ABSTRAKPerilaku konsumen adalah hal yang terus menarik dibahas dalam bisnis. Jika tidak
ada konsumen, sudah tentu bisnis tidak akan berjalan. Persaingan yang ketat di era
globalisasi membuat perusahaan harus terus menjaga kredibilitas merek dan loyalitas
konsumen. Penelitian Alam et al (2012) menyatakan bahwa agama menjadi aspek
penting dalam proses pembelian. Konsumen cenderung akan membeli produk dari
merek yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama konsumen (Alam et al : 2012). Berdasarkan
penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat
pengaruh antara brand credibility terhadap customer loyalty. Serta apakah variabel
religious orientation menjadi variabel moderator antara brand credibility dan
customer loyalty di Universitas Indonesia pasca dukungan Kafe Kopi terhadap
komunitas LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual dan Trangender). Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang mahasiswa/i
di Universitas Indonesia. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan
dianalisis menggunakan linier regression dan moderated regression analysis. Hasil
dalam penelitian menemukan bahwa kredibilitas merek menjadi aspek yang lebih
berpengaruh daripada aspek agama terhadap customer loyalty. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara brand credibility terhadap customer
loyalty serta variabel religious orientation tidak menjadi variabel moderator antara
antara brand credibility terhadap customer loyalty pada Kafe Kopi di Universitas
ABSTRACTConsumer behavior is something that continues to attract discussion in the business.
Consider reversing, business will not run without consumers. Intense competition in
the era of globalization makes companies have to continue to maintain the credibility
of the brand and customer loyalty. Alam et al (2012) stated that religion became one
of important aspect of the purchasing process. Consumers tend to buy products from
brands that conform to religious teachings consumers (Alam et al : 2012). Based on
these studies, this study aimed to analyze whether there is influence between brand
credibility of the customer loyalty and whether the variable religious orientation
become a moderator variable between brand credibility and customer loyalty in the
University of Indonesia after the support Kafe Kopi against the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and transgender). This study uses a quantitative approach. The samples in
this study conducted using sample of 100 students at the University of Indonesia. The
research using questionnaires and analyzed using linear regression and moderated
regression analysis. Results of the study found that the credibility of the brand
become more influential aspects than the religious aspects of the customer loyalty.
The results of this study indicate that there is influence between the brand and
customer loyalty as well as the credibility of the religious variable orientation did not
become a moderator variable between the brand credibility of the customer loyalty at
Kafe Kopi at the University of Indonesia"