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Agita Diora Fitri
Abstrak :
Sejak adanya laporan penelitian Heinrich tahun 1951 yang memperlihatkan bahwa pelaku tidak aman bertanggung jawa atas lebih dari 90% kecelakaan kerja dan telah banyak perusahaan dan industri yang menggunakan pendekatan behavioral based safety (BBS) dalam program kesehatan dan keselamtan kerjanya. Sebagai sebuah industri kimia, PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (PT Pusri) juga memiliki banyak resiko kecelakaan kerja bagi karyawannya dan sejak tahun 2012 PT Pusri telah melaksanakan program K3. Pada tahun 2012 PT Pusri berada pada level 3 dari maksimum level 5 berdasarkan hasil survai Safety culture Maturity Level (SCML). Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan tinjauan terhadap pelaksanaan BBS dalam program K3 di PT Pusri Palembang. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian potong lintang yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2013 dengan fokus utama pada implementasi 9 kriteria BBS yaitu ownership, ketetapan baku definisi safe/unsafe, behavior, pelatihan, observasi, pengukuran performa program, umpan balik, reinforcement, goal-setting dan review di PT Pusri Palembang. Sampel penelitian adalah karyawan dan manajer yang telah bekerja sekurang-kurangnya satu tahun yang setuju menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini, dengan 44 orang dari unit produksi dipakai sebagai informan kunci. Data dikumpulkan dengan memakai kuesioner yang dirancang khusus, daftar tilik, observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Semua data kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis konten serta analisis triangulasi. Ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan program K3 di PT Pusri masih belum sejalan dengan kriteria pencapaian BBS. Walaupun demikian ditemukan juga adanya kesadaran akan kelemahan tersebut dan adanya sikap positif dikalangan pimpinan dan staf untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada. Berdasarkan temuan ini peneliti ingin memberikan rekomendasi kepada PT Pusri untuk merancang ulang program K3 yang sesuai dengan pendekatan BBS sebagaimana telah dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan dan industri besar diselutuh dunia.
Since Heinrich reproted in 1951 that unsafe behaviors were responsible for up to 90% of harms and injuries among workers, Behavioral Based Safety approach has been implemented by many industries and corporates around the world. As a chemical industry, PT Pupuk Sriwijaya brings occupational risks to the workers and since 2012 Occupational Health and Safety (K3) programs has been implemented. In 2012 PT Pusri was in level 3 from maximum level of 5, according to Safety Culture Maturity Level (SCML) score. The main objective of this study is to review the implementation of Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) approach integrated in the Occupational Health and Safety Programs at PT Pusri Palembang. This is a cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in May 2013 focusing at the implementation of the 9 BBS criteria i.e., ownership, predetermined definitions of the safe/unsafe behaviors, trainings, observations, program performance assessment, feedbacks, reinforcements, goal-setting and reviews as practiced so far at PT Pusri Palembang. The study participants form the production unit were treated as key source-persons. data and information were collected by means of a specially devised questionnaire, check-list, observations and in-depth interviews. All data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, content-analysis and triangulation analysis. It was found out that the K3 programs performed at PT Pusri has not been in line with the BBS implementation criteria yet. However it is fortunate to find out that the awareness of the flaws and the need of improvement are profound among the PT Pusri management. Based on these findings, I would like to recommend PT Pusri Palembang to redesign its K3 programs according to the BBS criteria as already practised by others big corporates around the world.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagyo Cahyono
Abstrak :
Behavior Based Safety (BBS) adalah salah satu proaktif proses/program yang digunakan secara luas di industri untuk upaya peningkatkan keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan melalui peningkatan perilaku aman dan mengurangi perilaku berisiko pada tempat kerja. Program ini dimulai dengan pembentukan tim pelaksana, pembuatan lembar observasi, dan pelatihan observasi bagi pekerja sebagai aspek input. Kemudian untuk aspek proses meliputi jalannya kegiatan observasi, keaktifan tim pelaksana, hasil observasi dan bimbingan (coaching). Aspek output yakni kepatuhan dalam observasi, tingkat partisipasi, persentase (%) perilaku aman, Total Recordable Incident (TRI) rate, dan review berkelanjutan (sustainability review). Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil evaluasi atas implementasi Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program dilihat dari aspek input ? proses ? output pada pekerja PT.Chevron Indonesia Company Kalimantan Timur tahun 2014. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan, Aspek input berjalan baik sesuai dengan panduan, bahkan pemahaman akan pelatihan mendapatkan hasil sangat baik. Aspek proses, terdapat 30% anggota tim pengarah yang pasif, 10% hasil observasi tidak memenuhi kriteria observasi yang berkualitas, ada peningkatan jumlah bimbingan 66%. Aspek output; partisipasi yang hampir 100% karena observasi diwajibkan oleh manajemen, peningkatan perilaku aman 0.3% - 0.4% dari tahun sebelumnya, TRI rate menunjukan trending penurunan overall 40% sejak penerapan program di Kalimantan dan hasil review berkelanjutan yang mendapat hasil kenaikan kelulusan untuk kriteria tim pelaksana, lembar observasi, training, komunikasi, serta analisa data sedangkan yang tidak lulus adalah kriteria dukungan manajemen, tindak lanjut komentar yang membutuhkan tindak lanjut dan penghargaan kepada observer dan tim pelaksana. Program BBS yang sudah dijalankan lebih 6 tahun ini menunjukan tanda-tanda penuaan atau membosankan diperlukan dukungan manajemen untuk memperkuat peran BBS dalam mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. ...... Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is one of proactive process/program that is used widely in industry as efforts to increase workplace safety and the environment through the increasing of safe behavior and reducing risk behaviors in the workplace. The program started with the establishment of implementation team, develop observation sheets, and observation training for workers as input aspect. Then aspects of the process included activities of observation, effectiveness of the implementation team, result of observation and coaching. The output aspect are compliance to submit observation, the participation rate, the percentage (%) safe behavior, Total Recordable Incident (TRI) rate and sustainability review. Aims of this thesis is to obtain an evaluation of the implementation of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program reviewed from the aspect input - process - output on workers PT.Chevron East Kalimantan Indonesia Company in 2014. Results of this research, in all aspect input items were well done accordance with the reference, understanding the training get very good. Aspects of the process, there was 30% passive steering team members, 10% of the observations not meet the criteria of quality observation, increasing of 66% coaching activities. Aspects output; the participation of nearly 100% since observations is mandatory, increasing in safe behavior 0.3% - 0.4% from the previous year, the TRI rate shows decline trending of 40% overall since the implementation of the program in Kalimantan and the results of sustainability review that gets the results of the increase in pass to the criteria of the implementation team, observation sheets, training, communication, and data analysis while not pass criteria are management support, follow-up comments that require follow-up steering team and regocnize appreciation to the observer and the implementation team. BBS programs that have been run over 6 years is showing signs of aging or boring which is management support needed to strengthen the role of BBS in achieving the desired objectives.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisna Murti Tri Putranto
Abstrak :
Kecelakaan kerja seringkali disebabkan oleh perilaku tidak aman. Program Behavior Based Safety memiliki peranan penting dalam menciptakan zero accidents. Implementasi dari program BBS memfokuskan pada observasi dimana dari observasi tersebut akan membentuk suatu kewaspadaan terhadap perilaku tidak aman dan meningkatkan perilaku aman. PT X sudah menerapkan program BBS dari tahun 2008-2016 dan didapatkan hasil evaluasi internal yang cukup baik, akan tetapi setelah ditanyakan secara langsung terhadap observer (karyawan), ditemukan praktik observasi yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah BBS yang sudah disepakati yang mana hal ini dapat mempengaruhi hasil evaluasi internal PT X, dimana hal ini ditunjukkan ketika reinforcement ditiadakan, jumlah observer mengalami penurunan sebesar 68,2%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengevaluasi program BBS yang ada di PT X. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Evaluasi yang dilakukan menggunakan 3 parameter besar, dengan total 8 sub parameter dengan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap divisi operasional, perawatan, tim pendukung ( Field Engineering Support, Laboratory, Medical dan Facility Management). Hasil analisis data menyebutkan bahwa evaluasi internal yang dilakukan oleh PT X masih kurang dimana terdapat unsur-unsur yang belum dimasukkan dalam evaluasi tersebut, antara lain keterlibatan pekerja dalam penentuan baseline, goal setting dan komitmen pekerja dan manajemen dalam pemberian feedback. Dan ditemukan bahwa reinforcement merupakan faktor penting dalam menjalankan program BBS ini. ......Work accidents are mostly caused by unsafe behavior. Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program plays an important role to create zero accidents. The implementation of behavior-based safety program is focused to observe the behavior which is in observation will create unsafe behavior awareness and improve safe behavior. PT X has implemented BBS program from 2008-2016 and got good internal evaluation results, but after crosscheck directly to observer (employee), found observation practice which is not in accordance with BBS rules which it can influence the results of internal evaluation PT X, indicated when reinforcement is eliminated, the number of observers decreased by 68.2%. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the BBS program in PT X. This research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The evaluation was conducted using 3 large parameters, with a total of 8 sub-parameters with questionnaires distributed to the operational, maintenance, support gorup (Field Engineering Support, Laboratory, Medical and Facility Management) divisions. The results of the data analysis indicate that the internal evaluation conducted by PT X is still lacking where there are elements that have not been included in the evaluation, including the involvement of workers in determining the baseline, goal setting and commitment of workers and management in giving feedback. And found that reinforcement is an important factor in implementing BBS program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagyo Cahyono
Abstrak :
Behavior Based Safety (BBS) adalah salah satu proaktif proses/program yang digunakan secara luas di industri untuk upaya peningkatkan keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan melalui peningkatan perilaku aman dan mengurangi perilaku berisiko pada tempat kerja. Program ini dimulai dengan pembentukan tim pelaksana, pembuatan lembar observasi, dan pelatihan observasi bagi pekerja sebagai aspek input. Kemudian untuk aspek proses meliputi jalannya kegiatan observasi, keaktifan tim pelaksana, hasil observasi dan bimbingan (coaching). Aspek output yakni kepatuhan dalam observasi, tingkat partisipasi, persentase (%) perilaku aman, Total Recordable Incident (TRI) rate, dan review berkelanjutan (sustainability review) Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil evaluasi atas implementasi Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program dilihat dari aspek input – proses – output pada pekerja PT.Chevron Indonesia Company Kalimantan Timur tahun 2014 Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan, Aspek input berjalan baik sesuai dengan panduan, bahkan pemahaman akan pelatihan mendapatkan hasil sangat baik. Aspek proses, terdapat 30% anggota tim pengarah yang pasif, 10% hasil observasi tidak memenuhi kriteria observasi yang berkualitas, ada peningkatan jumlah bimbingan 66%. Aspek output; partisipasi yang hampir 100% karena observasi diwajibkan oleh manajemen, peningkatan perilaku aman 0.3% - 0.4% dari tahun sebelumnya, TRI rate menunjukan trending penurunan overall 40% sejak penerapan program di Kalimantan dan hasil review berkelanjutan yang mendapat hasil kenaikan kelulusan untuk kriteria tim pelaksana, lembar observasi, training, komunikasi, serta analisa data sedangkan yang tidak lulus adalah kriteria dukungan manajemen, tindak lanjut komentar yang membutuhkan tindak lanjut dan penghargaan kepada observer dan tim pelaksana. Program BBS yang sudah dijalankan lebih 6 tahun ini menunjukan tanda-tanda penuaan atau membosankan diperlukan dukungan manajemen untuk memperkuat peran BBS dalam mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. ......Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is one of proactive process/program that is used widely in industry as efforts to increase workplace safety and the environment through the increasing of safe behavior and reducing at-risk behaviors in the workplace. The program started with the establishment of implementation team, develop observation sheets, and observation training for workers as input aspect. Then aspects of the process included activities of observation, effectiveness of the implementation team, result of observation and coaching. The output aspects are compliance to submit observation, the participation rate, the percentage (%) safe behavior, Total Recordable Incident (TRI) rate and sustainability review Aims of this thesis is to obtain an evaluation of the implementation of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program reviewed from the aspect input - process - output on workers PT. Chevron East Kalimantan Indonesia Company in 2014. Results of this research, in all aspect input items were well done accordance with the reference, understanding the training get very good. Aspects of the process, there was 30% passive steering team members, 10% of the observations not meet the criteria of quality observation, increasing of 66% coaching activities. Aspects output; the participation of nearly 100% since observations is mandatory, increasing in safe behavior 0.3% - 0.4% from the previous year, the TRI rate shows decline trending of 40% overall since the implementation of the program in Kalimantan and the results of sustainability review that gets the results of the increase in pass to the criteria of the implementation team, observation sheets, training, communication, and data analysis while not pass criteria are management support, follow-up comments that require follow-up steering team and recognize appreciation to the observer and the implementation team. BBS programs that have been run over 6 years is showing signs of aging or boring which is management support needed to strengthen the role of BBS in achieving the desired objectives.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Irwansyah
Abstrak :
Data ILO 2 juta pekerja meninggal per tahun. 2021 ada 234 ribu kecelakaan kerja di Indonesia. Industri kimia 12% dari2 019-2021 kecelakaan kerja 80.607 kasus.Program Behavior-based safety (BBS) yaitu pendekatan keselamatan berdasarkan perilaku manusia. Pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, keterlibatan, tanggung jawab karyawan menciptakan lingkungan kerja aman. program BBS di perusahaan apakah mampu meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan karyawan, serta merubah perilaku keselamatan kerja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif jenis studi cross sectional. Data yang dikumpulkan memberikan gambaran hubungan antara variabel. Desain penelitian cross-sectional digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai program Behavior Based Safety (BBS), tingkat kepatuhan terhadap perilaku keselamatan kerja, dan perilaku keselamatan kerja di PT. X pada satu titik waktu tertentu. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diisi oleh respondenVariasi nilai tingkat kepatuhan mampu dijelaskan oleh variasi nilai program BBS sebesar 14,3%,sedangkan sisanya 85.7% dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel lain di luar model penelitian. Variasi nilai Perilaku keselamatan kerja karyawan mampu dijelaskan oleh variasi nilai Program BBS dan Tingkat kepatuhan sebesar 49.6%, sedangkan sisanya 50.4% dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel lain di luar model penelitian terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan Program BBS terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara Program BBS terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara Tingkat Kepatuhan terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan. Hubungan Program BBS terhadap Perilaku keselamatan kerja bersifat pengaruh langsung. Oleh karena itu, variabel intervening Tingkat Kepatuhan tidak memediasi hubungan Program BBS terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja. ......According to ILO data, 2 million workers die per year. In 2021 there will be 234 thousand work accidents in Indonesia. Chemical industry 12% from 2019-2021 work accidents 80,607 cases. Behavior-based safety (BBS) program, namely a safety approach based on human behavior. An approach to increasing employee awareness, involvement, and responsibility creates a safe work environment. Whether the BBS program in the company is able to increase employee compliance levels and change work safety behavior. The research was carried out using quantitative research methods, a type of cross sectional study. The data collected provides an overview of the relationship between variables. A cross-sectional research design was used to collect data regarding the Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program, the level of compliance with work safety behavior, and work safety behavior at PT. X at a certain point in time. Data were collected through questionnaires filled out by respondents. Variations in compliance level values were able to be explained by variations in BBS program values of 14.3%, while the remaining 85.7% were explained by variations in other variables outside the research model. Variations in employee safety behavior values can be explained by variations in BBS Program values and compliance levels of 49.6%, while the remaining 50.4% are explained by variations in other variables outside the research model. There is a positive and significant relationship between the BBS Program and Compliance Levels. There is a positive and significant relationship between the BBS Program and Work Safety Behavior. There is a positive and significant relationship between the level of compliance and safety behavior. The relationship between the BBS Program and work safety behavior has a direct influence. Therefore, the intervening variable Compliance Level does not mediate the relationship between the BBS Program and Work Safety Behavior
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Kartika Rahayuningtyas
Abstrak :
Praktik residensi merupakan praktik profesi untuk membentuk perawat spesialis. Tujuan praktik residensi adalah memberikan gambaran praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah pada pasien dengan gangguan neurologi dengan pendekatan teori keperawatan Model Adaptasi Sister Callista Roy, penerapan evidence based nursing dan penerapan proyek inovasi keperawatan. Praktik residensi ini dilakukan selama dua semester di RSUP dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RSP Otak Nasional. Hasil praktik didapatkan adanya asuhan keperawatan lanjut menggunakan Model Adaptasi Roy (1 kasus kelolaan utama dan 30 kasus resume), dilaksanakan penerapan praktik berdasarkan bukti menggunakan format BBS untuk pengkajian keseimbangan pada pasien stroke, serta penerapan proyek inovasi dengan pemberian edukasi perawatan pasien post kraniektomi berbasis media audiovisual (video) bagi pasien dan care giver.
Practice residency is a profesional practice to form specialist nurses. The purpose in practice residency is give the description residency practice medical surgical nursing for neurology distrubance patient using Roys Adaptation Model, implementation evidence based nursing and nursing innovation project. This practice residency is done in two semester in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and RSP Otak Nasional. The result is advance nursing care in the neurologi area using Roys Adaptation Model (1 main case and 30 cases of resume), application of evidence-based practice, the BBS format is used for assessing balance in stroke patient, and implemented the innovation project is the Education of Post Craniectomy Care Using Audiovisual Media (Video) for Patient and Care Giver.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Puji Sulistyani
Abstrak :
Lansia akan mengalami berbagai perubahan, baik aspek fisiologis maupun psikologis. Salah satu perubahan fisiologis pada lansia ialah sistem muskuloskeletal. Perubahan sistem muskuloskeletal serta faktor risiko lain pada lansia dapat mengakibatkan masalah hambatan mobilitas fisik. Latihan mobilitas dan kebugaran merupakan salah satu latihan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan mobilitas fisik. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk memaparkan analisis praktik asuhan keperawatan pada lansia dengan hambatan mobilitas fisik. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan hasil positif, yaitu adanya peningkatan nilai Berg Balance Scale (BBS) dari 36 menjadi 39, nilai Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS) dari 13 menjadi 18, hasil Timed Up and Go (TUG) dari 28 detik menjadi 17 detik, serta peningkatan kekuatan otot pada kedua ekstremitas atas dan ektremitas kanan bawah. Perawat dapat memberikan latihan fisik berupa latihan mobilitas dan kebugaran secara teratur dan bertahap untuk meningkatkan/ mempertahankan tingkat mobilitas lansia.
Older person undergo numerous changes, both physiological and psychological aspects. One of the physiological changes is the musculoskeletal system. Changes in the musculoskeletal system as well as other risk factors in older person can lead to problems of impaired physical mobility. Fitness and mobility exercise is one of the physical exercises that can be done to overcome barriers to physical mobility. The purpose of this study to give an overview of the analysis of nursing care for impaired physical mobility in older person. The evaluation showed positive results which an increase score Berg Balance Scale (BBS) 36 to 39, Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS) 13 to 18, Timed Up and Go (TUG) test 28 to 17 second, and an increase muscle strength both of upper extremity and right below extremity. Nurses can provide fitness and mobility exercise regularly and gradually to increase/maintain the level of mobility of the older person.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library