ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai mekanisme penerbitan efek beragun aset syariah
(EBA Syariah). Metode penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah yuridis-normatif yang
dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka, peraturan perundang-undangan,
data sekunder jurnal, artikel maupun makalah yang berhubungan dengan
penerbitan efek beragun aset syariah. Efek beragun aset syariah merupakan efek
yang diterbitkan melalui kegiatan sekuritisasi syariah. Penerbitan efek beragun
syariah diatur dalam Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. Kep-181/BL/2009 Tentang
Penerbitan Efek Syariah (Peraturan No. IX.A.13). Efek Beragun Aset Syariah
didefinisikan sebagai Efek yang diterbitkan oleh Kontrak Investasi Kolektif Efek
Beragun Aset Syariah yang portofolionya terdiri dari aset keuangan yang tidak
bertentangan dengan Prinsip-prinsip Syariah di Pasar Modal. Hasil penelitian ini
menyimpulkan bahwa belum terlaksananya penerbitan efek beragun aset syariah
karena mekanisme yang belum lengkap terkait dengan struktur dan dukungan
peraturan perundang-undangan. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini
menyarankan perlunya kejelasan terkait struktur transaksi dan peraturan
pendukung yang diperlukan untuk dapat terlaksananya penerbitan efek beragun
aset syariah di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the mechanism of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance (EBA Sharia).
Methods of research in this thesis is the juridical-normative done by researching library
materials, legislation, secondary data journals, articles and papers related to the issuance of
Islamic asset-backed securities. Islamic asset-backed securities are securities issued by
securitization activities sharia. Issuance of sharia-backed securities regulated in Bapepam-LK
No. Kep-181 / BL / 2009 Concerning Issuance of Islamic Securities (Regulation No. IX.A.13).
Shariah Asset Backed Securities are defined as securities issued by the Investment Contract
Asset Backed Securities Sharia portfolio consists of financial assets that do not conflict with
Sharia principles in the Capital Market. The results of this study concluded that the
implementation has not been publishing Islamic asset-backed securities due to incomplete
mechanisms associated with the structure and support of the legislation. Therefore, in this study
suggest the need for clarity related to the structure of the transaction and regulatory support
necessary to the implementation of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance in Indonesia.;This thesis discusses the mechanism of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance (EBA Sharia).
Methods of research in this thesis is the juridical-normative done by researching library
materials, legislation, secondary data journals, articles and papers related to the issuance of
Islamic asset-backed securities. Islamic asset-backed securities are securities issued by
securitization activities sharia. Issuance of sharia-backed securities regulated in Bapepam-LK
No. Kep-181 / BL / 2009 Concerning Issuance of Islamic Securities (Regulation No. IX.A.13).
Shariah Asset Backed Securities are defined as securities issued by the Investment Contract
Asset Backed Securities Sharia portfolio consists of financial assets that do not conflict with
Sharia principles in the Capital Market. The results of this study concluded that the
implementation has not been publishing Islamic asset-backed securities due to incomplete
mechanisms associated with the structure and support of the legislation. Therefore, in this study
suggest the need for clarity related to the structure of the transaction and regulatory support
necessary to the implementation of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance in Indonesia, This thesis discusses the mechanism of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance (EBA Sharia).
Methods of research in this thesis is the juridical-normative done by researching library
materials, legislation, secondary data journals, articles and papers related to the issuance of
Islamic asset-backed securities. Islamic asset-backed securities are securities issued by
securitization activities sharia. Issuance of sharia-backed securities regulated in Bapepam-LK
No. Kep-181 / BL / 2009 Concerning Issuance of Islamic Securities (Regulation No. IX.A.13).
Shariah Asset Backed Securities are defined as securities issued by the Investment Contract
Asset Backed Securities Sharia portfolio consists of financial assets that do not conflict with
Sharia principles in the Capital Market. The results of this study concluded that the
implementation has not been publishing Islamic asset-backed securities due to incomplete
mechanisms associated with the structure and support of the legislation. Therefore, in this study
suggest the need for clarity related to the structure of the transaction and regulatory support
necessary to the implementation of Islamic asset-backed securities issuance in Indonesia]"