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Ditemukan 35 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zisjkawati Hamzah
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cooper, Kenneth H.
New York: M. Evans and Com, 1968
613.71 COO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukas Prasetya Tan, author
"Seorang atlit olahraga aerobik sangat nemerlukan pengangkutan oksi gen yang baik untuk kerja otot. Untuk itu diperlukan fungsi kardiorespi ratorik, mioglobin, kadar dan fungsi hemoglobin yang normal. Oleh karena kadar dan fungsi hemoglobin yang normal sangat diperlu kan pada olahraga aerobik, calon atlit dengan hemoglobinopathi dapat menunjukkan uji kerja fisik yang kurang nemuaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk nengetahui pengaruh hemoglobino pathi terhadap uji kerja fisik atlit olahraga aerobik. Selain itu ingin diketahui kekerapan hemoglobinopathi pada calon atlit khususnya calon atlit siswa SMPN di Jakarta. Peserta penelitian adalah 94 calon atlit, terdiri dari 7 cabang olahraga aerobik yaitu bola voli, sepak bola, atletik, bola basket, bulu tangkis, senam dan gulat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan hematologi, analisis hemo globin, penilaian uji kerja fisik dengan Harvard step test dan pada kasus tertentu dilakukan pemeriksaan feritin dan pewarnaan sitokimia HbF. Hasil analisis hemoglobin dan evaluasi sediaan hapus didapatkan ke lainan henatologi 19.14% (18/94), yang terdiri dari 12.77% thalassenia B heterosigot (12/94), 1.06% thalassenia 88 heterosigot (1/94), 1.06% tha lassemia ß heterosigot dengan eliptositosis (1/94), 2.13 % eliptositosis (2/94), 1.06% anenia defisiensi besi (1/94) dan 1.06% HbE heterosigot (1/94). Didapatkan kadar Hb, Ht dan jumlah eritrosit pada calon atlit pria lebih tinggi dari calon atlit wanita dan secara statistik bernakna. Pada calon atlit pria didapatkan kadar Hb dan Ht pada kelompok normal (A) lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok thalasenia ß heterosigot (B1) dan secara statis tik bernakna. Sedangkan jumlah eritrosit pada calon atlit pria kelompok B1 cenderung lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok A, walupun secara statistik perbedaan tersebut tidak bermakna. Dari 94 calon atlit, didapatkan uji kerja fisik pada calon atlit pria lebih tinggi dari pada wanita dan secara statistik bermakna. Baik pada calon atlit pria maupun wanita tidak didapatkan perbedaan uji kerja fisik yang bermakna antara kelompok A dan B1. Hasil uji kerja fisik pada kelompok thalassemia ß heterosigot yang tidak berbeda dengan kelompok normal tidak sesuai dengan kepustakaan. Dalam kepustakaan disebutkan bahwa penderita dengan thalassenia B hetero sigot terjadi gangguan pelepasan oksigen oleh Hb ke jaringan. Sehingga pada penderita thalassemia ß heterosigot akan memberikan hasil uji fisik yang kurang memuaskan. Disarankan bagi calon atlit selain pemeriksaan kadar Hb yang rutin dilakukan juga dilakukan uji saring peneriksaan hematologi seperti pemeriksaan fragilitas osmotik satu tabung, VER dan evaluasi sediaan hapus. Untuk uji kerja fisik disarankan memakai metode treadmill yang dilakukan lebih dari 5 menit, agar dapat menggambarkan adanya gangguan pengangkutan oksigen oleh Hb ke jaringan.

An athletes of aerobic sports need a good oxygen supply to the working muscles. So that need normal function of cardio respiratoric and myoglobin, normal function and concentration of hemoglobin . Due to the need of normal function and concentration of hemoglobin for aerobic sports, an athletes candidate with hemoglobinopathy may be shown by unsatisfying of capacity for muscular work. The aim of this study is to know effect of hemoglobinopathy on athletes candidate of aerobic sports to the capacity for muscular work, and to know frequency of hemoglobinopathy on athletes candidate, especially athletes candidate of pupil of first middle school in Jakarta . Participant of this study are 94 athletes candidate , consist of 7 aerobic sports including volly ball, foot ball, atletic, basket ball , badminton, gymnastic and wrestling . Hematological examination, including routine hematologic examination, hemoglobin analysis, one tube osmotic fragility test and evaluation of capacity for muscular work with Harvard step test, and for special cases examination ferritin serum and cytochemistry staining for hemoglobin F. Hemoglobin analysis and blood smear re~lt revealed 19.14r. (18/94) abnormal hematologic, consist of 12 .77r. (12/94) heterozygot thalassemia, 1.06% (1/94) heterozygot B~ thalassemia, 1.06% (1/94) heterozygot ~ thalassemia with ellyptocytosis stomatocytic herediter, 2.13% (2/94) ellyptocytosis stomatocytic herediter, 1.06% (1/94) iron defficiency anemia and 1.06% (1/94) heterozygot hemoglobin E. In this study revealed that hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyt count of the male athletes candidate higher than female athletes candidate, and statistically significant. Hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit of normal male athletes candidate group (A) higher than heterozygot ~ thalassemia group (B1), and statistically significant. Whlie erythrocyt count of male athletes candidate group B1 potentially higher than group A, although statistically unsignificant . From 94 athletes candidate, capacity for muscular work of male athletes candidate higher than female, and statisti cally significant . Capacity for muscular work of both normal male and female athletes candidate potentially higher than heterozygot thalassemia group, although statistically unsignificant. Evaluation of capacity for muscular work both male and female athletes candidate between normal group and heterozygot thalassemia group statistically unsignificant, this finding did not concordant with the literature. An athlete with heterozygot thelassemia have impaired oxygen release by the hemoglobin to the tissue. Therefore the athletes with heterozygot thalassemia can give unsatisfying result of capacity for muscular work. Suggested for athletes candidate beside determination of hemoglobin concentration that have been routinely done, must be screening with hematologic examination including one tube osmotic fragility test, Mean Corpuscular Volume and evaluation of blood smear. Evaluation of capacity for muscular work suggested to use treadmill method for more than 5 minutes, therefore the impaired oxygen release by hemoglobin to the t issue can be shown."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avita Marthacagani
"Latihan fisik aerobik memiliki beberapa manfaat untuk struktur dan fungsi otak seperti meningkatkan jumlah sel saraf dan berefek positif pada pembelajaran serta memori. Namun beberapa manfaat latihan fisik tersebut pada struktur otak masih berupa dugaan dugaan. Manfaat tersebut juga akan menghilang apabila latihan dihentikan detrain.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dan detrain terhadap jumlah sel saraf normal amigdala basolateral tikus. Amigdala adalah bagian dari sistem limbik yang berperan dalam menghasilkan respon perilaku yang berhubungan dengan rasa takut dan berperan juga pada pembelajaran emosional serta memodulasi memori.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental dengan mengamati dan menghitung jumlah sel saraf normal pada daerah amigdala basolateral Data dianalisis dengan uji one way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji Post Hoc.
Hasil menunjukkan persentase sel saraf normal pada kelompok kontrol 57 kelompok training 64 dan kelompok detraining 49. Hasil uji Post Hoc menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan training p 0 05 kelompok kontrol dan detraining p 0 05. Namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok training dan detraining p 0 008. Terjadi peningkatan persentase sel saraf normal pada kelompok training sebaliknya terjadi penurunan persentase sel saraf normal pada kelompok detraining dibandingkan kelompok kontrol.

Aerobic exercise has several benefits for brain rsquo s structures and functions such as increasing the number of normal neuron and having positive effect on learning and memory. However some of the benefits are still conjecture These benefits will be lost if exercise stopped.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of aerobic exercise and detraining on the number of normal neuron of basolateral amygdala. Amygdala is a part of the limbic system which plays a role in producing behavioral responses associated with fear and also plays a role in emotional learning as well as modulates memory.
This study was done experimentally by observing and counting the number of normal neuron in the basolateral amygdala region Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA test and continued by Post Hoc test.
The results showed that percentage of normal neuron were 57 in control group 64 in training group and 49 in detraining group Post hoc test results showed no significant difference between control and training group p 0 05 also between control and detraining group p 0 05 However there are a significant difference between training and detraining group p 0 008. In short there is an increase in the number of normal neuron in training otherwise there is a decline in the number of normal neuron in detraining compared with control.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nury Nusdwinuringtyas
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khalidah Nurul Azmi
Air limbah domestik memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap pencemaran air di wilayah perkotaan. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh penerapan pengolahan air limbah domestik yang belum optimal. Penelitian tentang kombinasi biofilter aerobik dengan media plastik sarang tawon MPST dan media kerikil MK dilakukan untuk mengolah air limbah domestik. Pemilihan proses mempertimbangkan baku mutu air limbah domestik yang berlaku saat ini dan sasaran penerapannya untuk skala individual. Kombinasi proses pada HRT 24 jam rata-rata menurunkan COD, NH3-N, dan TSS air limbah domestik masing-masing sebesar 84,09, 81,62, 93,9. Sementara itu, pada HRT 36 jam rata-rata menurunkan COD, NH3-N, TSS masing-masing sebesar 76,68, 97,67, 85,04. Efisiensi penurunan selain dipengaruhi oleh variasi HRT juga dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan yang harus diberikan pada HRT 24 jam untuk meningkatkan kinerja reaktor, yaitu perubahan HRR dan tipe aerasi. Perubahan HRR dari 1 ke 0,25 aerasi samping meningkatkan kinerja reaktor dalam menurunkan COD dari 81,5 menjadi 88,05, NH3-N dari 77,23 menjadi 81,7, TSS dari 93,43 menjadi 96,35. Perubahan tipe aerasi dari aerasi samping coarse bubble menjadi aerasi merata fine bubble dengan kondisi HRR 0,25 meningkatkan kinerja reaktor dalam menurunkan NH3-N dari 81,7 menjadi 89,56 , sementara COD turun dari 88,05 menjadi 82,22 dan TSS turun dari 96,35 menjadi 90,66. HRT 36 jam dipilih sebagai HRT optimum dengan kondisi aerasi merata dan HRR 0,25. Hal ini terkait efisiensi penurunan NH3-N yang sangat tinggi karena kondisi DO >2 mg/L dengan aerasi merata dan dalam waktu tinggal yang lebih lama, serta semua parameter masih berada di bawah baku mutu.

Domestic wastewater contributes greatly to water pollution in urban areas. One of the reason is the application of domestic wastewater treatment that has not been optimal. The research of aerobic biofilter combination with honeycomb plastic media MPST and gravel media MK to treat domestic wastewater was done. Selection of the process considered the effluent standard and its implementation for individual scale. Combination process in HRT 24 hours reduced COD, NH3 N, TSS of domestic wastewater on average by 84,09, 81,62, 93,9, respectively. Meanwhile, HRT 36 hours reduced COD, NH3 N, TSS on average 76,68, 97,67, 85,04, respectively. These removal efficiencies were influenced by HRT variation and some treatments in HRT 24 hours to improve reactor performance, i.e. HRR and aeration type changes. The change of HRR from 1 to 0,25 side aeration improved reactor performance in reducing COD from 81,5 to 88,05, NH3 N from 77,23 to 81,7, TSS from 93,43 to 96,35. The change of aeration type from side aeration coarse bubble to fine aeration fine bubble with HRR 0,25 increased reactor performance in reducing NH3 N from 81,7 to 89,56, while COD decreased from 88,05 to 82,22 and TSS decreased from 96,35 to 90,66. HRT 36 hours was selected as optimum HRT with fine aeration and HRR 0,25 condition. This considered the highly removal efficiency of NH3 N due to DO 2 mg L with fine aeration and in longer HRT, and all parameters still below the effluent standard."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julius Hanafi Pertamana
"Latar Belakang Penelitian
Kapasitas kerja fisik (KKF, physical working capacity) yaitu derajat metabolisme (kerja) yang dapat dicapai oleh seseorang. KKF menilai kesanggupan seseorang untuk melakukan kerja fisik dinamis berat yang berlangsung dalam waktu relatif cukup lama (1).
WHO (1969) merumuskan bahwa physical performance capacity atau potensi untuk mencapai prestasi dari segi fisik, ditentukan oleh daya aerobik maksimum dan kapasitasnya, daya anaerobik maksimum dan kapasitasnya, kekuatan otot maksimum serta ketahanannya, koordinasi sistem neuromuskuler dan toleansi subjektif terhadap kerja (2).
Di laboratorium Ilmu Faal, KKF diukur dari daya tangkap oksigen maksimum atau daya aerobik maksimum yang disingkat sebagai V02 max. Tetapi hingga saat ini belum ada indikator kuantitatif baku yang dapat digunakan secara pasti sebagai prasyarat tercapainya optimasi latihan berupa peningkatan KKF yang nyata (1).
Mengingat dalam setiap kerja fisik tubuh memperoleh energi dari hasil metabolisme aerob dan anaerob (3,4), maka selain pengukuran V02 max. yang mengukur sistem kardiorespirasi (aerobik), perlu pula dilakukan pengukuran kadar asam laktat (AL) darah yang menilai kemampuan anaerobik tubuh.
Kemampuan anaerobik ini menjadi lebih penting setelah diketahui bahwa endurance performance mempunyai korelasi lebih baik terhadap AL daripada V02 max. (5).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyas Putri Utami
Latar belakang: Hipertensi dan aterosklerosis berkaitan dengan disfungsi endotel yang ditandai oleh pengurangan produksi nitric oxide (NO) dan penurunan NO bioavailability. Disfungsi endotel dapat terjadi sejak usia anak-anak dan inaktivitas fisik menjadi faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Namun belum banyak penelitian mengenai perbedaan pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik pada juvenil dibandingkan dengan dewasa terhadap fungsi vaskular. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh usia latihan fisik terhadap kadar NO, MDA dan aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD pada aorta abdominal dengan lama latihan yang sama.
Metode: Subjek penelitian adalah tikus usia juvenil dan dewasa muda yang dibagi dalam kelompok latihan dan kontrol. Latihan aerobik selama 8 minggu menggunakan treadmill dengan kecepatan disesuaikan dengan usia tikus selama 20 menit intermitten, 5x seminggu. Analisis kadar NO, MDA dan aktivitas SOD aorta abdominal menggunakan uji t-test independen (data berdistribusi normal dan homogen) atau uji U-Mann Whitney (data tidak normal).
Hasil: Kadar NO dan aktivitas spesisfik SOD lebih tinggi pada kelompok latihan dibandingkan kontrol, baik pada kelompok juvenil maupun dewasa muda. Namun hanya pada kelompok dewasa muda yang perbedaannya bermakna. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar MDA antara kelompok latihan dan kontrol pada kedua usia. Kadar MDA pada kelompok juvenil meningkat dan menurun pada kelompok dewasa muda akibat latihan aerobik selama 8 minggu.
Kesimpulan: Latihan aerobik dapat meningkatkan produksi NO dan NO bioavailability pada kelompok juvenil maupun dewasa muda. Peningkatan NO bioavailability terjadi melalui aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD. Diduga tingginya kadar MDA pada kelompok latihan dan kontrol juvenil terkait dengan usia dan stres fisik. Belum diketahui apakah peningkatan kadar MDA pada kelompok juvenil masih dalam kisaran normal atau tidak. Oleh karena itu, masih terdapat beberapa pertanyaan terkait manfaat latihan pada juvenil.

Background: Hypertension and atherosclerosis are related to endothelial dysfunction, that characterized with decrease of NO production and bioavailability. Physical inactivity has contribute to endothelial dysfunction that can occur since childhood. However, until now, there were only few studies about the difference effect of aerobic training to vascular function in juvenile and young-adult rats. Therefore, this study aimed to know the effect of age related- exercise training to level of NO, MDA and specific SOD activity in abdominal aorta.
Methode: Subjects were juvenile and young adult male wistar rats divided into 2 group: control and aerobic training. Aerobic training performed in 8 weeks with animal treadmill with age-dependent speed for 20 minutes intermittent exercise, 5x per week. Analysis of NO, MDA level, and SOD activity of abdominal aorta used t-test independent (normal distribution and homogen) or U-Mann Whitney (not normal distribution)
Results: NO level and SOD specific activity in training group were higher than control group, in both juvenile and young adult group. But, only in young adult group that had significant result. There was no significant different of MDA level in training group compared to control group in both juvenile and young-adult group, but MDA level increased in juvenile group and decreased in young-adult group because of aerobic training for 8 weeks.
Conclussion: Aerobic training can increase NO production and bioavaibility both in juvenile and young adult group. Increase of NO bioavailability was considered to the increase of SOD specific activity. We considered that the increase of MDA level in training and control juvenile group were related to age and physical stress. We didn?t know yet the increased level of MDA in juvenile group was still in normal range level or not. Therefore is still any question if training in juvenile rat was benefit or not.;Background: Hypertension and atherosclerosis are related to endothelial dysfunction, that characterized with decrease of NO production and bioavailability. Physical inactivity has contribute to endothelial dysfunction that can occur since childhood. However, until now, there were only few studies about the difference effect of aerobic training to vascular function in juvenile and young-adult rats. Therefore, this study aimed to know the effect of age related- exercise training to level of NO, MDA and specific SOD activity in abdominal aorta.
Methode: Subjects were juvenile and young adult male wistar rats divided into 2 group: control and aerobic training. Aerobic training performed in 8 weeks with animal treadmill with age-dependent speed for 20 minutes intermittent exercise, 5x per week. Analysis of NO, MDA level, and SOD activity of abdominal aorta used t-test independent (normal distribution and homogen) or U-Mann Whitney (not normal distribution)
Results: NO level and SOD specific activity in training group were higher than control group, in both juvenile and young adult group. But, only in young adult group that had significant result. There was no significant different of MDA level in training group compared to control group in both juvenile and young-adult group, but MDA level increased in juvenile group and decreased in young-adult group because of aerobic training for 8 weeks.
Conclussion: Aerobic training can increase NO production and bioavaibility both in juvenile and young adult group. Increase of NO bioavailability was considered to the increase of SOD specific activity. We considered that the increase of MDA level in training and control juvenile group were related to age and physical stress. We didn’t know yet the increased level of MDA in juvenile group was still in normal range level or not. Therefore is still any question if training in juvenile rat was benefit or not., Background: Hypertension and atherosclerosis are related to endothelial dysfunction, that characterized with decrease of NO production and bioavailability. Physical inactivity has contribute to endothelial dysfunction that can occur since childhood. However, until now, there were only few studies about the difference effect of aerobic training to vascular function in juvenile and young-adult rats. Therefore, this study aimed to know the effect of age related- exercise training to level of NO, MDA and specific SOD activity in abdominal aorta.
Methode: Subjects were juvenile and young adult male wistar rats divided into 2 group: control and aerobic training. Aerobic training performed in 8 weeks with animal treadmill with age-dependent speed for 20 minutes intermittent exercise, 5x per week. Analysis of NO, MDA level, and SOD activity of abdominal aorta used t-test independent (normal distribution and homogen) or U-Mann Whitney (not normal distribution)
Results: NO level and SOD specific activity in training group were higher than control group, in both juvenile and young adult group. But, only in young adult group that had significant result. There was no significant different of MDA level in training group compared to control group in both juvenile and young-adult group, but MDA level increased in juvenile group and decreased in young-adult group because of aerobic training for 8 weeks.
Conclussion: Aerobic training can increase NO production and bioavaibility both in juvenile and young adult group. Increase of NO bioavailability was considered to the increase of SOD specific activity. We considered that the increase of MDA level in training and control juvenile group were related to age and physical stress. We didn’t know yet the increased level of MDA in juvenile group was still in normal range level or not. Therefore is still any question if training in juvenile rat was benefit or not.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Purnama Dewi
BDNF merupakan neurotrophin yang berperan dalam fungsi memori dan pembelajaran. Hippocampus banyak mengekspresikan BDNF, yang penting dalam mengatur fungsi memori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik ringan terhadap ekspresi BDNF, jumlah total sel piramidal di area CA3 hippocampus, fungsi memori dan rasio luas area CA3 terhadap total area CA1, CA2 dan CA3 hippocampus.
Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan 12 ekor tikus jantan wistar (berusia 8-10 minggu, berat badan 200- 250 gram), dibagi menjadi kelompok aerobik ringan dan kontrol. Latihan aerobik menggunakan animal treadmill (kecepatan 12m/mnt, 2x/minggu, 11 minggu) dan diuji dengan water E-maze (jumlah kesalahan dan waktu tempuh) untuk fungsi memorinya. Ekspresi BDNF diarea CA3 dinilai dengan pewarnaan immunohistokimia, jumlah total sel piramidal area CA3 hippocampus dan rasio luas area CA3 terhadap total area CA1, CA2, CA3 area hippocampus dinilai dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin Eosin.
Hasil pengamatan ini menunjukkan ada kecenderungan peningkatan ekspresi BDNF dan jumlah total sel piramidal area CA3 hippocampus, walaupun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Rasio luas area CA3 terhadap total area CA1, CA2, CA3 antara kelompok aerobik ringan dan kontrol, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna. Terdapat penurunan jumlah kesalahan dan waktu tempuh pada kelompok aerobik ringan. Perbaikan fungsi memori ini berkorelasi kuat dengan peningkatan ekspresi BDNF pada kelompok aerobik ringan. Disimpulkan, terdapat pengaruh positif latihan aerobik ringan terhadap fungsi memori melalui peningkatan ekspresi BDNF.

BDNF is a neurotrophin that plays a role in memory and learning functions. The hippocampus shows the expression of BDNF which is important in regulating memory functions. This study aims to determine the effect of mild aerobic exercise on the expression of BDNF, the number of total cells CA3 area of the hippocampus, and memory functions.
This is analytic experimental using 12 male Wistar rats (8-10 weeks old, weight 200-250 mg), divided into mild aerobics and control group. The aerobic exercise using an animal treadmill (10 min twice a week, for 11 weeks). Memory test was done using water E-maze test. Used Immunohistochemistry staining to assessed the expression of BDNF and Hematoxylin Eosin staining to assessed the number of total cells CA3 area of hippocampus and CA3 area ratio to the total area CA1, CA2, CA3 hippocampal area.
The results showed the tendency in the expression of BDNF, the total number of cells and memory function between mild aerobic and control group. CA3 area ratio to the total area CA1, CA2, CA3 hippocampal area, there were no differences between mild aerobic and control groups. There was a decreased in the number of errors and time in group aerobics. Improvement of memory function is strongly correlated with increased expression of BDNF in group aerobics. Conclusion, the mild aerobic exercise has a positive influence on memory function through increased expression of BDNF.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wa Ode Heni Satriani
Latihan fisik aerobik kompleks diduga lebih baik dari latihan fisik aerobik sederhana dalam meningkatkan fungsi kognisi dan neuroplastisitas pada usia pertumbuhan Tesis ini membahas efek latihan fisik aerobik kompleks yang dimulai sejak usia remaja dibandingkan dengan yang baru dimulai pada usia dewasa muda terhadap kadar PSD 95 dan fungsi kognisi mencit Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi eksperimental in vivo Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna hasil uji kognisi dan kadar PSD 95 pada mencit yang diberi latihan fisik aerobik kompleks sejak remaja dibandingkan dengan yang dimulai sejak usia dewasa muda Selain itu tidak ada perbedaan bermakna kadar PSD 95 dan fungsi kognisi antara mencit yang diberi latihan fisik aerobik kompleks dan yang sederhana Diduga latihan fisik aerobik kompleks yang tidak bervariasi dan dilakukan secara berkepanjangan dapat menimbulkan kebosanan Oleh karenanya penerapan latihan fisik aerobik kompleks yang bervariasi mungkin dapat meningkatkan fungsi kognisi karena subyek lebih termotivasi untuk melakukan latihan.

Complex aerobic exercise was expected having better effect on cognitive function and neuroplasticity compared to simple aerobic exercise in developmental age The aim of this study was to identify the effect of complex aerobic exercise on PSD 95 and cognitive function in mice applied in adolescence age and early adult age This research was an in vivo experimental study There was no significant difference between cognitive function and PSD 95 levels in adolescence age compared to early adult age mice In addition there was no significant difference cognitive function and PSD 95 levels in mice trained with complex aerobic exercise and simple aerobic exercise It was suspected that invariability of complex aerobic exercise could induce boredom Consequently variation of complex aerobic exercise is important in order to increase motivation of the subjects in doing the exercise that could increase their cognitive function.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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