"Pada tahun 2016 Best Media menerbitkan novel Dear Nathan dengan jargon ??dibaca jutaan kali di Wattpad ? diikuti novel-novel Wattpad lainnya di tengah krisis literasi Indonesia berdasarkan hasil survei The World ??s Most Literated Nations WLMN . Munculnya novel-novel Wattpad tersebut menjadi dasar pemilihan fokus tesis ini yaitu bagaimana penerbit memanfaatkan Wattpad melalui tahap seleksi dan transformasi novel digital ke cetak. Metode yang digunakan adalah netnografi, analisis tekstual, dan wawancara. Korpus tesis ini meliputi: lima novel Wattpad terbitan Best Media, yaitu: A: Aku, Benci, Cinta-Wulanfadi, Dear Nathan-Erisca Febriani, My High School Bride-Fallonyu, The Coldest Boyfriend-ItsFiyawn, dan Jatuh Hati-_rahmaa, lima novel Wattpad populer yang tidak diterbitkan Best Media, yakni: Vanilla-@srizqya, Maugy-@pandanello, Marriage With out Sex-@mslostinlove,My Wife is 16 Years Old-@inaka13, dan Bad Girl-@aulialvn, serta hasil wawancara dengan redaksi Best Media dan penulis Best Media. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses seleksi dan transformasi novel, tidak hanya penerbit Best Media yang menjalankan peran sebagai cultural intermediary tetapi juga penulis dan pembaca sementara Wattpad berperan sebagai digital intermediary yang menghubungkan ketiga aktor cultural intermediary tersebut.
In 2016, Best Media published Dear Nathan novel and has sign dibaca jutaan kali di Wattpad rdquo read millions times in the Wattpad . The success of Dear Nathan followed by other Wattpad novels amid the Indonesian literacy crisis based on the survey of The World 39 s Most Literated Nations WLMN . The emergence of Wattpad novels being focus of this thesis, looking how the publisher using Wattpad through the selection and transformation process. The methods of this research were netnography, textual analysis, and interview. The corpus of this thesis are Five Wattpad novels published by Best Media A Aku, Benci, Cinta Wulanfadi, Dear Nathan Erisca Febriani, My High School Bride Fallonyu, The Coldest Boyfriend ItsFiyawn, dan Jatuh Hati rahmaa, five popular Wattpad novels not published Best Media Vanilla srizqya, Maugy pandanello, Marriage With out Sex mslostinlove, My Wife is 16 Years Old inaka13, dan Bad Girl aulialvn, and interviews result with Best Media editor and Best Media authors. The result shown that in selection and transformation process, the role of cultural intermediary is not only the Best Media publishers but also the authors and the readers and Wattpad acts as a digital intermediary that connects the cultural intermediaries."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018