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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bambang Rudito
Abstrak :
I show in this dissertation that a social institution, which influences in whole of institutions of society, and it pointed to the core of cultural value, where located a world-view and belief of society, could stable and resistance for interpreting the changed environment.

The problems in this dissertation are activation of cooperation symbols, conflicts symbols and competition symbols inside of a kind of kinship through the execution the ritual of Bebeitei Uma, which is executed by Mcntawaian for gaining the high social stratification as a one of effort the community's life prosperity. The activation of the symbols of Bebeitei Uma ritual that executed by one of kinship group, could function for spreading the effect from that kinship group for covering the Mentawaian social life in Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai society as a common that actually consisted in different ethnic-groups background.

As a specific, the goal of this dissertation is for producing a theory about dominance culture iiom a society, through the Bebeftef Uma ritual that executed by Mentawaian in their status as a Kabupaten Kepulauan Mcntawai society. How the community that execute this ritual is connected with cultural arena in plural society.

Ritual as a one of social institution, which is based on the cultural value that consisted of world-view and belief that hom, grow and spread in a community could sustain in all of era as the only one of social institution among other social institutions in the community in their area. The social cultural changing could not intluence the ritual execution. Also with the ritual function that executed, would get a goal as a specific that connected with the context of execution.

The frame of theory that I used pointed to the ritual, which as a cleaning process, as interaction vehicle between macro-cosmos and micro-cosmos, as a vehicle for bargaining between natural and supernatural world condition. Prosperity, secure feeling that needed by human actually, are the equilibrium condition that connected between natural and supernatural world.

I used ritual concept especially in it function in Mentawai society. In the process for cleaning the social condition connected with natural condition through ritual, human would regrouping and repair the condition that are considered as polluted. Ritual is a vehicle for redefinition of the social condition, already regrouping the status and roles from individual as the members of society.

The research methodology that I used is qualitative research stressing in participant observation and in-depth interview. As a specific, the method that I used is ethnography that study in deep and holistic view about ritual activities, which are executed by Mentawaian.

Bebeitef Uma ritual actually is a social institution that penetrated in a whole of all social institution because the society in Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai included people from other ethnic-group, who are living in this area, always using this ritual for gaining social position in this society, especially in government area.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Uma Lengge merupakan rumah adat masyarakat Bima yang memiliki karakteristik tersendiri dengan bentuk rumah panggung dan atap limas. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui bentuk adaptasi masyarakat suku Mbojo yang mendiami wilayah Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggalnya lewat tinggalan kebudayaan materi berupa rumah adat Uma Lengge yang kini telah ditetapkan sebagai cagar budaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui tahap pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat bentuk-bentuk adaptasi masyarakat suku Mbojo terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka di Desa Maria yang terepresentasikan lewat Uma Lengge. Bahan-bahan utama yang digunakan untuk membangun Uma Lengge adalah bahan-bahan yang mereka peroleh dari alam sekitar, seperti kayu, bambu, alang-alang dan pengikat dari kayu yang dibentuk menyerupai tali. Bentuk rumah yang merupakan rumah panggung disesuaikan dengan kondisi alam di Bima yang memiliki curah hujan tinggi sehingga seringkali terkena banjir. Selain itu, penggunaan batu sebagai pondasi tiang bangunan merupakan sebuah bentuk upaya preventif dari kondisi lingkungan Bima yang memiliki gunung api aktif, dan pada sejarahnya seringkali terjadi gempa di daerah ini. ......Uma Lengge is a traditional house of Mbojo people which has its own characteristics with the shape of a house on stilts and a pyramid roof. This study aims to determine the adaptation of the Mbojo people to the environment where they live through the material cultural remains in the form of the Uma Lengge traditional house which now has been designated as a cultural heritage. The method used in this study is a qualitative method through the stages of data collection, data processing, and interpretation. The results of this study shows that Uma Lengge is a form of adaptation of the Mbojo people to their living environment in Desa Maria. The main materials used to build Uma Lengge are materials that they get from the environment, such as wood, bamboo, reeds and wooden binders shaped like ropes. Stilt house shape is adapted to the natural conditions in Bima which has high rainfall so that it is often flooded. Furthermore, the use of stone as the foundation for building pillars is a preventive measure from the environmental conditions of Bima which has an active volcano, and historically earthquakes have often occurred in this area.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghina Azharia
Abstrak :
Simbol merupakan sebuah tanda yang merepresentasikan ide, sehingga makna yang ada di dalamnya dapat digunakan untuk memahami kebudayaan. Arsitektur vernakular dibentuk oleh lokalitas, sehingga simbol menjadi aspek yang esensial di dalamnya. Gambaran mengenai fungsi simbol dan struktur pada elemen yang ada di arsitektur vernakular sering kali saling bersinggungan. Skripsi ini dibahas untuk mengetahui apakah sebuah elemen pada rumah tradisional selain berfungsi sebagai simbol dapat juga sebagai struktur dan apakah fungsi sebagai simbol dan struktur dalam suatu elemen dapat dipisahkan. Melalui studi kasus pada bangunan Uma Lengge yang ada di Desa Sambori, ditemukan bahwa fungsi pada elemen yang ada dalam rumah tradisional dapat dikategorikan melalui denotasi dan konotasi dari makna yang terkandung dalam tiap elemen bangunan.
Symbol is a mark sign that can represent an idea, the meaning inside it can be used to understand culture. Vernacular architecture formed by locality, which make symbol become an essential aspect in it. Description about symbolic and structural function that exist in the vernacular architecture element is often disguised. This paper objective is to understand whether an element is symbolic or structural and to and to know whether the function of an element can be separated. Through case studies on Uma Lengge Desa Sambori, can be found that traditional house element can be categorized by its function, through denotation and conotation of meaning inside the building elements.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Fauzia
Abstrak :
Astrid Fauzia Kritik sosial dalam Uma no ashi karya Akutagawa Ryunosuke Dengan menggunakan teori mengenai kedudukan sastra dalam masyarakat, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan kritik sosial yang tersembunyi dalam Uma no Ashi, sebuah cerita pendek yang ditulis oleh Akutagawa Ryunosuke, serta mencari tahu pemicu yang menyebabkan Akutagawa memunculkan kritik tersebut dalam cerita ini. Setelah membaca banyak referensi, penulis menemukan bahwa melalui cerita yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1925 ini, Akutagawa mengkritik kebijakan sensor yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah terhadap kesusastraan Jepang, sistem birokrasi, dan system keluarga masyarakat Jepang yang memberikan beban terberat hanya kepada kepala rumah tangga. Kritik sosial tersebut dihadirkan secara tidak langsung melalui fragmen-fragmen cerita yang disampaikan dengan nada satir. Akugawa juga memasukan makna tersembunyi pada nama tokoh-tokohnya serta mengelaborasi lebih lanjut ide dasar pembuatan cerita ini, yakni peribahasa Jepang yang berbunyi bakyaku wo arawasu (terbongkarnya penyamaran atau rahasia kelam yang selama ini ditutupi). ...... Using the theory about literature position in society, the purposes of this research are to reveal social critics hidden in Uma no Ashi, short story written by Akutagawa Ryunosuke, and find out the trigger why Akutagawa put those citics in this sotry. After read up many references, the writer found out that through this story, which was published in 1925, Akutagawa critisized the censorship enacted by government in Japanese literature, bureaucracy system, and japanese family system which gives the heaviest burden only to the head of family. Those social critics were expressed indirectly through some fragments of the story with satirical way. Moreover, he too put some hidden meanings in names of characters and elaborated the basic idea of this story; Japanese phrase called bakyaku wo arawasu (to reveal one's true nature).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Haryanto
Abstrak :
Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) merupakan tren pengembangan jaringan ke depan dengan akses layanan tanpa batas (seamless mobility) untuk pengguna jaringan tetap (fixed network) (PSTN, ISDN, FWA, WAN/LAN, WiFi dan Bluetooth) dan pengguna jaringan bergerak (mobile network) (GSM, CDMA dan PCS), dengan adanya konvergensi ini diharapkan layanan multimedia yaitu voice, data dan mobility dapat berjalan pada perangkat (terminal), tanpa melihat mode akses dan arsitektur jaringannya masing-masing. FMC ini di masa depan diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna akan layanan multimedia dengan dukungan bandwidth memadai, mobilitas tinggi dan kemudahan akses. Terdapat 3 (tiga) pendekatan dari sisi teknologi untuk implementasi FMC yaitu UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access) IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) dan Mobile IP. Teknologi UMA, yang dalam standard 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) disebut GAN (General Access Network), adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan pelanggan mobile (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) dapat berkomunikasi dengan jaringan unlicensed radio dengan menggunakan handset dual-mode. IMS dibangun sebagai sebuah teknologi yang mengakomodasi fixed dan mobile network serta mampu memberikan platform layanan multimedia dalam satu sesi kontrol pada jaringan IP. Teknologi Mobile IP mengintegrasikan berbagai teknologi jaringan akses dan transport berbasis IP. Pendekatan model implementasi FMC dapat dilakukan dengan dua tahapan yaitu Pre-Convergence dan Convergence. Pada tahap pre-convergence dilakukan implementasi Mobile IP sebagai jembatan menuju tahap convergence berbasis IMS. Di tahapan ini, teknologi UMA/GAN dapat juga diterapkan sebagai teknologi antara menuju tahapan convergence dan dari sisi layanan, tahap preconvergence difokuskan pada persiapan produk dan layanan menuju tahap convergence. Beberapa negara telah mengimplementasikan FMC dalam rangka optimalisasi infrastruktur, mempertahankan jumlah pelanggan dan ARPU serta diversifikasi produk dan layanan. Didalam Implementasi Fixed-mobile convergence perlu didukung oleh kesiapan kebijakan dari pemerintah, para penyelenggara telekomunikasi baik fixed maupun mobile serta dukungan vendor telekomunikasi. Kebijakan telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang berpedoman pada prinsip teknologi netral (neutral technology policy) sebagaimana tertuang dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) 2005-2025 diharapkan dapat lebih fleksibel dan terbuka untuk memudahkan perubahan teknologi yang cepat berubah sehingga dapat mendorong industri telekomunikasi dan percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional namun khusus terkait dengan regulasi yang mengatur tentang FMC belum ditetapkan di dalam kebijakan sektoral.
Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) represent trend development of future network with no limited access service for the consumer of network remain to (network fixed) ( PSTN, ISDN, FWA, WAN / LAN, WiFi and of Bluetooth) and consumer of mobile network (GSM, CDMA and of PCS), with existence of this convergence expected multimedia service likes voice, data and mobility can working with device (terminal), without seeing mode access and its architecture network. This FMC in the future expected can fulfill requirement of consumer with service of multimedia and support of bandwidth requirement, high mobility and easily to access. There was have three approach of technological side for FMC implementation that is UMA ( Unlicensed Mobile Access) IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem) and Mobile IP. UMA Technology, which in standard 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) as GAN (General Access Network), is possible technology for mobile customer (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) can communicate with network of unlicensed radio by using dual-mode handset. IMS developed as a technology which accommodating of fixed and mobile network and also can give service platform of multimedia in one session control in the IP network. IP Mobile technology integrated various network technology access and transport base on IP. Approach of FMC model implementation can be done with two step that is Pre- Convergence and of Convergence. In the phase of pre-convergence can be implemented by Mobile IP as a bridge to go to phase of convergence with base on IMS. In this step, UMA technology UMA /GAN also can be applied as technology between going to next step of convergence and from service side, phase of pre-convergence focused in preparation of service and product to go to next phase of convergence. Some country already implement of FMC technology in order to optimal of infrastructure, maintaining the amount of customer and ARPU and also diversification product and service. In the Implementation of Fixed-Mobile convergence require to be supported by readiness of policy of government, telecommunications provider fixed and mobile and also support of vendor telecommunications. Policy of telecommunications in Indonesia which directive by neutral technological principle as decanted in Long-Range Plan Development (RPJP) 2005-2025 expected to earn more flexible and open to facilitate change of technology which fast change so that can be push telecommunications industry and acceleration of growth and special national economics but related to regulation arranging about FMC not yet been specified in sectoral policy. In this thesis, would like to analyze of implication FMC implementation in Indonesia with paying attention the condition of regulation likes telecommunications structure providing, service tariff, interconnection, license and numbering by doing benchmarking with some state which have already implement by research of FMC Model implementation recommended for able to implementation in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purity Sabila Ajiningrum
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat lokal Dayak Lundayeh dan Uma? lung di Kabupaten Malinau Kalimantan Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan data tentang keanekaragaman tumbuhan Hasil Hutan Nonkayu (HHNK) dan untuk sumber daya hayati dari perspektif lokal. Data dikumpulkan dari bulan Oktober 2010 sampai dengan Januari 2011 dengan menggunakan metode wawancara untuk mengumpulkan semua informasi tentang keanekaragaman tumbuhan HHNK dan penggunaan oleh masyarakat lokal berdasarkan persepsi mereka sendiri. Metode Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA) telah digunakan secara intensif untuk mengidentifikasi nilainilai relatif spesies tumbuhan berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat. Untuk mengetahui sistem pengetahuan masyarakat lokal adalah dengan menganalisa nilai kepentingan budaya (ICS). Berdasarkan wawancara dengan masyarakat setempat, pemanfaatan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan HHNK yang didokumentasikan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk bahan pangan (109), bahan obat-obatan (183 spesies), bahan ritual (3 spesies), bahan kerajinan dan teknologi lokal (25 spesies), bahan racun dan anti racun (23 spesies), bahan pewarna (9 spesies) dan kayu bakar (11 spesies). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan MLA, untuk setiap kategori kegunaan menunjukkan nilai pemanfaatan kepentingan jenis bahan pangan sebesar 5,32%, sayuran 4,9%, buah-buahan 3,74%, bahan obat-obatan 2,84%, teknologi lokal 7,5%, bahan racun dan anti racun 7,5%, bahan pewarna 1,98% dan kayu bakar 4,86%. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa seluruh jenis tumbuhan yang diketahui, telah dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebesar 38,64%. Untuk hasil ICS, nilai tertinggi adalah Eusideroxylon zwageri dengan nilai 65 dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan tertinggi adalah untuk tujuan medis (obat-obatan). ......The study was conducted in the village of Dayak Lundayeh and Uma? lung in East Kalimantan. The aim of this study is to collect data on Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) plant use diversity and to know local knowledge system of Dayak Lundayeh and Uma' lung. The data was collected from October 2010 to January 2011 using interview method to gather all information on plant diversity and it usage by the local society based on their own perception. The method of Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA) has been used intensively to identify relative values of plant species based on the community perception. To know local knowledge system of NTFPs is by analyzing the value of cultural interest or Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). Based on interview with local society, utilization of NTFPs species diversity documented in this study are for, primary food (2 species), secondary food (109 species), medicine (183 species), craft materials and local technology (25 species), ritual ceremony (3 species), toxic substances and anti-poison (23 species), dyes (9 species) and firewood (11 species). The result indicated that local people utilizing plants is for primary foods (5,32%), vegetables (4,9%), fruits (3,74%), medicinal plant (2,84%), local technology (7,5%), toxic substances and anti poison (7,5%), dyes (1,98%) and firewood (4,86%). The total amount of utilizing plants is 38,64%. The results of the highest value ICS is Eusideroxylon zwageri with a value of 65 and the highest plant utilization is for medical purposes.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library