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Ario Indrasworo Cahyono Aji
Abstrak :
Infrastruktur menjadi salah satu pilar dari 12 pilar dalam penentuan indeks daya saing global GCI , dan Indonesia menempati urutan ke 81 dari 140 negara World Economic Forum, 2015-2016 . Kebijakan alokasi anggaran untuk sektor-sektor dalam bidang infrastruktur ekonomi dalam dokumen Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara APBN yang masih jauh lebih kecil dari kebutuhannya sesuai dengan dokumen Rencana Strategis Kementerian/Lembaga Renstra K/L yang terkait dan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional RPJMN tahun 2015-2019, menandakan bahwa Pemerintah Pusat masih kesulitan dalam mendanai pembangunan insfrastruktur ekonomi. Selain itu, kebijakan alokasinya yang berbeda-beda untuk setiap sektor dalam bidang infrastruktur ekonomi juga mengindikasikan kemungkinan dampak yang berbeda-beda terhadap perekonomian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis permasalahan-permasalahan terkait dengan kebijakan alokasi anggaran untuk infrastruktur ekonomi, khususnya yang dibiayai oleh Pemerintah Pusat melalui Kementerian/Lembaga, menganalisis peranan sektor-sektor dalam bidang infrastruktur, dan memperkirakan dampaknya pada tahun 2015-2019, baik terhadap output, nilai tambah, pendapatan masyarakat maupun penyerapan tenaga kerja.Dengan menggunakan analisa Tabel Input-Output IO nasional tahun 2014 yang merupakan hasil updating dengan metode RAS dari Tabel IO nasional tahun 2010, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sektor-sektor dalam bidang infrastruktur ekonomi secara total berkontribusi sebesar 27,5 persen terhadap pembentukan output terbesar sektor konstruksi gedung , 21,1 persen terhadap nilai tambah bruto PDB terbesar sektor konstruksi gedung , 21,8 persen terhadap pendapatan terbesar sektor jalan, jembatan, dan pelabuhan , dan 11,1 persen terhadap tenaga kerja terbesar sektor angkutan jalan raya dalam perekonomian nasional pada 2014. Sektor ketenagalistrikan, sektor jalan, jembatan dan pelabuhan dan sektor angkutan jalan raya merupakan sektor kunci dalam bidang infrastruktur dalam perekonomian nasional. Berdasarkan besaran nilai penggandanya, kebijakan alokasi anggaran untuk infrastruktur akan optimal dampaknya terhadap output apabila alokasi anggaran dalam bidang infrastruktur diprioritaskan pada sektor ketenagalistrikan, untuk nilai tambah akan optimal bila diprioritaskan pada sektor industri pengilangan gas bumi, dan untuk pendapatan dan tenaga kerja akan optimal bila diprioritaskan untuk angkutan kereta api. Dikarenakan kebijakan alokasi anggaran untuk sektor-sektor dalam bidang infrastruktur yang tidak sesuai dengan prioritas tersebut, maka dampaknya terhadap perekonomian nasional juga tidak optimal.
Infrastructure, as we know, has been recognized as one of the twelve indicators used to define the Global Competitiveness Index GCI of a country. Infrastructure was also one of the ten aspect used to measure the easiness of running business in most countries. In 2015, the slight difficulties of getting electricity supply and services put Indonesia at 46 out of 189 countries World Bank, 2015 . In depth study of the country rsquo s Budgetary Income and Disbursement APBN stated in the 2015 2019 National Intermediate Development Plan RPJMN showed that the sectoral budget allocated for economic infrastructure within the related Ministry or Institution so far are still way down under the expected need stated in their recorded Strategic Planning document. This together with the inconsistency in the year to year budget allocation for each sectors directly showed the difficulties faced by the Government in allocating consistent necessary budget to support the Infrastructure Economic Development programs. This study focused on analyzing the problem related to the budget allocation disbursement for economic infrastructures, in particular the one financed by the Central Government through related Ministry Institution. It analyzes the role of each sector within the infrastructure and forecasting the impact on the output, the value added, the public income and the absorption of work forces for the year 2015 ndash 2019.Analyzing the 2014 National Input Output Table NIOT , updated from 2010 NIOT by RAS method, it was found that in 2014 the total contribution of Economic Infrastructure Sectors on the total country output is 27.5 percent in which the largest was due to building construction sector. The contribution toward Gross Domestic Product GDP is 21.1 percent, and again the largest contributor is building construction, 21.8 percent toward total income where the largest contributor is highway, bridges, and port sector, and 11.1 percent toward work forces absorption the largest is highway transportation . Availability and easiness of electrical power, bridges, port, and highway transportation became the key sector in the national infrastructure economic count down. Based on its multiplier effect value, the impact of budget allocation for infrastructure will become optimal toward total country output if the budget allocation for infrastructure sectors is prioritized on electrical power sector. The added value will be optimal if it is focused on Natural Gas Refinery industry. Income and work forces absorption will be optimal if railway transportation is prioritized. So far because the actual disbursement of the country rsquo s budget was not following the above conclusion, the impact to the total national economic development is not optimal.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinem, Ajang
Abstrak :
Anggaran pembangunan merupakan salah satu alat administrasi pemerintah untuk dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Meskipun demikian pada kenyataannya, kebijakan pengalokasian anggaran pembangunan tersebut tidaklah sepenuhnya didasarkan atas pertimbangan ekonomi. Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, besarnya anggaran pembangunan yang dialokasikan pemerintah daerah dari tahun ke tahun senantiasa mengalami peningkatan. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak pengalokasian anggaran pembangunan tersebut terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Provinsi DKI Jakarta, maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan regresi antara besarnya alokasi anggaran pembangunan terhadap pembentukan PDRB primer, PDRB sekunder dan PDRB tersier. Model yang digunakan, dikembangkan dari fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas, dimana Modal (Capital = C) direpresentasikan oleh besarnya alokasi anggaran pembangunan, sedangkan tenaga kerja (Labor = L) adalah besarnya jumlah tenaga kerja pada masing-masing sektor perekonomian. Untuk melihat pola hubungan antara variable penelitian telah dilakukan regresi terhadap data time series dalam rentang waktu 16 tahun. Model regresi yang dipakai adalah regresi sederhana model log-log dengan pendugaan secara SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression). Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bawa besarnya anggaran pembangunan yang dialokasikan pemerintah daerah khusus DKI Jakarta, secara signifikan berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB sektor sekunder dan PDRB tersier. Berdasarkan variable dummy periode kepemimpinan Gubernur Kepala Daerah, diketahui pula bahwa tingkat rata-rata dampak alokasi anggaran pembangunan terhadap pembentukan PDRB sekunder dan PDRB tersier yang tertinggi terjadi pada periode kepemimpinan Gubernur Sutiyoso (1998 - 2001).
Development budget (anggaran pembangunan) is one among government's administration tools that can support economic growth. However in reality, the policy in allocating development budget is not entirely based on economic consideration. In Jakarta, the amount of development budget allocated by local government was increasing from year to year. To find out how strong the impact of the development budget allocation toward economic growth of DKI Jakarta Province; therefore, regression was conducted in this research. Among others is the influence of development budget allocation toward the formation of gross regional domestic product (primary GRDP, secondary GRDP and tertiary GRDP). The model used and developed is in the form of Cobb-Douglas production function, where Capital (C) is represented by the amount of development budget allocation; while, Labor (L) is the amount of labor in each economic sector. To observe the relationship pattern among research variables, was developed regression toward time series data within 16 years. Regression model used is the double log simple regression with Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). As a whole, the result of this research showed that the amount of development budget being allocated by local government particularly Jakarta is significantly having positive effects toward the formation of secondary and tertiary GRDP. Based on dummy variable, it was found out that the highest average rate of development budget allocation effects toward the formation of secondary and tertiary GRDP happened during the leadership period of Governor Sutiyoso (1998 - 2001)
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didi Prabowo Putra
Abstrak :

Upaya nasional menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan memengaruhi pemerintah daerah dalam membuat arah kebijakannya, khususnya kebijakan penganggaran. Namun, meski dianggap penting bagi, anggaran fungsi lingkungan hidup sering termarjinalisasi dalam penentuan anggaran negara. Studi ini mencoba untuk menganalisa pengalokasian dan pemanfaatan ‘anggaran hijau’ tersebut pada masa Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mengah Provinsi DKI Jakarta (2013-2017). Metodologi yang digunakan adalah analisa konten pada dokumen APBD Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan melakukan wawancara untuk menggali potensi hambatan dan penggerak yang berimbas pada celah antara alokasi dan realisasi anggaran. Dari hasil Analisa didapatkan alokasi ‘anggaran hijau’ rata-rata sebesar 6,1% dari keseluruhan postur anggaran provinsi, yang secara signifikan lebih tinggi dari anggaran yang sama pada tingkat nasional sebesar 0,8 – 1%. Namun, realisasi rata-rata realisasi anggaran adalah rendah pada 47,1% dari anggaran yang dialokasikan. Selanjutnya, dari Analisa klasifikasi COFOG didapatkan bahwa fungsi Perlindungan Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Lahan mendapatkan porsi terbesar dalam anggaran fungsi lingkungan hidup. Hasil wawancara memperlihatkan bahwa aspek Kolaborasi adalah yang utama dalam mendukung tercapainya kebijakan urusan lingkungan, sementara aspek Kapasitas Staf Pemerintah, Kepedulian Publik, dan Keselarasan Kebijakan dianggap sebagai hambatan yang utama dalam mewujudkan kebijakan yang berpihak terhadap lingkungan sehingga perlu mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah daerah.

The national struggle for sustainable development influenced the sub-national governments level in composing their policy directions especially public budget policy. Nonetheless, although the environmental protection function is important, it tends to be marginalized in the national budgetary debates. This study, therefore, attempts to analyse the ‘green budget’ allocation and utilization within the Regional Medium-term Development Plan 2013 – 2017 of Jakarta Province. The methodology draws on descriptive analysis of derived data from annual provincial budget documents, and in-depth interview analysis explored potential barriers and drivers give rise to gaps in budget between the allocation and realization stage. Results show that the allocated ‘green budget’ posture of Jakarta Province was 6.1% in the five years average, significantly higher when compared to the national level at 0.8 – 1 percent. However, the realization was low with average actual spending at 47.1% of the total allocated budget. In addition, based on COFOG, the biggest function/purpose supported by the environmental affairs budget was biodiversity and land protection which are responsible for green open space provision in Jakarta Province. The interviews point to the collaboration aspect among the profound drivers to support environmental affairs policy. Meanwhile, the aspects of staff capacity, public awareness, and policy alignment are believed to be significant barriers that the government is recommended to take into consideration.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Hendranata
Abstrak :
This study aims (1) to construct an Econometric Input-Output Model for Indonesia, that emphasizes the linkage between sectors, and (2) to analyze the impact of budget allocation on development expenditure to Indonesian's economy in 2002. The model, constructed by combining the advantages of an input-output model and an econometric model, is called the Indonesian Econometric Input-Output Model or "Model Input-Output Ekonometrika Indonesia" (MIENA). MIENA consists of 112 dynamic simultaneous equations which utilize secondary data from 19SO-20UO. The equation parameters are estimated by using a combination of three estimation methods: (1) Ordinary Least Squares, (2) First Order of Autoregressive and (3) Second Order of Autoregressive. The model is validated by the Gauss-Siedel Method, it is then used for protections and policy impact analysis simulations on budget development expenditure and world economic conditions. The study finds that the impact of budget reallocation for development expenditure (final demand, output, income, and sectoral employment) is better than the budget allocation for development expenditure in the National Budgetary Plan (RAP3N) for 2002. The plantation sector contributed the most to supporting output multiplier and high income. The food, beverages, and tobacco industries contributed the most to yield a high employment multiplier.
Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendri Koeswara
Abstrak :
Abstract. The research answers the questions: How is the growth of Solok Regional Budget in the budget year of 2009-2012? How is the budget allocated for public services in the budget year of 2009-2012? What consideration is taken by the Regional Government in determining regional budget from the aspect of expense and regional expense management policies? What models are used in the allocation of public service expense in the Regional Budget? The stages of the research are: 1. Conducting comparison on the number of annual public service expenses, 2. Viewing the greatest and smallest allocation of public service expenses, 3. Studying whether the allocated budget is in accordance with the government policy. This stage altogether maps the dynamic of Regional Budget arrangement to see the involvement of each actor in the process of budget formulation. The research uses qualitative research method with the data collection technique of in-depth interview and analysis on the Regional Budget documents. First, the entire data, ethic and emic, were analyzed and described, then reduced by making abstraction, as a core summary. Eventually a conclusion was drawn to give a picture of how to make optimum the allocation of public service expenses in the Regional Budget.

Abstrak. Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan penelitian mengenai bagaimana pertumbuhan APBD Kota Solok tahun anggran 2009-2012? Bagaimanakah pengalokasian belanja untuk pelayanan publik tahun anggran 2009-2012? Apa pertimbangan yang dilakukan pemerintah daerah dalam penentuan belanja daerah dari aspek kebijakan belanja dan manajemen belanja daerah? Model yang digunakan dalam penganggaran pengalokasian belanja pelayanan publik pada APBD. Langkah-langkah penelitian yang dilakuakn adalah 1) melakukan perbandingan terhadap jumlah belanja pelayanan publik tiap dathun, 2) melihat alokasi belanja pelayanan publik disalurkan dalam jumlah yang paling besar atau yang paling kecil, 3) mengaji apakah anggaran yang dialokasikan bersesuaian dengan kebijakan pemerintah. Langkah tersebut sekaligus memetakan bagaimana dinamika penyusunan APBD sehingga terlihat keterlibatan masing-masing aktor dalam proses perumusan anggaran. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan analisis terhadap dokumen APBD. Dilakukan telaah dan deskripsi seluruh data etik dan emik, lalu direduksi dengan jalan membuat abstraksi sebagai sebuah rangkuman yang inti. Akhirnya sihasilkan kesimpulan yang bisa memberikan gambaran tentang upaya optimalisasi pengalokasian belanja pelayanan publik pada APBD.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
Abstrak :
This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of compliance with mandatory spending on education and health in 29 regencies/cities in Papua. The data analysis method applies quantitative descriptive data by using regional financial data, namely: Regional Revenue and Expenditure Targets, Education and Health Expenditure Allocation for Fiscal Year 2021, Realization of Regional Income, and Expenditure, Education and Health Expenditure Allocation for the Fiscal Year 2017-2020. The main finding of this study is that 27 local governments have not complied with mandatory spending on education, while for health, there are six local governments in Papua. Of course, this fact indicates one of the weaknesses in achieving the competitiveness of human development in Papua. Next is the fact that study results show that the amount of regional income and expenditure is not necessarily accompanied by the level of compliance with mandatory spending. This indicates the poor quality of planning and budgeting at the local government level in Papua. The author is aware of the limitations of this study; in disclosing the facts of compliance with mandatory spending on education and health, it is hoped that further research can measure the impact of mandatory spending on regional development performance indicators through an econometric model approach.
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2022
330 JPP 6:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naipospos, Nila
Abstrak :
Penyakit Tuberculosis (TB Paru), masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Tuberculosis merupakan penyebab kematian nomor 2 setelah penyakit cardiovasculer dan nomor satu dari golongan penyakit infeksi. Di Kota Bogor telah dilaksanakan upaya-upaya untuk menunjang tercapainya Kebijakan operasional baru Pelita VI yang dimulai tahun 1995, tetapi masih ditemukan permasalahan-permasalahan dalam pencapaian target program pemberantasan TB Paru. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kinerja Puskesmas dalam program pemberantasan TB Paru di Kota Bogor tahun 2000. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan Cross- Sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 23 Puskesmas untuk mengukur faktor masukan, sedangkan untuk mengamati faktor proses dilakukan dengan Diskusi Kelompok Terarah pada 6 Puskesmas yang mempunyai kinerja baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya fasilitas laboratorium dan dukungan dana amat diperlukan untuk menunjang keberhasilan Puskesmas dalam melaksanakan program pemberantasan TB Paru. Juga ditemukan bahwa proses pelaksanaan yang baik sesuai dengan protap program dapat diamati pada Puskesmas yang mempunyai kinerja baik mempunyai kegiatan yang innovatif dan pengendalian yang kuat pada setiap penderita TB Paru. Melihat hasil penelitian maka disarankan untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan cakupan program, setiap Puskesmas dapat dilengkapi fasilitas laboratorium yang memadai, alokasi dan pemanfaatan dana yang optimal untuk program TB Paru serta pelaksanaan proses diharapkan sesuai dengan protap program. ......Factors Related With Community Health Center Performance In National Lung TB Control In Bogor City 2001Tuberculosis disease (lung TB), still becomes public health problem. Tuberculosis stands as the second death cause after cardiovascular disease and as the first death cause in the group of infectious disease. In the city of Bogor there had some efforts to support the new operational policy of Pelita VI that had been applied since 1995. However, there are still some problems to achieve target of National lung TB control. The goal of this research is to analyze the influence of factors that are related to the performance of community Heath Centre in National lung TB control in the city of Bogor. This research is a cross-sectional study design, which applies a Quantitative approach. To measure the incoming factors, twenty-three Community Health Centers has been taken as the samples of this research: and to analyze the process factors, Focus Group Discussion have been applied in six Community Health Centers which have good performance. The result of this research shows that the existence of adequate laboratories facilities and provision financial support are needed to realize the success of National lung TB control. Furthermore, it could be analyzed that the good operational process happens in the Community Health Centers which have good performance; in those centers, they have innovative program and strong control towards every lung patient. Analyzing the result of the research, it is suggested that to improve the scope of the successful program, every Community Health Centre need to be supported by adequate laboratory facilities, adequate financial budget allocation, optimum budget operation and appropriate performance of personal in applying the process of national lung TB control.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suki Hariawan
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kebijakan earmarking tax atas Pajak Penerangan Jalan. Permasalahan dalam skripsi ini difokuskan pada pengalokasian anggaran untuk penerangan jalan oleh pemerintah DKI Jakarta sebelum dan sesudah dikeluarkannya kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dikeluarkannya kebijakan earmarking tax pengalokasian anggaran untuk penerangan jalan selama empat tahun terakhir telah mencapai lebih dari 50% sedangkan setelah dikeluarkannya kebijakan, pemerintah DKI Jakarta belum memiliki persiapan terkait dengan pengalokasian anggaran tersebut. Pemerintah belum ada suatu akun khusus untuk dana alokasi tersebut dan petunjuk pelaksanaan teknis Peraturan Daerah No.15 tahun 2010 masih dalam proses penyelesaian. Rekomendasi atas penelitian ini adalah perlu sosialisasi lebih intensif dari pemerintah, petunjuk teknis Perda No. 15 tahun 2010 segera diselesaikan, dan alokasi kegiatan masa lalu dapat dijadikan acuan dalam menetapkan porsi earmarking tax penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan di DKI Jakarta. ......This study discuss about earmarking tax policy in street lighting tax. Focus of this study's problems in budget allocation for street lighting by the government of Jakarta before and after the issuance of that policy. This study used a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that before issuance of earmarking tax policy, the budget allocation for street lighting, the last four years has reached over than 50% whereas after issuance of that policy, the government of Jakarta does not have preparation about that budget allocation. The government has not have special account for the allocation of funds and the technical implementation guidelines of The Local Regulation Number 15 Year 2010 still in the process of completion. The recommendations of this study are government needs to socialize that policy more intensively, local government technical guidance of The Local Regulation Number 15 Year 2010 needs to be resolved and the allocation of past activities can be used as a reference in determining the portion of earmarking tax for revenues of street lighting tax in Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidabutar, Rimbun C.D.
Abstrak :
The study was conducted in order to know how the application of the principle of transparent, participatory, accountable, orderly and budget discipline in the management of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in the village of District Simanindo Samosir Regency. This research is expected to be useful for the government at the village, district and county in order how the conditions of application of the principle management of ADD that happened.

This research was conducted in three villages Simanindo District. The three villages were taken as samples by using purposive sampling technique with two criteria, namely the number of people (many, medium, and a bit) and the main income of the villagers (tourism, agriculture, and the capital district). Respondents were Village Government Officials, Body of Village Council, Tim Implementing Activity, the District Assistance team and Community Leaders. This research was Conducted in-depth interviews with direct observations on the implementation of ADD.

The results of this study indicate that for the planning and budgeting, implementation, administration and reporting and accountability activities of ADD the principle of transparent, participatory been run well, while the principle of accountability, and discipline the budget has been implemented well, although not perfect. The main obstacle in the application of the principle of accountability, and discipline the budget is the limited ability and knowledge implementation team, as well as the village treasurer in doing so orderly administration still needed guidance and assistance from the local government on an ongoing basis.
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2017
VISI 25:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library