ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kekuatan NGO melalui strategi
advokasi kampanye yang dilakukan untuk mengubah perilaku atau
kebijakan aktor-aktor lain. Dalam penelitian ini akan dianalisa strategi
advokasi Greenpeace Detox Campaign on Fashion dalam mengadvokasi
polusi air di Tiongkok tahun 2011 hingga 2013. Strategi advokasi yang
digunakan oleh Greenpeace adalah kampanye?meliputi information
politics, leverage politics, symbolic politics serta accountability politics.
Dalam penelitian ini juga dianalisa bagaimana hubungan antar aktor,
terutama Greenpeace sebagai aktor NGO dengan aktor target kampanye,
yaitu perusahaan fashion global, masyarakat global dan Tiongkok.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi advokasi berupa kampanye
berhasil mempengaruhi kebijakan aktor target kampanye terkait persoalan
polusi air di Tiongkok.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to understand the power of NGOs through advocacy
campaign strategies to change the behavior or policies of other actors. This
study analyzed Greenpeace advocacy on Detox Campaign on Fashion in
China, in the period of 2011 to 2013. The main advocacy strategies used
by Greenpeace is campaign?include information politics, leverage
politics, symbolic politics and accountability politics. This research also
analyzed the relations between Greenpeace as NGO and targeted actors,
namely global brand fashion, global society and state actors, China. This
study found that the campaign strategy success in influencing targeted
actors to change their behavior and policies regard to the issue of water
pollution in China., This study aims to understand the power of NGOs through advocacy
campaign strategies to change the behavior or policies of other actors. This
study analyzed Greenpeace advocacy on Detox Campaign on Fashion in
China, in the period of 2011 to 2013. The main advocacy strategies used
by Greenpeace is campaign—include information politics, leverage
politics, symbolic politics and accountability politics. This research also
analyzed the relations between Greenpeace as NGO and targeted actors,
namely global brand fashion, global society and state actors, China. This
study found that the campaign strategy success in influencing targeted
actors to change their behavior and policies regard to the issue of water
pollution in China.]"