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Mariska Andrea Siswanto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Prevalensi diabetes melitus (DM) di Indonesia tinggi. Salah satu jenis terapi yang sering digunakan yakni inhibitor α-glukosidase. Akibat efek samping yang ditimbulkan obat sintetik dan sumber daya yang terbatas, berbagai studi menemukan tanaman herbal memiliki berbagai senyawa bioaktif dan aktivitas inhibisi α-glukosidase agar menjadi obat alternatif DM. Salah satunya ialah makroalgae atau rumput laut. Di perairan Indonesia bagian timur terdapat alga hijau Bornetella oligospora yang berlimpah. Tujuan: Menguji aktivitas inhibisi α-glukosidase dan senyawa fitokimia yang terkandung pada ekstrak etil asetat dan etanol Bornetella oligospora. Metode: Dilakukan uji fitokimia terhadap saponin, flavonoid, tanin, glikosida, triterpenoid, steroid, dan alkaloid; uji kromatografi lapis tipis; dan uji in vitro inhibisi α- glukosidase pada ekstrak etil asetat dan etanol Bornetella oligospora Hasil: Ekstrak etil asetat dan etanol Bornetella oligospora mengandung flavonoid, glikosida, triterpenoid, dan steroid. Uji kromatografi lapis tipis ekstrak etanol menunjukkan lima titik dengan Rf 0,545, 0,527, 0,5, 0,473, dan 0,154, sedangkan pada ekstrak etil asetat ditemukan dua titik dengan Rf 0,58 dan 0,64. Uji inhibisi α- glukosidase menunjukkan nilai IC50 ekstrak etanol 11,702 ppm dan ekstrak etil asetat 95,384 ppm. Diskusi: Ekstrak etil asetat dan etanol Bornetella oligospora memiliki aktivitas inhibisi α-glukosidase, meskipun tidak sebaik akarbosa. Kandungan fitokimia yang terkandung pada ekstrak juga memiliki efek antidiabetes. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak Bornetella oligospora berpotensi menjadi agen antidiabetes ......Background: Indonesia has a high prevalence of diabetes mellitus. One of the first line theraphy of diabetes mellitus is α-glucosidase inhibitors. Due to its side effects caused by syntethic drugs and limited sources, various studies have found that many herbal plants consist of bioactive compounds and exhibit α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. One of which are macroalgae or seaweed. In the eastern Indonesian ocean, there is an abundant green algae called Bornetella oligospora. Objective: To examine the inhibitory activity of α-glucosidase and phytochemical compounds in ethyl acetate and ethanol extract of Bornetella oligospora. Methods: A phytochemical tests on saponins, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, triterpenoids, steroids, and alkaloids; thin layer chromatography test; and α-glucosidase inhibition assay was carried out on ethyl acetate and ethanol extract of Bornetella oligospora. Results: The phytochemical components of ethanol and ethyl acetate extract of Bornetella oligospora are flavonoids, glycosides, triterpenoids, and steroids. The thin layer chromatography test showed ethanol extract have five spots with Rf 0,545, 0,527, 0,5, 0,473, and 0,154, while the ethyl acetate extract has two spots with Rf 0.58 and 0.64. The α-glucosidase inhibition assay showed IC50 values of the ethanol extract was 11,702 ppm and ethyl acetate extract was 95,384 ppm. Discussion: Both ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts of Bornetella oligospora showed α- glucosidase inhibitory activity, although they are not as good as acarbose. The phytochemical content of the extract also has an antidiabetic effect. Conclusion: Bornetella oligospora extract has the potential to be an antidiabetic agent
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Widiyanto
Abstrak :
Upaya menekan kadar glukosa darah post prandial dapat dilakukan melalui penghambatan aktivitas enzim alfa-glukosidase. Lamun merupakan tanaman laut yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai penghambat enzim alfa-glukosidase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas penghambatan alfa-glukosidase dari ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides, mengevaluasi mikrosfer ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides, dan menguji penurunan kadar glukosa darah pada tikus Sprague Dawley dari mikrosfer yang diperoleh. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 80 . Mikroenkapsulasi ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides dibuat dengan metode semprot kering menggunakan polimer Eudragit L100-55. Mikrosfer yang terbentuk kemudian dievaluasi. Uji in vivo menggunakan metode toleransi glukosa oral dilakukan terhadap tikus galur Sprague Dawley normal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides mampu menghambat aktivitas enzim alfa-glukosidase IC50 168,25 ug/mL paling baik diantara lamun Thalassia hemprichii IC50 423,33 ug/mL , Cymodocea rotundata 430,56 ug/mL , dan pembanding akarbose 197,27 ug/mL . Mikrosfer ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides memiliki diameter partikel rata-rata 2,103 um, kadar air 4,84 0,096 , kadar kuersetin 0,011 0,001 b/b, uji perolehan kembali 81,41 3,39 , dan jumlah kuersetin terdisolusi sebesar pada medium HCl pH 1,23,899 0,545 dan 94,14 3,89 pada medium fosfat pH 6,8. Nilai IC50 mikrosfer pada penghambatan enzim alfa-glukosidase sebesar 169,46 ug/mL. Mikrosfer ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides mampu menurunkan glukosa darah tikus. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol Enhalus acoroides memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap enzim alfa-glukosidase dan mikrosfer yang diperoleh mampu melindungi ekstrak pada pH asam, memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap enzim alfa-glukosidase, dan juga menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus pada menit ke 30.
Post prandial blood glucose levels can be suppressed by inhibiting the activity ofalpha glucosidase enzyme. Seagrasses are marine plants that act as an alpha glucosidase inhibitor. This study was aimed to evaluate the inhibitory activity of alpha glucosidase in Enhalus acoroides ethanol extract, evaluate the microspheres of Enhalus acoroides ethanol extract, and efficacy in vivo test in Sprague Dawley rats. The extraction was conducted by maceration method using 80 ethanol solvent. The microencapsulation of Enhalus acoroides ethanol extract was prepared by spray drying method using Eudragit L100 55. Efficacy in vivo test using oral glucose tolerance method was applied to the normal rats. The results showed that the best alpha glucosidase inhibitor was Enhalus acoroides ethanol extract IC50 168.25 ug mL compared to Thalassia hemprichii 423.33 ug mL , Cymodocea rotundata 430.56 ug mL , and acarbose 197.27 ug mL . Microspheres from Enhalus acoroides ethanol extract have average particle size 2.103 um, water content 4.84 0.096 , quercetin content 0.011 0.001 b b , recovery factor 81.41 3.39 , total dissolved quercetin 3.899 0.545 in HCl medium pH 1.2 and 94.14 3.89 in phosphate medium pH 6.8 and alpha glucosidase inhibitory activity IC50 169.46 ug mL. Efficacy in vivo test showed that microspheres were able to decrease blood glucose levels in rat. From this study, it can be conclude that the ethanol extract of Enhalus acoroides has inhibitory activity against the alpha glucosidase enzyme and the microspheres obtained are able to protect the extract at acidic pH, have inhibitory activity against alpha glucosidase enzyme and able to decrease rat rsquo s blood glucose in the 30th minute.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Shabrina
Abstrak :
Selulosa mikrokristal adalah eksipien yang diminati untuk pembuatan tablet dengan metode kempa langsung yang merupakan metode paling ekonomis. Eceng gondok dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan selulosa mikrokristal karena mengandung selulosa yang cukup tinggi untuk dihidrolisis secara enzimatis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan rendemen hasil hidrolisis dengan menambahkan inhibitor enzim b-glukosidase, sebagai salah satu enzim yang terkandung pada enzim selulase dari tanah pada hutan bakau dilanjutkan dengan karakterisasi serbuk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian diawali dengan mengisolasi mikroorganisme potensial sebagai inhibitor dan peremajaan isolat kapang dari penelitian sebelumnya, kemudian dilakukan evaluasi kerja, isolasi a-selulosa dari serbuk eceng gondok, optimasi kondisi hidrolisis, proses hidrolisis secara enzimatis, identifikasi, dan karakterisasi. Identifikasi dilakukan menggunakan FTIR serta karakterisasi dengan pemeriksaan organoleptis, analisis kualitatif, uji pati, derajat keasaman, Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM analisis distribusi dan ukuran partikel, X-ray Diffraction XRD , kadar abu, kadar air, uji susut pengeringan, uji kerapatan partikel, uji laju alir, dan uji sudut istirahat dibandingkan dengan Avicel PH 101. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa rendemen hasil hidrolisis enzimatis selulosa mikrokristal dengan penambahan inhibitor b-glukosidase lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa penambahan inhibitor. Kondisi hidrolisis dilakukan pada suhu 30 C, selama 2 jam, dan serbuk dilarutkan dalam dapar asetat pH 7 dengan penambahan enzim dan inhibitor masing ndash; masing 2,5 mL. Hasil identifikasi menunjukan bahwa selulosa mikrokristal dari eceng gondok yang dihasilkan memiliki kemiripan dengan pembanding. Analisis dengan SEM menunjukan adanya kesamaan morfologi; analisis dengan XRD menunjukan derajat kristalinitas 67,47 ; Serbuk yang dihasilkan sangat halus; analisis kualitatif, uji pati, derajat keasaman, uji susut pengeringan memenuhi persyaratan; kadar abu, kadar air, uji kerapatan partikel, uji laju alir, dan uji sudut istirahat tidak memenuhi syarat.
Microcrystalline cellulose MCC was a highly desirable excipient which being used for making tablets with direct compression method in Pharmaceutical manufacture. One of the methods to make microcrystalline cellulose by hydrolize enzymes from cellulose. Water hyacinth was one of the plants with cellulose contents of approximately 60 , allows of hydrolysis process. The purpose of this study was to improve the yield of enzymes with addition of b glucosidase inhibitor, as one of the enzymes contained in cellulase enzymes from soils in mangroves with the characterization of the resulting powders. Efforts were made to achieve this by adding b glucosidase enzyme inhibitors, as one of the enzymes contained in cellulase enzymes from soils in mangrove forests. The study began with isolation of potential organisms and rejuvenation of isolates from previous studies, followed by extraction of b glucosidase, isolation from water hyacinth, optimization of hydrolysis conditions, enzymatic hydrolysis process, identification using FTIR, also characterization by organoleptic examination, qualitative analysis, starch test, pH test, Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM analysis of particle size and distribution, X ray Diffraction XRD , moisture content, drying shrinkage test, particle density test, flow rate test, and angle of repose test compared to Avicel PH 101. From the results obtained microcrystalline cellulose enzyme hydrolysis result with addition of b glucosidase inhibitor higher than without inhibitor. The hydrolysis conditions were carried out at 30 C, for 2 hours, and the powder was dissolved in pH 7 acetate buffer by adding enzymes and inhibitors of 2.5 mL each. The results showed that the microcrystalline cellulose of the resulting hyacinth had similarities to the comparison. Analysis with SEM showed a morphological similarity analysis with XRD showed degree of crystallinity 67,47 Powder was very fine qualitative analysis, starch test, pH test, drying shrinkage test, met the requirements ash content, moisture content, particle density test, flow rate test, and angle of repose test were not eligible.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purwa Indah Septi Mahanani
Abstrak :
Inhibitor α-glukosidase telah dikenal sebagai agen terapeutik untuk pengobatan diabetes, terutama DM tipe 2. Telah diketahui bahwa banyak bahan tanaman memiliki efek penghambatan α-glukosidase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fraksi dari ekstrak kulit batang buni yang memiliki aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase tertinggi dan untuk mengidentifikasi golongan senyawa yang terkandung pada fraksi teraktif. Serbuk simplisia diekstraksi secara refluks menggunakan pelarut etanol 80% kemudian difraksinasi dengan n-heksana, etil asetat, dan metanol. Pengujian aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase dilakukan dengan mengukur pelepasan p-nitrofenol pada 400 nm. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa fraksi etil asetat memiliki aktivitas inhibisi tertinggi dengan IC50 5,73 ppm. Kinetika enzim menunjukkan fraksi etil asetat menginhibisi α-glukosidase secara kompetitif. Hasil identifikasi golongan senyawa menunjukkan bahwa fraksi etil asetat mengandung gula, terpen, dan flavonoid. Fraksi etil asetat difraksinasi kembali menggunakan kromatografi cair vakum sehingga didapatkan 10 fraksi yang digabungkan berdasarkan profil KLT. Hasil uji menunjukkan fraksi G (fraksi etil asetat : metanol (180:20)) adalah fraksi teraktif dengan IC50 1,16 ppm dan penapisan fitokimia mengindikasikan adanya gula dan flavonoid. ......α-Glucosidase inhibitors have known to be therapeutic agent for diabetes treatment, especially type 2 DM. It has been recognized that many plant materials have inhibitory effect of α-glucosidase. This research aimed to get the fraction from Buni stem barks extract which had the highest α-glucosidase inhibiting activity and followed by phytochemical screening from the most active fraction. Simplisia powder was extracted by reflux using 80% ethanol then fractionated using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Inhibitory activity test was performed by measuring the p-nitrophenol at 400 nm. The result showed that ethyl acetate fraction have the highest α-glucosidase inhibiting activity with IC50 values 5.73 ppm. Enzyme kinetics showed that ethyl acetate fraction inhibited competitively. Phytochemical screening showed that ethyl acetate fraction of Buni stem barks contained sugars, terpenes, and flavonoids. Ethyl acetate extract was fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography and obtained ten fractions combined based on TLC profiles. The result showed that G fraction (ethyl acetate: methanol (180:20) fraction) is the most active with IC50 values 1.16 ppm and phytochemical screening indicated the presence of sugars, and flavonoids.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sugiwati
Abstrak :
Alpha-glucosidase (EC is a carbohydrase that catalyzes the liberation of a-glucose from the nonreducing end of the diet carbohydrate. In diabetic patients, inhibition of these enzymes causes the restraint of glucose absorption and decreases the postprandial hyperglycemia. The purpose of this research is to study the antihyperglycemic activity of mahkota dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.] leaf extracts by inhibition test to alpha glucosidase enzyme. This research was conducted in three steps: fractionation and extraction samples with methanol, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and water, followed by phytochemistry screening and alpha-glucosidase inhibition test. The alpha-glucosidase inhibition test was performed by using alpha-glucosidase enzyme and p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucopyranoside as a substrate. The result of phytochemistry screening showed that Mahkota dewa leaves contain class of phenolics, thanins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and carbohydrates. The result of alpha-glucosidase inhibition test showed that ethyl acetate fraction extract had the highest inhibition activity with inhibition percentage at 50 ppm for old leaves which is 55.04% and for young leaves which is 56.92%. At 50 ppm, inhibition activity from the methanol extract and boiled water extract of old leaves is higher than that of young leaves with inhibition percentage of old leaves methanol extract which is 14.25% and 10.97% for young leaves and for old leaves; boiled water extract is 10.32% and 6.85% for young leaves. For n-butanol fraction extract, inhibition activity of young leaf extract (14.26%) is higher than old leaf extract (9.49%).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nita Triadisti
Abstrak :
Diabetes mellitus merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan global terbesar pada abad 21. Diabetes tipe 2 adalah kasus mayoritas pada diabetes diseluruh dunia yang dikarakterisasi dengan peningkatan level glukosa darah postprandial. Mengendalikan level glukosa postprandial melalui penghambatan α-glukosidase dan mencegah komplikasi melalui antioksidan merupakan sebagian dari strategi efektif pada pengobatan diabetes. Bahan alam memiliki potensi sebagai antidiabetes dan antioksidan yang dapat digunakan pada pengobatan diabetes, salah satunya adalah daun Garcinia hombroniana Pierre. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi senyawa aktif sebagai penghambat α-glukosidase dan antioksidan. Isolasi senyawa aktif dari ekstrak daun G. hombroniana Pierre dilakukan dengan fraksinasi menggunakan kromatografi kolom, penghambatan α-glukosidase dan antioksidan diukur menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Ekstrak etil asetat dan metanol dari daun G. hombroniana Pierre masing-masing menghasilkan 14 dan 12 fraksi. Fraksi dengan aktivitas tertinggi adalah FEA8, yang diperoleh dari ekstrak etil asetat. Pemurnian FEA8 menghasilkan isolat FEA8-1 yang memiliki aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase (IC50 4,817 μg/mL), dan aktivitas antioksidan (EC50 7,082 μg/mL dengan metode DPPH dan 17,226 μg/mL dengan metode FRAP). Berdasarkan spektra 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, DEPT, 2D-NMR (COSY, HMQC, HMBC), spektra LC-MS/MS, spektra UV-Vis, spektra IR serta literatur, menunjukkan bahwa isolat FEA8-1 adalah asam isovanilat.
Diabetes mellitus become one of the biggest global health problems of the 21st century. Type 2 diabetes play role for the majority of cases of diabetes worldwide which is characterized by the increase of postprandial blood glucose level. Maintaining postprandial glucose level through inhibition of α-glucosidase and preventing complication through antioxidant are some of effective strategies in the treatment of diabetes. Natural resources have potency as antidiabetic and antioxidant that can be used in diabetes treatment, one of them is Garcinia hombroniana leaves. The objective of this research was to isolate and identify active compound as the α-glucosidase inhibitor and antioxidant. Isolation of active compound from crude was conducted by fractionation using column chromatography, α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activity were measured using spectrophotometric method. Ethyl acetate and methanol extract of G. hombroniana leaves yielded 14 and 12 fractions, respectively. Fraction with the highest activity is FEA8, obtained from ethyl acetate extract. Purification of FEA8 resulting isolate FEA8-1 with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity (IC50 4,817 μg/mL), and antioxidant activity (EC50 7,082 μg/mL with DPPH method and 17,226 μg/mL with FRAP method). Based on the 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, DEPT, 2D-NMR (COSY, HMQC, HMBC), LC-MS/MS spectrum, UV Vis spectrum, IR spectrum and literature, showed that the isolate FEA8-1 is Isovanillic acid.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uqie Shabrina Hasyyati
Abstrak :
Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit dengan prevalensi yang tinggi dan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Salah satu pengobatan DM adalah dengan penghambatan α-glukosidase dan α-amilase. Efek samping pada saluran cerna dan biaya pengobatan yang mahal mendorong ditemukannya sumber penghambat α- glukosidase dan α-amilase lain yang lebih efektif, aman, dan terjangkau. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji adanya aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase dan α- amilase pada 11 ektrak etanol tanaman Indonesia secara in vitro. Uji penghambatan α-glukosidase dilakukan menggunakan p-Nitrofenil-α-D glukopiranosida sebagai substrat yang akan menghasilkan p-nitrofenol. Produk tersebut diukur serapannya menggunakan microplate reader (λ = 405 nm). Uji penghambatan α-amilase dilakukan menggunakan amilum soluble sebagai substrat yang menghasilkan maltosa yang akan mereduksi reagen warna. Produk tersebut diukur serapannya dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis (λ = 540 nm). Hasil uji menunjukkan ekstrak daun Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp memiliki penghambatan aktivitas α-glukosidase (IC50=19,507 ppm) dan α-amilase (90,263% pada 500 ppm) terbesar. Golongan senyawa kimia yang kemungkinan berperan dalam penghambatan α-glukosidase dan α-amilase adalah tanin, flavonoid, dan senyawa polifenol. ......Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease with high and increasing prevalence every year. Inhibition of α-glucosidase and α-amylase is one of DM treatments. Gastrointestinal side effects and high cost treatment encourage the discovery of α- glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitor from other sources that are more effective, safer, and affordable. The aim of this research was to determine in vitro inhibitory activity of α-glucosidase and α-amylase from 11 ethanolic extracts of selected Indonesian plants. α-Glucosidase inhibition test was performed using p-nitophenyl-α-Dglucopyranoside as substrate that will produce p-nitrophenol. p-Nitophenol were measured using microplate reader (λ = 405 nm). α-Amylase inhibition test was performed using soluble starch as substrate that will produce maltose. Maltose will reduce the color reagent. These products were measured using Spectrophotometer UV-Vis (λ = 540 nm). The test results showed Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp has highest inhibitory activity of α-glucosidase (IC50=19,507 ppm) and α-amylase (90,263% at 500 ppm). Chemical compounds that possibly take a role in the inhibition of α-glucosidase and α-amylase are tannin, flavonoids, and polyphenols.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library