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Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Perubahan gaya hidup yang tidak sehat dapat menjadi faktor pemicu meningkatnya kadar kolesterol, hipertensi, dan obesitas hingga beresiko terbentuknya aterosklerosis. Aterosklerosis adalah pengerasan dan penyempitan arteri sehingga mengakibatkan peredaran darah menjadi terhambat. Salah satu herbal yang berpotensi untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut adalah jamu anti-aterosklerosis yang terdiri dari daun tanjung, daun belimbing manis, dan temulawak. Hasil penelitian Tristantini et al. 2015 membuktikan bahwa daun tanjung mempunyai keaktifan sebagai antioksidan, anti kolesterol, dan anti platelet, serta daun belimbing sebagai antihiperglikemik. Bentuk sediaan jamu adalah serbuk simplisia yang diseduh dengan air panas. Sebelum dipasarkan, produk perlu melalui berbagai uji agar dapat dikatakan layak untuk dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Pencantuman informasi umur simpan sangat penting terkait dengan keamanan produk pangan dan untuk memberikan jaminan mutu pada konsumen. Pendugaan umur simpan jamu anti-aterosklerosis dilakukan dengan metode Accelerated Shelf Life Test ASLT melalui pendekatan kadar air kritis dan permodelan sorpsi isotermis. Dalam penelitian, dilakukan pula uji organoleptik dan uji Angka Kapang Khamir AKK untuk menentukan kondisi kritis. Permeabilitas kemasan merupakan parameter yang terdapat dalam persamaan umur simpan Labuza, 1982 dan diukur dengan metode gravimetri. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, umur simpan jamu anti-aterosklerosis adalah 233 hari pada kemasan kantong saring dan alumunium foil; 94 hari pada kemasan kantong saring dan plastik PE ; serta 65 hari pada kemasan plastik PE apabila disimpan pada suhu 30?C dan kelembaban relatif RH 75.
Unhealthy lifestyle could trigger increased levels of cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity, even atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is hardening and tightening of the arteries that cause blocking of blood circulation. One of the herbs that have the potential to overcome the disease is anti atherosclerosis herbs consisting of Tanjung leaf, starfruit leaf, and curcuma. The results of Tristantini et al. 2015 proved that Tanjung leaf has a antioxidant activity, anti cholesterol, and anti platelets, as well as starfruit leaf as anti hyperglycemia. The herbs appear in simplicia powder brewed with hot water. Before being marketed, products need to be tested in order to be considered feasible for public consumption. Inclusion of shelf life information is very important regarding to food product safety and to provide quality assurance to consumers. Shelf life of anti atherosclerosis herbs was estimated by Accelerated Shelf Life Test ASLT method based on critical water content approach and sorption isotherms model. In the study, organoleptic test and mold test were carried out as well to determine critical condition. Packaging permeability was a parameter in shelf life equation Labuza, 1982 and was measured by gravimetric method. The results of this study, shelf life of anti atherosclerosis herbs was predicted to be 233 days in filter bag alumunium foil packaging 94 days in filter bag plastic PE packaging and 65 days in plastic PE packaging when it stored at temperature of 30 C and relative humidity RH of 75.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhenovita Salsabila
Abstrak :
Daun sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens) dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif suplemen minuman herbal. Pendugaan umur simpan suplemen herbal jus daun sambung nyawa diperlukan agar diketahui durasi produk hingga mencapai kadaluarsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi pengawet berupa natrium benzoat dan agen penstabil CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). Untuk memperoleh umur simpan, penelitian ini meliputi uji kandungan fenolik, uji organoleptik, dan uji angka lempeng total. Pendugaan umur simpan jus daun sambung nyawa dilakukan dengan metode ASLT (Accelerated Shelf-Life Test). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pendugaan umur simpan diidentifikasi berdasarkan parameter kritis kandungan fenolik pada jus. Jus daun sambung nyawa murni memiliki pendugaan umur simpan 1; 1; 2 hari dengan suhu simpan senilai 38, 25, 7. Jus daun sambung nyawa dengan pengawet natrium benzoat memiliki umur simpan 3; 4; 4; dengan suhu simpan senilai 38, 25, 7. Jus daun sambung nyawa dengan agen penstabil CMC memiliki umur simpan 2; 3; 3 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus daun sambung nyawa dengan pengawet natrium benzoat dan agen penstabil CMC memiliki umur simpan 7; 6; 7 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Berdasarkan uji angka lempeng total, jus daun sambung nyawa murni memiliki tingkat cemaran mikroba di bawah standar terdapat pada umur simpan 2; 2; 2 dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan natrium benzoat memiliki umur simpan 6; 6; 6 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan CMC memiliki umur simpan 6; 6; 6 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan natrium benzoat dan CMC memiliki umur simpan 8; 8; 6 dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik yang meliput parameter rasa, aroma, dan tektur, jus daun sambung nyawa murni memiliki umur simpan rata-rata 2; 1; 1 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan natrium benzoat memiliki umur simpan 9; 8; 7 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan CMC memiliki umur simpan 9; 8; 7 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. Jus dengan penambahan natrium benzoat dan CMC memiliki umur simpan 18; 14; 12 hari dengan suhu simpan 38, 25, 7. ......Herbal plants with Longevity Spinach (Gynura procumbens) are high in antioxidants. Longevity spinach can be added to beverages as an alternative herbal supplement. To enable their commercialization, it is necessary to estimate the shelf life of longevity spinach juice-based herbal supplements. Sodium benzoate and CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose) stabilizing compounds were employed as preservative variants in this research. In this study, the phenolic content, organoleptic tests, and bacterial colony counts (Total Plate Count) were used to assess the composition of nutrients contents of the juice. Using the ASLT (Accelerated Shelf-Life Test) method, the estimated shelf life of longevity spinach juice was calculated. The research demonstrated that the important characteristics of the juice's phenolic component concentration were used to estimate shelf life. Pure longevity spinach juice has an estimated shelf life of 1; 1; 2 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Longevity spinach juice with preservative sodium benzoate has a shelf life of 3; 4; 4 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Longevity spinach juice with CMC as stabilizing agent has a shelf life of 2; 3; 3 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Longevity spinach juice with sodium benzoate and CMC has a shelf life of 7; 6; 7 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Based on the total plate count test, pure longevity spinach juice has below standard microbial contamination levels at shelf life 2; 2; 2 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Juices with the addition of sodium benzoate have a shelf life of 6; 6; 6 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Juices with the addition of CMC have a shelf life of 6; 6; 6 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Juice with the addition of sodium benzoate and CMC has a shelf life of 8; 8; 6 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Based on organoleptic tests covering taste, aroma, and texture parameters, pure longevity spinach juice has an average shelf life of 2; 1; 1 with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Juices with the addition of sodium benzoate have a shelf life of 9; 8; 7 days with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. Juices with the addition of CMC have a shelf life of 9; 8; 7 with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7. The juice with the addition of sodium benzoate and CMC has a shelf life of 18; 14; 12 with a storage temperature of 38, 25, 7.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shamira Ausvy Maliha
Abstrak :
Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf merupakan produk jamu cair siap minum berbahan dasar cengkih, jahe merah, dan pala yang berkhasiat menurunkan ketegangan saraf. Jamu ini merupakan jamu baru yang masih memerlukan pengembangan produk salah satunya dengan menduga umur simpannya untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan mutu serta informasi keamanan konsumsi bagi konsumen. Dalam penelitian ini, mutu dan keamanan produk diamati berdasarkan variasi jumlah penambahan pengawet natrium benzoat (0; 1000; dan 2000 mg/kg) serta suhu penyimpanan (30℃; 40℃; dan 50℃). Penelitian dilakukan untuk memperoleh jumlah penambahan pengawet yang memberikan umur simpan jamu paling lama dengan mengamati parameter penurunan kandungan senyawa fenolik dan nilai organoleptik (warna, bentuk, aroma, dan rasa) jamu selama penyimpanan. Pendugaaan umur simpan dilakukan menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) dengan pendekatan model persamaan Arrhenius. Diamati pertumbuhan mikroba selama penyimpanan menggunakan metode Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) guna memberikan jaminan keamanan konsumsi bagi konsumen. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa pendugaan umur simpan dilakukan berdasarkan parameter kritis kandungan senyawa fenolik dimana umur simpan Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf tanpa penambahan pengawet dengan suhu penyimpanan 30℃; 40℃; dan 50 adalah 3; 4; dan 5 hari; Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf dengan penambahan pengawet 1000 mg/kg suhu penyimpanan 30; 40ƒ; dan 50 adalah 5; 6; dan 8 hari; dan umur simpan Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf dengan penambahan pengawet 2000 mg/kg suhu penyimpanan 30; 40;  dan 50℃ adalah 6; 7; dan 9 hari. Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf dengan penambahan pengawet 2000 mg/kg suhu penyimpanan 30℃; 40℃; dan 50℃ aman dikonsumsi hingga hari ke-16 penyimpanan. Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf dengan pengawet 1000 mg/kg suhu penyimpanan 40℃; dan 50℃ aman dikonsumsi hingga hari ke-16 penyimpanan, sedangkan Jamu Turun Tegang Saraf tanpa pengawet suhu penyimpanan suhu 40oC dan 50oC aman dikonsumsi hingga hari ke-13 dan hari hari ke-16 penyimpanan.  ......Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal is a ready-to-drink liquid herbal medicine made from cloves, red ginger, and nutmeg which has the effect of reducing nervous tension. This product is a new herbal medicine that still that still needs some product developments, including product shelf life to provide quality assurance and consumption safety information for consumers. In this study, product quality and safety were observed based on variations in the amount of added sodium benzoate (0; 1000; and 2000 mg/kg) and storage temperature (30℃; 40℃; and 50℃). The study was conducted to obtain the amount of added preservatives that provide the longest shelf life of herbal medicine by observe the decrease in quality parameters of the phenolic compounds content and organoleptic values ​​(color, shape, aroma, and taste) of herbal medicine during storage. Shelf life estimation was carried out using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) method with the Arrhenius equation model approach. Microbial growth was observed during storage using the Total Plate Count (TPC) method in order to guarantee consumption safety for consumers. The content of eugenol compounds which act as natural preservatives in herbal medicine were identified and their decrease was observed. The results of this study showed that the estimation of shelf life was carried out based on critical parameters of the content of phenolic compounds where the shelf life of Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal without the addition of preservatives with a storage temperature of 30; 40; and 50 is 3; 4; and 5 days; Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal with added sodium benzoate 1000 mg/kg storage temperature 30℃; 40℃; and 50 is 5; 6; and 8 days; and the shelf life of Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal with added sodium benzoate 2000 mg/kg storage temperature 30℃; 40; and 50℃ is 6; 7; and 9 days. Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal with added sodium benzoate 2000 mg/kg and storage temperature 30℃; 40℃; and 50℃ safe for consumption until the 16th day of storage. Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal with added sodium benzoate 1000 mg/kg storage temperature 40; and 50℃ are safe for consumption up to the 16th day of storage, while Neuropathic Pain Reducer Herbal without added sodium benzoate at storage temperatures of 40℃ and 50℃ are safe for consumption until the 13th day and 16th day of storage. Eugenol compounds were proven to exist by HPLC testing and it was found that the greater the amount of addition of sodium benzoate affects the degradation of eugenol compounds.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library