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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andika Mahardika
Abstrak :
Reliability Centered Maintenance comprises a set task of task generated on basis a systematic and logic evaluation that are used to develop a maintenance program. In this implementation study, RCM applied to guarantee zero evident and hidden failure condition on gas turbine and gas compressor. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) used to identify failure and risk analysis for safety, environment and cost on gas turbine and gas compressor. In this research, we collect data in site location such as : Process and instrument diagram in system and sub system on gas turbine and gas compressor. Interview to field operation is need to identify major failure in location. Risk Analysis was done with standard risk factor matrix. It?s created maintenance task lis consist 62 PM task (34,45 %), 16 Predictive Maintenance task list (8,88 %), 21 Check and Inspection task (11,67 %), 20 Engineering Inspection and Non Destructive test ((11,11 %), 7 Inspection and Cleaning Task (3,89 %), 36 Calibration task (20 %), 2 Replacement task (1,11 %) and 16 item run to failure. Economic analysis from this maintenance task list will spent implementation cost USD 17450 . Cost for maintenance activity for fisrt year and second year are USD 35073,505. In third year it will increase up to USD 37741,505, it caused by increasing maintenance activity for boroscope inspection and non destructive test.
Reliability Centered Maintenance terdiri dari kumpulan maintenance task yang dihasilkan dari evaluasi sistematik dengan pengambilan keputusan yang logis. Dalam studi penerapan ini RCM diterapkan untuk menjamin tidak terjadinya kegagalan pada gas turbine dan gas compressor baik itu kegagalan nyata (evident failure ) ataupun kegagalan tersembuni (hidden Failure). Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kegagalan yang terjadi pada gas turbine dan gas compressor serta resikonya terhadap lingkungan, keselamatan persone dan biaya yang dikeluarkan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan pengambilan data dilapangan berupa Process dan Instrument Diagram setiap system dan sub system dalam gas turbine dan gas compressor. Wawancara kepada pihak lapangan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kega galan yang sering terjadi dilapangan . Analisa resiko dilakukan dengan menggunakan matriks faktor resiko yang sudah distandarisasi. Sehingga menghasilkan maintenance task list yang terdiri dari 62 PM Task (34,45%), Predictive maintenance terdiri dari 16 task (8,88%), Check and Daily Inspection terdiri 21 task (11,67%), Engineering Inspection dan Non Destructive Test terdiri dari 20 task (11,11 %), Inspection and Cleaning 7 Task (3,89 %), Calibration terdiri dari 36 task (20%), Replacement terdiri dari 2 task (1,11 %) dan Run to Failure 16 item (8,88%). Analisa ekonomi terhadap maintenance task list yang dihasilkan dari studi penerapan RCM dilakukan dengan total biaya implementasi sebesar USD 17450. Sedangkan biaya untuk untuk manhour aktifitas maintenance untuk tahun pertama dan tahun kedua besarnya sama yaitu USD 35073,505. Pada tahun ketiga biaya aktifitas maintenance naik menjadi USD 37741,505, hal ini disebabkan adanya penambahan aktifitas maintenance berupa boroscope inspection dan non destructive test untuk material.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini adalah hasil analisa resiko konstruksi dan model pengaruh kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi nasional akibat diberlakukannya Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 (Keppres 80/2003) Tentang Pedoman Pelaksana Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah Indonesia. Studi diawali dengan melakukan identifikasi resiko melalui proses studi literatur penyusunan perkiraan daftar resiko. Karena referensi kebanyakan hanya menyajikan talcs peraturan dan beberapa pembahasan mengenai Keppres no. 80 Tabun 2003 secara umum maka selanjutnya dilakukan survei ahli untuk menetapkan daftar resiko. Daftar resiko tersebut akan dijadikan dasar masukan penentuan pertanyaan wawancara selanjutnya dan penyusunan kuesioner yang akan disebarkan pada praktisi jasa konstruksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor resiko yang paling dominan bagi kontraktor akibat penerapan Keppres 80 Tahun 2003 terhadap kinerja total proyek konstruksi adalah faktor resiko finansial, seperti: kecenderungan terjadinya iklim yang tidak sehat dengan memaksakan harga penawaran dibanting serendah mungkin sehingga cenderung mengganggu cash flow pelaksanaan biaya proyek. Hal tersebut terjadi karena umumnya kontraktor mendapat tekanan besar sebagai akibat penerapan Keppres 80 Tahun 2003 yang cenderung menyebabkan adanya perilaku penawaran harga terlalu rendah, adanya tekanan akibat semakin sedikitnya jumlah proyek semenjak terjadinya krisis moneter/multi dimensi 1998/1999, adanya tekanan akibat kebutuhan menjaga kontinuitas pengalaman perusahaan sesuai tuntutan pada penerapan Keppres 80 Tabun 2003, adanya tekanan perilaku dimungkinkannya kecenderungan banting harga merugikan komunitas industri konstruksi yang didukung oleh penerapan Keppres 80 Tabun 2003, adanya tekanan kebutuhan mendapatkan proyek agar karyawan perusahaan tidak menganggur (idle) (efek multiflikasi dari resiko kejadian krisis moneter/multi dimensi 1998/1999).

Studi dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pengolahan data metode statistik terhadap kinerja total konstruksi, yang dilakukan berdasarkan hasil studi resiko pemberlakuan Keppres 80/2003. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa kontraktor di Indonesia kebanyakan mengalami lost financial, berupa kerugian material (peluang nilai keuangan) akibat berbagai tekanan-tekanan yang dialaminya, yang pada gilirannya dapat menimbulkan efek multiflikasi yang dapat menghancurkan industri konstruksi nasional masa ke depan ini.
This thesis is a research on risk analysis of the outcome of Presidential Decree number 80 year 2003 [Keppres 80/2003] towards Performance of National construction project between year 2004 to 2006 concerning Guidance on Execution of Procurement in Indonesia for all Government Services and Goods. The research began by identifying risk through literature study compilation process of risk factors. Because reference most only presenting regulation text and some solutions concerning Keppres 8012003 in general, hence hereinafter done by expert survey for specifying risk list. Enlist the risk will be made by input base determination of question of interview hereinafter and compilation of questionnaire which will be propagated at practitioner of role of construction. Research result indicate that very risk factors dominant for contractor as result of applying of Keppres 80/2003 to total performance of project of construction is risk factor financial, like: trend the happening of indisposed climate by forcing bid price is lambasted as low as possible causing tending to bother cash flow execution of expense of project. The mentioned happened because generally contractor get big pressure as effect of applying of Keppres 80/2003 tending to cause existence of behavior of offer of too low price, existence of pressure as result of progressively at least amount of project of since the happening of monetary crisis and or multi dimension crisis of 193811999, existence of pressure as result of requirement take care of continuity of experience of company of according to demand at applying of Keppres 80/2003, existence of behavior pressure possible by him(it tendency of trading down harm industrial community of construction supported by applying of Keppres 80/2003, existence of requirement pressure get project so that employees of company is not be out of job ( idle) ( effect multiplication from risk of occurrences of crisis monetary/multi dimension of 1998/1999). Study executed by using statistical methods data processing to construction total performance, what is done based on risk study result application of Keppres 80/2003. The result shown that contractor in Indonesia mostly experiences lost financial, in the form of loss of material ( monetary value opportunity) after table various the natural dividing valves, what in turn can generate effect multiplications available for breaking is industrial of national construction a period of to the fore this.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Feryansyah
Abstrak :
Proyek konstruksi yang dikelola dengan model EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Design & Build memiliki banyak resiko dan ketidakpastian yang dialami oleh kontraktor EPC. Hasil analisa resiko mendapatkan 17 jenis resiko. Resiko akan menimbulkan dampak biaya yang disebut biaya contingency. Perhitungan biaya contingency dilakukan dengan metode yang diusulkan AACE yaitu range estimating, expected value, dan parametric estimating. Perhitungan basis biaya contingency menghasilkan angka Rp. 19,580,136,424. Metode range estimating yang dikombinasikan dengan perangkat lunak crystal ball menghasilkan biaya contingency antara 2,82% sampai 4,21% sedangkan metode expected value yang dikombinasikan dengan perangkat lunak crystal ball menghasilkan biaya contingency antara 2,98% sampai 3,25%. Metode parametric estimating menghasilkan rumus untuk perhitungan biaya contingency dari komponen dasar biaya proyek. Resiko keterlambatan jadwal proyek adalah resiko yang paling sensitif di antara faktor - faktor resiko yang teridentifikasi sedangkan resiko inflasi adalah resiko yang kurang sensitif di antara faktor - faktor resiko tersebut.
Construction project managed by the model EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Design & Build has many risks and uncertainties faced by the EPC Contractor. The results of risk analysis is 17 types of risk. Risks will have impact to the cost which called contingency cost. Contingency cost calculation performed by the recommended practice of AACE which are range estimating, expected value, and parametric estimating. Calculation of the basis of contingency cost is Rp. 19,580,136,424. Method of range estimating which combined with software crystal ball generates contingency cost between 2.82% to 4.21% to net project cost, while the expected value method combined with the software crystal ball generates contingency cost between 2.98% to 3.25% to net project cost. Parametric estimating method produced a formula for calculating the cost contingency from basic cost components of the project. The risk of delays in the project schedule is a risk that the most sensitive among the risk factors identified for the project while the inflation is the risk that is less sensitive among the risk factors
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poetro Catoer Pralabda
Abstrak :
Perkembangan desain gedung green building di dunia semakin kompleks,dan memiliki tingkat resiko yang tinggi. Diperlukan peran Arsitek untuk mencapai tujuan peringkat green building yang diinginkan. Namun perkembangannya pada proyek-proyek yang terjadi tidak diimbangi kompetensi Arsitek sehingga berdampak pada tidak tercapainya peringkat green building yang diinginkan sehingga, antara desain dengan kenyataan berbeda. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peningkatan standar kompetensi Arsitek berbasis resiko untuk mengetahui sebab dan akibat serta kuantifikasi efek potensial dari faktor resiko dominan yang lebih tajam sehingga dapat melakukan tindakan preventif dan menentukan strategi yang tepat dalam menangani resiko-resiko yang terjadi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa terdapat gap kompetensi yang diperlukan arsitek untuk mendesain green building dan diperlukan penambahan materi modul pelatihan kompetensi arsitek untuk green building.
The development of green building design in the world increasingly complex, and has a high level of risk. Architects are required to achieve the desired rating. But its development on the projects that occur is not offset the competence of Architects so that the impact on not achieving the desired green building rating so that, between the design with different reality. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the competency standards of risk based Architects to find out the cause and effect and quantify the potential effects of the sharper dominant risk factors so that they can take preventive action and determine the right strategy in handling the risks that occur. The result shows that there are a gaps competencies architect needs to fulfill and additional course subject for following training
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faradina Chitra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas evaluasi penerapan food safety dan analisis risiko pada proses pengelolaan makanan untuk pekerja pabrik X di catering Cianjur pada tahun 2014. Proses pengelolaan makanan di catering Cianjur meliputi proses penerimaan bahan makanan, penyimpanan bahan makanan, persiapan bahan makanan, pengolahan makanan, pengangkutan makanan, dan penyajian makanan. Penelitian mengacu pada standar AS/NZS 4360:2004 dengan menggunakan analisis risiko semikuantitatif dan FAO/WHO (2011) dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran penerapan food safety dan tingkat risiko pada setiap proses pengelolaan makanan di catering Cianjur. Hasil penelitian adalah gambaran penerapan food safety dan tingkat risiko berdasarkan penerapan food safety pada setiap proses. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi dasar pertimbangan program pengendalian risiko di catering Cianjur.
This study discusses about evaluation on the implementation of food safety and risk analysis on food management process for X factory worker, at Cianjur Catering in 2014. The food management processes at Cianjur Catering include reception of groceries, storage, preparation, food processing, food transporting, and food serving. This study is conducted based on AS/NZS 4360:2004, and uses semi quantitative risk analysis and based on FAO/WHO (2011), uses qualitative risk analysis. The goal of this study are to obtain overview of the implementation of food safety and risk value in each process of the food management processes. The result of this study are an overview of the implementation of food safety and the levels of risk, based on the food safety implementation in each process. This result may be used as a basis consideration for the risk control programs at Cianjur Catering.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmadani Arnur
Abstrak :
Risiko kebakaran dan ledakan mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap keselamatan pekerja, pencemaran lingkungan, kerusakan perangkat kerja dan kredibilitas perusahaan. Fasilitas gas memiliki risiko kebakaran dan ledakan karena natural gas merupakan highly flammable dari campuran metana (utama : 70-90%), etana dan sedikit senyawa lain. Oleh karena itu, sebagai dasar upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian terhadap konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari risiko kebakaran dan ledakan dengan menurunkan dampak/konsekuensi ketingkat yang bisa diterima (aceptable level) pada fasilitas pengolahan gas (separation system, gas processing system dan fuel gas system), diperlukan analisis semi-kuantitatif risiko kebakaran dan ledakan.

Teknik yang digunakan adalah melakukan analisis data sekunder (studi HAZID, studi HAZOP, Bow-tie Analysis dan simulasi PHAST). Hasil penelitian ini sebagai dasar upaya mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang menyebabkan kejadian kebakaran dan ledakan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas. Dari hasil simulasi crystal ball didapat total forecast memiliki angka 4.30 dimana jika dilihat di matriks resiko maka berada dilevel medium risk yang berati bahwa fasilitas pengolahan gas termasuk katagori risiko masih dapat diterima. Untuk sensitivity, perubahan tekanan (16.0%), perubahan suhu (15.9%) dan kelebihan tekanan (15.8%) merupakan faktor yang paling sensitif terhadap perubahan dibandingkan faktor-faktor lainnya. Selain itu, dapat membantu dalam menentukan rekomendasi yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas tersebut.
Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety, environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds. Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.

The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes (16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas processing facility.;Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety, environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds. Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion. The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes (16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas processing facility., Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety, environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds. Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion. The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes (16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas processing facility.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library