on the ground then observed through interviews, observation, surveys, and quantitative analysis. The results of the comparison between the implementation and the policy is the gap then look for a solution by researcher. The problems were discovered, among others, the growth rate of the vehicle higher than the capacity of the road, the growing number of street vendors higher than the growth of the pedestrian, the ratio of public transport to the higher number of people and away from the ideal ratio, the increase of population faster than the increase in path length, an increase in the number of vehicles that are faster than the addition of a parking spot, the prevalence of heart disease and obesity are higher than the provincial and national average, and the number of street children is increasing. Integrated solutions offered by researchers is the development of a city bus (mass transport) as well as a reduction in the number of four-wheel vehicles in the city.]"