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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ferry Joko Juliantono
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika yang berlangsung antara
agen dan struktur dalam masyarakat nelayan di Desa Teluk, Labuan-Banten. Dengan
menggunakan teori strukturasi Anthony Giddens dan dilengkapi dengan konsep
pembangunan sosial berdasarkan struktur, kultur, dan proses, dalam melihat
dinamika relasi yang ada antara agen dan stuktur dalam masyarakat nelayan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan strategi
grounded research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam masyarakat
nelayan telah terjadi perubahan dalam struktur dari dominasi kelembagaan formal
menjadi dominasi kelembagaan non-formal. Kemiskinan yang ada pada struktur
yang lama ternyata direproduksi oleh struktur yang baru. Penelitian ini juga
menemukan kelemahan dari strukturasi Giddens yang menganggap bahwa struktur
dalam versi dualitas-nya, baik sebagai hasil dan sekaligus sarana (medium) praktik
sosial ternyata tidak selalu bersifat enabling atau memberdayakan. Pembangunan
kelautan dan perikanan, khususnya menyangkut tentang bagaimana mengatasi
kemiskinan masyarakat nelayan harus melihat pentingnya dinamika relasi yang
terjadi antara agen dan struktur agar perubahan yang dilakukan oleh negara, dalam
hal ini Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, tidak justru melahirkan kemiskinan

This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty., This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Olivien
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan memahami tindakan pustakawan sebagai agen dalam pengadaan koleksi tahun 2013 di Universitas Wijaya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasilnya menunjukan pengadaan koleksi yang dilakukan melalui sistem pengadaan barang kurang mendukung pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan. Penyusunan rencana yang menyimpang dari kebutuhan nyata dosen dan mahasiswa serta kelemahan pustakawan menggunakan wewenangnya dalam pengadaan praktik yang timbul karena adanya agen pengadaan. Kesadaran agen, mengubah struktur menjadi lebih aktif melibatkan pihak fakultas dan proses pengadaan yang menekankan permasalahan pengadaan diselesaikan sesuai aturan meskipun hasilnya kurang mendukung pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan Wijaya dan kurang memenuhi kebutuhan koleksi fakultas. Konsekuensi tindakan agen dinilai gagal menyerap anggaran yang tersedia dan sistem pengadaan koleksi selanjutnya dikembalikan ke pola pengadaan di Fakultas masing-masing dengan pustakwan dan perencanaan yang lebih kompeten.

The aim of this study is to identify and understand the actions of librarian as agent in 2013 acquisition process at the University of Wijaya. This research was conducted by using qualitative method that acquisition process less supporting library collection developments. Preparation of plans that deviate from the real needs of faculty and students, and librarians use weaknesses in acquisition authority are form of practices a rising from the acquisition agent. Conscious of agent are changing the structure of acquisition becomes actively involve faculties and emphasizes the completion of the acquition by the rules even though the results are less supportive of the development of the collection and the collection does not meet the needs of the faculty. As consequences of the actions, agent considered to have failed to absorb the available budget and acquisition systems return to each facultiens with more competent librarian and planning.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azis Amriwan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat model dan tahapan program
pemberdayaan nelayan yang ada di Kecamatan Pelabuhanratu. Selain itu,
penelitian ini juga ingin menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keterlibatan
nelayan dalam program pemberdayaan, serta menjelaskan proses reproduksi
praktik dominasi yang terjadi dalam program pemberdayaan. Penelitian ini
menggunakan teori strukturasi dari Anthony Giddens untuk melihat seperti apa
relasi yang terbangun antar agen dalam mereproduksi praktik-praktik kekuasaan
dalam program pemberdayaan nelayan tersebut berlangsung. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program Pengembangan Usaha Mina
Perdesaan (PUMP) Perikanan Tangkap bersifat charity atau bantuan langsung
masyarakat (BLM). Konsep pemberdayaan semacam ini hanya bersifat sementara
dan tidak memberdayakan nelayan. Namun persoalan-persoalan struktural yang
mengekang (constraint) membentuk kesadaran nelayan untuk terlibat dalam
program pemberdayaan. Akibat model pemberdayaan dan faktor-faktor struktural
diatas, maka keterlibatan nelayan hanya sebatas mobilisasi. Kondisi ini juga
memicu pragmatisme nelayan terhadap program-program pemerintah. Kondisi ini
diperparah dengan praktik kekuasaan yang dimungkinkan terjadi dalam KUB
sebagai wadah pemberdayaan. Di internal KUB, nelayan mengalami dominasi
oleh taweu dan atau bakul. Relasi sosial yang dibangun oleh nelayan dalam
tahapan dan mekanisme pengajuan bantuan dalam program PUMP menyebabkan
ketergantungan nelayan terhadap pemerintah dan anggota DPRD sebagai elit
nelayan yang memiliki otoritas politik.

This study aims to look at the model and stages of fishermen
empowerment programs in Palabuhanratu. This study also wants to explain the
determinan factors of the fishermen 's involvement in that project. As well as the
practice of domination describes the reproduction process that occurs in the
empowerment program. This study uses structuration theory of Anthony Giddens
to see what kind of relationship that is built between agents in reproducing the
practices of power in the ongoing development programs fishermen. This study
used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods.
The results showed that PUMP program in Palabuhanratu is a charity
model of program for fisheries or community grants ( BLM ). Such empowerment
concept is only temporary and does not empower fishermen. But the structural
problems that curb (constraints) forming the awareness of fishermen to engage in
empowerment programs. Due to empowerment models and structural factors
above, the involvement of fishermen is only shows the practice of mobilization.
This condition also triggers pragmatism fishermen against government programs.
This condition is going badly by the practice of power relation that made in the
KUB. In the internal, fishermen has a domination by taweu or bakul. Social
relations that built on the PUMP mechanism caused dependency fishermen
against the government and political elite."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hening Wahyuni
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami praktik sosial petugas layanan
yang terjadi dalam menentukan wajah dan potret layanan arsip. Penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Dengan menggunakan
perspektif teoritik tentang kemampuan agen dalam memanfaatkan struktur, kajian
ini memperlihatkan adanya jalinan antara agen dan struktur sebagai suatu proses
timbal balik. Proses ini menunjukkan adanya kemampuan agen melakukan
strategi untuk meneguhkan, merespon bahkan melakukan perubahan struktur yang
ada. Agen menjadikan layanan arsip sebagai arena pertarungan untuk
memperebutkan modal dan dengan modal yang dimiliki, agen melakukan praktik
untuk meneguhkan integritas dan otoritas dalam layanan arsip. Interaksi yang
dilandasi oleh relasi kekuasaan dan lemahnya kepemimpinan menyebabkan
petugas layanan mengekspresikan makna layanan berdasarkan kepentingan

This study aims to understand the social practices of officers that
occured in determining faces and portrait archive services. A qualitative approach
with ethnographic methods is used in this study. It also uses a theoritical
perspective on the ability of the agent to navigate the structure. This study shows a
link between the agent and structure as a reciprocal process. The process shows
the ability of the agent to do strategy for strengthen, respond and even make a
change in the existing structure. The agent make archive services as a battle arena
for the capital and capital owned, agency practice to confirm the integrity and
authority of the archive service. Interaction based on the power relations and weak
leadership led workers to express the meaning of service based on personal
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cazadira Fediva Tamzil
Keberhasilan World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) mengadvokasi Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) adalah kasus yang menarik karena belum pernah ada Masyarakat Sipil Transnasional yang berhasil mengadvokasi rezim lingkungan internasional untuk isu perlindungan hewan individual. Dengan studi pustaka, studi dokumen, dan wawancara sebagai metode pengumpulan data, serta Grounded Theory sebagai metode analisis data, penelitian kualitatif Analytic Eclecticism ini menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan WSPA dipengaruhi kekuatan diskursif yang terbangun atas basis interrelasi antara WSPA sebagai agen (modalitas material dan non material, strategi, dan taktik) dengan struktur. Adapun hasil penelitian ini mengisi kekosongan literatur Masyarakat Sipil Transnasional dan Politik Lingkungan Global dengan: 1) berangkat dari agen tanpa menafikan struktur, 2) menginkorporasikan Positivisme, Konstruktivisme, Interpretivisme, serta 3) mengeksplorasi kasus keberhasilan WSPA mengadvokasi UDAW yang jarang menjadi fokus pembahasan dalam berbagai literatur Hubungan Internasional.

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)’s success in advocating the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) marks an interesting case study because no Transnational Civil Society has managed to advocate environmental regimes for the protection of individual animals. With literature review, document study, and interview as the method for data gathering, as well as Grounded Theory as method for data analysis, this qualitative Analytic Eclectic research concludes that WSPA’s success is influenced by a discursive power founded on the basis of an interplay between WSPA as an agent (material and non material modalities, strategies, and tactics) as well as structure. The result of this research also fills a literature gap on Transnational Civil Society and Global Environmental Politics by: 1) focusing on agent without denying structure, 2) incorporating insights from Positivism, Constructivism, and Interpretivism, and 3) exploring the dynamics of WSPA’s advocacy for UDAW. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library