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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Quantitative information about solar radiation in agro-forestry system in Indonesia is relatively limited. To study the amount of solar radiation below forest trees stand, a survey based research was conducted from October 2002 to February 2003 in Central Java, Indonesia. The location of the survey were chosen based on the kinds of trees and forests. They were Purwodadi (teak, mahogany and sonokeling production forest), Karanganyar - Purworejo (pines production forest), and Klaten (semolina and yucca as conservation forest). The decrease in the Relative's Irradiation Fraction (RIF) under the trees was found related to the increased of the tree aging, adjusted to the exponential decrease model (RIP=1.25e -0.18 X). The RIP under tree canopy was clearly explained by diameter on the breast height diameter of trunk (DBH) divided by the half of tree row spacing (2D/X+Y) therefore the RIF was formulated as 0.2829 (2D/(X+Y)."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume contains a solid body of the current state of knowledge on the various themes and activities in agroforestry worldwide. It is organized into three sections, the Introduction section consists of the summaries of six keynote speeches at the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009, that is followed by two sections of peer-reviewed thematic chapters grouped as “Global Perspectives” (seven chapters) and “Regional Perspectives” (eleven chapters), authored by professional leaders in their respective agroforestry-related fields worldwide. A total of 130 professionals from institutions in 33 countries in both developing and the industrialized temperate regions of the world contributed to the book as chapter authors and/or reviewers. "
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research intends to determine the profitability of rubber agroforest farmng and to compare the profitability status among different agroecological system in Karang Sakti Village of Muara Sungkai Sub-district, North Lampung, Lampung Province. The study employs survey method and the data was analyzed using two way anova and further analyzed using crosstabulation analysis The study selects 38 rubber agroforest farmers randomly.. The study shows that the highest profitability of rubber based agroforest system with intercropping of corn and cassava located in middle agroecological location, earning NPV at Rp 23.348.476. All agroforest systems on all agroecological locations are profitable, thanks to good prices of most commodity. Statistics analysis suggests that there is no profitability difference of all agroecological locations. This suggest that the agroecosystem in the study area was not sensitive to different agroecology meaning, it is applicable to any agroecology system within the boundary of study site."
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330 JSE 12:2 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Eko Sunardi
This study tries to explore how the implementation of the Agroforestry system that is initiated by the Ministry of Forestry. The study took place in Cibulao Village, Bogor District, West Java Province, which is in a forest area. The study approach is carried out qualitatively through in-depth interviews. The Agroforestry system is intended to try to reduce forest conversion and destruction as an alternative to protect the forest and at the same time give people around the forest an opportunity to exploit the economic potential of the forest."
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Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2018
330 BAP 1:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mengelola hutan tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah tetapi juga masyarakat. Kelompok Tani Selaras Alam menjaga kelestarian hutan dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan agroforestri kopi. Namun lokasi kegiatan agroforestri kopi belum diketahui peruntukan lahannya secara legal dan adanya perbedaan tingkat partisipasi dalam kegiatan agroforestri kopi. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuain lahan, evaluasi kegiatan agroforestri, analisa tingkat partisipasi dan menentukan strategi pelestarian hutan. Hasil dari riset ini kegiatan agroforestri di APL, tanaman kopi dan pendamping berkontribusi untuk aspek ekologi akan tetapi belum dalam aspek ekonomi, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat yang tinggi dan didapatkan strategi berkelanjutan untuk pelestarian hutan. kesimpulan dari riset ini kegiatan agroforestri kopi tidak menyalahi aturan pemerintah, adanya manfaat kegiatan agroforestri untuk aspek ekologi namun belum memberikan kontribusi optimal untuk aspek ekonomi, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat tinggi, dan dirumuskan strategi berkelanjutan dalam pelestarian hutan melalui kegiatan agroforestri kopi.

Managing forests is not only the responsibility of the government but also the people. Selaras Alam Farmers Group preserves forest conservation by involving community participation through coffee agroforestry. However, the location of coffee agroforestry has not been known for legally allocated land and there is a difference level of participation through coffee agroforestry. The purpose of this research is to know the suitability of the land, the evaluation of agroforestry, the analysis of the participation level and determine the strategy of forest conservation. The results of this research are agroforestry in APL, coffee crops and shade plants contribute to ecological aspects but not yet in economic aspects, high levels of community participation and sustainable strategies for forest conservation. The conclusions of this research are coffee agroforestry in accordance with government regulations, the existence of agroforestry benefits for ecological aspects but not yet provide optimal contribution to economic aspect, high level of community participation, and formulated a sustainable strategy in forest conservation through coffee agroforestry."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leny Veronika
"Salah satu desa di Kawasan Puncak yang mengalami degradasi lingkungan akibat alih fungsi lahan adalah Desa Tugu Utara. Berdasarkan rencana tata ruang wilayah Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2005-2025, Desa Tugu Utara termasuk dalam kawasan hutan lindung, pertanian, dan pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam, mengevaluasi tata guna lahan, mengetahui tingkat keberlanjutan lingkungan dari perspektif masyarakat, dan menemukan model pengembangan masyarakat berbasis sumber daya alam. Pengumpulan informasi dilakukan melalui kuesioner, diskusi kelompok terarah, wawancara semi terstuktur, dan data sekunder. Terdapat empat tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam yakni hutan, pertanian, perternakan, dan pariwisata. Atas lima peruntukkan lahan di Desa Tugu Utara yakni kawasan hutan lindung, hutan konservasi, perkebunan, permukiman, dan pertanian lahan kering, hutan lindung menempati urutan tertinggi yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan ke bentuk-bentuk lain yakni seluas 528,52 ha dengan pengalihan terbesar ke bentuk kebun teh mencapai 395,51 ha. Keberlanjutan lingkungan berada pada kategori cukup berkelanjutan yang dihasilkan dari aspek keberlanjutan lingkungan 65,36 , keberlanjutan sosial 62,25 , dan keberlanjutan ekonomi 68,25 . Agroforestri yang mengombinasikan tanaman pertanian di lahan hutan adalah potensi pengembangan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab kebutuhan ekonomi, ketahanan pangan wilayah, pendukung sektor pariwisata, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.

Tugu Utara is one of villages in Puncak area which experiences to environmental degradation arising from population growth and land conversion. In spatial planning for 2005 2025 Bogor regency, Tugu Utara village is allocatted as protected forest area, agriculture, and tourism area. This study aim to i identify the typology of natural resource managed by communities, ii to evaluate the land use, iii to identify the level of environmental sustainability from community perspective iv and to find appropriate model for natural reources based community development. The information are collected from primary and secondary data through questionnaires, focus group discussions, semi structured interviews and desk analysis. The study shows four typologies of natural resources management which are forests, agriculture, livestock, and tourism. From five 5 the designation of land in Desa Tugu Utara i.e protected forest, conservation forest, plantation area, residential areas, and agricultural land, protected forest occupies the highest rank that experienced land conversion into other forms that is an area of 528.52 ha and the largest shift into the form of tea garden reached to 395.51 ha. Desa Tugu Utara in the category of sustainable enough. Percentage of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, based on community perception, is successively 65.36 , 62.25 , and 68.25 . Rehabilitation of forests need to be pursued as part of the protection of ecosystems and the cessation of the tendency of land conversion. Development of agroforestry combines agriculture need to be forest pursued as a source of food and economic activities. The use of sustainable forest can support other sectors including tourism.
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athiyyah Faadhilah
"Pemanfaaatan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) berupa aren dinilai belum cukup optimal karena rendahnya produktivitas gula aren yang dihasilkan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis kesesuaian lahan budidaya tanaman aren, mengukur produktivitas tanaman aren, kontribusi terhadap pendapatan petani serta evaluasi aturan kelembagaan petani aren di Desa Baru Ranji, Kecamatan Merbau Mataram, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan berupa kuantitatif dengan metode mixed-methods. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian lahan Sangat Sesuai (S1) sebesar 88,54% lahan untuk budidaya tanaman aren. Produktivitas tanaman cukup rendah sebesar 162,6 kg/ha/tahun, sehingga rata-rata kontribusi pendapatan petani aren sebesar 21% dari rata-rata pendapatan total sebesar Rp. 18.054.778/petani/tahun dan dikategorikan tidak sejahtera. Aturan kelembagaan berupa aturan konstitusional dalam agroforestri untuk pengelolaan gula aren belum disebutkan secara spesifik walaupun telah terwujud co-management hutan kemsyarakatan. Budidaya tanaman aren secara agroforestri diusung dalam peningkatan produktivitas dan perlu adanya aturan kelembagaan yang mendukung mewujudkan konsep keberlanjutan dalam agroforestri-industri gula aren berbasis hutan kemasyarakatan.

The utilization of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in sugar palm is considered not optimal enough due to the low productivity of the palm sugar produced. The study aimed to analyze land suitability for sugar palm cultivation, measure the productivity of palm plants, analyze contribution to palm farmers' income and evaluate institutional rules for sugar palm farmers in Baru Ranji Village, Merbau Mataram District, South Lampung Regency. The approach used is quantitative with mixed methods. The results showed that the land suitability level was Very Suitable (S1) of 88.54% for sugar palm cultivation. Plant productivity is quite low at 162.6 kg/ha/year, so the average contribution of farmers' income is 21% of the total income of Rp. 18,054,778/farmer/year and classified as not prosperous. Institutional rules in the form of constitutional rules in agroforestry for managing palm sugar have not been specifically stated, even though community forest co-management has been realized. Cultivation of palm plants filed in agroforestry increases productivity and the need for institutional rules that enable the realization of the concept of sustainability in agroforestry - a community forest-based palm sugar industry."
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Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bas Arts, editor
"The books offers a comprehensive and current review on social issues related to forests that other, more specialized publications, lack. It is also theory-rich, offering both mainstream and critical perspectives, and presents up-to-date empirical materials. Reviewing these four major research themes, the main conclusion of the book is that naïve optimism associated with forest-people interfaces should be tempered. The chapters show that economic development, political empowerment and environmental aims are not easily integrated. Hence local landscapes and communities are not as 'makeable' as is often assumed. Events that take place on other scales might intervene, local communities might not implement policies locally, and governance practices might empower governments more than communities. This all shows that we should go beyond community-based ideas and ideals, and look at practices on the ground. "
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Netherlands: [, Wageningen Academic], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tekanan penduduk terhadap lingkungan, disebabkan oleh migrasi, dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang mengalami tingkat kesulitan ekonomi. Tekanan terhadap Hutan Pangkuan Desa Tugu Utara disebabkan oleh kelompok tani hutan marginal yang tinggal di lima kampung di dalam kebun teh yang kurang mendapat akses ekonomi. Reboisasi bertujuan untuk pemulihan kesehatan fungsi biofisik hutan melibatkan petani. Riset menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain riset metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Survei dilakukan  terhadap masyarakat desa  hutan  dengan  menyebarkan kuesioner sebanyak 116 responden. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil riset menemukan pembentukan kelompok tani tahun 2008, sebagai pekerja budidaya kopi 70 ha yang ditanam oleh pengusaha. Selanjutnya 18 orang menanam kopi sebanyak 10.050 batang periode 2013-2018 di lahan seluas 29 ha. Kepadatan tanaman 268 batang/ha menghasilkan produktivitas kopi cherry 4,2 kg/batang/tahun. Penerimaan dari kopi Rp1.000.000,00/bulan. Pada tahun 2017 sejumlah petani mengikuti pelatihan perencanaan, reboisasi, SMART Patrol, pemetaan, dokumentasi visual dan publikasi. Setelah mendapat persetujuan KULIN KK, petani melakukan reboisasi 95,5 ha dengan 43.860 batang bibit dan pengembangan wisata. Reboisasi lahan sayuran terluas di Cikoneng, dan Rawa Gede memperbaiki fungsi fisik dan ekosistem hutan. Metode ini dapat menjadi sistem pengelolaan hutan partisipatif sesuai model pendidikan partisipatif yang dikembangkan Knowles dengan beberapa modifikasi.

Population pressure on the environment, especially forest, is caused by the human migration and population growth, also local people who are experiencing economic hardship. The pressure on the Tugu Utara Village forest is caused by marginal forest groups living in the tea gardens in five villages who are lacking economic access. Reforestation activities are implemented which aim to restore the forests biophysical function by involving farmers. The research in this paper used a mixed of quantitative and qualitative research design methods. The survey was conducted on forest village communities by distributing questionnaires to 116 respondents. The research location was in Tugu Utara village. Cisarua Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. The research has founded that there was a formation of farmer group in 2008 for 70 ha of coffee cultivation planted by entrepreneurs. In 2013-2018, 18 farmers planted 10,050 stems of coffee in an area of 29 ha with a plant density of 268 stems/ha and have produced cherry coffee with a productivity of 4.2 kg/stem/year. As the results, there is an additional familys income from coffee as much as IDR 1,000,000 per month. In 2017, a number of farmers participated in training in planning, reforestation, smart patrol, mapping, visual documentation and publications. After obtaining approval from KULIN KK, farmers conducted a reforestation of 95,5 ha with 43,860 seedlings along with developing the tourism sector. The reforestation activities have a big scale with a widest vegetable land in Cikoneng, and Rawa Gede which improve physical function and forest ecosystems. This method can be used as a participatory forest management system according to the participatory education model developed by Knowles with several modifications."
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Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tekanan penduduk terhadap lingkungan, disebabkan oleh migrasi, dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang mengalami tingkat kesulitan ekonomi. Tekanan terhadap Hutan Pangkuan Desa Tugu Utara disebabkan oleh kelompok tani hutan marginal yang tinggal di lima kampung di dalam kebun teh yang kurang mendapat akses ekonomi. Reboisasi bertujuan untuk pemulihan kesehatan fungsi biofisik hutan melibatkan petani. Riset menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain riset metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Survei dilakukan terhadap masyarakat desa hutan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner sebanyak 116 responden. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil riset menemukan pembentukan kelompok tani tahun 2008, sebagai pekerja budidaya kopi 70 ha yang ditanam oleh pengusaha. Selanjutnya 18 orang menanam kopi sebanyak 10.050 batang periode 2013-2018 di lahan seluas 29 ha. Kepadatan tanaman 268 batang/ha menghasilkan produktivitas kopi cherry 4,2 kg/batang/tahun. Penerimaan dari kopi Rp1.000.000,00/bulan. Pada tahun 2017 sejumlah petani mengikuti pelatihan perencanaan, reboisasi, SMART Patrol, pemetaan, dokumentasi visual dan publikasi. Setelah mendapat persetujuan KULIN KK, petani melakukan reboisasi 95,5 ha dengan 43.860 batang bibit dan pengembangan wisata. Reboisasi lahan sayuran terluas di Cikoneng, dan Rawa Gede memperbaiki fungsi fisik dan ekosistem hutan. Metode ini dapat menjadi sistem pengelolaan hutan partisipatif sesuai model pendidikan partisipatif yang dikembangkan Knowles dengan beberapa modifikasi.

Population pressure on the environment, especially forest, is caused by the human migration and population growth, also local people who are experiencing economic hardship. The pressure on the Tugu Utara Village forest is caused by marginal forest groups living in the tea gardens in five villages who are lacking economic access. Reforestation activities are implemented which aim to restore the forests biophysical function by involving farmers. The research in this paper used a mixed of quantitative and qualitative research design methods. The survey was conducted on forest village communities by distributing questionnaires to 116 respondents. The research location was in Tugu Utara village. Cisarua Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. The research has founded that there was a formation of farmer group in 2008 for 70 ha of coffee cultivation planted by entrepreneurs. In 2013-2018, 18 farmers planted 10,050 stems of coffee in an area of 29 ha with a plant density of 268 stems/ha and have produced cherry coffee with a productivity of 4.2 kg/stem/year. As the results, there is an additional familys income from coffee as much as IDR 1,000,000 per month. In 2017, a number of farmers participated in training in planning, reforestation, smart patrol, mapping, visual documentation and publications. After obtaining approval from KULIN KK, farmers conducted a reforestation of 95,5 ha with 43,860 seedlings along with developing the tourism sector. The reforestation activities have a big scale with a widest vegetable land in Cikoneng, and Rawa Gede which improve physical function and forest ecosystems. This method can be used as a participatory forest management system according to the participatory education model developed by Knowles with several modifications."
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Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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