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Abstrak :
Keputusan partisipasi perempuan dalam angkatan ke1ja merupakan hasil dari suatu proses pembuatan keputusan yang dilakukan bersama-sama dalam rumah tangga. Keputusan mereka untuk masuk dalam angkatan kerja dihadapkan pada pilihan antara waktu untuk santai (leisure), bckerja di rumah (unpaid work) atau bekenja untuk mendapatkan upah di pasar ke1ja (paid work). Tujuan dari penclitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mcmpengaruhi pcnawaran tenaga kexja bagi perempuan di Jawa Tengah, termasuk pengaruh keberadaan anak 0-6 tahun dan anggoua rumahtangga lain terhadap penawaran tenaga kcxja perempuan kawin.
Estimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan data hasil Susenas KOR 2006 di Jawa Tengah. Metode estimasi yangdigunakan mengacu pada prosedur yang disarankan oleh Schultz. Langkah pertama, dilakukan estimasi terhadap besamya upah perempuan kawin dengan mcnggunakan metode OLS. Selanjutnya dilakukan estimasi terhadap peluang perempuan kawin untuk berpartisipasi dalam angkatan kerja dengan menggunakan metode Iogistik biner. Dan Iangkah terakhir adalah melakukan estimasi terhadap jam kenjia dengan menggunakan metode OLS.
Hasil estimasi timgsi panisipasi angkatan kcrja perempuan kawin di Jawa Tengah menunjukkan bahwa variabel upah dan keberadaan anak 0-6 tahun merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keputusan perempuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam angkatan kelja atau tidak. Semakin tinggi upah semakin besar peluang perempuan kawin untuk masuk dalam angkatan kC1j8. Adanyananak 0-6 tahun menyebabkan peluang perempuan kawin untuk masuk dalam angkatan kemja Iebih kecil dibanding jika tidal: ada anak 0-6 tahun. Variabel upah suami secara substansi tidak bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan partisipasi perempuan dalam angkatan kerja, karena pada saat dimasukkan ke dalam persamaan secara bcrsama-sama koeiisiennya berubah tanda.
Dari estimasi terhadap jam kerja, tempat tinggal adalah variabel yang paling menentukan bcsar kecilnya jam kC1j3 yang dialokasikan pcrempuan kawin jika ia memutuskan untuk beke1ja. Perempuan kawin yang tinggal di desa mempunyai jam kemja yang lebih rendah dibanding yang tinggal di kota. Variabel umur berpengaruh terhadap jam kexja dengan pola U terbalik atau kuadratik, sedangkan perempuan kawin dengan pendidikan SMP ke bawah mempunyai jam kezja lebih rendah dibanding yang berpendidikan SMA ke atas. Upah suami tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap jam kerja.
......Women participation decision in labor force is a results from decision making process which do together in household. Their decision to enter into labor force faced with choice between time to leisure, unpaid work or paid work. The purpose of this study is to analyze all factors that influence labor supply of married women in Jawa Tengah, included influence of the existence of children age 0-6 and other family members on married w0men’s labor supply.
The estimation is base on data that collected iiom National Social Economic Survey KOR 2006 in Jawa Tengah. The estimation is refer to procedure that suggested by Schultz. At first, estimation done on wage of married women with Ordinary Least Square method. Then, estimated probabilities of married women to participate into labor force with logit biner model. And iinally, estimated work hours by Ordinary Least Square.
The result of estimation of labor force participation of married women showed that women wages and existent of children age 0-6 are the main factor that affected women’s decision to participate in labor force or no. Rise of wage enlarge probability of married women to involve into labor force. The existent of children age 0-6 get a rise out of married women’s probabilities to enter into labor force more lower then women without children in the household. Husband's wages in this study insufficient to explain the participation of married women in the labor force, because when this variable is included into regression model by overall the sign of coe&icient was changed.
From the estimation of work hours, residence is the main factor that detemiined of work hours which is allocated by married women if she decided to work. Married women who stayed in the country have hours of work more lower then stayed in the city. Age variable having an affect on work hour by inverse U shaped or quadratic, whereas married women with education under lower secondary school or same, have work hours more lower then upper secondary school or more. Husband's wage there is no significant influence for work hours.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Swati Dutta
Abstrak :
This study analyses the extent and nature of female unpaid work in the context of rural households in India. In particular, the study looks at the relationship between land ownership and the extent of domestic duties , performed by females, adjusted by family size, in rural agricultural households. Further, the study considers the role of socioeconomic and socio-religious class and the engagement of women in domestic duties. The study uses the Indian National Sample Survey quinquennial round of ; employment and unemployment survey data for the period 2011-2012. To find out the relationship between various land ownership modalities and domestic duties performed by females, the study makes use of the fractional logit regression model. The empirical result suggests that there is a greater 1 probability of more women workers getting involved in unpaid work as the ' land-ownership size of the household increases. Further, it is seen that the probability that females engaged in unpaid work is greater for those in casual agricultural households with large land cultivated than for those who are in self-employed households. The study finds that the proportion of rural women engaged in domestic duties is 34 per cent, and the majority of them want to work either on a regular or part-time basis (74 per cent) as well as be able to attend to domestic duties. These results suggest that more effective labour market policy, which will encourage women to participate in paid work, is needed. Moreover, family-friendly policies and initiatives that encourage a more equitable sharing of the burden of care and household chores between males and females are required.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2016
300 APPJ 31:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Balaiah Donta
Abstrak :
The objective of this study is to assess whether recent marital discussion on family planning is associated with contraceptive use among young couples residing in rural Maharashtra, India. The study methods used involved analysis of baseline data collected from 867 couples participating in the CHARM Family Planning evaluation trial. Participants were surveyed on demographics, contraceptive behaviour, and a six-item scale on marital discussions concerning family planning (including family size and contraceptive use) over the preceding six months. Multivariate logistic regression analysis assessed associations between marital family planning discussions and current modern contraceptive use for birth spacing, adjusting for demographics.
The results revealed that 22.0 per cent of women reported current use of modern contraceptives for birth spacing. Nearly half (46.4 per cent) of women reported 'high marital family planning discussion/ based on a median split dichotomizing the scale as high or low. Women who reported 'high discussion' on family planning compared to those with low discussion' were seven times more likely to use modem contraceptives for birth spacing (45.4 per cent 9.8 per cent; adjusted odds ratio = 7.1, 95 per cent, confidence interval = 4.9 - 10.3). In conclusion, the findings support promotion of marital family planning counselling to improve contraceptive use among young rural married couples.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2016
APPJ 31:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library