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Abstrak :
Handajani NS, Dharmawan R. 2009. Effect of VCO to leucocyte differential count, glucose levels and blood creatinine of hyperglycemic and ovalbumin sensitized Mus musculus Balb/c. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 1-8. Chemical medicines and insulin can decrease blood glucose level in hyperglycemic patients with a macro vascular side effect. Diabetes and allergy incidences are influenced by quality and quantity of leucocytes. Lauric acid within VCO reports decreased blood glucose level of diabetes and some allergy incidents. The purpose of the study is to know the effect of VCO on blood glucose level, differential leucocytes count and blood creatinine level on hyperglycemic and normoglycemic ovalbumin-sensitized mice. Forty-five (45) male (mice) of Mus musculus Balb/c with an average weight of 35 g are divided into nine groups with five repetitions; those are four non-alloxan groups and five alloxan induced hyperglycemic groups. On 22nd day to 36th day, they are sensitized to ovalbumin as an allergen. A blood sample was obtained by orbital vena using heparin as anticoagulant in order measuring blood glucose level by GOD method to 6 times, on 1st, 4th, 18th, 22nd , 32nd and 37th days, then are tested by ANOVA followed by DMRT 0.05. On 37th day, differential leucocytes are determined, blood level are counted, and then compared to normal value. The results of this study were that within differential leucocytes count of hyperglycemic mice, neutrophil percentage were much lower than the normal value (3.22%), and lymphocyte percentage were much higher than the normal value (94.54%). Consumed 0.003 mL/35 g VCO more 18 days decreased blood glucose level on hyperglycemic mice, decreased basophil percentage of ovalbumin-sensitized mice, normalized neutrophil percentage no increased creatinine blood level.
570 NBS 1:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Fadila
Abstrak :
Berhubungan dengan Kadar Kreatinin Darahpada Diabetisi Pralansia Peserta Prolanis di KecamatanPulogadung Tahun 2016Indonesia pada tahun 2014 menempati peringkat ke-5, dengan jumlah pengidapdiabetes sebanyak 9,1 juta jiwa. Diabetisi mempunyai kecenderungan menderitanefropati penurunan fungsi ginjal sebanyak 17 kali lebih sering dibandingakandengan orang non-diabetik. Parameter untuk mengetahui fungsi ginjal dan progresipenyakit gagal ginjal adalah Glomerular Filtration Rate GFR , dimana penurunanGFR akan diikuti dengan kenaikan kreatinin darah. Penelitian ini bertujuanmengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kadar kreatinin darah menggunakanstudi cross sectional. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square dan analisis regresilogistik untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kadar kreatinin darahpada peserta Prolanis Pralansia 45-59 tahun di kecamatan Pulogadung JakartaTimur yang berjumlah 113 orang. Responden terdiri dari 6 Prolanis yang berada diwilayah Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung. Diabetesi yang mengalami kenaikankadar kreatinin adalah sebanyak 28 orang 24,8 . Diabetisi yang memilikihipertensi dengan riwayat penggunaan obat hipertensi menjadi variabel yang palingberhubungan dengan kadar kreatinin p=0,075; OR=2,208; CI 95 =0,922-5,285 .Sehingga diabetisi yang memiliki hipertensi dengan riwayat penggunaan obathipertensi memiliki risiko 2,2 kali mengalami kenaikan kadar kreatinin darahdibandingkan dengan diabetisi yang tidak memiliki riwayat penggunaan obathipertensi tekanan darah normal .Kata Kunci : Kreatinin darah, riwayat obat hipertensi
ABSTRACTName Widya FadilaStudy Program Public Health ScienceTittle Factors Associated with Blood Creatinine Levels inDiabetic Old Elderly Participants Prolanis in District ofPulogadung 2016Diabetic patients in Indonesia ranks 5th with prevalence 9,1 million people in 2013 IDF,204 . Diabetic patients potentially undergo diabetic nephropathy 17 times morethan non diabetic patients. Evaluation of renal function and progression of renalfailure usually can be identified by glomerular filtration rate GFR , which is lowGFR effects increasing of creatinin serum. Strategies to prevent the complications ofchronic diseases, especially diabetic melitus through Prolanis Chronic DiseaseManagement Program at Primary Facility Care aims to improve the quality of lifediabetic. This study aimed to identify factors association with blood creatinin levelsin Prolanis member aged 45 59 years old old elderly in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta,involve 113 people. Sample were included 6 Prolanis that distributed in PrimaryFacility Care in Pulo Gadung. Design of this study using cross sectional study with atotal sample 113 respondents in the District 6 Prolanis in Pulogadung. The resultsshowed 28 people 24.8 diabetic increased creatinine levels. Hypertension withhistory of antihypertension drug is associated with blood creatinine levels. P 0.075 OR 2.208 95 CI 0.922 to 5.285 .Keywords blood creatinine levels, history of hypertension drugs
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library