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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dwi Sartika
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendalami perilaku seksual dan menyuntik berisiko pada penasun laki-laki di Indonesia tahun 2011. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data survei cepat perilaku penasun dengan desain cross-sectional. Hasil menunjukkan proporsi penasun terbanyak yang pernah melakukan hubungan seksual yaitu penasun pada kelompok umur 30-39 tahun sedangkan kelompok umu 20-29 tahun cenderung berhubungan seksual dengan pasangan tidak tetap dan dengan konsistensi penggunaan kondom yang masih rendah serta sering berbagi alat suntik. Penasun terbanyak yaitu yang berpendidikan SLTA dengan sumberpenghasilan tidak tetap. Lebih lanjut lagi, penasun yang menyuntik tidak setiap hari lebih berisiko untuk perilaku seksual tidak aman dibanding dengan penasun yang menyuntik setiap hari serta penasun baru lebih cenderung untuk perilaku seksual berisiko. Hasil temuan lainnya bahwa penasun yang mangakses program akan mengurangi risiko berbagi alat suntik. ...... This thesis aims to explore sexual and injecting risk behavior in male injecting drug users in Indonesia in 2011. The study was conducted by using survey data quickly PWID behavior with a cross-sectional design. Results showed the highest proportion of PWID who had sexual intercourse, namely injecting drug users in the age group 30-39 years while the umu group 20-29 years tend to have sex with casual partners and with consistent use of condoms is still low and often share needles and syringes. Most PWID are a high school education with sumberpenghasilan not fixed. Furthermore, PWID who inject every day no more at risk for unsafe sexual behavior compared with PWID who inject every day and new PWID are more likely to risky sexual behavior. Other findings that PWID are accessing the program will reduce the risk of syringe sharing.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zharalin Suryaputri
Abstrak :
Sistem persediaan memiliki fungsi sebagai aktivitas perencanaan dan pengendalian aliran dan penyimpanan suatu produk maupun informasi secara efektif dan efisien agar dapat memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Ketepatan dalam merancang persediaan merupakan solusi yang sesuai untuk meminimasi overstock yang terjadi yang dapat membuat tingginya total biaya dan investasi persediaan. Berdasarkan pembahasan mengenai kebijakan persediaan, studi kasus yang digunakan yaitu pada aktivitas produksi alat suntik yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan X. Dalam proses pembuatan alat suntik dibutuhkan banyak macam bahan baku dan komponen. Namun perusahaan saat ini belum memiliki kebijakan persediaan dalam manajemen bahan baku dan komponen, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya overstock yang mengakibatkan jumlah barang yang disimpan melebihi kapasitas gudang perusahaan. Berdasarkan studi kasus yang ada, pemodelan yang dilakukan untuk meminimasi total biaya persediaan berdasarkan karakteristik bahan baku dan komponen dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas gudang dan ketidakpastian pada variabel biaya persediaan (biaya pemesanan, biaya kepemilikan dan biaya kekurangan). Ketidakpastian ini disebabkan oleh kondisi lingkungan yang tidak bisa dianggap deterministik secara terus menerus. Hasil perancangan model sistem persediaan ini menunjukkan bahwa model ini dapat menurunkan total biaya persediaan sebesar 13% pada bahan baku dan 24% pada komponen alat suntik. Selain terjadinya penurunan pada biaya persediaan, terjadi pula penurunan pemakaian volume gudang pada kondisi usulan yang tidak melebihi kapasitas gudang. ...... The inventory system has a function as an activity of planning and controlling the flow and storage of a product or information effectively and efficiently in order to meet consumer demand. Accuracy in designing inventory is a suitable solution to minimize overstock that occurs which can lead to high total costs and inventory investment. Based on the discussion on inventory policy, the case study used is in the injection equipment production activity carried out by company X. In the process of making syringes, many kinds of raw materials and components are needed. However, the company currently does not have an inventory policy in the management of raw materials and components, this results in overstock which results in the number of goods being stored exceeding the company's warehouse capacity. Based on the existing case studies, modeling is carried out to minimize the total inventory cost based on the characteristics of raw materials and components by considering warehouse capacity and uncertainty in inventory cost variables (order costs, ownership costs and shortage costs). This uncertainty is caused by environmental conditions that cannot be considered continuously deterministic. The results of the design of this inventory system model indicate that this model can reduce the total inventory cost by 13% for raw materials and 24% for syringe components. In addition to a decrease in inventory costs, there is also a decrease in the use of warehouse volume in the proposed conditions that do not exceed the warehouse capacity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verina Erlanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah fenomena penularan HIV melalui penggunaan alat suntik yang tidak steril dari Pengguna Narkoba Suntik (Penasun). Perilaku menyuntik penasun secara bergantian membuat tingginya angka penularan HIV di kalangan penasun untuk itu dibutuhkan peranan petugas outreach dalam menjalankan pemasaran sosialLayanan Alat Suntik Steril (LASS). Tujuan penelitian ini mendapatkan gambaran mengenai self-disclosure pada komunikasi interpersonal dalam menerapkan pemasaran sosialyang dilakukan oleh petugas outreach untuk merubah perilaku penasun agar menggunakan alat suntik steril. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Disimpulkan penelitian ini menunjukkan ketidakberhasilan pemasaran sosial karena petugas outreach yang tidak mampu membuat penasun melakukan self-disclosure, banyak penasun yang belum membuka dirinya.
Background of this research was the phenomenon of HIV transmission through the use of unsterile needle syringe behaviour among Injecting Drug Users IDUs IDUs habbit to used unsterille needle syringe increased HIV transmission among them it make the role of outreach officer in running sosial marketing sterile needle syringe programme became important The purpose of this research was to get the description about self disclosure for social marketing which done by the outreach officer to change their behaviour use sterile needle syringe The methode was using descriptive qualitative The conclusion showed that the social marketing had not been success yet because outreach officer had not been able yet to make IDUs doing self disclosure so most IDUs had not been willing to open themselves to their outreach officer ;Background of this research was the phenomenon of HIV transmission through the use of unsterile needle syringe behaviour among Injecting Drug Users IDUs IDUs habbit to used unsterille needle syringe increased HIV transmission among them it make the role of outreach officer in running sosial marketing sterile needle syringe programme became important The purpose of this research was to get the description about self disclosure for social marketing which done by the outreach officer to change their behaviour use sterile needle syringe The methode was using descriptive qualitative The conclusion showed that the social marketing had not been success yet because outreach officer had not been able yet to make IDUs doing self disclosure so most IDUs had not been willing to open themselves to their outreach officer ;Background of this research was the phenomenon of HIV transmission through the use of unsterile needle syringe behaviour among Injecting Drug Users IDUs IDUs habbit to used unsterille needle syringe increased HIV transmission among them it make the role of outreach officer in running sosial marketing sterile needle syringe programme became important The purpose of this research was to get the description about self disclosure for social marketing which done by the outreach officer to change their behaviour use sterile needle syringe The methode was using descriptive qualitative The conclusion showed that the social marketing had not been success yet because outreach officer had not been able yet to make IDUs doing self disclosure so most IDUs had not been willing to open themselves to their outreach officer ;Background of this research was the phenomenon of HIV transmission through the use of unsterile needle syringe behaviour among Injecting Drug Users IDUs IDUs habbit to used unsterille needle syringe increased HIV transmission among them it make the role of outreach officer in running sosial marketing sterile needle syringe programme became important The purpose of this research was to get the description about self disclosure for social marketing which done by the outreach officer to change their behaviour use sterile needle syringe The methode was using descriptive qualitative The conclusion showed that the social marketing had not been success yet because outreach officer had not been able yet to make IDUs doing self disclosure so most IDUs had not been willing to open themselves to their outreach officer , Background of this research was the phenomenon of HIV transmission through the use of unsterile needle syringe behaviour among Injecting Drug Users IDUs IDUs habbit to used unsterille needle syringe increased HIV transmission among them it make the role of outreach officer in running sosial marketing sterile needle syringe programme became important The purpose of this research was to get the description about self disclosure for social marketing which done by the outreach officer to change their behaviour use sterile needle syringe The methode was using descriptive qualitative The conclusion showed that the social marketing had not been success yet because outreach officer had not been able yet to make IDUs doing self disclosure so most IDUs had not been willing to open themselves to their outreach officer ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan akses layanan alat suntik steril terhadap penggunaan kondom pada Pengguna Napza Suntik (Penasun) di 7 kota di Indonesia menggunakan data sekunder Survei Cepat Perilaku Penasun tahun 2010, 2011 dan 2012. Analisis kecenderungan dan analisis multivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan complex sample. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan semakin tidak berisiko pasangan seksualnya maka semakin rendah proporsi penggunaan kondom. Selanjutnya, akses LASS mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom seks terakhir pada Penasun dengan pasangan seks berisiko dan pasangan tidak tetap tetapi akses LASS belum konsisten mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom seks sebulan terakhir dengan setiap jenis pasangan seksnya.
This thesis examine the association sterile syringe service access against condom use among people who injecting drug (PWID) in 7 cities in Indonesia using secondary data behavioral rapid survey among PWID in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Trend analysis and multivariate analysis done by using complex sample approach. The result of this study has been showing that increasingly risky sexual partners, the lower the proportion of condom use. Furthermore, sterile syringe service access affect for condom use at last sex among PWID with risky sexual partners and casual partners but does not consistently affect sterile syringe service access for condom use sex last month with any type of sexual partners.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zharalin Suryaputri
Abstrak :
Sistem persediaan memiliki fungsi sebagai aktivitas perencanaan dan pengendalian aliran dan penyimpanan suatu produk maupun informasi secara efektif dan efisien agar dapat memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Ketepatan dalam merancang persediaan merupakan solusi yang sesuai untuk meminimasi overstock yang terjadi yang dapat membuat tingginya total biaya dan investasi persediaan. Berdasarkan pembahasan mengenai kebijakan persediaan, studi kasus yang digunakan yaitu pada aktivitas produksi alat suntik yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan X. Dalam proses pembuatan alat suntik dibutuhkan banyak macam bahan baku dan komponen. Namun perusahaan saat ini belum memiliki kebijakan persediaan dalam manajemen bahan baku dan komponen, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya overstock yang mengakibatkan jumlah barang yang disimpan melebihi kapasitas gudang perusahaan. Berdasarkan studi kasus yang ada, pemodelan yang dilakukan untuk meminimasi total biaya persediaan berdasarkan karakteristik bahan baku dan komponen dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas gudang dan ketidakpastian pada variabel biaya persediaan (biaya pemesanan, biaya kepemilikan dan biaya kekurangan). Ketidakpastian ini disebabkan oleh kondisi lingkungan yang tidak bisa dianggap deterministik secara terus menerus. Hasil perancangan model sistem persediaan ini menunjukkan bahwa model ini dapat menurunkan total biaya persediaan sebesar 13% pada bahan baku dan 24% pada komponen alat suntik. Selain terjadinya penurunan pada biaya persediaan, terjadi pula penurunan pemakaian volume gudang pada kondisi usulan yang tidak melebihi kapasitas gudang. ......The inventory system has a function as an activity of planning and controlling the flow and storage of a product or information effectively and efficiently in order to meet consumer demand. Accuracy in designing inventory is a suitable solution to minimize overstock that occurs which can lead to high total costs and inventory investment. Based on the discussion on inventory policy, the case study used is in the injection equipment production activity carried out by company X. In the process of making syringes, many kinds of raw materials and components are needed. However, the company currently does not have an inventory policy in the management of raw materials and components, this results in overstock which results in the number of goods being stored exceeding the company's warehouse capacity. Based on the existing case studies, modeling is carried out to minimize the total inventory cost based on the characteristics of raw materials and components by considering warehouse capacity and uncertainty in inventory cost variables (order costs, ownership costs and shortage costs). This uncertainty is caused by environmental conditions that cannot be considered continuously deterministic. The results of the design of this inventory system model indicate that this model can reduce the total inventory cost by 13% for raw materials and 24% for syringe components. In addition to a decrease in inventory costs, there is also a decrease in the use of warehouse volume in the proposed conditions that do not exceed the warehouse capacity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library