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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fahriza Syah Azzi
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh brand associations terhadap consumer response produk Apple iPhone. Pendekatan ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan sampel sebanyak 100 pengguna Apple iPhone di wilayah Jakarta dan Yogyakarta dengan nonprobability sampling serta teknik convenience sampling. Instrumen penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa brand association atribut guarantee dan personal identification memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap consumer response atribut brand extension, recommendation, serta price premium. Sedangkan, brand associations atribut social identification dan status berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap consumer response, atribut brand extension, serta price premium, namun tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap recommendation.
The objective of this research is to analyze how the influence of brand associations towards consumer response of Apple iPhone. This research applied quantitativeapproach. Quantitative approach used 100 users of Apple iPhone in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, collected using nonprobability sampling and convenience sampling technique. Quantitative research instrument used questionnaire and analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The result of quantitaive research shows that guarantee and personal identification from brand associations attributes has a significant and positive influence towards all consumer response attributes, which is brand extension, recommendation, and the price premium. Meanwhile, social identification and status from brand associations attributes has significant and positive influence on brand extension as well as a premium price, but does not have a significant influence on recommendation.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Renaldo Ercho
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas bagaimana citra celebrity endorser yaitu Ariel ?Noah? mempengaruhi brand image yang terdiri dari favorability, strength, dan uniqueness of brand association produk XL bebas terhadap purchase decision konsumen. Brand image dari produk XL akan terbentuk di dalam persepsi konsumen berdasarkan citra dari Ariel ?Noah? yang diketahui memiliki kasus video seksual. Setelah menuntaskan masa hukumannya , Ariel kembali berkarya dan digunakan PT. XL Axiata Tbk. sebagai endorser dengan menyesuaikan tema produk sesuai kebebasan Ariel yaitu XL Bebas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara credibility dan attractiveness celebrity endorser terhadap brand image. 2 faktor brand image yaitu favorability dan strength of brand association berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision. Namun salah satu bagian brand image yaitu uniqueness of brand association diketahui tidak berpengaruh terhadap purchase decision konsumen.
ABSTRACT This tesis discusses how the affect of celebrity endorser image Ariel ?Noah? affect brand image consisting favorability, strength, and uniqueness of brand association on consumer purchase decision for XL Bebas product. Brand Image of XL will be formed based on the consumer's perception of the image of Ariel "Noah" whose known having sex video case. After completing his sentence, Ariel back to work and hired by PT. XL Axiata Tbk. as a product endorser of XL Bebas to make same theme according to Ariel freedom. Based on this research, it is known that the result are significant between celebrity endorser credibility and attractiveness of the brand image. 2 factors of brand image, namely favorability and strength of brand association have influenced on purchase decision. But one part of the brand image called the uniqueness of brand association didn?t have any affect on consumers purchase decision.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahardika Prima Nugraha
Abstrak :
Citra merek merupakan representasi dari keseluruhan persepsi terhadap merek dan dibentuk dari informasi dan pengalaman masa lalu terhadap suatu merek. Keputusan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian terhadap suatu produk sangat dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana konsumen menilai produk tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis citra merek pada suatu merek action camera. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 konsumen action camera GoPro di Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan metode non-probability sampling serta teknik purposive. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citra merek GoPro baik.
Brand image is a representation of the overall perception of the brand and is shaped from the past information and experience of a brand. The consumer 39 s decision to make a purchase of a product is strongly influenced by how consumers see and value the product. The objective of this research is to analyze the brand image of one of action camera brand. This research used quantitative approach. The sample of this research was 100 users of GoPro action camera at Universitas Indonesia, Depok, East Java by using non probability sampling and purposive technique. The instrument of this research used questionaire and analyzed by using statistic descriptive analysis. The result of this research shows that GoPro rsquo s brand image is good.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Makarim
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan hubungan tentang bagaimana kesetiaan brand oposisi dapat mencapai komunitas brand positif dengan mempengaruhi dalam aspek daya saing dan kesadaran jenis. Sebuah model konseptual juga diusulkan dalam makalah ini untuk lebih memahami dan mengintegrasikan hubungan dan hasil dari hubungan antara loyalitas brand oposisi dan komunitas brand sambil menerapkan teori identitas sosial oleh Tajfel (1974) dan hubungan konsumen-merek oleh Chang dan Chieng ( 2006). ......This paper aims to define the relation on how oppositional brand loyalty can achieve a positive brand community by influencing in the aspect of competitiveness and consciousness of kind. A conceptual model is also proposed in this paper to better understand and integrate the relationship and the outcome of the relationship between oppositional brand loyalty and brand community while applying the social identity theory by Tajfel (1974) and consumer-brand relationship by Chang and Chieng (2006).
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Ekky Samuel Agiantra
Abstrak :
Sepakbola adalah olahraga yang paling digemari diseluruh dunia dan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, popularitas sepakbola mampu menarik minat banyak penggemar baru. Berbicara mengenai sepakbola berarti berbicara mengenai banyak orang yang terlibat didalamnya, termasuk fans sepakbola itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh citra merek terhadap loyalitas fans klub sepakbola Liverpool melalui dimensi keunggulan asosiasi merek, kekuatan asosiasi merek, dan keunikan asosiasi merek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 orang fans klub Liverpool yang menghadiri acara nonton bareng di lapangan Andik Futsal Depok dengan menggunakan metode non-probability sampling serta teknik purposive. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citra merek mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen sebesar 9,5% dan sisa nya 90,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Hasil analisis menunjukkan citra merek memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas konsumen.
Football is the most popular sport around the world and along with the times, the popularity of football could attract more new fans. Speaking of football means to talking about many people involved in it, including themselves football fans. The purposeof this study is to analyze how the effect of brand image on loyalty Liverpool football club fans through the dimensions of favorability of brand association, strength of brand association, and uniqueness of brand association. The method used is quantitative. The samples in this research were 100 people who attended the Liverpool supporters club watching the live match on the field Andik Futsal Depok by using non-probability sampling method and purposive techniques. The instrument of this research using questionnaires and analyzed by using simple linear regression analysis. The results ofthis study indicate that brand image affects customer loyalty by 9.5% and the rest of its 90.5% influenced by other factors. The analysis showed that brand image has a positive influence on customer loyalty.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Billy Koesoemadinata
Abstrak :
Sejak tahun 2000-an, terdapat alat pembayaran menggunakan kartu (APMK) bagian dari layanan keuangan yang kian meningkat penggunaannya, atau juga dikenal sebagai uang elektronik. Faktor-faktor peningkatan penggunaan diketahui didapat dari eksternal uang elektronik seperti program pemerintah dan kemudahan penggunaan. Faktor internal uang elektronik seperti brand equity diketahui belum cukup kuat. Diduga, hal tersebut terjadi karena tidak adanya faktor pembeda, minimnya pengetahuan akan brand, atau tidak adanya respon terhadap upaya pemasaran. Sementara itu, upaya komunikasi pemasaran sudah dan sedang dilakukan, antara lain iklan dan promosi. Tesis ini meneliti dampak upaya komunikasi iklan dan promosi terhadap brand awareness dan brand association dari uang elektronik. Uang elektronik yang diteliti adalah OVO, dengan sample sebanyak 100 orang menggunakan cluster sampling berdomisili di pulau Jawa, dengan 2 tahap berupa penyaringan usia generasi millennial dan random. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan 4 variabel, berupa 2 variabel independen (konten periklanan dan promosi penjualan), 1 variabel intervening (brand awareness), dan 1 variabel dependen (brand association). Dari penelitian diketahui konten periklanan dan promosi penjualan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap masing-masing brand awareness dan brand association. Ketika digabungkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konten periklanan, promosi penjualan, brand awareness sekaligus terhadap brand association, nilai pengaruh konten periklanan dan promosi penjualan berkurang namun pengaruh brand awareness bertambah. ......Since the 2000 era, there's card based payment system, part of banking services, which its use increasing nowadays. The system also known as electronic money. Reasons of increasing use such as external reasons - government program and ease of use. No internal factors such as brand equity that strong enough. It is supposed to happened because of no differentiation, low brand knowledge, or no responses to marketing efforts. Meanwhile, any marketing and communication effort was and is still going, i.e. advertisement and promotion. This thesis' objective is to research the effect of communication effort of advertisement and promotion to brand awareness and brand association of electronic money. The electronic money in research is OVO, with sample consist of 100 people using cluster sampling area of Java island origin, with 2 stages of millennials filtering, then random. The research uses quantitative approach with 4 variables; 2 independent variables (advertisement content and sales promotion); 1 intervening (Brand awareness); and 1 dependent (Brand association). By using multiple linear regressions and path analysis. The research resulted that advertisement content and sales promotion has significant effects to each of brand awareness and brand association. When it combined to analyze the effect of 2 variabels and 1 intervening to dependent variables, the regression coefficient adds, while sales promotion and advertisement content's regression coefficient lessen.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Robert Jhonson
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menganalisis ekuitas merek printer ink jet HP dengan membandinhkannya terhadap pesaing utamanya, yaitu merek Canon. Ekuitas dari masing-masing merek mengukur elemen-elemen ekuitas merek yaitu: kesadaran merek (brand awareness) asosiasi merek (brand association), persepsi kualitas (perceived quality) dan loyalitas merek (brand loyalty). Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan terlebih dahulu dengan melaksanakan penyebab kuesioner pada tahap pilot study untuk mendapatkan informasi asosiasi dan persepsi kualitas terhadap printer ink jet. Responden dalam penelitian adalah pemilik dari printer ink jet dari merek HP dan Canon, dipilih yang hanya bertempat tinggal di Jakarta. Survey dilaksanakan pada rentang waktu bulan Mei-Juni 2008 dengan menyebarkan kuesioner yang mecankup berbagai jenis pertanyaan, yang bersifat pertanyaan terbuka dan tertutup. Pada akhirnya hanya 100 orang responden dari masing-masing pemilik printer ink jet merek HP dan Canon yang dipergunakan didalam analisa, sehingga total responden adalah 200 orang. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa HP dan Canon mempunyai posisi sama dalam hal puncak kesadaran (top of mind), namun HP diketahui lebih unggul dibandingkan Canon pada level yang lebih rendah yaitu pada tingkatan brand re-call. Untuk elemen asosiasi merek, kedua merek sama-sama mempunyai asosiasi utama sebagai printer berkualitas. Untuk elemen persepsi kualitas, 4 variabel diperbandingkan yaitu: kualitas produk, hemat dalam pemakaian tinta, warna printer dan banyaknya model-model printer. Dari kesemua item yang diperbandingkan ini, kualitas printer ink jet HP dipersepsikan lebih baik oleh para responden dibandingkan Canon, sedangkan variabel lain tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Pada tahapan brand loyalty, Canon diketahui lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan HP, dengan mempunyai skor yang lebih tinggi pada saat pengukuran habitual buyer, satisfied buyer,  liking the brand sampai kepada pengukuran committed buyer. Namun demikian, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa skor switcher buyer Canon lebih tinggi dibandingkan HP dan ini menjadi indikasi canon untuk memperbaikinya. Sehingga secara keseluruhan, dalam penelitian didapatkan bahwa salah satu merek mendominasi semua variabel dalam ekuitas merek......This thesis analyzes the brand equity of HP's ink jet printer by comparing it to its main competitor, namely the Canon brand. The equity of each brand measures the elements of brand equity, namely: brand awareness (brand awareness), brand association (brand association), perceived quality (perceived quality) and brand loyalty (brand loyalty). The research was carried out first by carrying out the cause of the questionnaire at the pilot study stage to obtain association information and perceived quality of the ink jet printer. Respondents in this study are owners of ink jet printers from HP and Canon brands, selected who only live in Jakarta. The survey was carried out in the period of May-June 2008 by distributing questionnaires covering various types of questions, which were open and closed. In the end, only 100 respondents from each owner of HP and Canon ink jet printers were used in the analysis, so the total respondents were 200 people. This study concludes that HP and Canon have the same position in terms of top of mind, but HP is known to be superior to Canon at a lower level, namely at the brand recall level. For the brand association element, both brands have the main association as a quality printer. For the perceived quality element, 4 variables are compared, namely: product quality, saving in ink usage, printer colors and the number of printer models. Of all these items being compared, the respondents perceived HP's ink jet printer quality to be better than Canon's, while there were no significant differences in other variables. At the brand loyalty stage, Canon is known to be superior to HP, by having a higher score when measuring habitual buyers, satisfied buyers, liking the brand to measuring committed buyers. However, the results of the analysis show that Canon's switcher buyer scores are higher than HP's and this is an indication for Canon to improve it. So overall, the research found that one brand dominates all variables in brand equity.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
the present study provides a comparative description on brand awareness, brand association, brand perceived quality and consumer layality between NU Green Tea and Sosro Green Tea....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarief Hidayatullah Az Zaky
Abstrak :
Pasar es krim di Indonesia merupakan pasar yang cukup menarik untuk digarap. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan makin banyaknya perusahaan yang terjun di industri ini, baik itu perusahaan lokal maupun perusahaan multinasional. Penelitian karya akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis brand equity Es Krim Campina melalui pengukuran elemen-elemen pembangun brand equity, yaitu brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality dan brand loyalty. Dari hasil pengukuran brand awareness, Es Krim Walls menempatio posisi Top of Mind di mata konsumen, sedangkan Es Krim Campina hanya mampu menempati urutan kedua. Walaupun Es Krim Walls tergolong pemain baru dalam pasar es krim Indonesia, namun karena didukung oleh gencarnya promosi baik melalui media cetak maupun elektronik, maka Walls berhasil menempati posisi Top Of Mind. Es Krim Campina sendiri walaupun masuk pasar Es Krim Indonesia sejak tahun 1970-an, namun karena kurangnya promosi hanya dapat menempati urutan kedua. Untuk brand association, dari tujuh asosiasi awal yang didasarkan pada penelitian pendahuluan, setelah melalui analisis, ternyata hanya ada 5 asosiasi yang terbukti terkait langsung dengan Es Krim Merek Campina. Asosiasi-asosiasi tersebut adalah es krim dengan harga yang terjangkau, mudah diperoleh, es krim dengan pilihan rasa yang banyak, es krim dengan pilihan rasa yang unik (rasa lokal) dan produk es krim yang halal. Analisis perceived quality menunjukkan hasil rata-rata importance (harapan) sebesar 4,19 dan performance (kinerja) sebesar 4,07. ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja Es Krim Campina dirasakan kurang memenuhi harapan konsumen. Atribut-atribut yang harus dijaga kinerjanya karena sudah dianggap baik oleh konsumen adalah atribut harga produk dan kemudahan memperoleh. Perusahaan wajib mempertahankan dan bila mungkin meningkatkan kinerja atribut-atribut ini. Analisis brand loyalty menunjukkan persentase terbesar pads satisfied buyer (64,57%). Ini berarti sebagian besar konsumen Es Krim Campina telah merasa puns dengan rasa Es Krim Campina. Dan sebaliknya, persentase terkecil ada pada tingkat brand switcher, yaitu sebesar 8,66%. Ini berarti bahwa factor utama yang menjadi alasan mengkonsumsi Es Krim Campina bukanlah karena faktor harga, tapi lebih karena faktor-faktor lain. Hasil analisis ini diharapkan akan menjadi masukan yang berguna bagi manajemen Es Krim Campina untuk melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan di masa mendatang.
Ice-cream market in Indonesia is market that interesting enough to be entered. This could be seen with the increasing number of companies that entered this industry, both local and multinational company. Premium brands now more and more stepping into Indonesia ice-cream market. Mentioned Haagen-Dazs, Baskin-Robbins, New Zealand Nature, and others. This causes the competition in this industry to be increasingly tight. The strictness of this competition caused the importance of brand equity management for the company to increase the competitive advantage. The brand with strong brand equity will be easy in seizing the market opportunity. This research aims to analyze the brand equity of Ice-Cream Campina through measurement of constructor elements of brand equity: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty. In analyzing brand equity there are some methods, and one of them is is based on perception of consumer (Customer Based Brand Equity). In this way, the result will not in a financial manner, but results of the research could give the information about brand equity of Campina Ice-cream in the eyes of the consumer. This research involved 127 respondents; each is given questionnaires relating to former elements brand equity. The result of brand awareness measurement, Ice-Cream Walls occupied position of Top Of Mind, while Ice-Cream Campina can only occupy the second place. Although Ice-Cream Walls classified as the new player in Indonesia ice-cream market, but because of being supported by intensive promotion either through print medium and also electronic, hence Walls successfully occupies position of Top Of Mind. Ice-Cream Campina itself, although came on the market Indonesia Ice-Cream since 1970s, but because the shortage of promotion can only occupy second place. For brand association, out of seven initial associations based on the introductory research, after through analysis, evidently there's only 5 proven associations with Brand Ice-Cream Campina. These associations are ice-cream with a covered price, easy to gain, ice-cream with the choice of many flavor, ice-cream with the choice of unique flavor (local flavor) and a halal ice-cream product. Perceived quality analysis shows average yield importance 4,19 and performance 4,07. This indicates that Campina Ice-Cream performance is felt unable to fulfill consumer hope. Attributes that must be maintained by his achievement because of being it was considered good by the consumer were the attribute of the price of the product and the ease of obtain. Company is obliged to maintain and if possible increases this attributes performance. Brand loyalty analysis shows the biggest percentage to satisfied buyer ( 64,57%). This means most of Campina Ice-Cream consumer has satisfied with Ice-Cream taste. And on the other hand, smallest percentage is on level of brand switcher, that is equal to 8,66%. This means that main factor becoming reason of consuming Ice-Cream Campina is not because price factor, but more because other factor. Result of this analysis expected will become an input for management of Ice-Cream Campina to carry out improvements in the future.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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