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Ditemukan 70 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ward, Russel Braddock
South Melbourne: Macmillan Co. of Australia, 1988
928.1 WAR r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dokumentasi keperawatan merupakan bukti pencatatan dan pelaporan yang dimiliki perawat dalam melakukan catatan keperawatan yang berguna untuk kepentingan klien, perawat dan tim kesehatan dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Desain penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 173 perawat dari 14 ruang rawat dan lembar observasi kelengkapan dokumentasi berjumlah 80 dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan dokumentasi keperawatan dalam kriteria baik sebesar 47,4% dan perawat yang melengkapi dokumentasi keperawatan sebesar 57,2%. Sedangkan faktor yang paling berkontribusi secara bermakna dengan kelengkapan dokumentasi keperawatan adalah Ruang Dinas (p= 0,002; α= 0,05) setelah dikontrol oleh umur, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan tipe kelas ruangan. Diharapkan bidang perawatan dapat melengkapi dokumentasi keperawatan dengan format yang sama, memberi kesempatan perawat untuk melanjutkan kuliah dan mengikuti pelatihan askep serta bertukar informasi atau gagasan antar ruang rawat.
Factors Related to the Documentation Completeness of Nursing. Nursing documentation is proof of recording and reporting is owned nurses in nursing notes were useful to the interests of clients, nurses and health team in providing health services. The study design was an analytical survey with cross sectional approach. Amount of 173 samples taken in a total nurse of 14 ward and 80 observation sheets about completeness of documentation in nursing process. The results showed that the implementation of nursing documentation in good criterion of 47,4% and nurses who complete the documentation of nursing at 57,2%. The factors most significantly associated with completeness of nursing documentation is the ward (p= 0,002; α= 0,05) after controlled by age, sex, educational level, and class room type. Advice can be given to the field of nursing in hospital to complete the documentation nursing with the same format, allowing nurses to pursue graduate studies and follow nursing process training and exchange information or ideas between the ward."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
610 JKI 18:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Purwati
"Perawatan di ruang rawat isolasi bagi sebagian besar pasien merupakan hal yang cukup mengganggu terkait dengan ketersendirian dan keterasingan dari dunia luar. Perawat sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan yang hadir terdekat dengan pasien selama perawatan, memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk memberikan asuhan secara holistik. Asuhan keperawatan spiritual yang sering kali terabaikan harus menjadi bagian penting yang dapat membantu pasien melewati masa perawatan dengan lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana pengetahuan dan sikap perawat terhadap asuhan keperawatan spiritual yang diterapkan dalam perawatan di ruang rawat isolasi. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan metode observasional dengan teknik survey. Sampel yang diambil menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan convenience sampling sebanyak 110 orang perawat. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner pengetahuan yang telah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas dengan nilai Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0,6888, serta kuesioner SSCRS (Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale) untuk mengetahui sikap perawat terhadap asuhan spiritual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 79,1% perawat memiliki pengetahuan baik dan 21,9% memiliki pengetahuan sedang. Sementara itu sikap perawat terhadap asuhan spiritual menunjukkan 48,2% memiliki sikap positif dan 51,8% memiliki sikap yang negatif. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan adanya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terkait dampak spiritual pada pasien rawat  dan pentingnya asuhan spiritual serta menambahkan data spiritualitas pasien dalam format pengkajian pasien masuk rawat. Selain itu penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan peneliti lainnya yang tertarik terkait penerapan asuhan spiritual di ruang rawat isolasi.

Treatment in isolation wards for most patients is a rather disturbing thing associated with loneliness and alienation from the outside world. Nurses as nursing caregivers who are present closest to the patient during care, have plenty of opportunities to provide holistic care. Spiritual nursing care, which is often overlooked, should be an important part that can help patients get through the time of care better. The study aims to see to what extent the knowledge and attitude of nurses toward spiritual nursing foster care is applied in care in isolation wards. This descriptive research uses observational methods with survey techniques. The samples were taken using non probability sampling techniques with convenience samplings of 110 nurses. The measurement used is a knowledge questionnaire that has passed the validity and reliability test with Cronbach's Alpha score of 0.6888, as well as the SSCRS (Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale) questionary to determine the attitude of nurses towards spiritual care. The results of the study showed that 79.1% of nurses had good knowledge and 21.9% had moderate knowledge. Meanwhile, the nursing attitude towards spiritual foster care showed 48.2% had a positive attitude and 51.8% had a negative attitude. This study recommends training to improve understanding of the spiritual impact on hospitalized patients and the importance of spiritual care and adding patient spirituality data in the admission assessment format. In addition, this study also recommends other researchers who are interested in the implementation of spiritual care in the isolation ward."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denna Maulana Achmad
"Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi dan sistem kendali sangat pesat, dan peralatan elektronik telah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Termasuk di dalamnya pemanfaatan putaran motor dan energi yang dihasilkan oleh generator. Pengembangan sistem kendali diharapkan dapat meningkatkan optimasi kinerja dari motor maupun generator. Ide awal dari sistem kendali motor Ward Leonard merupakan permulaan dari pemanfaatan putaran motor sebagai suatu bentuk pemanfaatan dan optimasi energi, dimana sebuah generator memanfaatkan putaran motor penggerak utama untuk menggerakkan motor yang lain. Diperlukan suatu sistem kendali yang mampu menjaga kestabilan sistem ini agar tujuan dari sistem dapat tercapai.
Nowadays technologies and control systems development is very fast, electronic devices already being part of daily life. For the examples, the usage of rotation from motor and energy which is generate by generator. Improvement control systems are ways to get optimization motor and generator. The idea of Ward Leonard control system previously are to get optimization of rotation motor to run generator which voltage generated, is used to run another motor. It is necessary to get stability of system so the target can be achieved."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oktavia Ika Putri
Pemeriksaan kesehatan secara umum merupakan bagian yang umum dari perawatan kesehatan di beberapa negara. Jumlah permintaan layanan kesehatan di Taiwan mengalami peningkatan selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Kenaikan permintaan tersebut didorong oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk populasi yang semakin menua, dan peningkatan jumlah kasus penyakit kronis. Fluktuasi jumlah kedatangan peserta tes kesehatan yang tidak menentu, membuat rumah sakit sulit untuk memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan. Rumah sakit perlu membuat strategi perencanaan, seperti manajemen kesehatan untuk menangani masalah tersebut dengan cara memprediksi kedatangan peserta uji kesehatan. Aplikasi data mining dalam perawatan kesehatan adalah pembuktian bahwa data mining dapat memberikan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk semua pihak yang terlibat dalam industri kesehatan, seperti meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengelompokan dan aturan asosiasi untuk mengetahui pola dari data pemeriksaan penyakit cerebrovascular, dengan tujuan memprediksi kedatangan kembali peserta tes kesetahan. Algoritma Apriori pembobotan dapat mengetahui hubungan antar item menggunakan nilai support, confidence, dan bobot masing-masing item sebagai tingkat prioritas dari aturan asosiasi, karakteristik aturan asosiasi dapat diketahui, yang mana hasil tersebut dapat membantu rumah sakit dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Pada dasarnya, data memiliki partisi yang berbeda satu sama lain, atas dasar tersebut maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengelompokan sebelum dilakukan penggalian informasi menggunakan aturan asosiasi, dimana proses tersebut merupakan salah satu proses yang penting. Setiap kelompok diharapkan mengandung asosiasi tanpa kontaminasi dari bagian kelompok lain yang memiliki pola hubungan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengelompokan hirarki yang dikenal dengan Ward?s Agglomerative yang relatif sederhana untuk dipahami. Diimplementasikan, dan tidak perlu menentukan banyaknya jumlah kelompok pada awal proses.

General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.;General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.;General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance., General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees’ re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward’s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadli Widyantoro
"PT. Asei Reasuransi Indonesia (Persero) atau AseiRe merupakan salah satu perusahan asuransi milik pemerintah yang memiliki produk asuransi ekspor, asuransi kredit, penjaminan, asuransi umum, asuransi umum syariah, dan reasuransi. Permasalahan yang teridentifikasi antara lain aplikasi yang masih bersifat silo-silo, manajemen informasi yang tidak efektif, dan terjadinya konflik internal dikarenakan perbedaan data. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, perlu dirumuskan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi PT. Asei Reasuransi Indonesia (Persero), agar keselarasan strategi bisnis dan strategi SI/TI menjadi optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi Ward & Peppard.
Analisis yang dilakukan yaitu analisis lingkungan bisnis internal dengan metode Value Chain dan Strength-Weaknesses; analisis lingkungan bisnis eksternal dengan metode PEST(EL) dan Opportunities-Threats; analisis lingkungan SI/TI internal dengan metode Value Chain dan Strengths-Weaknesses; analisis lingkungan SI/TI eksternal dengan metode tren teknologi dan Opportunities-Threats; dan analisis kebutuhan SI/TI dengan metode CSF. Strategi SI yang dihasilkan: penerapan BI, DW, dan EIS sebagai pengolahan data dan manajemen informasi; penggunaan aplikasi CRM yang terintegrasi dengan SI Pemasaran, SI Produksi dan Manajemen Asuransi, dan SI Keuangan; serta pemanfaatan komunikasi terpadu ESN dan UCC.
Strategi TI yang dihasilkan: memprioritaskan peningkatan kapasitas infrastruktur TI dengan penambahan server, penambahan cabang online, dan peningkatan kapasitas jaringan intranet dan internet Kantor Pusat dan Kantor Cabang; pembangunan Data Center; peningkatan infrastruktur keamanan dengan penerapan firewall; serta pemanfaatan jaringan komunikasi terpadu dengan penggunaan UCC pada setiap pengguna. Strategi manajemen SI/TI yang dihasilkan: tata kelola TI dengan penyusunan Master Plan TI dan peningkatan tingkat kematangan CoBIT 4.1; penerapan organisasi pengembangan usaha yang berada didalam organisasi TI; penambahan jumlah pegawai TI; peningkatan kompetensi pegawai TI dengan mengikuti sertifikasi internasional dan terjadwal; penerapan strategi inhouse development - outbond training; dan sosialisasi kesadaran IT awareness kepada stakeholder dan pegawai AseiRe.

PT. Asei Reasuransi Indonesia (Persero) or AseiRe is one of the governmentowned insurance company that has products of export insurance, credit insurance, suretyship, general insurance, general insurance sharia, and reinsurance. The problems identified include applications that still silos, ineffective information management, and internal conflicts due to the difference in the data. To overcome the existing problems, it is necessary to formulate Strategic Planning for Information Systems PT. Asei Reasuransi Indonesia (Persero), so that the alignment of business strategy and IS/IT strategy becomes optimal. This study uses a methodology Ward & Peppard.
The analysis carried out by an analysis of internal business environment with methods Value Chain and Strengths- Weaknesses; analysis of the external business environment with methods PEST(EL) and Opportunities-Threats; analysis of internal IS/IT environment with methods Value Chain and Strengths-Weaknesses; analysis of external IS/IT environment with technology trends method and Opportunities-Threats; and analysis of IS/IT needs with methods of CSF.
IS strategy produced: implementation of BI, DW, and EIS as data processing and information management; the use of CRM applications that integrate with Marketing IS, Production and Insurance Management IS, and Finance IS; and the use of unified communications of ESN and UCC. IT strategy produced: prioritizing increasing IT infrastructure capacity with the addition of servers, additional online branch, and increasing intranet and internet capacity on Headquarters and Branch Offices; building Data Center; improvement of security infrastructure with firewall implementation; and the use of unified communication network with the use of UCC on each user. IS/IT management strategy produced: preparation of IT governance for IT Master Plan and the improvement of COBIT 4.1 maturity level; the implementation of Department of Corporate Development located within the IT organization; increasing the number of IT employees; improving the competency of IT employees to follow international certification and scheduled; implementation of inhouse development-outbound training strategy; IT awareness introduction to the stakeholders and employees.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nico Gamalliel
"Pendahuluan: Penelitian di beberapa negara menunjukkan tingkat penggunaan obat off-label yang tinggi pada pasien pediatrik. Penggunaan obat off-label sendiri berpotensi meningkatkan kejadian efek samping obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat off-label kategori usia pada pasien bangsal anak RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) yang belum pernah diteliti sebelumnya. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah observasional analitik cross sectional. Sampel merupakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien pediatrik yang dirawat di Bangsal Anak RSCM yang dipilih secara consecutive sampling. Kriteria inklusi adalah rekam medik pasien anak 0-18 tahun yang dirawat di Bangsal Anak RSCM periode Januari – Desember 2018, dan kriteria eksklusi berupa data pengobatan yang sulit dibaca, tidak lengkap, serta peresepan elektrolit, suplemen, dan obat luar. Obat yang diberikan dicatat dan ditabulasi. Status peresepan off-label ditentukan berdasarkan usia ketika obat diresepkan dan dicocokkan dengan ketentuan yang tertera pada label atau referensi yang relevan. Beda proporsi penggunaan obat off-label antar kelompok dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: Dari 456 sampel peresepan, 12,5% (CI95 = [9,46%; 15,54%]) di antaranya diberikan secara off-label kategori usia. Berdasarkan klasifikasi ATC, golongan obat terbanyak yang diberikan secara off-label adalah agen antineoplastik dan imunomodulasi (61,2%) dan sistem muskuloskeletal (20,0%). Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara jenis kelamin dengan penggunaan obat off-label (p = 0,571; PR= 1,19; CI95 = [0,732; 1,942]) serta antara kategori usia bayi, anak, dan remaja dengan penggunaan off-label (p = 0,392). Kesimpulan: Tingkat penggunaan obat off-label kategori usia di bangsal anak 12,5%. Dalam penelitian ini, jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia tidak berpengaruh terhadap prevalensi penggunaan obat off-label.

Introduction: Various studies conducted in many countries showed high level of off-label drug use in pediatric patients. Off-label drug use may increase the occurrence of adverse drug reactions. This study aims to evaluate off-label drug use in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSCM) which has never been conducted. Methods: Samples were secondary data from medical records of pediatric patients admitted to RSCM Pediatric Ward and collected using consecutive sampling method. Inclusion criteria were medical records of patient of 0-18 years old admitted in the period of January-December 2018, and exclusion criteria were unreadable or incomplete medication record, and electrolyte, supplement, or external medicine. Collected data were recorded and tabulated. Off-label status was determined based on patients’ age when the drug was prescribed and then was matched with the information on the label of the drug or relevant references. Results: Of 456 evaluated prescriptions, 12,5% (CI95 = [9,46%; 15,54%]) were administered off-label according to age category. Based on Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification, the most frequent drugs prescribed off-label were anti-neoplastic and immunomodulating (61,2%) and musculoskeletal system drugs (20,0%). There was no association between gender and off-label drug use (p = 0,571; PR= 1,19; CI95 = [0.732; 1.942]), and also between infant, children, and adolescent age categories and off-label drug use (p = 0,392). Conclusion: The prevalence of off-label drug use according to age category in the pediatric ward was 12.5%. In this study, gender and also infant, children, and adolescent age categories had no effect on the prevalence of off-label drug use."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firza Prima Aditiawan
Di era globalisasi dan pasar bebas saat ini, kompetisi perguruan tinggi pada sektor informasi semakin menunjukkan pengaruhnya secara signifikan. Tuntutan peningkatan kualitas layanan berbasis teknologi informasi berdampak langsung pada pemenuhan kualitas perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan jaringan penunjang layanan. Sistem Informasi SI dan Teknologi Informasi TI di lingkungan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional `Veteran` Jawa Timur UPNV Jatim dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan suatu lembaga pendidikan yang dinamis. Perencanaan yang baik diperlukan agar penerapan dan pengembangan SI/TI tidak menjadi permasalahan baru seperti prioritas kebijakan SI/TI yang tidak tepat hingga anggaran belanja SI/TI yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar arah pengembangan SI/TI dapat sejalan dengan visi, misi, strategi bisnis dan rencana strategis pengembangan UPNV Jatim dengan adanya perencanaan strategis sistem informasi. Dari analisis permasalahan pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa strategi SI/TI yang ada di UPNV Jatim saat ini belum selaras dengan strategi organisasi yang telah ditetapkan sehingga perlu perencanaan strategis sistem informasi. Perumusan strategi SI/TI pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ward and Peppard dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen analisis PEST Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, Teknologi, Five Forces, Value Chain, CSF Critical Success Factor. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 20 usulan sistem informasi, dimana 11 sudah ada dan perlu dilakukan upgrade dan 9 lainnya harus diadakan sistem informasi baru guna mendukung strategi organisasi.

In the era of globalization and free market, competition universities in the information sector continued to show significant effects. Increased demands for quality information technology based on services have a direct impact for the fulfillment of the quality of the hardware, software and network support services. Information Systems IS and Information Technology IT at the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur UPNV Jatim designed to meet the needs of a dynamic educational institution. Good planning is necessary in order that the application and development of IS IT is not a new problem as a priority policy of IS IT improper to budget IS IT that does not comply with the requirement. The aim of this study is that the direction of the development of the IS IT can be aligned with the vision, mission, business strategy and strategic plans UPNV Jatim development with the strategic planning of information systems. From the analysis of the problems in this research note that the strategy of IS IT in UPNV Jatim not currently aligned with organizational strategy that has been set so that requiring strategic planning of information systems. Strategy formulation SI IT in this study using the method of Ward and Peppard by using the instruments of PEST analysis Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Five Forces, Value Chain, CSF Critical Success Factor. This research resulted in 20 proposals of information systems, of which 11 already exist and need to be upgraded and the other 9 must be held a new information system to support organizational strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al Rasyid
"Unit Stroke (US) telah terbukti sangat baik dalam peawatan pasien stroke.Penelitian US pada tahitn 1990 menunjukkan hasil dengan peningkatan rata-rata kehidupan dan perbaikan status fungsionai pendetita dun menurunkan hari perawatan pasien, Di Indonesia US masih bum sehingga penelitian tentang tatalaksana perawatan dl US sangat diperlukan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk evaluasi manfaat US sebagai perawatan pasien stroke khususnya perbaikan status fungsional pasien dibandingkan perawatan pasien di Sudut Stroke Bangsal Umum Neurologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbaikan status fungsionai stroke (Skor NIHSS) baik di US maupiin di Sudut Stroke Bangsal Neurologi Umum.Data memperlihatkan penumnan nilai NIHSS yaitu 17,35 tnenjadi 5,31 sedangkan di Sudut stroke 13,83 menjadi 8,87. Dengan menggunakan Independent t-test,penurunan NIHSS di US signifikan dibandingkan sudut stroke di bangsal neurologi umum. (MedJ Indones 2006; 15:30-3).

Stroke unit has been believed us the best institutional care for stroke patients. Recent researches in 1990s indicated thai stroke units can produce increasing survival rate and improving the functional state of the patients which can reduce the need for institutional care after stroke. In Indonesia, stroke unit is still new. Because stroke unit has educational role beside its clinical importance, the research about stroke unit especially in its value in managing stroke patients in Indonesia is needed.
This study was evaluated the effectiveness of stroke unit care in managing stroke patients especially in improving the functional state of the patients in compared with conventional care of stroke corner in general neurology ward. This study indicated that both stroke unit (SU) and stroke corner in general neurology ward (SC) shows reduction in NIHSS score. In Stoke Unit, the reduction of NIHSS was 17.35 to 5.31 while in Neurology ward from 13.83 to 8.87. Using independent t-test, the reduction of NIHSS in stroke unit is more significance compared with stroke corner in general neurology ward (p=0,000). (Med J Indones 2006; 15:30-3).
[place of publication not identified]: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 15 (1) Januari-March 2006: 30-33, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mikhael Johanes
"The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of hospital inpatient ward spatial configuration in relation to visibility. Visibility is an important aspect in a hospital inpatient ward, and could support healthcare performance. Visibility is required in an inpatient ward for the purposes of control, surveillance, interaction and communication among patients and nurses, and it could be affected by the spatial configuration of the ward. Based on isovist as a way to visualize the visual experience in surrounding environments, we developed an analytical tool to evaluate the visibility of an inpatient ward in a planned university teaching hospital. The findings illustrate the visibility as experienced by the users in the everyday operation of the hospital ward. Some recommendations for improvement were suggested to the existing spatial configuration for better visibility."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:3 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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