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Mohammad Airul Mutaqin
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011, pemerintah telah menetapkan jumlah penyelenggara multipleksing sebanyak 6 LPM (Lembaga Penyelenggara Multipleksing) untuk setiap zonanya dengan total jumlah kanal yang dapat diakomodasi kurang lebih sebesar 72 slot. Namun, pada kenyataannya pendudukan kanal penyelenggara multipleksing oleh LPS (Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta) saat ini jauh dari optimal. Pendudukan kanal LPM , masih ditempati oleh LPS yang masih memiliki afiliasi dengan dengan penyelenggara multipleksing. Di samping itu, adanya gugatan dari Asosiasi TV Lokal Indonesia. Komunitas ini memandang Permen Kominfo No. 22/2011 hanya melanjutkan sistem penyiaran (digital) yang monopolistis, Jakarta sentries dan jauh dari kepentingan rakyat Indonesia secara umum. Dengan mengambil sampel kota penelitian untuk luar wilayah, yang tidak menjadi sengketa oleh ATVLI dan MA di atas. Penelitian ini menganalisis kelayakan percepatan analog switch-off untuk sampel kota Makassar, Ambon dan Sorong dengan memanfaatkan BHP penggunaan frekuensi Digital Dividend di wilayah tersebut untuk membantu biaya-biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam penyelenggaraan mux. Adapun skenario dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan penentuan jumlah penyelenggara multipleksing sesuai dengan PERMEN 22/2011 dengan jumlah penyelenggara multipleksing berdasarkan jumlah IPP (Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran) yang aktif di wilayah kota Makassar, kota Ambon dan kota Sorong. Ditemukenali dalam penelitian ini, bahwa percepatan analog switch-off yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan penetapan jumlah multipleksing berdasarkan jumlah IPP aktif lebih layak dari pada penetapan jumlah multipleksing berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011.
Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM. Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general. This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux. Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM. Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general. This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux. Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM. Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general. This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux. Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011., Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM’s channel occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM. Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general. This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using sampling from municipal city that’s not contrained by law, by involving Digital Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux. Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Inayah Salsabila
Abstrak :
Indonesia telah melakukan digitalsiasi pada industri penyiaran nasional, digitalisasi penyiaran ini ditandai dengan pelaksanaaan kebijakan Analog Switch-Off atau lebih dikenal sebagai ASO. Analog Switch-Off atau ASO merupakan penghentian siaran televisi analog yang seutuhnya dialihkan pada siaran televisi digital. Pelaksanaan Analog Switch – Off dilakukan pada tanggal 2 November 2022. Sejak dilaksanakannya ASO di wilayah Jabodetabek pada akhir tahun 2022, tingkat kepemirsaan siaran televisi digital di Jabodetabek lambat laun meningkat. Hal itu juga memilki pengaruh pada tingkat kepemirsaan siaran televisi digital di kota-kota besar lainnya yang juga mengalami peningkatan.  Terdapat banyak banyak keuntungan yang didapatkan dengan bermigrasi dari televisi analog menjadi televisi digital, keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh oleh pengguna siaran televisi digital yaitu seperti kualitas siaran televisi yang lebih berkualitas karena televisi digital memberikan kualitas gambar yang lebih bersih dan suara yang lebih jernih dibandingkan televisi analog. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerimaan pengguna terhadap TV Digital setelah diberlakukannya kebijakan Analog Switch – Off dengan mengadaptasi model penelitian Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan distribusi kuesioner secara online dengan menggunakan layanan bantu berupa Google Form. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan metode Partial List Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Hasil dan temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions dan Habit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Behavioral Intention. Selain itu, Faktor Behavioral Intention dan Habit juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Use Behavior. ......Indonesia has digitized the national broadcasting industry, and the implementation of the Analog Switch marks this broadcast digitization-Off policy, better known as ASO. Analog Switch-Off or ASO is the cessation of analog television broadcasts completely switched to digital television broadcasts. The Analog Switch–Off implementation was done on November 2, 2022. Since the implementation of ASO in the Greater Jakarta area at the end of 2022, the viewing level of digital television broadcasts in Jabodetabek has gradually increased. This also influences the viewing level of digital television broadcasts in other big cities, which have also experienced an increase. Many advantages can be gained by migrating from analog television to digital television. The benefits that users of digital television broadcasts can obtain are such as higher quality television broadcasts because digital television provides cleaner picture quality and clearer sound compared to analog television. This study aims to discover how user acceptance of Digital TV is after implementing the Analog Switch–Off policy by adapting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) research model. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires online using an auxiliary service in the form of a Google Form. Data processing uses the Partial List Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS–SEM) method. The results and findings in this study are that the variables of Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, and Habit have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention. In addition, the Behavioral Intention and Habit Factors also have a positive and significant effect on Use Behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sadri
Abstrak :
Migrasi dari analog ke digital dan persaingan dengan media baru termasuk video on demand (VOD) telah menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi industri media televisi terestrial, yang belum banyak dikaji dari perspektif industri media oleh para akademisi. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memahami strategi yang diambil oleh SCTV sebagai media televisi terestrial dalam menghadapi Analog Switch Off (ASO) di Indonesia dan menghadapi persaingan dengan VOD. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivistik dengan meminjam teori Mediamorfosis, Konvergensi Media, dan Disruptive Innovation sebagai kerangka dalam menganalisis strategi yang diambil oleh manajemen media SCTV dan holding company-nya, SCM, dalam menghadapi ASO dan persaingan dengan VOD tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui indepth interview, observasi dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen SCTV dan SCM sebagai holding company-nya, telah mengambil sejumlah strategi sesuai dengan ketiga teori yang dipinjam di atas, di dalam menghadapi migrasi televisi terestrial ke sistem digital atau ASO, dan menyikapi persaingan dengan VOD. Di antara strategi yang diambil yaitu: melakukan positioning dengan flagship sebagai televisi sinetron, menjunjung prinsip “konten adalah raja”, prinsip ekslusivitas, mengadopsi prinsip konvergensi media (multimedia, multichannel, dan multiplatform), membangun Vidio.com sebagai platform VOD dari grup, memberdayakan media sosial yang dimiliki, dan melakukan efisiensi serta rasionalisasi dalam biaya produksi. ......Migration from analog to digital and competition with new media including video on demand (VOD) has posed unique challenges for the terrestrial television media industry, which has not been extensively studied by academics, from a media industry perspective. This thesis aims to understand the strategy adopted by SCTV, a terrestrial television media, in facing the Analog Switch Off (ASO) in Indonesia and competing with VOD. This research utilizes post-positivistic paradigm, drawing upon theories of Mediamorphosis, Media Convergence, and Disruptive Innovation as frameworks for analyzing the strategy adopted by SCTV's management and its holding company, SCM, in addressing ASO and competition with VOD. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection conducted through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The findings reveal that the management of SCTV, and SCM as its holding company, have implemented several strategies in line with the three aforementioned theories, in dealing with the terrestrial television migration to the digital system or ASO, and in responding to competition with VOD. Among the strategies adopted are: positioning with a flagship as a soap opera television, adhering to the principle of "content is the king", exclusivity principle, adopting the principle of media convergence (multimedia, multichannel, and multiplatform), developing Vidio.com as the group's VOD platform, leveraging owned social media, and implementing efficiency and rationalization in production costs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agie Vadhillah Putri
Abstrak :
Dalam pertemuan International Telecommunication Union (ITU) di Jenewa pada tahun 2006, didapatkan kesepakatan Analog Switch Off (ASO) negara Eropa, Afrika, dan beberapa negara di Asia adalah 17 Juni 2015. Sedangkan negara di Asia Tenggara sepakat untuk melakukan ASO pada akhir 2020. Indonesia sendiri, dengan disahkannya Undang-undang (UU) No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Lapangan Kerja pada 2 November 2020, Indonesia akan melaksanakan ASO paling lambat 22 November 2022. Lembaga Penyiaran Publik (LPP) TVRI menjadi stasiun televisi pertama di Indonesia yang sudah melakukan uji coba siaran digital dan salah satu pemegang multipleksing. Walau sebagai Lembaga penyiaran publik, daya saing TVRI dalam bisnis penyiaran relatif rendah. TVRI belum mampu menarik banyak minat masyarakat untuk menonton siaran mereka. Hadirnya televisi digital, LPP TVRI membutuhkan strategi baru untuk mengembangkan bisnis penyiaran mereka. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi bisnis yang sudah dijalankan oleh LPP TVRI dan membangun strategi untuk bersaing di era televisi digital. Penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi kinerja perusahaan berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal yang terdapat pada Lembaga Penyiaran Publik TVRI, kedua faktor ini akan menjadi landasan analisis SWOT. Dari hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan, posisi LPP TVRI berada pada kuadran ketiga dengan nilai faktor internal -0,2213 dan nilai faktor eksternal adalah 3,603. ......At the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) meeting in Geneva in 2016, an agreement was procured for the Analog Switch Off (ASO) of Europe, Africa, and several countries in Asia on 17 June 2015. Meanwhile, countries in Southeast Asia have agreed to carry out ASO by the end of 2020. Indonesia itself, with the ratification of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation on 2 November 2020, Indonesia will implement ASO no later than 22 November 2022. Public Broadcasting Institution Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) is the first television station in Indonesia that has tested digital broadcasts and multiplexing holders. Even though as a public broadcasting institution, TVRI's competitiveness in the broadcast business is relatively low. TVRI has not been able to attract a lot of public interest to watch their broadcasts. With digital television and as a multiplexing holder, LPP TVRI needs a new strategy to develop its broadcasting business. This study aims to evaluate the company that has been run by LPP TVRI and builds a strategy to compete in the digital television era. From the analysis results, the position of LPP TVRI is in the third quadrant with an internal factor value of -0.2213 and an external factor value of 3.603.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratnadi Hendra Wicaksana
Abstrak :
Implementasi Analog Switch Off (ASO) merupakan program prioritas dalam rangka mewujudkan digitalisasi penyiaran televisi terestrial free to air. Pada prakteknya, implementasi ASO di Indonesia tidak dapat memenuhi target waktu yang ditentukan sehingga membuat Indonesia tertinggal dari negara lain dalam migrasi siaran televisi analog ke digital. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam ekosistem penyiaran digital pada implementasi ASO ditinjau dari perspektif intelijen ekonomi untuk menemukan faktor-faktor internal yang menjadi kekuatan dan kelemahan, faktor-faktor eksternal yang mejadi peluang dan tantangan sehingga dapat dibuat strategi untuk mendukung keberhasilan ASO. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah campuran atau mix method kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis kualitatif mengadopsi teknik analisis intelijen ekonomi. Analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengkaji untuk mengkaji persepsi dan penerimaan masyarakat. Dari hasil analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif tersebut, diidentifikasi faktor-faktor kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman, yang selanjutnya dimasukkan ke dalam matriks Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threats (SWOT). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, pemerintah telah menjalankan perannya dengan baik sebagai regulator, melakukan sosialisasi, membangun ekosistem, dan sebagai fasilitator bagi industri. Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta (LPS) penyelenggara multipleksing telah menjalankan peran penyediaan infrastruktur dan sosialisasi. Dari sisi masyarakat, secara umum masyarakat DKI Jakarta telah siap menghadapi ASO. Hambatan yang menyebabkan penundaan ASO antara lain karena ketidaksiapan regulasi, adanya resistensi dan rendahnya realisasi distribusi bantuan STB dari LPS Mux, kericuhan dalam posko bantuan STB, dan ketidaksiapan masyarakat pada awal implementasi ASO. Faktor-faktor mayor paling banyak terdapat pada kekuatan dan ancaman, maka strategi alternatif yang diusulkan untuk mendorong percepatan ASO yaitu strategi diversifikasi yang dilakukan melalui penerapan smart power, dengan mengombinasikan soft power dan hard power. ......The implementation of Analog Switch Off (ASO) is a priority program in order to actualize the Free To Air Digital Terestial Television Broadcasting. In practice, the implementation of ASO in Indonesia could not meet its specified time target, making Indonesia lag behind other countries in migrating analog to digital television broadcasts. Based on this problem, this study aims to examine comprehensively the digital broadcasting ecosystem in ASO implementation from the perspective of economic intelligence to find out internal factors of strengths and weaknesses, external factors of opportunities and threats in order to create the strategy to support ASO success. This study uses mix methods or a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative analysis adopts economic intelligence analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis to examine public perceptions and acceptance. From the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can be identified and then organized in SWOT Matrix. Based on the results of this research, the government has carried out its role well as a regulator, conducting outreach, building an ecosystem, and as a facilitator for industry. Private Broadcasting Institutions mux has carried out the role in providing infrastructure and sosialization. From a community perspective, in general the citizen of DKI Jakarta are ready for digital television migration. Obstacles that caused delays in ASO included unpreparedness of regulations, resistance and low realization of STB aid distribution from LPS Mux, chaos at STB aid posts, and community unpreparedness at the start of ASO implementation. The major factors are mostly found in strengths and threats, hence the alternative strategy proposed to encourage ASO acceleration is a diversification strategy, which is carried out by applying smart power, combining soft power and hard power.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library