Kondisi tempat kerja yang merugikan menyangkut kesejahteraan pekerja dapat memengaruhi persepsi pekerja terhadap organisasi. Bila perusahaan gagal menciptakan kondisi kerja yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar pekerja, konsekuensinya yakni menyebabkan turnover intention melalui emotional exhaustion yang dialami pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari verbal abuse dan abusive supervision terhadap turnover intention melalui mediasi emotional exhaustion pada pekerja pabrik garmen di Indonesia. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan melakukan survei terhadap 2.897 pekerja di pabrik garmen, di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa emotional exhaustion memediasi secara parsial pengaruh verbal abuse dan abusive supervision terhadap turnover intention secara berurutan.
Adverse workplace conditions, especially concerning the welfare of workers can affect workers' perceptions of the organization. If the company fails to address working conditions that can meet the basic needs of workers, the consequences are causing turnover intention through emotional exhaustion experienced by workers. This study aims to determine the effects of verbal abuse and abusive supervision toward turnover intention through emotional exhaustion as mediation of garment workers in Indonesia. The research data was obtained by surveying 2,897 garment workers, Java, Indonesia. The research method uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study showed that emotional exhaustion partially mediates the influence of verbal abuse and abusive supervision on the turnover intention sequentially.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh compulsory citizenship behavior, emotional labor dan abusive supervision terhadap work-family conflict dengan emotional exhaustion sebagai mediatornya. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian konklusif. Metode pengambilan sampel berjenis judgemental sampling. Sejumlah 225 responden karyawan perempuan di Indonesia pada berbagai wilayah dan industri menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Metode analisis data yang dipakai pada penelitian ini yaitu CB-SEM yang dioleh menggunakan Lisrel 8.80. Temuan menunjukan bahwa emotional exhaustion berhasil memediasi pengaruh emotional exhaustion terhadap work-family conflict. Akan tetapi emotional exhaustion tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh emotional labor (surface acting dan deep acting) terhadap work-family conflict. Selanjutnya, emotional exhaustion memediasi pengaruh abusive supervision terhadap work-family conflict. Meskipun demikian, sampel yang digunakan terlalu kecil untuk merepresentasikan keseluruhan populasi karyawan perempuan di Indonesia. ......This study aims to examine the effect of compulsory citizenship behavior, emotional labor and abusive supervision on work-family conflict with emotional exhaustion as the mediator. This research is a quantitative research type with a conclusive research design. The sampling method is judgmental sampling. A total of 225 female employee respondents in Indonesia in various regions and industries were sampled in this study. The data analysis method used in this study is CB-SEM which is obtained using Lisrel 8.80. The findings show that emotional exhaustion successfully mediates the effect of emotional exhaustion on work-family conflict. However, emotional exhaustion cannot mediate the effect of emotional labor (surface acting and deep acting) on work-family conflict. Furthermore, emotional exhaustion mediates the effect of abusive supervision on work-family conflict. Nevertheless, the sample used is too small to represent the entire population of female employees in Indonesia.