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Ditemukan 104 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nanik Prihartini
Abstrak :
Perkembangan industri di Indonesia maju berkembang dengan pesat untuk memenuhi berbagai macam kebutuhan manusia yang tidak bisa dipungkiri membutuhkan bahan kimia sebagai bahan baku maupun bahan campuran. Meskipun bahan kimia dibutuhkan keberadaanya tetapi di lain pihak bahan kimia tersebut dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia dan lingkungannya jika tidak ditangani secara baik dan benar . Salah satunya adalah industri sepatu yang dalam proses pembuatannya memerlukan bahan perekat yang mengandung toluen. Toluen merupakan salah satu senyawa volatile organic compound (voc) yang pada umumnya mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan seperti pusing, vertigo, iritasi pada mata, iritasi pada kulit, gangguan pernafasan, gangguan hepar, gangguan ginjal serta gangguan susunan syaraf pusat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desein cross sectional dengan pendekatan Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) bertujuan untuk mengestimasi tingkat risiko kesehatan pada pada pekerja di bengkel sepatu X akibat pajanan toluen di kawasan Perkampungan Industri Kecil (PIK) Pulogadung Jakarta Timur dan dilakukan pada bulan Maret - Mei 2010 dengan subyek penelitian pekerja sepatu di bengkel sepatu X di kawasan PIK Pulogadung Jaktim dan sebagai pembanding adalah pegawai BLUD Pengelola Kawasan PIK Pulogadung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata konsentrasi toluen di bengkel sepatu X sudah melebihi dosis respon (11,28mg/m3) dengan konsentrasi tertinggi di bagian finishing (27,2 mg/m3) sedangkan pada pembanding masih di bawah dosis respon (0.0006mg/m3). Jika dibandingkan dengan NAB, konsentrasi toluen masih di bawah batas normal. Konsentrasi asam hipurat urin pada pekerja dan pembanding masih di bawah batas normal yaitu masing-masing 0.73gr/gr kreatinin dan 0.25gr/gr kreatinin. Hasil uji t menunjukkan adanya perbedaaan bermakna antara rata-rata konsentrasi toluen dan asam hipurat urin pada pekerja bengkel sepatu X dan pembanding (p<0.05). Tingkat risiko individu realtime dengan RQ>1 sebesar 8% (2 orang), perhitungan RQ pada tiap bagian, proyeksi 10 tahun ke dapan bagian finishing berisiko terhadap toluen.Tingkat risiko populasi sebesar 0,08 yang berarti belum berisiko terhadap pajanan toluen. RQ populasi proyeksi menunjukkan pada 20 tahun mendatang pekerja bengkel sepatu berisiko terhadap pajanan toluen.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irventi Susilowati
Abstrak :
Balai Pengobatan Umum dan Unit Rumah Bersalin Puskesmas X dan Puskesmas Y dalam aktifitas kerjanya memiliki bahaya fisik, bahaya kimia, bahaya biologi, bahaya ergonomi, bahaya perilaku, bahaya pengorganisasian pekerjaan dan bahaya lingkungan yang berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan. Pekerja kesehatan berisiko terpapar darah dan cairan tubuh yang terinfeksi, tertusuk jarum suntik, dan risiko yang berhubungan dengan listrik, ergonomi dan pengorganisasian pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain studi cross-sectional dan pendekatan Risk Management Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004 untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko. Upaya menurunkan risiko tidak hanya dengan mematuhi SOP, tetapi dukungan yang dapat berupa peningkatan keterampilan dengan pelatihan dan pengawasan dari pihak manajemen juga dibutuhkan. ...... There are many hazards in activities of Balai Pengobatan Umum and Unit Rumah Bersalin Puskesmas X and Puskesmas Y such as physical hazards, biological hazards, ergonomic hazards, behavior hazards, organization of work hazards and evironmental hazards. Health care workers at risk of exposure to blood and body fluids of infected, needle stick injuries and risks associated with electricity,ergonomic and organization of work. This research is a descriptive analytical studies with cross-sectional design and Risk Management Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004 approach to identify and analyze the risk. To reduce the risk is not only by doing something as procedure written, but also need aware and support from management such as optimalize the skills by training and education.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnatami Nurul Azni
Abstrak :
Pajanan agen risiko kesehatan dari lingkungan kerja berdampak pada timbulnya risiko penyakit akibat kerja sehingga pekerja menjadi tidak produktif. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengestimasi risiko kesehatan dari pajanan agen risiko berupa PM10 dari lingkungan kerja, sebuah penelitian analisis risiko telah dilakukan pada 70 orang pekerja industri readymix PT. X Plant Kebon Nanas. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan pendekatan analisis risiko. Risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan PM10 dihitung dengan membandingkan asupan PM10 dengan dosis referensi. Konsentrasi PM10 diukur pada 6 titik. Hasil konsentrasi tertinggi yaitu 0,407 mg/M3 dan terendah yaitu 0,167 mg/M3 dengan perhitungan konsentrasi rata-rata yaitu 0,289 mg/M3. Hasil perhitungan risiko yang diterima saat ini (realtime) terdapat 21,4% pekerja yang berada dalam kategori berisiko. Sedangkan hasil estimasi risiko yang diterima seumur hidup (lifetime) hanya 2 orang pekerja yang dalam kategori tidak berisiko. Manajemen risiko yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menurunkan konsentrasi menjadi 0,08 mg/M3. Dengan konsentrasi tersebut pekerja diestimasikan aman bekerja selama 11 jam per hari dan 362 hari per tahun. ......Exposure of a risk agent from the workplace affect the incidence of occupational diseases so the workers are not able to work productively. To estimate health risk from exposure to PM10, health assessment has been conducted among 70 readymix workers of PT. X at Kebon Nanas Plant. PM10 as risk agent was measured in six points and the result of the highest concentration was 0.407 mg/M3 and the lowest concentration was 0.167 mg/M3 with the average concentration was 0.289 mg/M3. The estimations of health risks are represented by Risk Quotient (RQ), which is obtained from the comparison of the daily intake and reference dose. The calculations of the real time risk showed that 21.4 percent of workers are not safe from a health risk (RQ > 1). While only 2 workers are safe from life time risk. The result of safest concentration was 0.08 mg/M3. With that concentration, estimated workers will be safe to work for 11 hr/day and 362 days/year without adverse health effect.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Satriaji Wiryawan
Abstrak :
Tahap procurement dalam Proyek EPC memegang proporsi biaya sekitar 60%-70% dari keseluruhan biaya proyek. Poin kritis dalam tahap ini adalah fase shipping pada material pipa karena sering terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman material ke lapangan. Salah satu metode shipping yang sering digunakan adalah Ex-Work. Analisis risiko pun dibutuhkan untuk menentukan risiko dominan, penyebab dan dampak serta tindakan preventif dan korektif untuk setiap risiko. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus pada PT.X dengan metode penyebaran kuisioner dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah 7 peristiwa risko dominan pada setiap tahap shipping dan risk register keseluruhan risiko untuk pekerjaan piping pada Proyek EPC.
Procurement on EPC Project has budget proportion for around 60% - 70% from the total cost. Critical point on this stage is shipping phase of pipe material because often happen late of delivery to the site. One of shipping method that often used by PT.X is Ex-Work. Risk analysis is needed to determine the dominant risks, causes, effects and also the preventive and corrective actions on each risks. Type of this research is case study on PT.X with the questionnaire and depth interview. The output are 7 events of dominant risks on each step on shipping and risk register of all risks for each piping work on EPC Project.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Munadi
Abstrak :
Dalam kurun sepuluh tahun terakhir, pertumbuhan bisnis dan industri satelit menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Peluncuran dan kapasitas satelit terus meningkat sesuai dengan kebutuhan jasa telekomunikasi sateIit. Salah satu operator satelit di Indonesia, PT SATELINDO, memulai mengoperasikan jasa ini dengan menyewa transponder secara temporer pada satelit PALAPA B2P dan kemudian meluncurkan dan mengoperasikan dua satelit sendiri, PALAPA C1 dan C2_ Dalam pengoperasiannya, satelit C1 mengalamigangguan sehingga, PT SATELINDO hanya mengoperasikan satu satelit, PALAPA C2. Jasa telekomunikasi satelit yang dilayani menggunakan C-band dan Ku-band untuk area cakupan pemakaian domestik, regional dan internasional. Bisnis satelit merupakan bisnis yang mempunyai risiko yang tinggi. Dalam semua tahapan bisnis satelit, dari desain hingga pengoperasian mempunyai risiko yang perlu diantisipasi. Kegagalan satelit C1 merupakan kasus yang perlu dianlisipasi bagaimana risiko dapat mempengaruhi bisnis sate|it. Untuk itu, diperlukan upaya dukungan manajemen dalam meminimalisasi kemungkinan yang tidak diharapkan dengan melakukan analisis risiko. Aspek risiko ini dapat dinilai terhadap beberapa indikator, diantaranya clari Sumber Daya Manusia, Teknologi, Lingkungan, Teknis Pengoperasian SateIit. Dalam makalah ini, analisis dilakukan terhadap aspek teknologi dan aspek Iingkungan, yaitu stabilitas dan regulasi. Analisis kuesioner dengan respondennya karyawan direktorat satelit PT SATELINDO memberikan suatu pola penanganan risiko sesuai clengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil analisis, metode risiko yang dapat digunakan pada bisnis salelit pada kasus PT SATELINDO adalah asuransi dan pengenda|ian.
In last ten year, satellite business and industries growth shows a faster development. Satellite launch and capacity increase as a good demand in satellite telecommunication services. One of satellite operators in Indonesia, PT SATELINDO, starts to operate this services by leasing temporary transponder from PALAPA B2P satellite and soon launch and operate by their own satellite, PALAPA C1 and C2. In its operations, PALAPA C1 had failure to operate until its life time end, thus PT SATELINDO only operate one satellite, PALAPA C2. ln their operation, PT SATELINDO offers satellite telecommunication services using C-band and Ku-band for domestic, regional and international coverage area. Satellite business is a business with high risk. In all satellite business steps, from design to operational have to anticipate any risk possibilities. Satellite C1 failure is a case how the risk could influence the satellite business. For that reason, supporting management style to minimize any worst possibilities that could influence the business by doing risk analysis. These risk aspect could be assessing toward some indicators such as Human Resources, Technology, Environment, Satellite Operation Engineering. In this paper, the analysis is done only to environmental aspect, stability and regulation and technology aspect. Questionnaire analysis with respondent from employee of Satellite directorate PT SATELINDO gives a risk exposure pattern by using definite criteria. The result of this analysis, we could use risk method for satellite business in case of PT SATELINDO such as, Insurance, and Prevention.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dodi Suryadi
Abstrak :
Fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada di industri minyak dan gas bumi tergolong berisiko tinggi dikarenakan bahan yang dikelola adalah minyak dan gas mudah terbakar dan mudah meledak baik secara intern maupun dengan proses luar. PT X adalah sebuah perusahan minyak dan gas bumi yang beroperasi di lepas pantai (offshore) sebagai pengguna FSO dengan kapasitas 660.000 barrel oil. FSO tersebut sudah mulai dioperasikan pada bulan Agustus 2012 tetapi belum memiliki hasil analisis risiko yang cukup untuk aktifitas yang ada dalam FSO tersebut. Kondisi ini sangat berbahaya karena FSO adalah suatu instalasi dengan risiko sangat tinggi terhadap ledakan/kebakaran, kecelakaan fatal dan saat ini perusahaan tidak mempunyai informasi yang cukup apakah peralatan atau sistem pencegahan bahaya sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau tidak. Tujuan penelitian secara umum untuk mengetahui jenis risiko dan tingkat risiko keselamatan kerja yang potensial terjadi pada aktifitas di ruang pompa dan pengendaliannya dan tujuan penelitian secara khusus untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis aktifitas apa saja yang dilakukan di ruang pompa FSO PT X, mengetahui jenis-jenis bahaya/ risiko yang ada di ruang pompa, mengetahui tingkat risiko yang ada dari setiap aktifitas yang ada di ruang pompa dan mengetahui pengendalian apa saja yang sudah ada dan yang masih diperlukan untuk meminimalkan risiko yang ada di setiap aktifitas di ruang pompa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis risiko keselamatan kerja pada proses yang dilakukan di ruang pompa di FSO PT X. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan, diskusi dengan pekerja FSO dan PT. X, juga analisa data yang dimiliki oleh PT X. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2013. Penelitian merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dimana dilakukan penilaian terhadap risiko yang dimiliki oleh pekerja dengan mengkombinasikan inspeksi dilapangan dengan teknik penilaian risiko. Penilaian risiko dilakukan dengan tahapan manajemen risiko sesuai dengan Risk Management AS/ NZS 4360:1999/2004. Hasil Penelitian Aktifitas yang ada di ruang pompa adalah turun naik tangga, pengoperasian pompa kargo, perawatan pompa kargo, pembersihan bilge ruang pompa, memasuki ruang pompa, pengecatan di ruang pompa, pekerjaan pada ketinggian, dan kondisi peralatan di ruang pompa. Risiko tertinggi dari semua aktifitas adalah pada aktifitas pengoperasian pompa kargo dimana risiko setelah kontrol masih ditingkat risiko Tinggi hal ini terjadi karena karena pekerjaan dilakukan dengan mengaktifkan pompa sehingga timbul panas, bising, asap yang sangat mengganggu aktifitas dan konsentrasi pekerja. Risiko terendah dari semua aktifitas adalah aktifitas pengecatan di ruang pompa dengan tingkat risiko satu Sedang dan dua Rendah. Pengendalian risiko yang telah dilakukan adalah penerapan prosedur melalui instruksi kerja, Permit to work, pembuatan kemiringan tangga yang tidak lebih dari 60 derajat, penerangan yang cukup, penggunaan alat pelindung diri seperti coverall, masker, safety shoes, handglove, safety glasses, ear plug, ventilasi udara, pemberlakukan jadwal kerja yang bergantian, pemasangan peredam panas pada bagian-bagian panas tinggi, pembuatan jalur pekerja, pengecekan kandungan gas yang ada di ruang pompa, pekerja yang mengetahui tata letak peralatan di ruang pompa dan memastikan pekerja yang bekerja adalah sehat, pemeriksaan rutin peralatan angkat secara rutin seperti body harness, chain block, wire sling, konstruksi penyangga chain block. ......Existing facilities in the oil and gas industries was generally classified as high risk due to substance oil and gas is flammable and explosive with both internal and external processes. PT. X is an oil and gas company operating in the offshore as an FSO users with capacity 660,000 barrels of oil. The FSO was started in August 2012 but has not had sufficient risk analysis for existing activities in the FSO. This condition is very dangerous because the FSO is a plant with a very high risk for explosions / fires, fatal accidents and the company currently does not have sufficient information whether equipment or hazard prevention systems are in accordance with the requirements or not. General research purposes to determine the type and level of risk potential safety risks occur in activities in the pump room and its control and objective study specifically to determine what types of activities are carried out in a pump room FSO PT X, knowing the types of hazards / risks that exist in the pump room, knowing that there is the risk level of any activity that is in control of the pump room and find out what is already there and are still required to minimize the risks involved in each activity in the pump room. This study was conducted to analyze safety risks on the process undertaken in the pump room at the FSO PT X.. Research carried out by field observations, discussions with workers FSO and PT. X, as well as analysis of data owned by PT X. The study was conducted in January to April 2013. Research is a qualitative descriptive, which made an assessment of the risk to workers by combining field inspection with risk assessment techniques. Risk assessment carried out by stages in accordance with the Risk Management AS / NZS 4360:1999 / 2004. The activities are there in the pump room is down and up stairs, the operation of cargo pumps, cargo pump maintenance, cleaning bilge pump room, inspection to pump chamber, the painting in the pump room, work at height, and condition of the equipment in the pump room. Highest risk of all activities is the operation of cargo pump activity which after controls the level of risk still High this happens because as the work is done by activating the pump so that the resulting heat, noise, smoke highly disrupt the activity and concentration of workers. The lowest risk of all activity is the activity of painting in the pump room with a Medium risk level and two Low. Control risk is the application procedure has been carried out through the work instructions, permit to work, making the slope of the stairs which no more than 60 degrees, adequate lighting, the use of personal protective equipment such as coveralls, masks, safety shoes, handglove, safety glasses, ear plugs, air vents, the sift work schedule, installation of heat shock on high heat parts, installs line workers, checking the gas content in the pump room, workers who know the location of equipment in the pump room and ensure workers are healthy, regular test lifting equipment such as body harness, chain block, wire slings, chain block buffer construction.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Soprima
Abstrak :
Indonesia memiliki pertambangan emas rakyat yang tersebar di seluruh nusantara, salah satunya berlokasi di Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Pertambangan emas rakyat dilakukan dengan menggunakan merkuri melalui proses amalgamasi. Masih didapati pembuangan limbah merkuri dari pertambangan emas rakyat ke media lingkungan seperti tanah dan badan sungai, padahal limbah merkuri termasuk ke dalam limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) yang tidak boleh dibuang langsung ke media lingkungan karena dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi besar konsentrasi merkuri pada lingkungan di Kecamatan Cibeber dan Kecamatan Bayah, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten dan pengaruh pada kesehatan masyarakat yang kontak dengan merkuri. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan metode analisis risiko kesehatan dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Keberadaan merkuri di lokasi penelitian pada air, ikan, sayuran, dan tanah telah melebihi baku mutu, yaitu berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata sebesar 0,04695 mg/l, 0,5175 mg/kg, 0,173 mg/kg dan 0,165 mg/kg. Analisis perhitungan risiko kesehatan menunjukkan masyarakat sekitar pertambangan emas rakyat berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan karena nilai RQ > 1 (RQ = 18,5756).
Indonesia has artisanal gold mining spreading throughout the archipelago, one of which is located in Lebak District of Banten Province. The artisanal gold mining usually use mercury in the amalgamation process. The latest fact showed that mercury used in artisanal gold minings has been directly discharged to the surrounding environment, polluting soil and rivers, whereas mercury is considered as one of the hazardous and toxic waste (B3) that cannot be directly discharged to the environment as it can cause several health problems. The purpose of this research is to identify mercury concentrations in the environment of Cibeber and Bayah Sub Districts, Lebak District, Banten Province and its effect to the health of community who is in contact with the disposed mercury. This is an analytic descriptive research that uses a health risk assessment method and quantitative approach. This research reveals that mercury concentrations in samples of water, fish, vegetables, and soil taken from the surrounding environment in the research location have exceeded the quality standard which respectively average 0.04695 mg/l, 0.5175 mg/kg, 0.173 mg/kg, and 0.165 mg/kg,. The health risk assessment shows that community lives surrounding the gold mining has potency to suffer related health problems as the RQ rate is higher than 1 (RQ = 18.5756).
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pembuangan Limbah Cair Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Ulumbu ke Sungai (Pada Lapangan Panas Bumi Ulumbu, Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur) Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) merupakan salah satu sumber energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menghasilkan volume limbah yang rendah, salah satunya adalah limbah cair. Limbah cair panas bumi mengandung unsur kimia, salah satunya adalah Arsen. Limbah cair PLTP akan menimbulkan dampak apabila dibuang secara langsung ke sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi besarnya konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP dan air sungai di lokasi penelitian dan dampaknya terhadap konsentrasi Arsen di sungai serta dampak terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP sebesar 0,0365 mg/l. Kandungan Arsen dalam limbah yang dibuang masih berada di bawah baku mutu, yaitu sebesar 0,5 mg/l. Pembuangan limbah cair PLTP ini juga tidak meningkatkan konsentrasi Arsen di sungai. Konsentrasi Arsen pada air yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah 0,008 mg/l. Perhitungan risiko kesehatan masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi air sungai menunjukkan tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan RQ < 1 (RQ = 0,6522).
Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522)., Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vinskatania Agung Andrias
Abstrak :
Perkembangan industri daur ulang limbah plastik rumahan secara global meningkat. Hal ini salah satunya adalah akibat dari adanya komunitas global daur ulang plastik, Precious Plastic. Berbagai pihak baik dari hobiis, komunitas, dan UMKM mengadaptasi proses daur ulang limbah plastik ini untuk diterapkan secara personal maupun sebagai sarana bisnis untuk mencari keuntungan. Perkembangan daur ulang plastik ini juga terjadi di Indonesia lewat komunitas serupa. Proses daur ulang plastik melibatkan berbagai potensi bahaya dan risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, sayangnya belum pernah dilakukan analisis risiko K3 pada pekerjaan daur ulang limbah plastik. Penelitian ini menganalisis risiko K3 pada proses pengolahan limbah plastik di UMKM X untuk memberikan gambaran dan evaluasi terhadap proses pengolahan limbah plastik dalam rangka meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja. Variabel dari penelitian ini adalah langkah pekerjaan, jenis bahaya dan risiko, total risiko, total risiko sisa, pengurangan risiko san rekomendasi pengendalian risiko. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain penelitian deskriptif observasional. Observasi bahaya dilakukan terhadap proses kerja dan risiko dianalisis dengan kriteria Fine. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa masing-masing aktivitas produksi terdiri dari 4 tahapan kerja yaitu preparasi, pelelehan dan pressing, serta finishing. Pada tahap pelelehan dan pressing, plastik dipanaskan dan diberi tekanan menggunakan 3 metode yaitu menggunakan oven dan mesin kompresi, menggunakan heat gun dan mesin kompresi, serta menggunakan mesin ekstrusi. Dari tahapan kerja daur ulang plastik di UMKM X, terdapat 49 bahaya yang teridentifikasi dan dianalisis risikonya. Penelitian ini berfokus membahas pekerjaan dengan risiko Very High. Risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang paling tinggi pada kegiatan daur ulang limbah plastik di UMKM X meliputi risiko terhirupnya uap plastik dan pajanan bising yang berasal dari alat. Rekomendasi pengendalian bahaya untuk risiko terhirupnya uap plastik antara lain dengan membersihkan plastik dengan bersih agar tidak terdapat komponen yang menambah level toksik, merancang Local Exhaust Ventilation yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, sosialisasi mengenai bahaya uap plastik serta sosialisasi APD, menggunakan respirator untuk pekerjaan berisiko pajanan kimia uap plastik dan plastic odor. Sementara itu rekomendasi pengendalian dari risiko pajanan bising antara lain: mengganti alat dengan alat serupa yang memiliki teknologi untuk meredam bising yang dihasilkan, melakukan isolasi pekerjaan yang menimbulkan pajanan bising agar tidak dilakukan bercampur dengan kegiatan lainnya yang berpotensi memperluas pajanan bising, melakukan maintenance alat, serta menyediakan APD yang sesuai untuk meredam pajanan bising ke pekerja. ......The global development of the home-based plastic waste recycling industry is increasing. One of the reason is because of the campaign from global community of plastic recycling, Precious Plastic. Various parties, from hobbyists, communities, and MSMEs, adapted the process of plastic waste recycling to be applied personally as well as as a business tool for gaining profit. The development of plastic recycling also occursin Indonesia through similar communities. Plastic recycling process involves various potential hazards and occupational safety and health risks, unfortunately OHS risk management has never been carried out on plastic waste recycling work. This study analyzes the risk of OHS in the process of plastic waste recycling in MSME X to provide an overview and evaluation of the plastic waste recycling tasks in order to improve the safety and health of workers. The variables of this study are work tasks, type of hazard and risk, total risk, total residual risk, risk reduction and risk control recommendations. This research was conducted with an observational descriptive research design. Hazard observation is carried out on the work process and risks are analyzed with Fine criteria. The results show that each production activity consists of 4 work stages, namely preparation, melting and pressing, and finishing. In the melting and pressing stage, the plastic is heated and pressurized using 3 methods, namely using an oven and compression machine, using a heat gun and compression machine, and using an extrusion machine. From the stages of plastic recycling work in MSME X, there are 49 hazards identified and analyzed for risks. This study focuses on discussing Very High risk work. The highest occupational safety and health risks in plastic waste recycling activities in MSME X include the risk of inhalation of plastic fume and noise exposure originating from the equipment. Hazard control recommendations for the risk of inhalation of plastic fume include cleaning the plastic cleanly so that there are no components that add toxic levels, designing Local Exhaust Ventilation according to needs, socializing the dangers of plastic odors and plastic fume and socializing PPE, using respirators for risky jobs involving chemical fume and plastic odor exposure. Meanwhile control recommendations for the risk of noise exposure include: replacing devices with similar devices that have technology of noise reduction, isolate work that causes noise exposure so that it is not mixed with other activities that have the potential to expand noise exposure, perform maintenance of tools, and provide the appropriate PPE to reduce noise exposure to workers.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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